Linux-Misc Digest #620, Volume #19               Sat, 27 Mar 99 12:13:07 EST

  Re: Kernel NFS: equivalent to userland nfsd -r in kernel NFS (Sid Boyce)
  Re: Yet another glibc 2.1 question (Radovan Garabik)
  Re: trouble with "mount" using RH-5.2 (Ian Hay)
  Re: Different IP in one network (DEBUGger)
  Yet another glibc 2.1 question (Michael Torrie)
  Re: Shared calendar solution for Linux? (Gene Wilburn)
  Re: Help on PPP dial-up ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  trouble with "mount" using RH-5.2 (giacomo boffi)
  Re: IE5 under Linux (jik-)
  Re: search for mails in multible mailboxes with pgp-encrypted mails (peter)
  pb installin rh52 on scsi jaz drive ("Fr嶮廨ic Hoerni")
  Re: classpath & java40.jar using netscape on Linux (M. Buchenrieder)
  cp, mv errors ("Jing Duan")
  Re: No-Win Modem Situation (Matthias Warkus)
  thkb: How to manually expire a post in slrn? (Miernik)
  Re: good linux books? (Don)
  Re: Network, Linux&Windows (bklimas)


From: Sid Boyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Kernel NFS: equivalent to userland nfsd -r in kernel NFS
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 15:03:15 +0000

Andi Kleen wrote:
> Knfsd does not support it. If you still need reexporting you have
> to use the usermode nfsd for that.
> -Andi
Sure it does, "kexportfs -r". It is in knfsd-xxxx/utils/exportfs/, when
you do a make install, the result is that exportfs ends up as
/sbin/kexportfs. I have been using it successfully for quite a time on
both my machines.
... Sid Boyce...Amdahl(Europe)...44-121 422 0375 
Any opinions expressed above are mine and do not necessarily represent
 the opinions or policies of Amdahl Corporation.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Radovan Garabik)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Yet another glibc 2.1 question
Date: 27 Mar 1999 13:44:21 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc ne... <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On Mar 27, 1999 at 06:08, Michael Torrie eloquently wrote:
:>    Most of the binary RPMs I've downloaded lately from seem
:>to require GLIBC 2.1.  The only version I could find was what looked
:>like a development version, date 990311.  Once I installed it, the
:>dependancy thing was taken care of, but the program (x11amp alpha 3-1)
:>simply seg-faulted.  A lot of my other programs wouldn't run either.
:>xxgdb for instance seg-faults.  where do I find the proper version of

If I wanted to start a flame war, I'd tell you to get Debian, but I do
not want to do it, therefore I will not say that :-)

:>Glibc 2.1?  Will the old apps still run that need glib 2.0 (i'm thinking

most of them would, some will not

:>glibc-2.0.7-29)?  I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in
:>the right direction.   Recompiling all the new programs doesn't sound
:>that great because some of them are gnome apps.  Also, sometimes a
:>program will complain it can't find a specific library when loading.  I
:>check the paths, and the library is there.  Anyone know
:>what's up here?  Eterm, esound both do this.
: I think it is safe to say that at the moment RedHat's RawHide
: is the only distribution that is using glibc 2.1. Your best

Debian potato is using them too... and debian development
distributionss are generally more stable than redhat ones.

| Radovan Garabik |
| __..--^^^--..__         garabik @ fmph . uniba . sk       |


Subject: Re: trouble with "mount" using RH-5.2
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 15:07:42 GMT

Hi Giacomo - 

I'm actually really surprised that your method doesn't work - the
documentation I've read states that both 'mount /dev/hdc' and 'mount
/mnt/cdrom' should work, unless there's a mount option that I don't
understand that is preventing this.  I tried your method and it doesn't
work for me either!

