Linux-Misc Digest #632, Volume #19               Sun, 28 Mar 99 13:13:09 EST

  Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment.... ("ERiC")
  Re: Why Does Mail Break after adding a new Mail user ? ("Kim Knoblauch")
  Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment.... (Chris Mauritz)
  Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer (Ewan Dunbar)
  Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment.... ("Robert Moir [MVP]")
  Re: Problem with MBR (Nikolay D. Tarkalanov)
  Re: RedHat 5.2 + Kernel 2.2.4 +Lilo (zentara)
  Re: how to uncompres kernel.tar.bz2 please? ("Alan J. Wylie")
  Re: Help Needed getting on the 'Net (Tommy Willoughby)
  Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment.... (vaclav vyvoda)
  Re: Refresh Rate? (Alan Alfonso)
  Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment.... (Ewan Dunbar)
  Re: KDE and KICQ (Christopher)
  Re: Linux and Netscape 4.51 (tar/gz format) (blankreg)
  Re: cannot add packages using glint (LETOT Rémi)
  Backing up on Iomega ZIP (Anthony Campbell)
  Re: Closing Dell Latitude Cover Crashes Linux (Emily)
  Re: problem with Fortran in Xwindows (Jim Howes)
  Re: GNOME compliant window manager - not (Steve Gage)
  Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment.... (Byron A Jeff)
  ICQ auf Linux (Stephan Schoenfeldt)
  Re: WindowMaker 0.5.2 and asclock... (Steve Thompson)
  Re: Problem with MBR (Bernd Pavenstaedt)
  Where is the Video4Linux mailing list? (William Burrow)


Subject: Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment....
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 17:32:43 +0100

<Snipped by ERiC>

>I don't want to start a flame-war here, but what with the number of bugs
>NT has, and its sheer complexity, I think Linux would be a better choice.
>The last argument is *quite* arguable, and in my experience, neither of
>them are true. No one in any walk of life could have ther lives improved
>by NT, and you can quote me on that. Ever noticed the demand for people
>like yourself? That's because administrating NT is a *big* job, and more
>of a headache than any other system. Around here, I think, we tend to
>refrain from giving advice like this.


I run both NT4 Server and Linux at home and anything important (DNS, SOCKS
etc) runs on a Linux box as I found it easier to do than with NT. Also price
and hardware required favour the Linux route. FYI I have both Linux and
Windows clients.

I also do not want a war about this though, its just my opinion...



From: "Kim Knoblauch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Does Mail Break after adding a new Mail user ?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 11:58:41 GMT

/var/spool/ mail is mail mail , perm list is drw-rw----


Todd Knarr wrote in message <7dcgmt$35m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Kim Knoblauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Unfortunately I do not know what the permissions should be for mail. In
>> /var/spool/mail the correct owners names and groups show for the
>> mail files.
>The /var/spool/mail directory itself should be owner root, group mail,
>permissions read-write-execute for user and group, read-execute for other,
>SGID bit set.
>Individual mail files should be owned by the user, group mail, permissions
>read-write for the user, no access by other, group either no access or
>read-write access depending on whether your mail system is SUID root or
>SGID mail.
>All I want out of the Universe is 10 minutes with the source code and
>a quick recompile.
>                                -- unknown


From: Chris Mauritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment....
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 16:34:24 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Alexander I. Butenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ANyway I greatly doubt that Linux will be easier to use than NT Server. I'm
> sure that NT Server will be a ideal use for a small home network, becaus
> eit's very easy to configure comparable to Linux and supports most network
> clients better.

Nonsense.  Redhat is rather painless to setup.  A novice could probably
have it up and running as a SOHO file server in under an hour since samba
comes turned on by default.

Christopher Mauritz


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
From: Ewan Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help me spend $2,000 on a new Linux-based computer
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 10:26:12 -0500

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I've gotten the go-ahead from my better half (read: my wife) to spend
> around 2K on a new system. I'd like to hear _specific_ success and/or
> horror stories on systems and peripherals that have worked and not
> worked with Linux. My prequisites:
> 400mhz CPU
> 96mb RAM
> 8mb video card
> 19" monitor
> sound card, speakers
> 4GB hard drive
> Bonuses:
Kinda pointless when there aren't any drivers. Perhaps at some point in
the future there will be -- but until then, you'd -- depending on
the type of drive -- either not be able use it or only use it as a recular
CD-ROM drive.


