On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Devin Heitmueller
<dheitmuel...@kernellabs.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Adriano Gigante <adrig...@yahoo.it> wrote:
>> Hi Devin,
>>> The 0ccd:0043 is on my todo list of devices to work on (they sent me a
>>> sample board), although it's not the highest priority on my list given
>>> how old it is.
>> Did they sent you also a 0ccd:0072 card (Terratec Cinergy Hybrid T USB XS
>> FM)?
>> Adri
> Terratec sent me two boards:  0ccd:0072 and 0ccd:0043.  I've actually
> been working with a user on the #linuxtv irc channel who is in the
> process of getting the 0ccd:0072 board to work (username Prahal).
> He's making great progress, but if he gets stuck I will find some
> cycles to work through whatever problem he finds.

Just fyi there's a hardware bug with the 0072/terratec hybrid xs fm
(cx25843 - xc5000):


nothing that can be fixed with the driver.

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