Linux-Misc Digest #931, Volume #18                Sat, 6 Feb 99 18:13:12 EST

  Re: How to make it run faster? (Wildman, the Cuberstalker)
  Re: installing win95 on slave disk ("Steve D. Perkins")
  Re: Advice for Microsoft-haters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HP Dat Drive (Charles Stroom)
  Re: Linux driver - legal issue (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Bunch of pretentious Wankers (Ski Wago)
  Re: Getting the time right in netscape and elsewhere. (Bob Nelson)
  Re: Only one browser for linux? (Bob Nelson)
  Re: soundblaster card on redhat 5.1 (tengkj)
  Re: X and ATI Rage IIc AGP (Ben Russo)
  Which Netscape? (Joseph Casey)
  Re: KDE Desktop with Redhat Apollo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Kernel 2.2.1 ("Johnny Stork")
  Re: Making FAT32 Partitions Available to Normal Users ("Steve D. Perkins")
  Advice on requirements for office system (Allen)
  Re: Where's "make" command? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: I am a microsoft user and want to use linux... HELP!!! (Jerry Lynn Kreps)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wildman, the Cuberstalker)
Subject: Re: How to make it run faster?
Date: 6 Feb 1999 22:06:55 GMT

On 06 Feb 1999 18:07:47 GMT, Philip Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I'm sorry, I was assuming linux had a decent swapping algorithm. I stand

Well, it's decent enough IMO. But no swapping algorithm can deal with the
pages being too big to fit in physical ram, thus resulting in pages being
swapped. If there were such a thing, we'd all stop buying memory and just
get bigger hard drives.

Wildman, the Cuberstalker
Thank you, Microsoft, and please get out of the way.
Fight spam -


From: "Steve D. Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.windows95,alt.windows95,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: installing win95 on slave disk
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 18:15:04 +0000

    The best dual-boot program I've seen so far is MasterBooter
(, it allows you to "hide" FAT and NTFS
partitions so that an OS on a slave drive can be "tricked" into thinking it's
on the first primary partition.  The free shareware version allows you to have
up to three operating systems on your machine, the $20 registered version
allows up to six.

    Good luck!



> Hello,
> I have linux installed on my machine, and want to put in my second hard disk
> and install windoze95 on it so that I can play my games.  Now, I know that
> Windoze demands that it be installed on the first partition on the first
> disk, but I was wondering if there is a way around this.  Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Morgan Terry
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Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Advice for Microsoft-haters
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 21:55:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> It was the Wed, 03 Feb 1999 02:12:38 GMT...
> ..and Andy Wendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (very much tongue in cheek)
> >
> > Why the United States is better than:
> [schnibble]
> > Argentina: Too close to the south pole... the seasons are backwards...
> > too many trees, too much wildlife...(although the girls there are
> > really really cute, and there are lots of pretty tropical fish)
> :)
> I suppose it gets really, really cold in Argentina, too... In that
> respect, it's just like Finland.

It depends. It varies from rainforests to glaciers.
Advantages of a long country ;-)

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles Stroom)
Subject: Re: HP Dat Drive
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 22:10:53 GMT

On Sat, 6 Feb 1999 19:22:43 +0000, Simon Faulkner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am using an HP Dat drive with Taper in RH5.2
>Does anyone know how I can get it to eject the tape automatically as a
>cron job?
>My users are too stoopid to press the eject button!

mt -f device_file rewoffl

Charles Stroom


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Linux driver - legal issue
Date: 6 Feb 1999 18:13:32 GMT

In <799rig$m81$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Henrik Seidel) 

>I have a legal problem;

For legal questions ask a lawyer. Noone on the net will be able to give
you legal advice ( even by law).

>I wrote a Linux kernel driver for the Typhoon radio card


>Since I had no technical documentation, I used DOSemu to record the
>ports (and transmitted values) used by the software that came with
>the card. I sent an email to the product management of the card
>manufacturer, but I did not get any response.

>My question is now: Is it illegal to release the kernel driver without
>an explicit permission of the manufacturer?

I have read on the net that there have been a number of cases in the USA
ruling that trade secrets are not immune to reverse engineering. If you
explicitely enetered into a secrecy agreement with the manufacturer,
then you are in trouble. If not it will depend on the law in your
jurisdiction. As a minimum, I would write a letter -- registered mail--
and send it to the manufacturer stating that you are releasing the
software on such and such a date, and that you will take the lack of a
response from them as permission for you to so release the program.

Of course, to some extent the law does not matter, since if they decided
to take you to court, your would be "punished" already, despite whatever
they managed to do in court.
>BTW, I am a German citizen and I live in Germany.

>I'd be grateful about any information on this issue.

>With kind regards
>                                       --- Henrik

>Dr. Henrik Seidel,
>Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
>14195 Berlin, GERMANY, Ihnestrasse 73
>tel: ++49-30-8413-1613 fax: ++49-30-8413-1384
>see my home page for my public PGP key


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ski Wago)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Bunch of pretentious Wankers
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 22:17:41 GMT

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999 08:38:32 -0600, Steve

>On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, mlw wrote:
>> > AFAIK Bill Gates and Bill Clinton are both US citizens
>> > </cheap shot>
>> I actually like Bill Clinton. Big deal, he got caught getting a blow
>> job? Show me a man that has never lied about sex, and I'll show you a
>> man that has never had any.
>> As for Bill Gates, he is a troubling person. He is both so powerful and
>> insecure at the same time. This is a bad mix from any perspective.
>> -- 
>> Mohawk Software
>> Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
> Visit the Mohawk Software website:
>Apologies for being off topic, but as someone said, most everything lately
>here is.  

