On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab
<mche...@redhat.com> wrote:
> [1] Basically, a keycode (like KEY_POWER) could be used to wake up the 
> machine. So, by
> associating some scancode to KEY_POWER via ir-core, the driver can program 
> the hardware
> to wake up the machine with the corresponding scancode. I can't see a need 
> for a change at
> ir-core to implement such behavior. Of course, some attributes at sysfs can 
> be added
> to enable or disable this feature, and to control the associated logic, but 
> we first
> need to implement the wakeup feature at the hardware driver, and then adding 
> some logic
> at ir-core to add the non-hardware specific code there.

Really?  Have you actually seen any hardware where a particular scan
code can be used to wake up the hardware?  The only hardware I have
seen has the ability to unsuspend on arrival of IR traffic, but you
didn't have the granularity to dictate that it only wake up on
particular scancodes.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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