excuse me for taking up a very old post again,
but I'd like to know the status of the patch:
, which provides helper code for defining/loading i2c DVB subdev drivers.

Was it rejected and 
each i2c demod/tuner drivers should provide its own version of "attach" code?
Or is it acceptable (with some modifications) ?

Although not many drivers currently use i2c binding model (and use 
but I expect that coming DVB subdev drivers will have a similar attach code,
including module request/ref-counting, device creation,
(re-)using i2c_board_info.platformdata to pass around both config parameters
and the resulting i2c_client* & dvb_frontend*.

Since I have a plan to split out demod/tuner drivers from pci/pt1 dvb-usb/friio
integrated drivers (because those share the tc90522 demod driver with pt3, and
friio also shares the bridge chip with gl861),
it would be nice if I can use the helper code,
instead of re-iterating similar "attach" code.

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