Linux-Misc Digest #422, Volume #18               Thu, 31 Dec 98 19:13:09 EST

  Can't connect if I'm not root ("Sergei Gerasenko")
  Re: Sharing my UMAX Astra 610s scanner w/ UMAX Scan Manager v1.2, using SANE (Redhat 
5.2 Linux) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Anti-Linux FUD (Victor Danilchenko)
  Problem solved, many thanks to all who assisted. ("Tom Kelly")
  Re: NNTPSERVER (Michael Fleming)
  Re: identd (Michael Fleming)
  Re: Infringement of the GPL ("Kenneth Corbin")
  Screen Saver outside X ("Jeff Neuffer Jr.")
  Linux Roadmap (Jim O'Day)
  What is partition type F? ("Kenneth Corbin")
  Re: New HD -- Partitioning question (Rick Moen)
  telnet problem (Chris Poultney)
  Re: Problems printing to HP LJ5 (Jet Direct) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can't connect if I'm not root (Nestor Andrianos)
  Updated DMA-mode IDE drivers for kernel 2.0.x? (Rod Smith)
  fonts in Ljet4 filter? ("R.A. Wilson")
  Re: Looking for UNIX NT web site (Andy Johnson)
  Re: Anti-Linux FUD (Darin Johnson)
  Re: make zImage fails at last step (Clive DaSilva)
  Re: How To Slow Down System Clock (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: parport/ppa problem with 2.2.0pre1 (Michael Powe)


From: "Sergei Gerasenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't connect if I'm not root
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 12:53:27 -0500

I finally got my PPP up and running even with the scripts. But the problem
now is that I can't do it if I'm not root. My ppp-on doesn't even dial. Of
course I read the HOWTO on PPP and the section about root privelages. But I
seem to have done everything I am to do. I checked the permissions for PPPD.
I made my ppp-on and ppp-on-dialer accessible to other users, but it didn't
work. When I use wvdial it dials O.K. but then fails to connect and the log
says that a PPP operation was not permitted. Obviously it has something to
do with security. When I first ran ppp-on, my log said that a file called
/var/lock/something for TTYS2 couldn't be created because it was not
permitted. It seems like one needs to change permissions for more than just
PPPD and the scripts (pap-secrets and chap-secrets too) to make it work.
Anybody knows a solution?
Thank you,


Subject: Re: Sharing my UMAX Astra 610s scanner w/ UMAX Scan Manager v1.2, using SANE 
(Redhat 5.2 Linux)
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 20:54:21 GMT

In article <01be3366$1f4244b0$0200a8c0@mycompnt>,
> How do I get SANE on my Linux workstation to be configured to use my UMAX
> Astra 610s over the network when it is being served by the UMAX Scan
> Manager v1.2 (part of VistaScan v3.1)?
> How can it be done?

UMAX Scan Manager uses a proprietary scanner access protocol layered
over the NetBIOS protocol. I think it would be more practical to forget
about UMAX Scan Manager for the server and write a TCP/IP-based server
(for WinNT or 9x, if that's where you want to connect the scanner) that
talks to the sane-net client on the Linux workstation. The SCSI protocol
for the UMAX 610S is documented in the UMAX SCSI SDK which can be
downloaded from .


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Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 16:40:44 -0500
From: Victor Danilchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.x,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD

John Edstrom wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Victor Danilchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Evan Carew wrote:
> ...
> >       Anyway, the network resources are certainly shared; however, please
> > give me one good reason to remove a local copy of tcsh in favor of
> > network copy which reads a network init file.
> To drive the system administrator to an early grave.
> (only kidding)

        Yet this may very well be the result of such centralized

> >       I don't know how things stand in your network, but in our network, if
> > the server is down, ONLY the things that were on the server are down.
> > Each system can still be used as a standalone node -- it's not very
> > useful, but you can still write TeX code on a standalone system, for
> It depends on whats being served.  If you use NIS and yppasswd
> disappears, you can't even log into your local machine.

        <G> That's why most labs have their own YP servers, and the rest have
YP master/slave combos.

> > example, or generate the output of your reinforcement learning
> > experiment, and being able to spend network downtime doing that is
> > better that spending the same time twiddling your thumbs. However, if
> > the system gets its shells from NFS, you won't even be able to do that
> > much...
> What about user home directories via NFS, or samba, or any networked
> file system for that matter.  It depends a lot on whether or not a
> user or task is tied to a particular machine or not.

