Linux-Misc Digest #562, Volume #19               Mon, 22 Mar 99 09:13:23 EST

  Re: Windowmaker- silly question ? (sean mc cann)
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? (sean mc cann)
  Re: Toshiba 4030CDT or 2540XCDT with Linux? (Matt Gumbley)
  Re: Make new swap file. (mike dombrowski)
  Re: LPRng problems (Bob)
  Re: broken gcc (Peter.vanHelden)
  Re: LILO on /dev/sda6 (ASUS P2B-DS, 2xSCSI disk) (Dr A O V Le Blanc)
  Re: finish_jobs messages?? (Thomas Zajic)
  Re: Removing Ontrack Disk Manager (John Thompson)
  Re: Newbie : Glint (John Thompson)
  Re: penthium performance problem (Desmond Coughlan)
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the Linux-equivalents 
for these Windoze programs? (Desmond Coughlan)
  Playstation 2 To Use Linux OS (Martins Medens)


From: sean mc cann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windowmaker- silly question ?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 01:29:05 +0000

Len Cuff wrote:
> I've got SuSE 6 installed and wmaker but when I try startx wmaker I get
> the usual fvwm2 ! How do I get wmaker to work ?
> Cheers,
>         Len

Firstly make sure you have windowmaker installed. If you install it
through Yast it will automatically aet up the relevent menus in window
maker and the other window managers. You will have to edit your config
files to set windowmaker up as the defualt. Check the suse manual or the
suse database fro onfo on that. you can always consult the Xfree howto
for more info.


From: sean mc cann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the best Linux to install?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 01:12:31 +0000

Richard wrote:
> I am trying to install the newest and the best linux on
> 100+ workstation.  What would be the best one to choose
> in terms of standard, support, and setup?
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks in advance
> Richard

Hi Richard,

Well which distrabution depends on what you want to to do. I use Suse
distro becuase of the yast setup tool. You can configure one machine and
replicate the setup exactly across the whole network. It really take the
drudgery out of setting up multiple machines on a network.
Any problems I've had with suse have been my fault. Also most of the
issues with Suse are coverd in the 450+ page manual. Thats not bad for 
35 Irish pounds($us50).the new Suse6.2 comes with the 2.2 kernal and
Xfree which support the newer grahics cards in X. Also
there is a suppoert databaseon the cd which you can install on to your
hard drive. the lastest version will of course be on the web site. 

Suse is well engineered and caters for the network admin who like to go
home early:) At the end of the day which distro you choose depends on 
your personal taste. 



Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:16:41 +0000
From: Matt Gumbley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.laptops
Subject: Re: Toshiba 4030CDT or 2540XCDT with Linux?

Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On 21 Mar 99 05:45:39 GMT, Brian Jonathan Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I was shopping around for a notebook computer and decided that
> >I should either get a 4030CDT or 2540XCDT.  My plans are to
> >mainly run Linux on it, but I can't seem to find references to
> >these models in the HOWTO FAQs.  Has anyone tried Linux on these?
> >
> >The 4030CDT worries me because I don't know what PCMCIA chipset
> >it uses, and I have no idea whether XFree runs on the Cyber 9525.
> >
> >The 2540XCDT seems much more compatible with the S3 Virge/MX,
> >but I'd prefer a real Intel CPU.
> >
> >Any comments?  What do you think?
> >bjl
> I'm not sure what the difference between the 4000CDT and the 4030CDT is but
> I expect not very much. In that case, have a look at my website:
> I have set out my experience installing linux on this machine. However I
> haven't set up the pcmcia stuff since I decided to use an external modem
> (Courier), which is fine.

I've just uploaded my Linux and Tosh 4030 CDT page:
The 4000 uses a different video chipset. The latest XFree86 does not
support the 9525DVD, although I have a hacked SVGA server available (see
page above).


