Linux-Misc Digest #737, Volume #18               Sat, 23 Jan 99 19:13:20 EST

  PostgreSQL - query attribute types? (Richard Kilgore)
  A trip down memory lane... ("Nick Sharratt")
  Re: TELNET.EXE ("T.E.Dickey")
  Re: Lynx won't connect remote files... (brian moore)
  Re: RHLinux "Deluxe" vs 'regular' RHL 5.2 (David Efflandt)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Ian Collier)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Julian T. J. Midgley)
  ppp-server problem ("tim")
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Julian T. J. Midgley)
  Re: LS-120 SuperDisk (garv)
  Re: 2038 and Linux (Bloody Viking)
  Re: Why isn't this simple script working? (Michael Humphries-Dolnick)
  Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class. (Michael Humphries-Dolnick)
  Attaching IOMEGA Zip drive after boot? (Anders Nilsson)
  Re: Beware buying from House of Computers (Jason Christianson)
  Re: MP3 for Linux (William H. Ball)
  Re: How to print a man page? (Yan Seiner)
  Re: 2038 and Linux (Tim Smith)
  Linux Tux Badges FS ("Chris Engel")
  problems with netscape and my Debian box (Chris Stolte)
  set environ variable in bash (Bill Simpson)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kilgore)
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.perl.misc,comp.databases
Subject: PostgreSQL - query attribute types?
Date: 23 Jan 1999 21:36:44 GMT

Does anyone know how to query PostgreSQL (preferably in perl) for
the _types_ of the columns (i.e., attributes) in a given table
(i.e., class)?  There is a perl function called ftype(), which you
call on a result object, but it returns some damn "oid", whatever
the heck that is, and I can't make any sense out of it.  For a
simple table (i.e., class) I created with a varchar(80), two
int4's, a float8, and a date field, ftype() returns:

   varchar(80) -> 1043
   int4        -> 23
   int4        -> 23
   float8      -> 701
   date        -> 1082

What are these values?  Where do they come from?

Also, does anyone know a way to query the length limit for a
varchar()?  The fsize() function returns -1 to indicate that it's
variable, but I can't seem to find anything that will give me a
limit on it's length.


   - rick

Richard Kilgore                     |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical & Computer Engineering   |
The University of Texas at Austin   |  (512) 471-8011


From: "Nick Sharratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A trip down memory lane...
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 21:48:26 -0000

giskard wrote in message

>Things like open, save and save as are common terms to us but totally
confusing to a beginner.

*L*...was glad to read this, as it reminded me of using a Commador (geesh,
can't spell it now!) PET (8K, tape storage, great fun *reminiscent rye
grin*), and finding that the command to keep my carefully written 'hello
world' program for posterity was 'SAVE'...the fun I had with SAVE"ME", and
SAVE"THE-WORLD", mind you, I was only 13(ish) ;-)

Flippancy aside, its good to remember back to those days now I have to teach
people who've never touched a computer before, and you're comment will
probably mean I'll be a little more tolerant of their errors and questions
for a few days at least!


From: "T.E.Dickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TELNET.EXE
Date: 23 Jan 1999 21:46:19 GMT

David Z. Maze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Merzinger Markus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> MM> Does anybody know a good telnet-clone for Windows that supports 
> MM> ncurses

> Windoze doesn't support ncurses.  At least, I haven't found a
> curses-based app that even pretends to run on Windoze.

pdcurses runs fine (as a console-window app).  There's a couple of
commercial products for curses on Windows (haven't seen enough details, but
at least one seems to have borrowed a chunk from ncurses - but I can't
count _that_ as a port ;-.

Thomas E. Dickey


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Lynx won't connect remote files...
Date: 23 Jan 1999 22:16:30 GMT

On 22 Jan 1999 15:58:29 GMT, 
 Bill Hay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Nick Kew wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Hay) writes:
> >> This is standard in http 1.0 where the client doesn't tell the client
> >> the name of the host it is requesting the file from.
> >Pardon??
> Sorry I meant the client doesn't tell the server.
> >The Host header is technically optional in HTTP/1.0, but in practice
> >is better supported than much that is *required*.
> RFC1945 (which defines http 1.0) doesn't even mention the Host header
> and states that other headers cannot be added reliably without a
> protocol version change.  
> It is quite well supported in servers but not so much in clients.