        Again, all labs have their own NFS homedir servers, so if the network
as a whole goes down, each lab will most likely still be functioning at
least partially. Some labs even run their own executable fileservers, so
they would not lose even that much functionality. The only thing here
that is really centralized is the main mailserver (so if it goes down,
nobody can receive mail at "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" address, but
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" addresses will still work).

        In short, there is nothing short of a total power outage or some very
weird coincidence that can bring our entire network down (and even then,
all the critical components are on UPS).

|  Victor A. Danilchenko       CSCF support  |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       A313, 5-4231  |
|       Quando omni flunkus, moritati.       |


From: "Tom Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem solved, many thanks to all who assisted.
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 22:19:04 -0000

Thanks to all who assisted me in solving this problem .

The lesson of this experience is no mater how many times you check those
config files and think they are ok.

That one extra space or missing bit of syntax will always get you!!!!!


Tom Kelly wrote in message <76d0ht$7s8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi can anyone help?
>I have been trying to use my account on my ISP, from Linux
>for the past two weeks. I have managed to get the PPP connection
>after some initial difficulties. I have read all the HOWTO's that I can get
>my hands on but I am still unable to see beyond the initial connection. I
>assume the problem is related to resolving the IP addresses but I'm not


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Fleming)
Date: 31 Dec 1998 09:02:36 GMT

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 19:38:44 -0800, Tanner McCarron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 scribed into the Great Tome of Farnarkling:
> I keep puting a value in teh environmental variable NNTPSERVER and when
> I boot up again it is always gone.  I use
> Then I enter env and there it is.  Reboot and enter env and it's gone,
> every time.  Is there some way to get to stay there?  Thanks, Tanner

Add them to ~/.bash_profile (actually put NNTPSERVER at the end of the list
of exports in that file)

Michael Fleming.

- -- 
Michael Fleming -=(UDIC)=- / Mallet Wielder
PGP Keys from homepage or keyservers
Home Page:
Nuke a spammer for the deity of your choice today!
"Bill Gates isn't the Devil - Satan made sure Hell worked
 before he opened it to the damned..."

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Charset: noconv



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Fleming)
Subject: Re: identd
Date: 31 Dec 1998 09:05:46 GMT

Hash: SHA1

[Disclaimer: IANASecurityExpert / BOFH.)

On 31 Dec 1998 06:15:34 GMT, Bob Tennent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 scribed into the Great Tome of Farnarkling:
> I see the following kind of event in my /var/log/messages:
> Dec 31 00:55:16 Tennent identd[2692]: from: ( )
>  for: 4641, 21
> Dec 31 00:55:16 Tennent identd[2692]: Successful lookup: 4641 , 21 : rdt.rdt 
> I don't know why anyone at that site would be looking up anything.

Actually, it's identd looking _them_ up to see who's connecting. I get this
on incoming mail etc..

> Is there any reason to be concerned?

Depends. Compare it to /var/log/secure and see who's tried to access what..
> Bob T.

Michael Fleming.

- -- 
Michael Fleming -=(UDIC)=- / Mallet Wielder
PGP Keys from homepage or keyservers
Home Page:
Nuke a spammer for the deity of your choice today!
"Bill Gates isn't the Devil - Satan made sure Hell worked
 before he opened it to the damned..."

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv



From: "Kenneth Corbin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Infringement of the GPL
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 15:15:46 -0800 (PST)
Reply-To: "Kenneth Corbin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 30 Dec 1998 14:44:31 -0600, Damien Kick wrote:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Malthouse) writes:
>Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any information about such
>a case.  A lot of this thread has spun off into tangents debating
>certain philosophical and/or ideological surronding the GPL.  Closer
>to what I was wondering in my original question, GMT K. Spoon shared
>the anecdote of someone finding his or her own GPLed code in a
>proprietary product who did not prosecute and someone else sent me an
>e-mail suggesting that I look for readings on how the Objective-C
>compiler got into gcc.  However, nothing about an actual court case.
>On the other hand, it is probably a good sign that nobody has pointed
>to a court case in which the GPL has been defeated (or even
>challenged); i.e., someone having modified GPLed source and then
>having successfully restricted the freeware community from the entire
>source tree because they had peed on it, making it "their own".  I
>guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens when it finally

Doubt that any company would be foolish enough to try.  The odds are
too high that the courts would uphold the GPL license which would
effectively release that companies product into the public domain.

