> 5. Mixer & Video Processor driver. It is called 's5p-mixer' because of
> historical reasons. It was decided combine VP and MXR drivers into one because
> of shared interrupt and very similar interface via V4L2 nodes. The driver is a
> realization of many-to-many relation between multiple input layers and 
> multiple
> outputs. All shared resources are kept in struct mxr_device. It provides
> utilities for management and synchronization of access to resources and
> reference counting. The outputs are obtained from HDMI/SDO private data.  One
> layer is a single video node. Simple inheritance is applied because there only
> little difference between layer's types. Every layer type implements set of
> ops.  There are different ops for Mixer layers and other for VP layer.

I agreed with subdev of hdmi, hdmiphy, sdo and videoDAC. It is very flexible in 
case of adding new interface or removing current interface.
But 's5p-mixer' driver is not flexible. So, If new scaler is added instead of 
VP or mixer is someting changed,
I think current architecture of tvout driver can't support.
How about separating vp and mixer driver?

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