Hi Guennadi,

> > There is one issue with setting the camera to achieve different 
> > The camera can work at up to 60fps with lower resolutions, i.e. when 
> > vertical sub-sampling is used. However, the API uses separate 
> > for changing resolution and framerate. So, userspace could use a low 
> > resolution, high framerate setting, then attempt to use a high 
> > low framerate setting. Clearly, it's possible for userspace to call 
> > and s_parm in a way that attempts to set high resolution with the old 
> > (high) framerate. In this case, a check for valid settings will fail.
> > 
> > Is this a generally known issue and userspace works round it?
> It is generally known, that not all ioctl() settings can be combined, 
> E.g. a driver can support a range of cropping values and multiple 
> but not every format can be used with every cropping rectangle. So, if 
> first set a format and then an incompatible cropping or vice versa, one 
> ioctl()s will either fail or adjust parameters as close to the original 
> request as possible. This has been discussed multiple times, ideas were 
> expressed to create a recommended or even a compulsory ioctl() order, 
> I'm not sure how far this has come. I'm sure other developers on the 
> will have more info to this topic.

Thanks for the info.

On a similar note, cameras often need quite long periods after setting 
registers before they take hold. Currently this driver will change the 
registers, and delay, for both calls to s_parm and s_fmt. Is there a way 
to avoid this?

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