Which is also probably the most effective remedy.  Rather than initiate
some expensive litigation, someone who discoveres  obvious and
incontrovertable GPL code in a propietory product can simply post the
entire product source to some public forum, forcing greedy corporation
to go to court to prove that their use of GPL code does not make their
software publicly available.


From: "Jeff Neuffer Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Screen Saver outside X
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 11:19:49 -0500

Where can I edit the line that tells Linux to blank the screen after ##
I checked my /etc/rc.d dir but didn't see anything that caught my eye.

Thanks for any help,


Subject: Linux Roadmap
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 13:18:02 -0500

Anyone know if there is such a thing as a roadmap for Linux in the


From: "Kenneth Corbin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What is partition type F?
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 15:20:09 -0800 (PST)
Reply-To: "Kenneth Corbin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Something new in town.  Partition magic 4.0, and Windows 98 will create
a recognize an extended partition with a type code of F rather that the
customary 5 when it grows beyond a certain size.  Was just wondering
what this is and if there are plans to implement this functionality in
Linux somewhere.


From: Rick Moen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: New HD -- Partitioning question
Date: 31 Dec 1998 22:01:37 GMT

[Followups snipped.]

In comp.os.linux.setup Michael Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi..   I just ordered a new computer and I'm needing to transfer my
: Linux system over to it..   My old drive has 3 partitions -- 1 Linux,
: 1 Swap, and my Win95 partition..  What I want to do is get rid of the
: Win95 partition and resize the Linux one so I can put my old HD in my
: new computer and I'll just use the new HD for Win95..  What program
: should I use to do this?  Should I invest in Partition Magic?  Is fips
: reliable?

How 'bout putting both hard drives in one machine, mounting Linux
partitions from both, and then using tar, or dump/restore, or plain old
"cp -a" to copy the contents?

Cheers,                   The cynics among us might say:   "We laugh, 
Rick Moen                 monkeyboys -- Linux IS the mainstream UNIX now!
rick (at)  MuaHaHaHa!" but that would be rude. -- Jim Dennis


From: Chris Poultney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: telnet problem
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 11:47:09 -0500

When I try to telnet to my machine, I keep having the same problem:  I
get the login and password prompts, but after entering username and
password, I get the 'login incorrect' message.  I've tried enough times
with enough different logins that I know I'm not making a mistake.  Is
there a telnet settings file somewhere of which I'm ignorant?  Please

-Chris P.


Subject: Re: Problems printing to HP LJ5 (Jet Direct)
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 16:55:43 GMT

Well, Just like last time, the problem just fixed itself after a day. This
morning when I restarted lpd, the print jobs started coming out one by one.
Made no changes whatsoever.

Still would like to know if anyone else has seen this problem before.


In article <76evgt$neq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Shahid Sheikh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just spent several hours trying to resolve a printing problem without any
> avail. Just upgraded to Red Hat 5.2 (actually had to do a fresh install) and
> now I can't get the printer to work.
> I'm trying to print to a HP 5M that has a Jet Direct card in it (to which I
> was printing fine before I re-installed my system.) I can configure the
> printer thru the control panel just fine but when I try to print something
> to it, the print queue simply hangs. During this period, the printer stops
> responding completely except to pings. I cant telnet to it and it wont
> respond to lpq queries. Seems like it takes about 5 minutes to time out and
> then daemon on the linux machine stops and the printer starts working again
> (i.e. you can print to from other systems and it responds to lpq and
> telnet.)
> I had the exact same problem when I first installed Red Hat 5.1 but the
> problem went away mysteriously in a couple of days.
> Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
> Also, I noticed that with Red Hat 5.2 installation, only root has read/write
> access to /dev/null which I thought was odd. Had to change it to get Acrobat
> working properly.
> Shahid
> P.S. please include my e-mail address in the response. Thanx.