From: "Robert Moir [MVP]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment....
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 17:45:14 +0100

ERiC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7dlljq$6qg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]....

>I run both NT4 Server and Linux at home and anything important (DNS, SOCKS
>etc) runs on a Linux box as I found it easier to do than with NT. Also
>and hardware required favour the Linux route. FYI I have both Linux and
>Windows clients.
>I also do not want a war about this though, its just my opinion...

And welcome to your opinion you certainly are.

Personally, I am in the NT camp, I find it easier to use than unix or any
varient thereof, but they are *both* excellant server platforms IMHO. I
would probably reccomend NT to someone who was asking for a box that was
easy to use and administer, because in my personal experiance NT has proven
to be so.

As for stability, well Linux is not the worlds most mature product, and its
doing very well considering how new it is, but I would hesitate before
betting the farm on it none the less. As for NT - well I see lots of people
commenting on how unstable it is, but I can honestly say that they must run
their servers in a different way from me because my NT servers are rock
solid and I am very confident in them. Considering the amount of people who
say NT gives them trouble I wonder what I am doing wrong!

But like I say, either choice is good for a home network. Its pretty much
down to which one the user prefers getting to grips with.

Robert Moir, Microsoft MVP,
Topic Leader, MSN Safe Computing forum for viruses
My Homepage -
** Please post all replies to the newsgroup **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nikolay D. Tarkalanov)
Subject: Re: Problem with MBR
Date: 28 Mar 1999 15:59:04 GMT

Philippe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: I have no idea why, but a problem suddenly appeared on my secondary master
: Hard Drive (IDE), although it is properly recognized from Bios at startup,
: I am completely unable to have access to it.  After playing a little bit
: with Linux FDISK as well as a Quantum Fireball DOS-Setup Disk, I truely
: believe that the problem has something to do with the MBR of this drive. 
: (I think's it is empty !)

I had similar problems with a Caviar Western Digital 540 MB and a Seagate
214 MB. The C-MOS recognized them properly, but after the computer boot, I
would not see them in the "my computer" or in the "explorer". DOS boot
would not help either. I tried with 3 different computers (one was DOS
6.2, the others were Win 95), the picture was the same. Initially, I was
able to access the 540 MB, but it would show only 10 MB of space. After I
reformated it, it was lost completely (I had no data on it). The
electronic shop specialist tried to diagnose and fix them, but he also
failed. His conclusion was that the disks are going bad. As far as I know,
there is a service, that recovers data from dead HD's, if it is moneywise.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (zentara)
Subject: Re: RedHat 5.2 + Kernel 2.2.4 +Lilo
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 16:15:01 GMT
Reply-To: ""

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 00:56:46 GMT, RabbidRabbit

>I've just compiled the kernel and have /vmlinuz,now what do I do. I have
>Win98 on my hda and Linux has it's own drive (hdd). Right now I boot with a
>floppy when I go into Linux, but it still boots 2.0.36.  What is the command
>to have Lilo put the new /vmlinuz onto a floppy so that I can boot with the
>new kernel the same way that RH5.2 let me at install?

I believe redhat puts it's images in /boot.
So copy from /usr/src/linux to /boot,
and put your /vmlinuz in /boot.
Then edit your /etc/lilo.conf file to make sure
lilo points to /boot/vmlinuz, not the old kernel.

Then run lilo once and you should see the "added"
lines. If not, then etc/lilo.conf isn't setup right.


From: "Alan J. Wylie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: how to uncompres kernel.tar.bz2 please?
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 17:55:38 +0100

marin wrote:
> like the subjekt says please help

bzip2 is like gzip, only better compression

Recent tar's have a -I switch, like -z
but for bzip2, not gzip.

Otherwise, see


Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 08:19:13 -0800
From: Tommy Willoughby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help Needed getting on the 'Net

James Holbrook wrote:
> I need some help getting my Linux system on the 'Net. I have just installed
> Mandrake and the install went great. I next set up KPPP and it works great.
> The problem is: I can dial to my ISP with KPPP and I get a connection. I
> then try to use Navigator to cruise the web and the status bar tells me it
> is looking for the URL I need,, It just never connects.
> I can ping my ISP and using Ifconfig, I get a ppp0 connection that says PtP
> is running. What have I left out? Is it a routing problem? I'm stumped.
> I know there must be someone out there that has had this problem and
> resolved it. Thanks in advance to any and all who assist.
> James Holbrook

You're dooing fine - you're just not quite finished, yet. You need the
DNS numbers from your internet provider - you'll have to give them a
call. They should give you at least one number, usually two. Then you
need a file: /etc/resolv.conf - it looks like this on my system (my
provider is europa).

nameserver 123.456.789
nameserver 345.667.888

the second line is the primary nameserver number from europa, and the
third line is the secondary number. If you get only one number, that's
ok - you'll only have one "nameserver" line.

