Linux-Misc Digest #741, Volume #18               Sun, 24 Jan 99 03:13:14 EST

  Re: Attaching IOMEGA Zip drive after boot? (Matt Kressel)
  Linux instead of Windows - just one problem (Ben Sandler)
  Re: "Look and feel" question... (Matt Kressel)
  Re: how to start programming in Linux (Matt Kressel)
  Intel RH5.1 NIC problem.... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class. (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Autofowarding based on interface? (Kevin Currie)
  Help with KDE (Nancy K.)
  Re: Fastrack [raid?] controller & related Q's (Yan Seiner)
  Re: 2038 and Linux (Toon Moene)
  Re: 128 bit Netscape 4.08 built against glibc (Brent Shultz)
  Re: StarOffice and Microsoft Office ("Ian S. Nelson")
  Re: Installing Linux from Hard Disk ("Stuart Updegrave")
  Re: IP Masquerading compiled in kernel on RH5.0? (David Moulton)
  Re: Newbie Question ("Jürgen Exner")
  Re: how to start programming in Linux (Duncan Simpson)
  Re: Attaching IOMEGA Zip drive after boot? (Geoffrey Kenneth Holden)


From: Matt Kressel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Attaching IOMEGA Zip drive after boot?
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 19:10:15 GMT

Anders Nilsson wrote:
> I'm thinking of getting an external Zip drive (probably the parallel
> port model) and I would like to be able to attach it at any time after
> booting up.  Meaning I would like not having to power down and reboot
> every time to attach or detach the Zip drive. Is this possible with
> Linux (RedHat) and should I get any special model of the Zip drive to be
> able to do this?

You will not need to reboot, just load/unload the ppa module

> There is a new 250MB model (I heard). Any reason I shouldn't get that
> one?

Not sure.  I think it will work if it uses the same driver as the 100MB


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From: Ben Sandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux instead of Windows - just one problem
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 18:54:05 +0000

I'm running an all-Linux shop here.  There's someone (the boss) who
wants one machine for himself just to do data entry in Excel.  I'm sure
if I sat him down at a Linux box with Star Office and told him it's just
like Windows, he'd be fine.  That is, until I told him that he needs to
type mount /mnt/floppy before he uses his floppy disk, and umount
/mnt/floppy afterwards.  Is there any simple way to have the floppy
drive automatically mounted and umounted, without running development
kernels or hacking at it for 3 days and 3 nights?  I'm running RedHat
5.1, standard install out of the box.

Thanks in advance,
- Ben

Ben Sandler
email me: sandler at ymail dot yu dot edu


From: Matt Kressel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Look and feel" question...
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 19:15:33 GMT

Mark Stolz wrote:
> Hi All--
> I'm going to use Tcl/Tk to build a front end for some compiler tools
> and had a question/observation about the look and feel.
> It seems that a lot of the new software being developed for/ported to
> Linux is adopting the Windows95 look and feel. While there are certain
> elements of this that I like, for the most part I have a problem with
> it. I don't want to feel that I need to be locked in to the Windows
> interface paradigm in order for my code to be accepted/used by the
> general public. It seems pretty limiting, not to mention ironic given
> the Linux/MS relationship.
> So the questions...
> Are there any general GUI standards, from an application point of view,
> that the general Linux community prefers?
> I'm not really interested in Desktop A vs. Desktop B discussions as much
> as trying to figure out how to make an application usable/acceptable
> across the board. Any views/ideas about this?

I have seen the KDE and GNOME people take a kind of NextStep look.  Take
a look at the iMac (I think Mac OS 8.5), for an example of a well done
look and feel, IMHO.


+---------  Northrop Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY ---------+
+---------  TEL: (516) 346-9101 FAX: (516) 346-9740 ------------+


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
From: Matt Kressel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to start programming in Linux
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 19:01:16 GMT

Kelvin Leung wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not a real programmer. I had some experience in C back in MSDOS age
> years ago. I would like to start writing some simulation software in Linux
> envirnonment. Can anyone tell me where should I start it? Should I write
> it in GNOME or KDE or both? I'm a Newbie and may be I am asking a dumb
> question. Please tell me. Thanks.

