On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Bruce Barnett <grymo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm having a heck of a time trying to get a TV buffer card running.
> I bought a Hauppauge 950Q and HVR1255. I can get neither to work.
> I also just bought a Evga GT 430 graphics card as I was using a LGA 1156
> Intel i3 with Intel graphics, thinking the Intel graphics might not work.
> US w/Analog Cable and some unencrypted digital channels (local origin) on
> the cable.
> I can't get w_scan to work. It can't find any thing. I tried the latest from
> kernellabs.
> I tried various other programs. I have not yet tried a custom kernel.
> I have the right firmware for the hauppauge card. I installed the latest
> supported NVIDIA driver.
> I just don't know how to diagnose the problem...

Hello Bruce,

Questions like this are much better directed to the linux-media
mailing list rather than to me personally.  As a developer, if I
answered every email from every new user who can't figure out how to
make their card work then I would never get any code written.

The linuxtv.org wiki is also a good resource for debugging.

Adding the mailing list to the cc:.  Somebody should be able to walk
you through the introductory steps for debugging basic end-user


Devin J. Heitmueller
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