Set up that file and I'll bet everything will work fine.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (vaclav vyvoda)
Subject: Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment....
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 16:20:57 GMT

..and thank you for the typical MS PR BS..

On Alexander I. Butenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: ANyway I greatly doubt that Linux will be easier to use than NT Server. I'm
: sure that NT Server will be a ideal use for a small home network, becaus
: eit's very easy to configure comparable to Linux and supports most network
: clients better.

: --
: Best Regards,
: Alexander I. Butenko

: Microsoft Certified Professional
: Microsoft Developer Network Certified Member

: Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
: news:7dl9ai$rkq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
: > Stuart Summerville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > >...
: > >What are your experiences when taking this approach? Does one have to
: > >sacrifice many windas niceties in order to take advantage of Linux? &
: > >please, no barking about how well Linux handles these services - I
: > >know - I just want to know how well it compares to NT on the
: > >usability/feature-wise scale.
: >
: > Take a look at
: > It's a bit old now, but has a lot of detail.
: >
: > -- Rod
: > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
: > Sunset Systems                           Preconfigured Linux Computers
: >                      and Custom Software
: > ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 11:21:25 -0500
From: Alan Alfonso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Refresh Rate?

jik- wrote:

> You mean in the console?  Not that I know of unless your using one of
> the framebuffer device drivers and are in graphics mode.  Then you can
> use fbset to find out I think, but then you have to do some math on the
> pixclock value.....You can only change this under some very explicit
> circumstances....
> First you must be using a framebuffer driver....
> 1) If your using vesafb then you have to change the modes in the bios as
> kernel args at boot time.
> 2) If your using the aty driver you can use fbset,...or I guess ioctl
> calls because I know someone working on a tool which does this.
> 3) matrox fb does soemthing, just not sure what as I haven't got a
> matrox card.

Thank you for your response. Yes I did mean in the console. That sounds
pretty complicated.
I did get the refresh rate under X Window using xvidtune and confirmed with
someone on this newsgroup that it's figures are accurate. I just wanted to
be sure that I wasn't  running at 60Hz.



From: Ewan Dunbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment....
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 10:57:18 -0500

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Alexander I. Butenko wrote:

> ANyway I greatly doubt that Linux will be easier to use than NT Server. I'm
> sure that NT Server will be a ideal use for a small home network, becaus
> eit's very easy to configure comparable to Linux and supports most network
> clients better.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Alexander I. Butenko
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Microsoft Developer Network Certified Member

I don't want to start a flame-war here, but what with the number of bugs
NT has, and its sheer complexity, I think Linux would be a better choice.
The last argument is *quite* arguable, and in my experience, neither of
them are true. No one in any walk of life could have ther lives improved
by NT, and you can quote me on that. Ever noticed the demand for people
like yourself? That's because administrating NT is a *big* job, and more
of a headache than any other system. Around here, I think, we tend to
refrain from giving advice like this.


From: Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE and KICQ
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 10:57:44 -0600

You might want to repost your question and turn off html. You message is nearly 
impossible to read for
MOST of the people who read these NG's. Another tip Don't cross post to so many NG's

> Peter DeSimone wrote:
> I am trying to install KICQ for KDE, and it apparently wants C++, G++, CC or x1C or 
>DCC, and it is not
> part my linux install.
> I would install the RPM versions but they have dependencies to LIB* files that I 
>don?t have either.
> Where can I find an RPM for one of these?
> Thanks?
> Peter
> --
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Peter DeSimone
> Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web Address:  Http://
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


From: blankreg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux and Netscape 4.51 (tar/gz format)
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 15:02:01 +0000

I just untar'd it to my / directory and it created a sub-directory
called netscape. From there I went into the directory and ran the
install script. Cool huh!

wizard wrote:
> Peter DeSimone wrote:
> > Has anyone installed this version?  What I am supposed to do after I
> > untar/ungz it?  What directory should I put it ? Any specific
> > commands I should use? Thanks... Peter
> > --
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter DeSimone
> > Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Web Address:
> > Http:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Hi Peter;
> If your runing redhat you can get the 4.51 in rpm format off there
> rawhide site.   Its what I'm running at this very moment.   Still lots
> of bugs.
> Dave


Subject: Re: cannot add packages using glint
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:14:52 +0100

> "cannot get exclusive lock on database"
> "cannot open //var/lib/rmp/packages.rpm"
> What does this mean and how can I get around this?