It's actually quite well supported in clients.  (Netscape 2 and IE3, for
example, as well as later versions of each.  Lynx has suppored it for
a couple years as well -- since 2.5 in 1996.)

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: RHLinux "Deluxe" vs 'regular' RHL 5.2
Date: 23 Jan 1999 20:20:08 GMT

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 21:14:24 GMT, joe Smo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yeah they got me too.  I examined both boxes very carefully and could
>not tell the diff.  I opted for the delux due to the free manuals.
>However had I known the true diff I would have supported Redhats
>efforts. I am curious as to if Redhat does benefit or not from my
>purchase.  If not seems pretty shitty on Macmillans part.  The install
>manual even implies that it is official redhat....
>What really made it confusing is that both boxes have Macmillans logo
>and such.
>Will the large coorporate bastards ever stop?

If both editions said MacMillan, then they were both bogus.  I got the
real RH 5.2 at BestBuy.  The choice there was Linux or Linux Extra
(with Powertools, also available separately).  90 day e-mail support is
mentioned on the box.

>On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:34:50 -0700, Steve Sorden
>>I bought the deluxe version, thinking I was purchasing the official Red
>>Hat product. I didn't realize that it had different tech support until I
>>tried to register this weekend at Red Hat's web site.
>>Although I'm satisfied with the CDs and manual, my question is whether
>>Red Hat makes any money off these sales (to support on-going research
>>and development), or is MacMillan taking advantage of the Open License
>>and simply trying to make outrageous profit off of free software? My
>>package listed at $40, although I didn't pay that due to a rebate.
>>Also, I believe Red Hat provides 90 days of tech support, while
>>Macmillan only provides 30.
>>Steve Sorden
>>Harold K L Ting wrote:
>>> It appears that the 'deluxe' version is a Macmillan press product, not Redhat's
>>> and therefore is not supported by Redhat.  It says so on the CD jacket.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> > officemax has the deluxe for "free after rebates"! get it before its gone
>>> >
>>> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Wendel) wrote:
>>> > > On Fri, 1 Jan 1999 04:58:50 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Hsieh) wrote:
>>> > > I just bought the Deluxe version today, and there certainly was a
>>> > > floppy in the package... as well as a hard copy, bound book,  and 3
>>> > > cds... I tried 3 different times to d/l rh5.2, as well as the suse and
>>> > > debian releases, and never managed to get them to install properly.
>>> > > The only install I ever got running well was the Slackware install,
>>> > > and it was a pain to do some things with... (I am too lazy to bother
>>> > > with figuring out all the stuff in advance).  Figuring all the time I
>>> > > have involved with the d/ls, failed installs and hours of frustration,
>>> > > I think the 39.95 is well spent.
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>>> >       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Collier)
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 23 Jan 1999 21:40:12 GMT

Rick Onanian entertained comp.editors with the following story:
>It's entirely possible that I'm wrong (but not likely), I though that MS Windows
>Kernel Toys won't work too well in Linux.  Just a thought.

It's trivial (well, almost) to remap the keyboard in Linux, but someone
in this thread was wondering whether it was possible in other operating
systems.  Hence the mention of the said MS toy.
---- Ian Collier : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : WWW page below


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Julian T. J. Midgley)
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: 23 Jan 1999 23:24:56 -0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
David H. McCoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <778da6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>In article 
>>Alan Boyd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Jeremy Mathers wrote:
>>>> You have to ask yourself if it matters.  Again, it is perception.
>>>> Most users have no concept of the idea that an OS shouldn't crash at
>>>> least once a day.  Really, they just don't care.  And its not like
>>>> they are ever doing anything particularly critical anyway.
>>>And for the people that are?
>>>An OS should not crash...ever.
>>In case it wasn't clear, my original post was not defending (or pro-) MS.
>>And I agree with you that a *real* OS shouldn't crash.
>>But I think it is pretty clear that if you are using Win9x/NT, you
>>aren't doing anything critical.
>Only about 8 days into the new year and this comment takes the lead in 
>the narrowminded post race.