Matt J. Gumbley


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mike dombrowski)
Subject: Re: Make new swap file.
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:25:05 GMT

On Sun, 21 Mar 1999 21:20:48 -0500, "Tom Holmes"

>Hi, I am a Linux newbie, but I have done extremely well in using it (if I do
>say so myself).
>After I added a new 8.4gb hard drive as a slave, I made 2 partitions on it:
>/dev/hdb1 is a 72MB swap file even though I did tell fdisk to use +64M which
>I thought was 64 megs.    (or partition 1
>/dev/hdb2 which is my data partition (or partition 2).
>No one told me and no place I have read in books or on the net have said
>that the
>partition can't be an Etended, it must be a partition (1-4) which then
>defaults it as Linux Native.
>I tried to use 'mkswap /dev/hdb1' to make this a swap file on this new
>drive.   The x-windows linuxconf says that this has no mounting point, is of
>type swap, but then it still says Linux Extended (type 83 not 82) at the
>end.  How can I correct this, and make this a true Linux swap
>file/partition?   Or how do I confirm this is set correctly?

Go into linux FDISK, does it say that the partition you want is a swap
one? If not type t and then 82 to change to swap. Save the changes
with w and you should be able to do it. The slackware install howto
has info on this. Hope it helps

Mike Dombrowski


Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user
Subject: Re: LPRng problems
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 06:49:35 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

gene wrote:

> My /etc/printcap entry:
> lp|lp2|bj200-letter-auto-mono|bj200 auto mono:\
>         :[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\
>         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/bj200-letter-auto-mono:\
>         :lf=/var/spool/lpd/bj200-letter-auto-mono/log:\
>         :af=/var/spool/lpd/bj200-letter-auto-mono/acct:\
>         :if=/usr/local/apsfilter/filter/aps-bj200-letter-auto-mono:\
>         :mx#0:\
>         :sh:
> You must have a printcap file in the spool directory also:
> lp|lp2|bj200-letter-auto-mono|bj200 auto mono:\
>         :lp=/dev/lp0:\

Would other printcap file(s) be in /var/spool/lpd or in all /var/spool/*  ?


Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Bob
Content-Disposition: attachment;

n:distance;7.5 cent fixed rate long
org:7.5 cents still too high? FREE long distance(credit for listening to ads),;visit instead
title:800 number, international, prepaid cards, etc.
fn:7.5 cent fixed rate long distance



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter.vanHelden)
Subject: Re: broken gcc
Date: 22 Mar 1999 11:44:12 GMT

This is becoming a FAQ. Point your browser to

(You forgot to install some packages)


One of the Sussmans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I'm trying to install various programs & keep getting error
: messages,
: for example, when running ./configure in a simple Pacman clone,
: I get:

: loading cache ./config.cache
: checking host system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
: checking target system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
: checking build system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
: checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
: checking whether build environment is sane... yes
: checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
: checking for working aclocal... found
: checking for working autoconf... found
: checking for working automake... found
: checking for working autoheader... found
: checking for working makeinfo... missing
: checking for a C-Compiler...
: checking for gcc... gcc
: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no
: configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C
: compiler
: cannot create executables.

: So, it seems my gcc program cannot create executables.  Anybody
: have any
: ideas why?  Plus I'm missing something called makeinfo.  Where
: might I
: find this?  I have the RH 5.2 cd but I can't seem to find it.
: Thanks


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr A O V Le Blanc)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,linux.scsi,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LILO on /dev/sda6 (ASUS P2B-DS, 2xSCSI disk)
Date: 22 Mar 1999 11:08:14 -0000

Vincent Zocca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>When I install LILO on /dev/sda things look better. Linux boots fine.
>NT4 however, starts a boot sequence but the gives me the BSOD with some
>message that it coudn't find the boot device. Ok, silly NT4.

This is a known bug in NT4: it is looking for a CLI instruction at the
start of the primary boot loader code.  LILO 2.1 works around this by
inserting the CLI instruction.

     -- Owen


From: Thomas Zajic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: finish_jobs messages??
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:08:19 GMT

> I've tried out several different recent kernels to update my
> Redhat 5.2 installation.  I get these messages now:
> 60:finish_jobs
> 120:finish_jobs
> 180:finish_jobs
> about every minute.  I get these with any kernel (2.0.36, 2.2.1,
> 2.2.2, 2.2.3) I boot now, so I guess the message is coming from
> something else I upgraded in the process.   Maybe it's from
> kerneld?  I can't prove it, but I did find 'finish_jobs' when I
> did a strings on kerneld.
> Anyone have a clue where this is from or how to fix it??