GNOME and KDE are both GUI environments and are probably too complex for
a beginning user.  Buy the book "The C Programming Language" from
Kernighan and Ritchie (sp?) and look at gcc.  When programming under
UNIX its also nice to use "Makefiles" so download some simple apps from
the net (source) and look at the Makefile and code for examples.  Since
Linux is written primarily in C, you will find that the tools available
are far superior to anything in DOS, and make better code as well. 
Also, C is tightly integrated into the system.  Later, when you feel
more comfortable with C programming, then delve into the GUI apps...JMHO

Just a start:  To compile a file hello.c under Linux:

gcc hello.c -o hello


+---------  Northrop Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY ---------+
+---------  TEL: (516) 346-9101 FAX: (516) 346-9740 ------------+


Subject: Intel RH5.1 NIC problem....
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 05:36:05 GMT

I have an Intel brand MB with onboard IDE controllers PCI, etc.

AT style MB..... I wish I were at home and then I could tell you the type....

Regardless, this MB seems to have given me a LOT of grief.

I have had a very hard time localizing the problem(s).

It appears to work well and does work well under Win98.

However on WinNT and Linux there are problems.

Firtst probs with the IDE controllers resulting in errors when reading from
CDR or hammering the HR hard.... These seem to be resolved by circumventing
the CDR by using the network.... Additionally to really get anywhere the RAM
had to be swapped with another box.... Now this stuff works (I think)

Recently I have given up on Windows to concentrate on Linux....

For the most part this has been good, but there is a had problem w/ regard to
the NIC behavior. I think it is really strange.

I have a few NE2000 and also some 3c509 NICs. I can test them in a CPQ486 on
which I run Reh Hat and there is no problem. Under Win98, I can get these
cards to work on the P=166. However undre Linux on the P=166 modprobe will
recognize the card, but I can never ping anywhere. I'm reasonably confident
that I am trying the right stuff, it seems to work on the other machine.

machines are (a notebook running Win95)
      problem p-166

pinging the cpq or notebook from windows seems to work OK

the proceedure to bring up the cards (if I swap one out and RH does not make
the settings) is

modprobe ne io=0x300 (for ne2000)
modprobe 3c509 (cor 3c0m)
ifconfig  (netmask and broadcast seem to set default OK)

route add -net eth0

route add default eth0  (is there a big difference, which is preferred?)

The CPQ seems good and the P-166 gives me no joy... swapping the NICs around
doesn't help.... I'm ready to pull my hair out!!!

Your help is BIG TIME appreciated!


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From: Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class.
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:43:51 -0600

Michael Humphries-Dolnick wrote:
> > I read somewhere that one of the reasons Ken Thompson started developing
> > Unix was so he could have a platform where creating and running games
> was
> > easier.  I can't for the life of me remember where I read that, though,
> so
> > I don't know how verifiable that is.
> I don't know about that; the history of (at least AT&T) Unix as I recall
> is that it was developed in-house as a text manipulator and formatter.
> Sort of a glorified word processor, of sorts.

The book "The Underground Guide to UNIX", by John Montgomery, states
that "Thompson ... had discovered a computer game that he thought was
really cool: Space Travel." Montgomery continues with "Thompson took
this opportunity ... and created a file system on which it could reside
[Space Travel]." By the end of the section he explains how this project
expanded into the UNICS (Uniplexed Information and Computing System),
which was then renamed UNIX.

Since I am a computer enthusiast, and not a computer historian, I cannot
vouch for this history of Unix. However, I have no reason to doubt it.
On a side note, if this history is indeed true it points out some
similarities of the birth of Linux and Unix. Both were initially created
not as commercial environments, but as a pet projects.

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * ICQ 6644253 
Help Crack Government Encryption:
Useless Invention: Avalanche prevention goggles.


