Linux-Misc Digest #521, Volume #18                Fri, 8 Jan 99 22:13:12 EST

  Re: Benchmarks for Linux multi-processor. (Frankie East)
  Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march? (Mark Hollett)
  Re: Replacing MBR in Windows NT (steve mcadams)
  kernel installation problems (Frank Hale)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Mayor Of R'lyeh)
  Re: Why is GNOME not called a window manager? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Rastus)
  too many open files (Francesc Guasch)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (William Sonna)
  Re: Netscape  Communicator Hangs ("R. Manmatha")
  Re: Best Free Unix? (Arthur Corliss)
  Re: How do I get the kernel source off the ROM CD? (Patrik Israelsson)
  Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march? ("Mosl Roland")
  Re: jobs control question (Martin Beier)
  Re: Is it possible to config Red Hat Linux as a DNS server? (THOMAS J. STIEHM)
  Root Password Not Working - Pls Help (David Mills)
  BRU Translate Option ("Darrell Burkey")
  Re: Which version of Xfree86 3.3.3 should I download? (Ed Young)
  Re: Monitoring Utilities for Red Hat Linux (Ed Finch)
  Re: Emacs Questions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Switching between Linux and another OS without rebooting??? (THOMAS J. STIEHM)
  Re: Failed dependencies and locating libraries ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Frankie East <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Benchmarks for Linux multi-processor.
Date: 08 Jan 1999 17:52:03 PST

eak wrote:

> Greetings,
>     I have my eye on a new Linux server to join my ever growing cluster.
> I'm looking at the VArStation XMP from VA Research among others and
> wondered if anybody has done any performance comparisons?
> Specifically the .5 -1 -2 Mb Cache upgrades with the Xeon processor how
> much of a performance difference does it make under Linux?
> Also using the included RH 5.2 does the second processor really come
> into play ?  What if you self upgrade to the 2.1.x kernel?
> This box is destined for scientific number crunching, database
> functions, and some graphics. So performance definitely is appreciated,
> the question is whether
> it's worth 5K to jump from .5 to 1 Mb cache?
> Thanks,
> Eric A. Kihn

Hi Eric,
    Is your cluster a "cluster" or do you mean your "collection?"  I ask
because for serious number crunching we use PVM on a Beowulf cluster.  The
communications overhead of a typical network of workstations that the
processors needn't be as high-end as the Xeons are.  We balance ours with a
Fast Ethernet swith and 32 pentium pro 200 boxes.  We do however use the
1mb cache pentium pros.  The cache issue depends on the calculations you
specifically intend to do and your data set sizes.

    My experience with SMP on Red Hat 5.2 is nil, but I did it on 5.0.
Both install a single processor kernel and require a kernel recompile
(after editing the makefile to uncomment the SMP declaration).
Then my results (using both the Byte benchmark code as well as timing a
series of 1000 fast fourier transforms) were not stellar.  The SMP kernel
is better at increasing total throughput between processes than at
increasing specific throughput as in the FFT calculation itself.  It *did*
show some speedup, just not alot.  With the SMP kernel you are primarily
going to use multi-threadeed programming.  Our results were greatly
improved by the addition of Portland Group compilers to that box.  (we got
a kit that has C/C++/HPF, and a graphic analysis tool for just under 700
bucks, these are the same Portland compilers used on our Crays which makes
moving code around simple).  They allow OpenMP style programming so that
you can specify exactly which processor will get which processes and the
pass data between them.  Thus you have the ability to "connect" your
processors in various parallel architectures.  Though these connections are
defined in software rather than in hardware it does allow you to set up
much quicker algorithms and define channels of communication between
processes.  This was *very* fast because you have a bus rather than a
network.  I would like to get my hand on a 16 processor machine to try
hypercube FFTs on internally.  That wold probable bang'em out nicely.

As far as the 2.1.x kernel, I don't know, if the SMP has been significantly
improved you may want to do it.  But if not then what's the difference?

