On 1/27/2011 2:44 PM, Neil MacMunn wrote:
> When I use media-ctl the pipeline gets configured properly. I can generate 
> graphs before and after and see the pipeline change. However, my system hangs 
> when I attempt to use yavta. I've also tried outputting to video4.
> Does anybody know how I can capture images from the camera? From previous 
> posts it appears that I'm not the first to go through this process.
> Thanks. Neil

A few questions that would help to diagnose problems:
What version of the ISP drivers and the MT9V032 driver are you using? Kernel 

You could try to force the format on the gst-launch command, as a further test, 
although I don't know why it's not matching up to the YUVY format you 
configured in the pipeline.

Eino-Ville Talvala
Stanford University

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