From: Kevin Currie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Autofowarding based on interface?
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:45:23 -0500

> > I am stuck behind a firewall that doesn't allow me to access my computer
> > from off campus.  However, I have access to a computer on campus runnin
> > Linux that could do the forwarding for me.  Does anyone know of something
> > similar to ipautofw or ipportfw that would allow me to simply forward all
> > packets that come in _on only one of the interfaces_ to another computer?  I

> Use the "-W" option for ipfwadm to specify an interface.   Dial into the
> Linux box and you don't even need masquerading.

IP's are changed...  Assume can only be reached from withing
the subnet, but hosts such as are accessable
from everywhere.  The idea is to be able to telnet/ftp to and
end up at  I think ipautofw can do this, but the machine
identified by also has another IP, say, which has
traffic that cannot be redirected off to  The line below is
the best I can figure, but it doesn't to the trick.  A telent to still ends up exactly there.

ipfwadm -F -P all -a masquerade -W eth0:0 -S -D

Kevin Currie


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nancy K.)
Subject: Help with KDE
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 07:05:47 GMT


I'm trying to install KDE, I downloaded the source and ran ./configure in 
kdeadmin. I always get this error: How can I install this ? Help! Thanks

The prefix you've specified contains no headers after running

I have the following dirs in my /kde directory:

drwxr-xr-x  32 501      users       1024 Jan 24 01:03 kdeadmin
drwxr-xr-x  32 501      users       2048 Jan 24 01:35 kdebase
drwxr-xr-x  21 501      users       1024 Dec 19 16:55 kdegames
drwxr-xr-x  14 501      users       1024 Dec 19 16:55 kdegraphics
drwxr-xr-x  22 501      users       1024 Jan 24 01:43 kdelibs
drwxr-xr-x  11 501      users       1024 Dec 19 16:58 kdemultimedia
drwxr-xr-x  16 501      users       1024 Dec 20 06:07 kdenetwork
drwxr-xr-x  13 501      users       1024 Dec 19 16:25 kdesupport
drwxr-xr-x  20 501      users       1024 Dec 19 16:58 kdeutils
drwxr-xr-x   6 501      users        1024 Dec 19 17:08 korganizer

Email preferred,
 Reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your comments


From: Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Fastrack [raid?] controller & related Q's
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 12:44:13 -0500

Fasttrak is proprietary.  Promise has no plans to support linux, is
unwilling to disclose the API, and will not even release (officially)
the ports and IRQs the board uses (although this is available via the
Win32 driver).

I've found 2 IDE raid companies: SVEC which makes a high end OS
independent RAID 5 box at $1800, and Arco IDE which makes an OS
independent RAID 1 controller for about $200-$250. My Arco controller is
on the way to replace my Promise Fastrak controller.  You can contact
arco at .


Tom Emerson wrote:
> This is more of a hardware query, but I'm also interested in the software
> side as well, so to both groups this question goes:
> [background] I'm working on a project involving Non-Linear Editing (NLE) of
> video tapes, as such I'm looking into newsgroups related to that topic and
> I find LOTS of praise for the PROMISE "FASTRACK" PCI udma controller.  This
> looks like it does some raid0 ? 1 functions [multiple/striped disks, disk
> mirroring]  [re: see various threads in REC.VIDEO.DESKTOP]
> [the question(s)]
>    1) WHO has successfully used the FASTRACK in a linux environment and are
> you willing to share your experiences?  [BTW: I hate the "open ended"
> version of this question "has ANYONE ...", of course, SOMEONE probably HAS
> had success, they just aren't reading this newsgroup ;) ]
>    1b) Although nobody has mentioned it on the other newsgroup(s), another
> controller I've seen is the Adaptec 333 [I think] which is SPECIFICALLY
> raid-oriented [and may even require a special MB], again, anyone willing to
> share success/horror stories of getting it to work with Linux?
>    1c) [not that I'm expecting much of an answer at this point...] I've
> also seen another raid-specific SCSI controller at Fry's, but cannot think
> of the name of it offhand...
>    2) I know there are various implementation levels of RAID [0,1,3, ? 5
> being the most popular], even talked about them in school, but "it's been
> awhile" and my mind is getting foggy on the details :)  Specifically, for
> raid-STRIPING, which is better/easier: IDE or SCSI?  I suspect the FASTRACK
> will stripe to one device on each IDE interface first, then both devices on
> each device for a total of four devices in the "stripe set"; when dealing
> with SCSI, there is only one interface/cable, although each device can
> more-or-less run independantly of the processor, so does this affect the
> overall capability of the system?