Now, back to cache... cache hits are a source of the most significant
speedup you can get in your computer next to clock speed.  They are oders
of magnitude better than memory fetches.  So if your algorithm is one that
will use a specific chunk of data again and again then the larger cache is
worth its weight in gold.  That is why Intel pretty much rapes you over
it.  Increasing cache size also increases the probability of cache hits
because you can cache so much more data.  Example, I do an image
transformation, then apply a filter to the result.  I can spread portions
of that image amongst the cpus I have using OpenMP and thus farm out the
job.  Since each processor is going to apply iterative techniques across
the same piece of data twice I can expect to deal purely at cache speed for
the second caclulation if my cache size is roughly equal or larger than the
image size I farmed out to that processor.  If the cache size is smaller
then I am stuck reading everything twice.  Say my cache is 2/3 my set
size.  Then on iteration number two I have the *last* 2/3 of the set
cached.  Unless I code my algorithm to turn around on the last piece of
data I will wind up needing the first third of the set which isn't cached.
As I read that first third in I am overwriting the second third.  As I read
the second third from memory since by the time I get to it it is no longer
cached I overwrite the last third of my data.  Thus I must fetch it all
from memory.  This sucks, and a well-chosen algorithm will get you around
2/3 of the memory reads in that example.  But that still leaves alot of
fetching to be done.

So, so far we've covered graphics and scientific computing.  Now as for
databases I am no expert.  But since you have a situation where the speeds
are still differing by orders of magnitude (cache hit versus memory fetch
versus RAID cache fetch versus disk medium access) I'd say the same...
cache is golden, especially if you have a set of data you often query.


BTW:  I've done work for the Department of Commerce in the Emerging
Technologies Center (ETC lab)at USPTO (and I believe NOAA is one of the
four parts of DOC).  Is this for NOAA?


From: Mark Hollett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march?
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 18:12:18 -0800

This subject reminded me of something I covered in a 100-level
philosophy course I took on decision making.  Take a situation such as
speeding vs. not speeding, or QWERT vs. DVORAK where the vast majority
of people use one system over the other, in spite of evidence one better
than the other.  (slower speeds  mean less severe car crashes, DVORAK
users typically get 20-30% better typing speeds)  But if a critical
number of people can be convinced to switch, this will drag the rest
along with them.  It doesn't necessarity have to be a majority either. 
This is why short, highly intensive radar campaigns have more of an
effect on speeding than medium intesity drawn out ones.  The short, high
intensity one convinces enough people to stop speeding that everyone
else follows suit.  Just my two bits.

mark h

jedi wrote:
> On 7 Jan 1999 17:25:30 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jerry says...
> >>
> >
> >>How does Linux fit in?
> >>First, Linux is both the server and workstation OS.  It is essentially
> >>free.
> >
> >first, the cost is the last thing a home user will look at.
>         bwahahaha...
>         No, the first thing the 'home user' is gonna look
>         at is is 'everyone else' using it.
>         Then will come price.
> >the proof is simple. Linux has been free for how many years now? 9 years?
> >ok, let say 3 years just to be fair. (we have to give Linux some slack).
> >
> >This thing has been free for 3 years, and yet %90 of home users still use
> >windows and applications written for windows. I see them at Fry's each day,
> >buying windows based shrink wrapped applications and games like crazy, boxes
> >and boxes of them. They leave and yet come back for more. and none of it
> >is free!
> >
> >isn't that amazing?
> >
> >may be ease of use and good office application and higher quality of end
> >user type applications on windows has something to do with it?
>         Nope. Home users don't want MS bundleware because it's
>         good, they want it because 'everyone else' is using it.
> --
>                 Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
> Neither will do a thing unless they really want to, or         |||
> is coerced to the point where it will scratch your eyes out   / | \
> as soon as your grip slips.
>         In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (steve mcadams)
Subject: Re: Replacing MBR in Windows NT
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 01:59:20 GMT

[Snipped for brevity, quoted material marked with ">"]
On Thu, 07 Jan 1999 15:48:16 +0000, Neil Martin

>How do I replace a master boot record that currently has LILO installed
>in it from Windows NT?  NT having no 'fdisk'...

You can use LILO to uninstall from the MBR assuming you still have
your linux system intact.

Under NT the equivalent program is Disk Administrator.  Find it in the
Start menu under Programs / Adiminstrative-tools-(common) / Disk

>If I boot DOS and do FDISK/MBR will I find the NT partitions ever again?

"Find" the NT partitions?  They're in the partition table, not the
MBR.  They're not going anywhere unless you clobber the partion table
for that drive.  -steve
Tools for programmers:


From: Frank Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kernel installation problems
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 20:10:22 -0500

I just installed the kernel 2.1.132 and patched it too 2.2.0-pre5 then I
compiled it and installed it and when I boot I get the following

Jan  8 04:22:23 localhost kernel: klogd 1.3-3, log source = /proc/kmsg
Jan  8 04:22:23 localhost kernel: Cannot find map file.
Jan  8 04:22:23 localhost kernel: Error seeking in /dev/kmem 
Jan  8 04:22:23 localhost kernel: Error adding kernel module table
Jan  8 04:22:23 localhost kernel: Linux version 2.2.0-pre5 

Its not loading my modules and doesn't work correctly after boot. I
copied the file over too /boot/ and changed the symlink to
point to my new System .map and I have done everything I could think of
to get it too load the modules still it does not. What am I missing
here? Thanx.....

