HI Gregor,

Em Wed, 15 Jun 2016 22:25:06 +0200
Gregor Jasny <gja...@googlemail.com> escreveu:

> Hello,
> could someone please help me triaging the following ir-keytable bug? The
> reporter complains that the 'other' IR protocol results in double clicks
> and we should set the device to RC6 instead:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/v4l-utils/+bug/1579760
> This is what we have in v4l-utils:
> https://git.linuxtv.org/v4l-utils.git/tree/utils/keytable/rc_keymaps/imon_pad

The way it works is that the keymap table comes from the Kernel driver.

The scripts at v4l-utils just copies whatever is there.

Please notice that the IMON keymap is used by only one Kernel driver:
drivers/media/rc/imon.c, with supports two different protocols: RC6 and
a proprietary one (the driver calls it iMON protocol).
The driver actually supports two types of IR key maps, depending
on the protocol:

        if (ictx->rc_type == RC_BIT_RC6_MCE)
                rdev->map_name = RC_MAP_IMON_MCE;
                rdev->map_name = RC_MAP_IMON_PAD;

In other words, it uses either the code at:
        drivers/media/IR/keymaps/rc-imon-pad.c (for the IMON protocol)
        drivers/media/rc/keymaps/rc-imon-mce.c (for RC6)

I suspect that the user is selecting the wrong keymap on the BZ
you mentioned. It should be using: 

if his device came with a RC6 IR. There's another possibility:
maybe some newer devices come with a different keymap than the
one available when the driver was originally written.

That's said, from his report:

        $ sudo ir-keytable
        Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event4) with:
         Driver imon, table rc-imon-pad
         Supported protocols: other

It should be listing both "other" and "RC6" protocols there.
It sounds a Kernel regression. I remember one Kernel patch once
broke the list of protocols. Maybe the fix patch were not applied
on Ubuntu, or maybe some other regression happened.

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