From: Toon Moene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: 2038 and Linux
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 20:54:10 +0100

Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> The ironic thing about all this is that DEC VMS has had a 64-bit date
> representation all along: since, oh, 1985 or '86?  Yet another
> confirmation of the "Digital has it now" slogan.  :-)

VMS uses a 64-bit time field.  Its epoch is (somewhere in) 1858, and its
increment is 100 ns.

Someone with a slide rule out there to compute when VMS "runs out of
time" ?

Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 346 214290; Fax: +31 346 214286


From: Brent Shultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: 128 bit Netscape 4.08 built against glibc
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 12:09:24 -0700

David Martin wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         "Michael.Creasy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Netscape - buggy ?   Only very slightly :-)  Just try anything with Java
> > and watch it die.
> I just click on a mailto: url to close down. WOrks every time (grr).
> Waiting for gekko which is supposed to be fantastic.
> ..d

Open messenger *before* clicking on a mailto: link, and you should have
no more poblems with that bug...

Brent Shultz


Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 21:53:06 -0700
From: "Ian S. Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.sys.sun.apps
Subject: Re: StarOffice and Microsoft Office

Bob Warshawsky wrote:

> Timothy J. Lee wrote:
> >
> > StarOffice looks attractive as an "office" suite that runs on
> > Linux, Solaris, and Microsoft OSes, claims to be able to use
> > Microsoft Office documents, and is less expensive than Microsoft
> > Office. (
> >
> It's free to download
> > For a group of users used to using Microsoft Office (and passing
> > around Microsoft documents due to existing licenses of Microsoft
> > Office), what kind of issues, if any, could there be for:
> >
> > a.  Some users use StarOffice while others use Microsoft Office
> >     (i.e. file formats and the like -- are they totally compatible,
> >     or are there some things that don't work so well?).
> > b.  Users used to Microsoft Office using StarOffice for the first
> >     time -- will they have significant problems?
> >
> I found StarOffice easy enough to use and I do like the spreadsheet
> very much. The drawing/presentation tool works okay, provided
> one does not try to use very large images.
> In my view the truly weak link in the suite is the word processor.
> I found that it's general ability to format pages is cumbersome and
> it is very difficult to generate certain types of documents
> (legal pleadings is the main one). The problems became too much so I
> went back to WordPerfect instead.
> I haven't explored the conversion aspects much, except that I am told
> they are "working on it".  Ultimately, StarOffice may work well but
> for now it's disappopinting.
> Of course, free versus $695.00 for Applixware is something to ponder....

I'm pretty sure you can get Applix a lot cheaper than that.

I mostly use compilers and so I'm a pretty casual user of office suite type
applications but I'm very impressed with StarOffice.  It looks like it does
everything that I would want to do.  It looks a lot like MS Word and the other
Office9x apps, almost painfully so.  To be completely honest though, I was a
WordStar user, then a WordPerfect user, then I really fell in love with Ami and
have been using it and it's decendants for years and it and WordPro have always
done way mroe than I ever needed and were very very easy to use.  I'm not sure
what people see in MS Word or Excel for that matter, everyone I know who is a
real spread sheet user still uses 1-2-3.  maybe there are aspects of these
applications that I don't fully understand but StarOffice 5.0 really looks and
feels pretty slick to me and the price is right, I even bought their $50 CD just
because I wanted to kick something back to them for making such a quality linux

I know the pros are a little disappointed with some of the more advanced
features of StarWriter though.  It's probably a little 'green' for that kind of
market but it looks like it has everything you'd need if you were starting from
scratch with no legacy documents. If you are like me and just fire up a word
processor once or twice a week for small documents, I'd say Star Office is as
good as anything going and it runs on linux.