From:      Frank Hale
ICQ:       7205161


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mayor Of R'lyeh)
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 18:22:51 GMT

On 08 Jan 1999 01:57:01 +0100, David Kastrup
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> chose to bless us
all with this bit of wisdom:

>"Netnerd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The consumer has spoken, but will this affect Penfield Jackson’s
>> rulings?  Of course not, a biased and angry Penfield will rule
>> against Microsoft on every count and impose the most severe penalty
>> he believes possible.  But not to worry, there is a contingency plan
>> in place regardless the DOJ trial and appeals outcome.  Long live
>> Microsoft.
>Well, in *our* country court cases are decided by the law, not by
>public votes, but of course, in the land that has made lynching
>popular the procedures might be different.

 Do I understand this right? A German citizen wants to name call based
on a countriy's past? A fucking GERMAN wants to go down that road?
Were you absent on the day they went over your country's history, in
say the 1940's? You might want to go look it up before you start this
kind of crap.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
 And with strange aeons even death may die." 
- Abdul Alhazred, Necronomicon 


Subject: Re: Why is GNOME not called a window manager?
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 08:24:21 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shalu1) wrote:
> Silly question, I know, but please enlighten me.
> Is it because it runs on "top" of X11?
> Thanks

I'm still not quite sure what Gnome does in the world of the graphic
user interface. Right now I use Afterstep, So I'll use it for an
example. Afterstep uses something called modules examples of these
modules are winlist (a windows 95 bar clone), pager (navigate and
manipulate several workspaces) wharf and zwarf (program launchers).

Is gnome more Like a set of modules? it's interesting, because on an
abstract lever you can create a x-based program launcher that knows
nothing about your desktop, where as if you want to create a pager or
winlist then the module and the desktop would need to communicate. It
seams that the second example is what I thing of when I read about
Gnome.  Afterstep also traps keyboard events for it's own use. like
alt-tab alt-cursor-keys. Does Gnome work at this level?

Does anyone here use the Gnome-Afterstep combination?

Ps. do you pronounce the silent g in gnome the same way you pronounce
the silent g in gnu?

 Steven Feil                    | Gram-pa, back at the turn of the      .~.
 Programmer/Developer           | century, why did people use an        /V\
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | operating system, when they were not // \\
                                | allowed to see the source code?      (X_X)

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Rastus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 05:27:14 +1100

Netnerd wrote:

> The US antitrust laws are designed to protect consumers, not competitors.
> Has the consumer been harmed?  Of course not.  Have competitors been harmed?
> Netscape's current market capitalization is $6.5 billion.  This is hardly an
> example of harm.  Netscape is more an example of great success.  Asked the
> founders who are laughing all the way to the bank.  Of course if Microsoft
> had not competed with Netscape, Netscape may have retained its 80% browser
> monopoly and been worth even more.  Boohoo.

Your name says it all....

What will you have to debug today?

B. Lawson - lawsonb at hotkey dot net dot au


From: Francesc Guasch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: too many open files
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 09:46:07 +0100

I have a webserver, when I start it it returns me
too many open files.

I tried to increase the files in kernel: file-max and inode-max
unsuccessfully ( It's all I found in the web out there)

what else can I do ?

 o o _     )             Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;
  Y (_, (__(Ssss     He who would search for pearls must dive below.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Sonna)
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: 9 Jan 1999 02:37:29 GMT

On Fri, 8 Jan 1999 18:52:46, "Brent Metzler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> William Sonna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:05C6FUhLDNUU-pn2-St5TPzdKdZYv@localhost...
> >
> >Unfortunately, we seem to have an entire political party that doesn't
> >think the results matter if a legal loophole can be found to undo
> >them.
> Yes, those democrats need to shut up and realize that a country needs to be
> run by real *rules* and not fake polls that let them do what they want.

Or meaningless elections that don't result in outcomes I like.

So the first rule should be that ALL elections are subject to the 
review and approval of Henry Hyde.  He'll save us from those rats, by 

With his experience stealing from (oops, pardon me; BANKRUPTING) 
savings and loans - stealing (oops, pardon me, VOIDING) elections 
should be NO PROBLEM - assuming his back isn't permanently injured 
from all the picking up of the flag he's been doing lately.

> Democrats need to shut up, sit down, and judge by law.

And if they won't do it, don't vote them out.  Bring down the 

Its more exciting.

