we have an i.MX6 Solo based board running the latest mainline kernel (4.15.3).

As part of our development we were measuring the decoding performance of the i.MX6 coda chip.

For that purpose we are feeding the decoder with 640x368 @ 30fps H.264 streams that have been generated by another i.MX6 coda encoder configured with fixed qp = 25 and gopsize = 16.

For 1-2 streams it works smoothly. However, when adding the 3rd stream the first decoder instance starts to output these kind of errors:

DEC_PIC_SUCCESS = 2097153  -> 0x200001
DEC_PIC_SUCCESS = 2621441  -> 0x280001

Every time one of these errors appears we can observe a weird artifact in the decoded video (pixelated macroblocks and/or jumps back in time).

I tried looking at the original VPU lib implementation by Freescale [1] but they don't seem to handle these errors either. As I don't have access to any kind of Coda IP documentation it's quite hard to me to perform any additional debugging.

Has anyone experienced these kind of performance issues too? I'm open to any suggestions and willing to perform extra tests to get to the bottom of this.


[1] https://github.com/genesi/imx-lib/blob/master/vpu/vpu_lib.c#L2926

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