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Nestor Andrianos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't connect if I'm not root
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 17:14:15 -0500

Michael Davis wrote:
> >On Thu, 31 Dec 1998 12:53:27 -0500, "Sergei Gerasenko"
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>I finally got my PPP up and running even with the scripts. But the problem
> >>now is that I can't do it if I'm not root. My ppp-on doesn't even dial. Of
> >>course I read the HOWTO on PPP and the section about root privelages. But I
> >>seem to have done everything I am to do. I checked the permissions for PPPD.
> >>I made my ppp-on and ppp-on-dialer accessible to other users, but it didn't
> >>work. When I use wvdial it dials O.K. but then fails to connect and the log
> >>says that a PPP operation was not permitted. Obviously it has something to
> >>do with security. When I first ran ppp-on, my log said that a file called
> >>/var/lock/something for TTYS2 couldn't be created because it was not
> >>permitted. It seems like one needs to change permissions for more than just
> >>PPPD and the scripts (pap-secrets and chap-secrets too) to make it work.
> >>Anybody knows a solution?
> >>Thank you,
> >>Sergei
> I'm having the same problem, but I got one step closer. You said:
> >>do with security. When I first ran ppp-on, my log said that a file called
> >>/var/lock/something for TTYS2 couldn't be created because it was not
> >>permitted. It seems like one needs to change permissions for more than just
> What I got was an error saying the user wasn't permitted to create
> a file in /var/run/. So as root I changed the permission of that directory
> to allow anyone to write to it. (I don't know the security implications
> of this, it's just my own machine at home.)
> So it got past that, I got no more errors, but it didn't pick up the line
> and dial.
> --
> // Michael Davis -- Solaris code slave and happy Linux User.
> //
> // From sunny Toronto...

Quick fix: try setting the suid bit on pppd/ppp-on/etc.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Updated DMA-mode IDE drivers for kernel 2.0.x?
Date: 31 Dec 1998 23:07:17 GMT


I've recently gotten a 10GB Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 2500 EIDE hard drive. 
I'd previously been using only SCSI drives.  My motherboard is a FIC
PA-2011, which uses a VIA 590VP chipset, and I can't seem to get a 2.0.36
kernel to use this hardware's DMA features.  (I've recompiled with every
IDE-related feature enabled, and I've mucked with hdparm, with no luck. 
hdparm responds "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted" when I try
using the -d1 option to enable DMA mode.)  The 2.2.0-pre1 kernel DOES use
the DMA features, but I'm not quite ready to update my kernel (my PPP
connection is VERY delicate, and the new kernel breaks it, so I'm putting
this off for a while, if possible).  So my question is:  Is there a patch
available to the 2.0.x series kernels to incorporate the improved EIDE
drivers so I can use DMA mode with my hardware?  Thanks for any tips or

Rod Smith


From: "R.A. Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: fonts in Ljet4 filter?
Date: 31 Dec 1998 10:36:04 PST

Hi -
I've tried to put a line in my lpr filter to change the font,
but no luck.  I looked through the manual that came with my
HP LasetJet 4, and thought I had it, but I guess not.  Have
any of you been sucessful in changing from that gawd-awful
courier font?  I wanted to use Arial, and the manual had several
ways of specifing it, so I tried them all.  Perhaps the command
I am using is the wrong one?

This is a copy of my filter...
#! /bin/sh
# Input filter for HP LaserJet

# Send PCL commands to the printer
echo -ne \\033\&k2G             # Change LF to CR+LF    

echo -ne \\033\&a6L             # Set the left margin to 6 spaces       

# echo -ne \\033\(s218T         # Select Arial font  - One of these?
# echo -ne \\033\(s16602T       # Select Arial font
# echo -ne \\033\(s29T          # Select Arial font
echo -ne \\033\(s4T             # Select Arial font

echo -ne \\033\(s11V            # Select font size

cat                             # Send stdin to stdout

echo -ne \\f                    # Send a form feed at EOF


Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 13:45:14 -0500
From: Andy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for UNIX NT web site

The site you probably want is Netcraft, who more or less is the _the_ authority
on Web servers on the Internet.  You'll want to go to:


> Greeting, A little while ago, I visited a web site that if you input a server
> name such as that it would return the type of server
> software that they where executing. I believe that I got there from a UNIX-NT
> web site. Does anyone know of that web site?
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> Larry Dare
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Subject: Re: Anti-Linux FUD
From: Darin Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Dec 1998 15:59:18 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Ord) writes:

> But it will access the info faster than opening up and reading a
> regular file. How much faster, I don't know though. It also has
> limitations on how much info you can store, but if you need more
> storage, use a regular file.