It means that someone else might be using glint or rpm.
It could also be that you use glint without being root.
You must be root to install packages on your system.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Campbell)
Subject: Backing up on Iomega ZIP
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 18:40:26 GMT

I'm looking for the best and least expensive way to backup a laptop.
Nothing fancy; just one user.  I think that an Iomega ZIP drive would be
the best way to go, having read the HOWTO. Anyone got any experience or
other suggestions?


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on..."   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Closing Dell Latitude Cover Crashes Linux
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 14:57:12 GMT

In article <7di0tc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "John R. Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On a similar note, I've noticed that, when I try to use that little keyboard
> lockout on the front of the case, just about as soon as I touch it, the system
> goes into immediate reboot (and then everything has to be fsck'ed etc. :p)
> Anyone know if this is some sort of extreme Linux-motherboard security
> interaction?  Maybe even a 'feature'?
> James Seymour wrote:
> >
> > I'm just installing RH5.1 Linux (w/kernel 2.0.36) on a Dell Latitude
> > XPiCD (166MHz).  If Linux is running and I close, then re-open the
> > lid, things crash.  For example: if snmpd is running, it will crash.
> > If snmpd isn't running and I try to do a "shutdown -r now", init
> > crashes.  In both cases, the first diagnostic lines says "divide error:
> > 0000".
> >
> > Anybody know what's going on here?  And mebbe how I can fix it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jim
> > --
> > Jim Seymour                         | Medar, Inc.
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  | 38700 Grand River Ave.
> > Systems & Network Administrator     | Farmington Hills, MI. 48335-1563
> >                                     | FAX: (248)615-2971
> --  John R. Owens aka KarMann
> **********************************************************
> Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves.  Most
> gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.  --- Lazarus Long

The 'resume' feature (surprise) dumps memory to disk. Have you set up a place
for the machine to dump memory? It can be a dedicated partition or a dos file.
Check the setup cd.

We do unix.
To contact, emily -at/know-spam viscnsl [dot+ com

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Howes)
Subject: Re: problem with Fortran in Xwindows
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 00:02:41 GMT

Min-Po Shiue ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi, 

:   I hope someone out there can help me out.  I'm running Redhat 5.2 with
: X-windows installed.  For some reason, I can't execute any fortran
: program in X.  the program compiles fine, but when I go to execute the
: program, I receive:  "Segmentation fault".  But If I exit out of
: X-windows, the fortran program runs fine.

What libs do your fortran programs use (run 'ldd' on them)

If they're not loading libX* it's not an X problem, but it might be
related to the terminal type.. Are you doing any curses or termcap
related stuff maybe?

Failing that, compile with appropriate debug/traceback info, and
running gdb on them, and tell us where they go bang.



From: Steve Gage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GNOME compliant window manager - not
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 13:20:00 +0000

Christopher Browne wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 21:22:10 GMT, lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Latest headache:
> >GNOME Pager Error (honest, i was only trying it out!)
> >
> >You are not running a GNOME compliant Window Manager
> >Please run a GNOME compliant Window Manager (oh, if I only could)
> >For Example:
> >Enlightenment (DO-0.15)
> >Then start this applet again.

I have found that the best (i.e., my favorite) wm for use with or
without Gnome is icewm. It is very Gnome-compliant, and the pager works
fine with it. I don't know why it doesn't get more attention. It is
small, fast, rock-solid stable, but still quite full-featured. You might
want to check it out:

- Steve


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff)
Subject: Re: Using Linux instead of NT Server in home environment....
Date: 28 Mar 1999 12:44:01 -0500