At any rate, your solution is to use 'mount /mnt/cdrom'.

giacomo boffi wrote:

> i'm using the redhat 5.2 distribution, and this is a sample session
> using the mount command. please note that /dev/hdc is my cdrom drive
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> % whoami
> root
> % mount /dev/hdc
> mount: can't find /dev/hdc in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab
> % grep hdc /etc/fstab
> /dev/hdc        /mnt/cdrom      iso9660  user,exec,nodev,suid,ro 0 0
> % mount -V
> mount: mount-2.8a
> % rpm -q mount
> mount-2.8a-2
> %

Ian R. Hay                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Toronto, Canada      <>
Linuxing about since June 21, 1998 <Redhat 5.1 - 2.0.35> 


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,hk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Different IP in one network
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 23:09:38 +0800

you can use one network card to alias for 2 or more ips in two or more
networks. Read the IP-Alias howto


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From: Michael Torrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Yet another glibc 2.1 question
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 06:08:47 +0000

    Most of the binary RPMs I've downloaded lately from seem
to require GLIBC 2.1.  The only version I could find was what looked
like a development version, date 990311.  Once I installed it, the
dependancy thing was taken care of, but the program (x11amp alpha 3-1)
simply seg-faulted.  A lot of my other programs wouldn't run either.
xxgdb for instance seg-faults.  where do I find the proper version of
Glibc 2.1?  Will the old apps still run that need glib 2.0 (i'm thinking
glibc-2.0.7-29)?  I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in
the right direction.   Recompiling all the new programs doesn't sound
that great because some of them are gnome apps.  Also, sometimes a
program will complain it can't find a specific library when loading.  I
check the paths, and the library is there.  Anyone know
what's up here?  Eterm, esound both do this.

Anyway, any help would be great

- Michael

to reply,  remove x from e-mail address.


From: Gene Wilburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Shared calendar solution for Linux?
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 23:32:12 GMT

You might want to check out Netscape Calendar Server. They were planning
a port to Linux, if I remember right. It uses Communicator Pro (free) as
the client and resembles apps such as Exchange and Groupwise, but it is
more oriented towards open standards.


Cameron Spitzer wrote:
> My organization is on the verge of abandoning POP and SMTP for
> Microsoft Exchange Server.  It turns out the reason is the management
> wants a shared calendar and appointment system, and Exchange is
> the only solution our MIS department is aware of.
> Everybody in the company has a Web browser on their desk.
> Our telecommuters and globetrotters connect to the office through
> a VPN client, and can see Web servers on the company network.
> We have a hundred users now, and the system might eventuallly have to
> support perhaps two thousand.
> Is there a shared calendar and appointment book application out there,
> ready to use, that I could put up on Apache-on-Linux in my office?
> If so, I think we'd use it.
> Reply to cls (at) if you don't want to post.
> TIA!
> Cameron

Gene Wilburn, Northern Journey Online,


Subject: Re: Help on PPP dial-up
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 23:47:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  RebounD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm,
> I didn't edit the chat-script or the log messages.  They are like that..
> In the chat script, that's all I got...the '....' at the last line is
> the username and the password. I receive a sample of a working chat
> script and log messages the other day and I notice the different.
> Anyway, now I dial through minicom, and the server answered.  I got
> connected. Th problem is I cannot use applications like Netscape or
> telnet. It seems like the connection isn't availableto the others. I can
> move around the server, but not other application in my pc.
> When I did 'ifconfig', only the lo appears, not the ppp0.  So I figure
> out there must be something about route which is not correct.  Does
> anybody have suggestion what should I do next. I will try something, but
> any help is really appreciated. Thanks.

if ppp0 does not show up with ifconfig you have more than a routing problem.
The ppp interface is not active.  after you dialed with minicom did you exit
without resetting and then run pppd?

for example:

run minicom
dial in and login
exit without resetting
pppd /dev/modem 115200 defaultroute &

ppp0 should show up in ifconfig

trying pinging.. if the gateway is the only computer you can ping, then you
have a routing problem.

you can fix that with

route add default gw ppp0

hope this helps..

I have a question of my own.. i just installed linux SuSE 6.0 yesterday and i
am a linux newbie....  i've read EVERY thing i could find that is relevent at
LDP and the above is the only way i can get connected.  during bootup, it
says that diald is active but!  the modem never trys to dial out.  i use YaST
to configure my ppp connection but again, diald doesnt dial.. ironic eh?  so
i end up doing the minicom/pppd thing.. which is a pain...

any brave soul willing to help me tackle this?  i'm a newbie but not totally
stupid so i promise i wont be too frustrating to help..



