On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Lars Schotte <lars.scho...@schotteweb.de> wrote:
> stop flaming all the time, there are ppl out there like me who have
> some problems w/ their HW, and you are arguing here about nothing.

Hence why I've asked that kid several times to stop it but yet he
refuses to respect this mailing list and it's users.  I haven't
bothered to read his most recent reply as I'm 100% convinced by it's
mere length it's more ridiculous nonsense & lies.  I apologize to you
(thanks for voicing your opinion, which I & others share) and the rest
of the people participating in my thread for even having to waste your
time with these useless posts.  Hopefully Herman Pitton AKA trolling
stalker will sod off and find another mailing list/users to harass.
This will be my last post regarding this stupidity in the thread.
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