Besides, what's democracy done for you or me lately, anyway?


Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 09:49:53 -0500
From: "R. Manmatha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape  Communicator Hangs

zentara wrote:
> I have seen some weird behavior with 4.5.
> My problem used to be a complete netscape shutdown,
> when clicking on a "mailto:", with the message only
> saying "bus error".
>  That problem has disappeared after some upgrading,
> I don't know why.

I have this problem with 4.5 one one of my machines when I try
to send mail. Do you remember what you upgraded?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur Corliss)
Subject: Re: Best Free Unix?
Date: 8 Jan 1999 15:50:32 -0900

On 3 Jan 1999 02:22:12 GMT, Ilya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is Linux a 64-bit operating system like Solaris 7 and HP-UX 11.0?

Solaris 7 isn't fully 64 bit, only in areas like memory access and such.  But
I beleive that Linux on Alphas are fully 64 bit.  Not having an Alpha, I can't
say for sure, though. . . :-P

        --Arthur Corliss
          Bolverk's Lair --
          "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto


From: Patrik Israelsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I get the kernel source off the ROM CD?
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 03:35:55 +0100

"Jim Shaffer, Jr." wrote:

> On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 11:40:20 -0500, Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I am at my wit's end.  I've been trying to get the kernel source off a
> >RH 5.1 CD (the second one.)  I can see the kernel____.src.rpm.  When I
> >try to use rpm (rpm -ivv kernel___.src.rpm) I get the diagnostics, it
> >pauses, says it's installing a source RPM, takes some time, and the
> >source NEVER APPEARS ANYWHERE.  I even ran it with the cute little
> >status indicator.  It scrolls by, no error messages, and no source.

It looks like you installed a kernel instead of the kernel _source_. The kernel
source should be available as something like linux-2.0.36.src.rpm (in Redhat-5.2 -
note the .src!!)
I'd guess that your kernel____.src.rpm installs a kernel in /boot. Since this is the
default kernel, you shouldn't see any changes if you haven't recompiled your kernel
I suggest you look for a file called linux-(something).src.rpm where (something) something. :) Maybe 2.0.32 or something in RedHat 5.1?

            / Patrik


From: "Mosl Roland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march?
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 01:56:04 +0100

John Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>I admit that playing games on Linux is less than exciting.
>I don't now much abt computers but am abt to try
>Linux soon.
>I just don't understand why anyone would want to
>play a game on ANY operating system tho??  Why not
>use a dedicated device like a Sony Playstation??
>Since I do not play games anyway... am I missing
>something here? <G>

An extra device needs extra money.
Software is better protected against copying
at a dedicated device.
It needs more room to have more hardware
Everybody sees, that You are playing a
game, when You have a Playstation in front
of You, but at a computer, only the person
behind You knows.

Mosl Roland clear targets for a confused civilization


From: Martin Beier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: jobs control question
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 10:51:40 +0100

Dolphin M. Hawkins wrote:

> i am using tcsh and i am trying to run a job in the background (by
> appending a & to the command) and i keep getting Suspended(tty output)
> message and the process stops.  i am not interested in any output (i am
> sending the output to /dev/null).  if i run it without the & i dont get
> any output (as it is redirected to /dev/null).   is there a way i can
> disable this?  thanks.

Ensure that you redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null!!! I don't know
how this is done
in the tcsh. In sh you enter
$ nohup foo > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Ok, maddel!
PGP key fingerprint = 4A E3 3B 9C E5 B9 E2 E4  DA 01 67 43 20 96 B9 1D


Subject: Re: Is it possible to config Red Hat Linux as a DNS server?
Date: 9 Jan 1999 00:57:18 GMT

What you want to do is install named and configure
the named configuration files.  You also need to
create an entry in /etc/resolv.conf to point to


jkmccool ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Liqiong Li wrote:

: > I am posting to ask if someone know if it is possible to config Red Hat
: > Linux(5.2) as a DNS server. I think it should, but I can not find the
: > related document.
: > Your help will be very much appreciated!
: > -Li

:   Install the Diald package, read the howto.


From: David Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Root Password Not Working - Pls Help
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 19:29:57 -0500

I had changed the Root password and now can't get back in.  Any ideas,
please help.

    New and Frustrated...


From: "Darrell Burkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BRU Translate Option
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 13:43:04 +1100

I'm trying to get some files off a tape created with BRU that came with
RH5.0 on a RH5.2 system .

I had backed up my /etc and /home directories and now on a newly installed
system I would like to restore them elsewhere for use as reference.

