Op 11-09-15 om 22:01 schreef Torbjorn Jansson:

did you get it to work?

i got a dvbsky T980C too for dvb-t2 reception and so far the only drivers that have worked at all is the ones from dvbsky directly.

i was very happy when i noticed that recent kernels have support for it built in but unfortunately only the modules and firmware loads but then nothing actually works. i use mythtv and it complains a lot about the signal, running femon also produces lots of errors.

so i had to switch back to kernel 4.0.4 with mediabuild from dvbsky.

if there were any other dvb-t2 card with ci support that had better drivers i would change right away.

one problem i have with the mediabuilt from dvbsky is that at boot the cam never works and i have to first tune a channel, then remove and reinstert the cam to get it to work.
without that nothing works.

and finally a problem i ran into when i tried mediabuilt from linuxtv.org. fedora uses kernel modules with .ko.xz extension so when you install the mediabuilt modulels you get one modulename.ko and one modulename.ko.xz

before a make install from mediabuild overwrote the needed modules.
any advice on how to handle this now?
You could patch the Makefile with a patch from Oliver Endriss (attached).
This way all modules get installed in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/media
If your kernel needs it, you can compress them afterwards.

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--- v4l/Makefile	2013-11-27 16:15:21.528260850 +0100
+++ v4l/Makefile	2013-11-27 16:24:37.171815316 +0100
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 PWD		:= $(shell pwd)
 DEST		:= /lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/v4l2
 KDIR26		:= /lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/kernel/drivers/media
+INSTDIR 	:= $(DESTDIR)/lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/updates/media
 # Compiler fixup rules
@@ -202,9 +203,18 @@
 # installation invocation rules
-modules_install install:: media-install firmware_install
-remove rminstall:: media-rminstall
+modules_install install:: rminstall firmware_install
+	install -d -v $(INSTDIR)
+	@for i in *.ko; do				\
+		echo "install $$i -> $(INSTDIR)/";	\
+		install -p -m 644 $$i $(INSTDIR);	\
+	done;
+	strip --strip-debug $(INSTDIR)/*.ko
+	/sbin/depmod -a $(KERNELRELEASE) $(if $(DESTDIR),-b $(DESTDIR))
+remove rminstall::
+	@rm -Rfv $(INSTDIR)
+	/sbin/depmod -a $(KERNELRELEASE) $(if $(DESTDIR),-b $(DESTDIR))
 	make -C firmware install

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