The really beautiful thing is that this is a virgin market.  MS has windows and
that's where Word lives.  Star is trying to get on windows and pck up all the
'loose change' that makes up OS/2, Linux, etc..  Applix is pretty exclusive to
linux, as far as I know.  Wordperfect seems to be huge on the linux bandwagon.
My biggest problem with wordpro as of late was that lotus was spending more time
trying to copy MS Word rather than stick to what they do best, which is making
cool and innovative applications.  I think the whole windows word processing
market is like that.  Applix, Star, etc.. can compete on features and cool ideas
without going out of their way to copy Word.  In another version or two I think
there will start to be some really impressive differences.  Nevermind the fact
that there is actual competition in this market...


From: "Stuart Updegrave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Installing Linux from Hard Disk
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 11:58:17 -0800

Aurelien Jarno wrote in message <789gel$2v7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
:I'm planning to buy Linux RH 5.2 or SuSE 5.3. I have noc CD-ROM drive, but
:somebody can copy the contents of the CD-ROM on my hard-disk in a FAT
:Is it possible in this conditions to install LINUX ? How ?

Aurélien -- The installation guide which comes with the RH5.2 box contains
detailed instructions on installing from a HD. I suspect that this
information is also available on their website or in a HOWTO.



Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 15:54:04 -0700
From: David Moulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IP Masquerading compiled in kernel on RH5.0?

Darren Ford wrote:

> Does anyone know if IP Masquerading is compiled into the kernel in RH
> 5.0 distribution?
> How can I tell?

It probably is there as a module. It's that way in 5.2, anyway. Have a
look in /lib/modules/preferred/ipv4. If you see things like
ip_masq_something, then you've probably got it.

David Moulton
Carpe Ductum


From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Question
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 12:03:41 -0800

Charles Riley wrote in message <788qv6$fc8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Is there any way to access a Zip Drive from Linux?  ....

Trivial, just mount the filesystem on the Zip the same way as you do for a
file system on any other HD. This works at least for SCSI ZIPs.
For other interfaces you may need additional drivers.

BTW: You read the ZIP-drive and ZIP-Install MiniHowtos, didn't you?

Jürgen Exner;, UID: jurgenex
Sorry for this anti-spam inconvenience


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duncan Simpson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: how to start programming in Linux
Date: 22 Jan 1999 20:17:35 GMT

(Kelvin Leung) writes:


>I am not a real programmer. I had some experience in C back in MSDOS age
>years ago. I would like to start writing some simulation software in Linux
>envirnonment. Can anyone tell me where should I start it? Should I write
>it in GNOME or KDE or both? I'm a Newbie and may be I am asking a dumb
>question. Please tell me. Thanks.


Uh, exatcly what sort of simulation software? KDE, gnome, X11 and
(shudder) win32 are all GUI APIs. Gnome's and things like V, qt and
tcl/tk have some sort of cross-platform support (X11 and Windows at

Start by considering exactly what technique is appropiate (critical
events or fixed size timesteps, for example) and what the user
interface requirements are. Once you know that choose an appropiate
user interface toolkit (one of the above, ncurses or barebones depending
on the application).

My bent would be to design all signicant software as an engine and
seperate front end. The idea is that you can change the front end and
engine semi-independently and cleanly generate different front ends as
the need arises.

Duncan (-:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geoffrey Kenneth Holden)
Subject: Re: Attaching IOMEGA Zip drive after boot?
Date: 22 Jan 1999 18:54:35 GMT

Anders Nilsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I'm thinking of getting an external Zip drive (probably the parallel
: port model) and I would like to be able to attach it at any time after
: booting up.  Meaning I would like not having to power down and reboot
: every time to attach or detach the Zip drive. Is this possible with
: Linux (RedHat) and should I get any special model of the Zip drive to be
: able to do this?

: There is a new 250MB model (I heard). Any reason I shouldn't get that
: one?

: /Anders

If you complie the support for the zip drive as a module, you just have
to hook it up before you load the module.




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