Let's put it this way then, if you are using Win9x/NT, either:

a) You are doing nothing critical, realise this, and have a clue.


b) You /are/ doing something critical and wouldn't recognise a Clue if
   it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a piano singing
   "Cluefulness is here again"[0].

Of course you can use NT/Win 9x for critical applications.  You'd be a
bloody fool to do so, however.

Cue a few witnesses for the prosecution:

 Nat West cash machines (ATMs) refusing to give you any money because
 they are too busy showing you the NT Blue Screen of Death.

 US Stealth Ships losing the majority of their functionality because
 some moron decided it would be a good idea to run the entire ship,
 including the command and control system, navigation system, and
 propulsion control system using NT. (It's always possible that he
 wasn't a moron, but merely somewhere who felt the Iraqi's should be
 given more of a chance.)

 Microsoft buys Hotmail, says "ha, we don't want any of this poxy Unix
 stuff here", replaces all the servers with NT servers, and discovers
 very rapidly that NT can't cope with the load.  Equally rapidly, they
 discover they haven't a chance in hell of fixing NT so that it can
 cope with the load in time, so restore the old Linux [IIRC- may have
 been some other brand of Unix] servers, which chug along merrily
 wondering what on earth it was that NT was finding difficult about
 all this.

If all you want to do with NT is run a college network (which is what
we do, much to my chagrin), then it's fine, since nobody is doing
anything particularly critical, and the Blue Screens of Death serve as
timely reminders to the students to save and back up their work from
time to time.  If on the other hand, you are running critical chemical
processing machinery, or a Naval Warship, then you deserve to have the
word IDIOT branded on your forehead if you chose NT to run your
computers.  If you chose Win95 or Win98 for the same purpose, it is to
be hoped that someone returns you to the looney-bin before anyone asks
you to make another decision.

(I'm being quite serious.  NT cannot handle critical real-time
applications with sufficient reliablity that I would trust it to run
my alarm clock.  If you actually chose Win95/8 to run such an
application, you would deserve to be sectioned for the good of those
for whom the application was being run.)

Julian Midgley

[0] With apologies to the script-writers for Blackadder the somethingith.
Julian T J Midgley      |                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity Hall, Cambridge |  Excession:
"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple,
neat, and wrong."  (H. L. Mencken)


From: "tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ppp-server problem
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 21:32:22 +0100

Hi !

I installed a linux-dialin-server and started a connection from a win95-pc.I
can get a connection and log in, but I am not able to ping the ra-server
from windows dos-box and vice versa and so I am not able to start a ftp to
the server to down- or upload files. I tried nearly everything to get rid of
the problem, but I can't see the point.

/etc/ppp/options :

/etc/ppp/dialin :

-defaultroute (tried it also without this)

/AutoPPP/ - - / usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/dialin
(in /etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config)

The kernel has IP-Forwarding compiled in

I'm using S.U.S.E. 5.2

I tried to get help earlier in a different newsgroup, but got no help

Every help is welcome

Thanks in advance



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Julian T. J. Midgley)
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: 23 Jan 1999 23:42:03 -0000

In article <uLu#fT#P#GA.209@upnetnews03>,
Netnerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Actually I thought the Consumer Federation of America would have been quite
>proud to have published this poll.  It would have represented some good
>honest work by them and surely would have improved their image.

Did you say something?  I'm sorry but all I could see were the letters:

T R O L L.

Welcome to my killfile, and goodbye.

Julian T J Midgley      |                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity Hall, Cambridge |  Excession:
"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple,
neat, and wrong."  (H. L. Mencken)


From: garv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LS-120 SuperDisk
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 22:42:34 GMT

> >
> > Does anyone know if the LS-120 SuperDisc is supported in Linux.
> > This would be an internal ide model?

My second one (first one died < 6 months!) works just fine with RH5.2 as master
secondary (hdc).