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From: giacomo boffi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: trouble with "mount" using RH-5.2
Date: 27 Mar 1999 16:32:16 +0200

i'm using the redhat 5.2 distribution, and this is a sample session
using the mount command. please note that /dev/hdc is my cdrom drive

% whoami
% mount /dev/hdc
mount: can't find /dev/hdc in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab
% grep hdc /etc/fstab
/dev/hdc        /mnt/cdrom      iso9660  user,exec,nodev,suid,ro 0 0
% mount -V
mount: mount-2.8a
% rpm -q mount

if someone could guess what's wrong, i'll feel very obliged

thanks in advance,                                      gb


Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 21:50:45 -0800
From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IE5 under Linux

Jan Johansson wrote:
> Uhm.. like *doh* ;)
> 2.2.x = kernel rev
> 5.2 = redhat ver.
> two very diff things..

So by that definition of Linux, I must have version Linux 3.6...NOT.

Linux != RedHat != Linux, RedHat == a single distribution Linux == THE
kernel,... reffering to Linux 5.2 is just wrong.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter)
Subject: Re: search for mails in multible mailboxes with pgp-encrypted mails
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 15:43:35 GMT

On Fri, Mar 26, 1999 at 08:16:44AM -0000, 

> Hi Peter,
> This is what I did in a similar occasion:
> - pgp decrypt the mail as it's received (procmail can do that) and save it
>   in folders, that you encrypt yourself afterwards
> - when you need to grep something, simply decrypt each of the folders, search
>   in it, and encrypt it again

I dont think procmail can do that !!
when I implement a filter that call pgpv (which can be done very easily) 
it will ask me for my keyring-passphrase every time a mail comes in.
(or I dont use a passphrase which would make my system highly unsecure)



From: "Fr嶮廨ic Hoerni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pb installin rh52 on scsi jaz drive
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 16:54:45 +0100

while trying to install Redhat linux 5.2 on my SCSI 2GB jaz drive, I
encounter a problem :
an error message 'kernel panic : VFS : unable to mount root fs on 8:22'
comes up.
I tried several possibilities of mounting and partitioning.
This is all the more surprising as two weeks ago, I succeeded in installing
RH linux on my jaz drive and it worked well for two weeks (i decided to
reinstall it yesterday to change some partitioning). And i have the problem
described above.
Is there something I do wrong ?
Is there other possibilities of installing manually Linux (with other
distributions) ?

Thanks for your help



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: classpath & java40.jar using netscape on Linux
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 13:17:56 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew T. Phillips) writes:

>Whenever my Netscape Communicator 4.51 tries to load java applets I
>get the following message:

>     Unable to start a java applet:  Can't find 'java40.jar' in
>     your CLASSPATH.  Read the release notes and install
>     'java40.jar' properly before restarting.

>It then lists the current value of my CLASSPATH, and 'java40.jar' is
>in fact in the path. 


Netscape wants the full path _including_ the java40.jar filename in
the CLASSPATH variable, e.g., your CLASSPATH should contain something


otherwise it may not find it even though it's right there. I stumbled
upon this when updating NS to 4.08 . 

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: "Jing Duan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cp, mv errors
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 15:35:21 GMT

I am new to Linux and would like to have some helps you.

I have 2 partitions on my hard drive, one for DOS (70M) and the other for
Linux(ext2. 350M).  I want to move a large tgz file, 17M file,  from DOS to

Both cp and mv give me the same error message when I try to move the file.
the error message is:

hda:read_intr: status = 0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest}
hda:read_intr: error = 0x40 {UncorrectableError } LBAsect = 789532, sector =
END_Request: I/O error .dev 03:03, sect, 39004

Is there anyone knows what happened?

Your help will be most appreciated.

Jing Duan
please e-mail me at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: No-Win Modem Situation
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 18:22:19 +0200

It was the 27 Mar 1999 06:41:36 GMT...
..and Geoffrey Kenneth Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> :>,
> :   Hugh Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : > Wow, thanks for the responses, guys - and in email too. I guess I
> : > touched a nerve with this question.
> : Right! The Win Modems are coming in force. I think it's high time someone
> : hacked one. I am afraid, in a coup[le of years, plain old hardware modems will
> : disapear altogether... :( What will linux do?
> : Arkadiy
> Would it be possible to use the windoze driver for them under WINE?
> Just asking... Just thinking.