The 'translate' option seemed like the way to go so I am trying the command:

bru -xv T /brutranslate.txt

The file brutranslate.txt has the following in it:

/etc    /cache/etc_old
/home    /cache/home_old

I don't get any output to the console when I run the command and the
bruexeclog has an error about the tty not reponding.

Anytime I use the program it appears to work (as in the files restore) but
all my ttys lock up and I have to reset the system to get them back.

Any help would be appreciated before I get rid of BRU and move to taper.


From: Ed Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which version of Xfree86 3.3.3 should I download?
Date: 9 Jan 1999 02:45:31 GMT

ftp to


test them:
  rpm -K --nopgp *.rpm

install them (*NOT* when you are in X)
  rpm -Uvh XFree86*.rpm

assuming you have a decent /etc/X11/XF86Config file:
this should do it...

> Help!
>   I am very new to Linux and I have discovered that my video card (STB nVIDIA
> TNT) requires Xfree86 3.3.3 in order to run correctly on my Intel box.  When
> I attempted to find the appropriate file to download from's FTP
> server, I was given these 2 versions to pick from:
> * binaries/Linux-ix86-libc5/ binaries for Linux on Intel hardware
>                              (Most Linux users should use the Linux-ix86
>                              binaries.  They are for ELF libc 5.x.  The older
>                              a.out libc 4.x is no longer supported.  If you
>                              have libc 6 (GNU libc) you should use the
>                              Linux-ix86-glibc binaries.)
> * binaries/Linux-ix86-glibc/ binaries for Linux on Intel hw (with glibc)
>   Is the file I need one of these, or am I way off?  I have Red Hat 5.2.  I
> know I need to use the XF86_SVGA server, but I am lost.  If anyone could help
> me find the correct file to download I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks in advance.
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Ed Finch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Monitoring Utilities for Red Hat Linux
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 21:41:30 -0500

sweller wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for monitoring utilities for Red  Hat Linux. Something which
> gives lots of info such
> as the info which sar gives.

I'd love to see sar supported; then I could run SARGE on my
Linux boxes ;-)

   Q: Why do PCs have a reset button on the front?
   A: Because they are expected to run Microsoft operating systems.


Crossposted-To: comp.emacs
Subject: Re: Emacs Questions
Date: 08 Jan 1999 11:13:25 +0100

>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (S) writes:

S> I have some more Emacs questions that I am hoping you guys can answer:
S> 1) How do you use the metakey in Microsoft Hyperterminal? Right now, it is
S> "mapped" a the Alt key, but the alt key hits the menubar in Hyperterminal
S> rather than sending it out to my Linux machine

I don't think Hyperterminal can do this. I suggest you download Teraterm,
which can do all emacs keys with meta.
Piet van Oostrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Switching between Linux and another OS without rebooting???
Date: 9 Jan 1999 01:05:07 GMT

This isn't possible without hardware help.  The
OS can not be swapped in and out on PCs and to make
it do so would mean hardware help that might be OS

What would be the value of switching to another OS
running on the same computer without rebooting? (a side
from a time savings on startup)


James Knott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: In article <75i6g2$9mt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Noah Coccaro) wrote:
: >
: >Assuming it's not been done yet, is anyone working on making it
: >possible to switch between Linux and another OS, like NT, or MacOS,
: >without rebboting or closing applications? Is there any reason why
: >this couldn't be done?

: The only way I can think of on an Intel system, would be to use the 
: "suspend" mode, where a computer powers down, saving the state of 
: everything first.  You could then re-open another system that had been 
: closed.  As I recall, there was something of this in OS/2 Warp 4, but 
: I have not investigated it.

:  -- 
: _________________________________________________________________________
: The above opinions are my own and not those of ISM Corp., a subsidiary of
: IBM Canada Ltd.


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.rpm,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Failed dependencies and locating libraries
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 10:23:19 GMT

John Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wanted to install mysql-3.21.30-1.i386.rpm from a contrib cd and got
> the message :
> "failed dependencies:
> is needed by mysql-3.21.30-1"

I'm guessing it came from a libc6 contrib area and thus is a glibc

> Looking around I ran "locate libncurses" and got the following:
> /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib/
> /usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib/

These (and everything else in i486-linux-libc5) are compatibility libs
provided so that you can run pre-libc6 programs.

> /usr/lib/libncurses++.a
> /usr/lib/libncurses.a
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/libncurses_g.a
> /usr/lib/libncurses_p.a

These are the glibc ncurses libraries.
What you need is:
which is the ncurses-3 package built against glibc

Or you could rebuild mysql on your system which would give you an
RPM dependant on libncurses4




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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