This comes from running kerneld with the ´debug´ option, IIRC.
Just find the script from where kerneld is started, remove the
´debug´ option and it should be gone.

-        Thomas Zajic aka ZlatkO ThE GoDFatheR, Vienna/Austria        -
-        Spam-proof e-mail: thomas(DOT)zajic(AT)teleweb(DOT)at        -


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Removing Ontrack Disk Manager
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 21:16:07 -0600

David Gochfeld wrote:
> I have a single ide disk, on which Win98 is installed, and 2 scsi disks,
> one of which contains my Red Hat install.  The ide disk came with
> Ontrack Disk Manager DDO installed.  It is completely unneccessary in my
> system, and I would like to remove it.
> Here's what I've done:
> In linux, I tar'ed entire contents of the ide drive (hda1) to the spare
> scsi disk (sdb1).
> Then I booted windows off a startup floppy, ran fdisk on the ide drive,
> removed the one existing partition and created new partitions.
> I rebooted the computer, again off the windows startup floppy, and ran
> format /s onthe ide drive.
> Then I went back to linux (booting off a linux boot floppy), and copied
> the contents of the tar file I created back tot he primary partition of
> the ide drive.
> Then I rebooted.  And the Ontrack Drive Manager is *still* there!@#$!
> What do I have to do to remove it?

IIRC, Drive Manager lives in the MBR.  DOS fdisk should get
rid of it with 
"fdisk /mbr"




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie : Glint
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 21:17:39 -0600

Sinclair Robertson wrote:
> I am using RedHat 5.2.
> I am trying to install new packages from a cd.  I have mounted the cd
> sucessfully and have selected the packages I want, when I then try and
> install I get the message failed to open /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm ?
> What does this mean ?  How can I overcome it ?

I see this message if I try to run glint/rpm as a regular
user.  If you run these as "root" it should work fine.




From: Desmond Coughlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: penthium performance problem
Date: 22 Mar 1999 13:16:15 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefano Ghirlanda) writes:

> >Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 332.60 BogoMIPS

> I read in the BogoMips howtwo that the count should be around 53 for a
> pentium 133... so there seems to be something wrong indeed.
> Any suggestions?

I get 599.65 BogoMIPS on booting, but if you read the BogoMIPS-HOWTO,
you'll see that Linus never intended these units to be taken all that
seriously ... 

Desmond Coughlan                |Restez zen ... Linux peut le faire
[www site under construction]


From: Desmond Coughlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the 
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: 22 Mar 1999 13:13:10 +0100

"robert staehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'll go one step further... I run Linux, Irix, NT, Win98, and MacOS8.
> MacOS8 rules for ease of use, drag and drop, contextual menus, scripting
> etc..  Linux is great but it's still a long way from the commercially
> available OS's for ease of use.

Which would you rather have: an OS which is easy to use, with pretty
windows and icons, which crashes at least once a day, or an OS which
doesn't have the above, but which never crashes?

I know which one I would plump for.  I already have.

Desmond Coughlan                |Restez zen ... Linux peut le faire
[www site under construction]


From: Martins Medens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Playstation 2 To Use Linux OS
Date: 22 Mar 1999 13:55:01 +0200

Great news! Today I read the following on the news
=========================== start of quote ===============================
PS2 To Use Linux OS
REPORTED BY: Josh White (Sega)

At the Game Developers Conference yesterday, Sony's VP of Third-Party
Realations and Development, Phil Harrison, confirmed that the PlayStation 2
will use a Linux operating system in order to sustain a, "Stable enviorment."
This was applauded by the crowd of developers, publishers and other such
people. In an obvious attack on Sega's "unstable" Windows CE OS, developers
were more than happy to see the product being put to use in the next
generation PlayStation. This makes the future even bighter for the PS2. 
=========================== end of quote ===============================




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