In article <#z0FSqTe#[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Robert Moir [MVP] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-ERiC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
-news:7dlljq$6qg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]....
->I run both NT4 Server and Linux at home and anything important (DNS, SOCKS
->etc) runs on a Linux box as I found it easier to do than with NT. Also
->and hardware required favour the Linux route. FYI I have both Linux and
->Windows clients.
->I also do not want a war about this though, its just my opinion...
-And welcome to your opinion you certainly are.
-Personally, I am in the NT camp, I find it easier to use than unix or any
-varient thereof, but they are *both* excellant server platforms IMHO. I
-would probably reccomend NT to someone who was asking for a box that was
-easy to use and administer, because in my personal experiance NT has proven
-to be so.
-As for stability, well Linux is not the worlds most mature product, and its
-doing very well considering how new it is, but I would hesitate before
-betting the farm on it none the less. As for NT - well I see lots of people
-commenting on how unstable it is, but I can honestly say that they must run
-their servers in a different way from me because my NT servers are rock
-solid and I am very confident in them. Considering the amount of people who
-say NT gives them trouble I wonder what I am doing wrong!
-But like I say, either choice is good for a home network. Its pretty much
-down to which one the user prefers getting to grips with.

Actually isn't there at least one more consideration? How much does it cost
to set up equivalent functionality with NT Server and Linux. Software cost



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephan Schoenfeldt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: ICQ auf Linux
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:53:45 +0200

Hallo Linux Profis,

Ich versuche krampfhaft ICQJava von auf meiner Suse
Linux 6 Plattform zu installieren.

Dafür habe ich mir wie auf der Mirabilis seite geschildert JDK1.1.7
heruntergeladen und installiert.

Die Installation vin ICQJava hat daraufhin auch funktioniert (keine
Fehlermeldungen)- installation complete !

wenn ich ICQ dann ausführen will bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung :

bash-2.02# ./ICQ
SIGSEGV   11*  segmentation violation

Full thread dump:
Monitor Cache Dump:
Registered Monitor Dump:
    Monitor IO lock: <unowned>
    Child death monitor: <unowned>
    Event monitor: <unowned>
    I/O monitor: <unowned>
    Alarm monitor: <unowned>
    Monitor registry: <unowned>
Thread Alarm Q:
./ICQ: line 2:  1111 Aborted                 /usr/jdk1.1.7/bin/java
Mirabilis.ICQ.NetAware.CNetAwareApp -path /root/ICQJava

Kann mir Irgendjemand sagen was das zu bedeuten hat ?

vielen Dank im Voraus


From: Steve Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WindowMaker 0.5.2 and asclock...
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 17:56:10 +0000

What your looking for is wmclock not asclock


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernd Pavenstaedt)
Subject: Re: Problem with MBR
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 19:56:12 +0200


You should use fdisk/mbr.

Philippe schrieb in Nachricht <01be78d1$67eaed60$LocalHost@sai>...
>As many people writting here.. I need HELP !!    Unfortunately I do not
>believe that anyone has spoken of my problem in the last posts.
>I have no idea why, but a problem suddenly appeared on my secondary master
>Hard Drive (IDE), although it is properly recognized from Bios at startup,
>I am completely unable to have access to it.  After playing a little bit
>with Linux FDISK as well as a Quantum Fireball DOS-Setup Disk, I truely
>believe that the problem has something to do with the MBR of this drive.
>(I think's it is empty !)
>So if anyone knows of a solution or any other idea to help me get in touch
>with my lost data.  Indeed, as most of this HD is data, if I could only
>have access to the drive once, copy everything on my primary master drive
>and then reformat the damaged disk... I would consider that a perfect
>solution.. As I would not trust a long term reliability of my hard drive
>being used on an artificially built partition.  (btw. partition is FAT 16,
>drive is 1200 MB)
>Thank you very much for taking time to read this, even more ThankYous if
>you answer!!
>(please answer at [EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Where is the Video4Linux mailing list?
Date: 18 Mar 1999 21:27:24 GMT

Wondering where the video4linux mailing list(s) are?  The pointers on
various pages (eg Alan Cox' page) point to a machine that does not have
a DNS entry (  Have the lists moved?

Also, has anyone gotten a Zoltrix BT848-based card to work on kernel 2.0?
dmesg reports:

bttv: Host bridge 82437FX Triton PIIX
bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus: 0, devfn: 152, irq: 10, memory: 0xf1000000.
bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
bttv0: audio chip: TDA9840
bttv0: audio chip: TDA9850
bttv0: audio chip: TDA8425
bttv0: model: BT848A(Hauppauge old)
i2c: bus registered: bt848-0
bttv: PCI display adapter: Cirrus Logic.
bttv: Video memory override: 0xf0000000

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()



The service address, to which questions about the list itself and requests
to be added to or deleted from it should be directed, is:

    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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