From: Bloody Viking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: 2038 and Linux
Date: 22 Jan 1999 13:35:18 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy David E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I'd pick the astronomical Julian date as a convenient system. Its only
: real drawback is that Julian days start at noon rather than midnight; 
: otherwise it covers a rather wide range of dates. I'm not really sure
: why systems decided to use arbitrary start dates rather than the 
: Julian system anyway. Unix, I can understand, since epoch is reasonably
: close to the date the OS was first implemented. But other systems --
: like Macs and some versions of Excel, where they start at 1904, or
: even VAX, seem rather arbitrary. What's so special about 11/17/1858? Was
: it the birthday of one of the ancestors of a DEC founder or something?

Epoch dates are inherently arbitrary. I've been using an epoch-like method
for doing countdowns. I first used this method while in the Navy to count
down to the end of my enlistment where I used minutes until the desired
epoch. I had no idea at the time I reinvented UNIX style timekeeping. In
fact, you can get the source for my epoch system for my .sig files Y2K
countdown. You could plug in any number of minutes and get the days,
hours. and minutes to any date in the future. To determine the minutes for
the seed, you inventory the minutes, and make the cron job. 

In the Navy, I used a cheap calculator and a grease pencil to write that's
month's munites reference to the epoch, and could calculate the minutes
left for any day and time in that month real fast. Had I had a palmtop at
the time, I would have udes seconds like UNIX. 

CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
   T-minus 343 Days, 16 Hours, and 26 Minutes until Y2K and counting.

3434298 bytes of spam mail deleted. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Humphries-Dolnick)
Subject: Re: Why isn't this simple script working?
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 15:41:57 GMT

In article <77qtgi$ovc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill  
Unruh) writes:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >>Can anyone tell me why this *simple* script is not working? It is  
driving me
> >>bonkers! (Yes, I made it executable):
> >>
> >>PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
> >>export PATH
> It will not reset the path in the shell in which you called this script
> from It will only reset it in the shell which is spawned to run the
> script (and its children), which is a bit useless, as that shell
> immediately exits. You want to remove the first line ( the #! line) and
> thensource this file instead.
> source simplescript

Or, force the script to run in your current shell:

        . ./myscript

(That's "dot space dot slash nameofscript")

Michael Humphries-Dolnick
"If opinions are expressed in this communication,
 those opinions may not represent those of 
 my employer."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Humphries-Dolnick)
Subject: Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class.
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 15:39:51 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:
> >Loose Nut wrote:
> > >On Wed, 13 Jan 1999 05:57:39 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > >Who are you kidding. Bill was a failure. Until he stole the idea for  
> > >GUI interface from Steve Jobs, (look up the court case). Bill was
> > >there when Steve got the idea. Steve was dumb enough to share it with
> > >Bill. Then Bill gave Steve the MacroShaft.
> Not to split hairs or anything but ...
> Indeed, Bill Gates stole the idea from Steve Jobs. But, if memory serves  
> correctly, Steve Jobs stole the idea from Xerox. You know, the guys that  
> the GUI, the mouse, ethernet, hypertext, etc. Too bad the Xerox  
management didn't
> know what their researchers had created.

Not to split hairs even further, but ...
Actually, Steve Jobs paid money to Xerox.

Michael Humphries-Dolnick
"If opinions are expressed in this communication,
 those opinions may not represent those of 
 my employer."


From: Anders Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Attaching IOMEGA Zip drive after boot?
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 12:34:34 +0000

I'm thinking of getting an external Zip drive (probably the parallel
port model) and I would like to be able to attach it at any time after
booting up.  Meaning I would like not having to power down and reboot
every time to attach or detach the Zip drive. Is this possible with
Linux (RedHat) and should I get any special model of the Zip drive to be
able to do this?

There is a new 250MB model (I heard). Any reason I shouldn't get that



From: Jason Christianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Beware buying from House of Computers
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 16:35:50 -0600

Tony Romano wrote:

> Just a warning to anyone who might be buying equipment from a company
> called House of Computers (, located in California,
> 800-400-922)!!!