No. Basically, Winmodems rely on some "real-time" features of Windows
9x... that is, the ability of a client program to futz with interrupts
and such directly.

"They're expending enough energy just taking in oxygen on a daily
basis, you think they have any synaptic activity left over to devote
to Intelligent Thought?"
                          -- Synth F. Oberheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miernik)
Subject: thkb: How to manually expire a post in slrn?
Date: 27 Mar 1999 16:49:20 GMT

        Miernik   /   / mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 /   / tel.(pager): +48 642 222 864


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: good linux books?
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 16:59:00 GMT

jik- wrote:

> The absolutely best books I have ever seen on Linux were at
> and are entirely free.  I have looked at
> various store bought books and never found one worth the money asked for

Hi, I downloaded the linux users guide from the above site. I got the
pdf version since I'm a newbie and figured printing it out would be
faster and easier to use acrobat under windows. Is there a way to change
the fonts? the document is almost unreadable. I never had this problem
with a pdf file before, just this one. I do have access to the full
acrobat software, but dont know much about it. I wonder why it isnt
available in plain text so I could get a decent printout.

> it...especially when that and more info is available for free on the
> internet if your not too lazy.....
> >

> Welp, your too lazy....the HOWTO documents have the most information
> available, that and man pages.  Most books I have seen about linux glaze
> over a lot of subjects (never really getting into any dirt) and direct
> you to the LDP project or the HOWTO documents, the slightest difficulty
> and those books are useless.  Books on Linux just suck...what you really
> want is Unix books instead, which give more information, though you
> usually need to get a few on a variety of subjects because face it...a
> single book is NOT going to be able to cover everythhing so they cover
> what they can of a few subjects.
> The HOWTO documents are also very easy to flip through, just look for
> the subject you need to know about to see if there is one...not hard.

I dont know about all the howto documents, but the dozen or so that I
have read are very poorly written. You can follow it to a point, then it
trails off into the ozone. One was totally incomprehensible. As was
pointed out, there are isolated "nuggets" of usefull info buried in
reams of rambling and ancillary info.
> >

> Learn to RTFM.  Learn to search a bit for the information you
> need....this is every newbie's stumbling block (or most at least) and
> everyone has to get past it in order to make good use of Linux.

Lots of us do RTFM. The problem is with the FM. Anyone who has a
technical background can tell you that there is a world of difference
between a good FM and a poorly written, fragmented, ommissive FM. The
originator of this thread was just trying to find some good FMs. He
probably had access to good FMs in his previous experience, and knows
the difference. I dont think he is lazy, nor about 80% of the newbies
trying to learn linux. I also dont think they are morons. They need a
good FM to read, and are willing to do so. I have heard from several
that the printed linux books are not very good, so I accept that, but
the howtos are certainly not very good for learning. Neither are the man
pages. These documents may well be excellent reference material for
experienced users, but they are hell for a beginner. I firmly beleive
that the biggest problem with linux is the lack of good documentation.
> I guess "Running Linux" isn't that bad, I borrowed it from the library
> when I first started and I got some info out of it....wouldn't have
> wanted to buy it though, the info in that book is also nothing not
> available on the internet or on the system.

So maybe this one is worth reading.



From: bklimas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Network, Linux&Windows
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 17:03:48 GMT

Sander van de Merwe wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed Linux (SuSE 6.0) on my computer and configured
> the modem and I can connect to internet and browse and send email
> with Netscape, so that part works at least :)
> I have an NE2000 compatible network card and did configure
> it with "YAST". But how can I now view shared drives on
> my other computer? (with Windows, I have a FAT16 drive shared that I
> want
> to use to "transfer" files from Windows to Linux, like tar's I
> downloaded)
> Anyone has a suggestion?
> Please be as specific as possible since I am just a newbie in Linux. :)
> Thank you!
> Yours Sincerely,
> Sander van de Merwe
> (please reply by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Seems you need Samba.


for some basic info.

Hope this helps. Best regards,




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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