But you are opening and reading a file, the "directory".  The
advantage is that the OS will do the IO for you.  But with
programming, you can get faster access than a directory will give you.

And how do you use it in a program?  opendir() followed by lots of
readdir()s until it's found?

Darin Johnson
    Gravity is a harsh mistress -- The Tick


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clive DaSilva)
Subject: Re: make zImage fails at last step
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 23:49:14 GMT


I had sort of the same prob compiling the 2.0.36 kernel. something to
do with the version of gcc compiler which came with 2.0.34. check out as there is something in the news there which
directs u to a patch for the source code, before u do the make zImage

good luck

Jing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am compiling my kernel using the following commands:
>    make xconfig;
>    make dep; make clean; make zImage;
>Everything goes well until the last step, it says:
>Compressed size 20.
>gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.0.34/include -traditional -c head.S
>gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.0.34/include -O2 -DSTDC_HEADERS   -c
>misc.c -o misc.o
>ld -qmagic -Ttext 0xfe0 -o vmlinux head.o misc.o piggy.o
>ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00000fe0
>misc.o: In function `fill_inbuf':
>misc.o(.text+0x1bd8): undefined reference to `input_data'
>misc.o(.text+0x1bdd): undefined reference to `input_len'
>misc.o(.text+0x1bf3): undefined reference to `input_data'
>make[2]: *** [vmlinux] Error 1
>make[2]: Leaving directory
>make[1]: *** [compressed/vmlinux] Error 2
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.34/arch/i386/boot'
>make: *** [zImage] Error 2
>Then it stops. Could you tell me what I should do to solve this?
>My email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Clive DaSilva CMA       


From: Prasanth Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: How To Slow Down System Clock
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:05:54 GMT

There are some network based clock adjustment programs around. They
contact a server on the internet which has access to a atomic clock
time signal. Then you can set up a cron script to sync the time every
few hours or so. 

Eddie Atherton wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that my date/time was slowly drifting.
> After running a few experiments I determined that my System clock is
> gaining about 40 seconds a day. My Hardware clock gains about 4
> seconds a day.
> Now I know (I think) how to compensate for the Hardware clock drift
> using CLOCK (or HWCLOCK). But doesn't that rely on a accurate System
> clock.
> How can I either find out why my System clock is gaining, or teach it
> to keep accurate time.
> The load on the machine is vey low. It's my cable modem masquerade box
> that also runs SAMBA to provide print and file sharing (again very low
> usage).
> -Cheers,
> Eddie
> Remove ONYERBIKE to e-mail me.


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: parport/ppa problem with 2.2.0pre1
Date: 31 Dec 1998 15:14:13 -0800

Hash: SHA1
[posted and mailed]
>>>>> "Griffin" == Griffin Caprio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Griffin> I can't even get my printer to work under 2.2.0pre1.  It
    Griffin> works fine in 2.0.36, but not in the newer kernels.  I
    Griffin> tried to switch from lp1 to lp0 and it still doesn't
    Griffin> work.  Any tips?

Have you read parport.txt in /usr/src/linux/Documentation?  Might be
some necessary information in there.

To get my printer to work on my PC I added this to my lilo startup

parport=0x378,7 lp=parport0

Then I set /dev/lp -> /dev/lp0 and in /etc/printcap, changed the
device to /dev/lp0 as well.

When you boot, if you look at your boot messages, you should see
something like

parport0: PC-style at 0x378, irq 7 [SPP,ECP,ECPPS2]
[ ... ]
lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).

Looking at these messages may give you a clue where the error occurs. 


#! /usr/bin/perl # if you are [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Another Luser):
while ($line = <>){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ last; }
if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/){ $from_address = $1; } }
if ($from_address =~ m/\S+NOSPAM\S+/){ $x = index($from_address, NOSPAM);
substr($from_address, $x, 6+1) = ""; printf("The real address is %s\n",
$from_address);}else { printf("No munge, just plain %s\n",$from_address);}
printf("\nBrought to you by the Truth In Mail Headers Foundation\n");

- -- 
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv




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