  I have worked for a company that sells ham radio equipment via mail
order for 3 years and I have heard many stories from my customers-which
has made me very leery of these little "fly by night" companies.  I
couple of good ones I have found are MicroPro ( and
CompSource (  Neither of them are always the low ball
on price-but I have always gotten exceptional customer service out of
both of them.  When there has been a problem with an item I have had to
pay return shipping to them (one of the dangers of mail order) but I have
not had to pay shipping on the replacement item.  Plus, CompSource offers
free shipping on orders over $200 if you place the order via the

Just thought I would give some credit where it was due- nice to hear
about the scumbuckets and the good ones.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William H. Ball)
Subject: Re: MP3 for Linux
Date: 22 Jan 1999 14:08:13 GMT

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 00:18:57 -0500, Kertis Henderson

>Loren Brookes wrote:
>> Mark Robinson wrote:
>> >
>> > Are there any MP3 makers for Linux?
>> x11amp
>Yeah, x11amp makes REAL good MP3's.
>Seriously, a good mp3 MAKER is BladeEnc:

tried it, but it was slow (that's OK), but even worse, it produced screwed
up .mp3 files... (i guess i'll have to play with it some more)...

quite frankly, while the quality of Linux .mp3 players is OK, the
state of the recorder/converter client sucks (for now?)...

>Kertis Henderson


From: Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to print a man page?
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 06:52:12 -0500

Just look in the man pages HOW-TO.  It's all there :-)


Rich Grise wrote:

> > Is there any way to
> > print the man or xman page in it's original formating?
> Well, I ran man man on one xterm, and ps auw on another, and came up
> with this:
> (echo ".ll 11.4i"; /usr/bin/gunzip -c /usr/man/man1/man.1.gz) |
> /usr/bin/gtbl | /usr/bin/groff -Tascii -mandoc | /usr/bin/less
> and so instead of piping it through less, I did this:
>   (echo ".ll 11.4i"; /usr/bin/gunzip -c /usr/man/man1/man.1.gz) |
> /usr/bin/gtbl | /usr/bin/groff -Tascii -mandoc | stripbackspaces >
> man.1.txt
> where stripbackspaces is a tiny little perl program:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> while (<STDIN>) {
>         s/.\x08//ig;
>         print;
> }
> Of course, instead of /usr/man/man1/man1.gz you'd use whichever file you
> want to
> look at, and the other appropriate paths for gtbl (whatever that is) and
> groff.
> Should this go in one of the FAQ's?
> Cheers!
> Rich Grise
> (No need to fuss with my e-mail: I have a "delete" button!)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Smith)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: 2038 and Linux
Date: 22 Jan 1999 05:59:40 -0800

mlw  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>will be fine. It is only routines like:
>time_t t1 = time(0);
>time_t t_elapsed;
>       t_elapsed = time(0) - t1;
>       if(t_elapsed > 3600)    // do it for an hour
>               break;
>       sleep(100);
>       // Do something here 10 times a second
>The above routine will fail once in 2038 (on a 32 bit platform). Other

[You aren't allowed to use time_t that way--you are supposed to use
difftime.  I will ignore that, and pretend that time_t is a 32-bit
integer representation of the number of seconds since the Unix epoch]

Actually, it doesn't fail on a 2's compliment machine.

--Tim Smith


From: "Chris Engel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Tux Badges FS
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 23:08:19 -0000

1" Linux tux self-adhesive badges are available at
US Linux users can buy from

Images on these locations.

(Please excuse the commercial)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Stolte)
Subject: problems with netscape and my Debian box
Date: 22 Jan 1999 14:18:05 GMT

I'm running Debian 2.0 and am having a really difficult time getting netscape 
to run. The problem is that when I try to run the netscape executable, I get:

"can't load library"

After searching on the net, I found someone else who had the same problem, and 
they were advised to do ldconfig. I tried this to no avail. Also, I'm sure 
that the actual library as well as the soft links are in place. Does anyone 
have a suggestion? Could it be the version of netscape that I'm using? (I 
tried two different ones...)

Thank you in advance for any help,
Chris Stolte


Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:15:07 -0600
From: Bill Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: set environ variable in bash

I put the following in .bashrc (in fact it is the only thing in that file)

BIBINPUTS=/home/wsimpson/papers/bib; export BIBINPUTS

Then I log off and on again. When I subsequently do
I get nothing. It seems as though BIBINPUTS has not been set after all.
Please tell me how to set it. (It seems that just putting a line in
.bashrc doesn't do it; maybe I should put it somewhere else).

Thanks very much for any help.

(reply to wsi not wsimpson at above address)



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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