1. LINUX and OFF-TOPIC-ness ...

Most on-topic postings in Linux NG that I read are about setup
problems. This is interesting if one has a solution or one has a
similar problem.
There is not much like "I have a great idea on how to get xyz done",
"I just had a nice surprise with Linux " ...
Being a newbie myself, I keep trying to get my Linux running, I skip
all unrelated problems-postings.
Instead, I read these silly my-father-is-better-than-yours stuff (like
"I am going back to windoze, follow me"), at least it is amusing.
Maybe, when more and more people get more nice things done with Linux,
we will have some more interesting ON-TOPIC postings ...
At this time, my on-topic opinion: "At last I have GIMP working now
!!! Internet is still only possible with MSWindows, but I wonīt give
up. I donīt think Linux is THAT easy to deal with, but it is worth
while learning, should be better than learning Windows (1995-1998, in
my case. 1995 I would say: "Why would I need a graphical OS anyway ")

2. Some more off-topic remarks ...

Bill Gates has just visited my hometown (Dusseldorf, Germany), but
unfortunately I was not there, so no cake in his face this time ...
The latest rumor: "He is suffering from FROG DISEASE
(Froschkrankheit). People with frog disease produce an usual amount of
body secretion (and also look like a frog ?!), this is also the reason
why he has so many bathrooms in his house.

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is not bad. I mean, who WANTS to be a
President? Of all the lunatics that want to, he might be the one of
the best. In Germany, it is a bit similar now: Gerhard Schroeder is
not the one who could sell me a second hand car, but after about 15
years of Helmut Kohl government I still feel some kind of relief now.


From: Bob Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Getting the time right in netscape and elsewhere.
Date: 6 Feb 1999 16:06:38 -0600

Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Duncan Simpson wrote:
>> BTW What time do they use in Los Almos and how is it related to GMT?

> I think it's in Texas, so It should be central time.

Los Alamos is in one of the states fortunate enough to border Texas, 
New Mexico and it's on Mountain Time.

You may be thinking of The Great Shrine of Liberty, the Alamo, which 
is here in the blessed state of Texas, land of the free, a solidly 
Republican state (likely home of the next President of these United 
States) as well being the home of one of the largest -- and most 
active -- LUGs in the world.

We're also #1 in (legal) college football recruiting, too. As if that 
weren't enough, Tux the Penguin is an Aggie. 

....and that's the way it is.  <-- he's from here too

Good day. <-- he's not

          Bob Nelson -- Dallas, Texas, USA ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
``Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.''


From: Bob Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Only one browser for linux?
Date: 6 Feb 1999 16:20:00 -0600

Steve D. Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Try the HotJava browser (version 1.1.5) from Linux-friendly Sun
>> Microsystems. More than a ``proof of concept'', it works quite nicely
>> and of course is Java savvy.

> Does the Linux port suck and crash as often as the Windows one?

It's quite solid while running on the Linux operating system. Although
it may not be the most responsive graphical browser, it is reliable
and conformant to current standards. I'm confident that as the JVM
continues to improve, HotJava's performance will be enhanced.

> P.S.  Isn't it funny that Java is supposed to be so cross-platform, but Sun's
> download section always contains a "Windows port", "Solaris port", etc. for
> everything?  <smile>

They do need to change that, IMHO. With the accelerated growth of Linux
(and Unix in general), I personally think that Sun should start taking 
a less enthusiastic stance toward the Windows ``operating'' environment,
placing a greater emphasis on those OSs that are more attuned to Sun's

          Bob Nelson -- Dallas, Texas, USA ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
``Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.''


Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 00:39:38 +0800
From: tengkj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: soundblaster card on redhat 5.1

have u run sndconfig?
have u try play on a wav file eg play chime.wav?

mm5087 wrote:

> S.O.S
> actually i'm using linux redhat 5.1 (newbie) on 486dx50, my only problem
> is i can't get any sound from my pc. before i shifted from NT4.0 to
> linux, my sound card works well with configuration,
>     irq=5, dma=1,5 add=220
>     my cdrom is AZTECH 4X type IDE
> i try to cnfigure tru kernel by doing the following steps
> a. make config ----> choose sb16 with the same configuration when i was
> using NT
>     make dep ; make clean
> but still can't get any sound,
> b. i try to use 'sndconfig' but i got error when modprobe try to 'probe'
> my card.
> am i doing wrong, please help me on this matters..
> thanks


From: Ben Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X and ATI Rage IIc AGP
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 17:33:11 -0500

Calle Hilborn wrote:
> This video card does not appear in the list when configuring X. And when
> probing for card specifics it returns an error!
> Can someone please help me?
> I installed Linux and used it for the first time this tuesday, so, please be
> rather specific when describing HOWTO.
> Regards
> Calle

Different models of video cards sometimes have VERY different
hardware even though the names are similar.

Try installing Linux without doing any probing.  The VGA
X-server should work in 640x480 mode with 256 colors (8-bpp 
bit per pixel or 8bit depth) with all cards that are VGA.

The ATI Rage chipset should work with the "Mach64" X-server
        (when you hear X-server think "video card driver that
                                        has an X api")

After you have Linux installed, log in as root and run:
"SuperProbe". For example:

[brusso@smegma brusso]$ su
[root@smegma brusso]# SuperProbe

SuperProbe Version 2.17 (22 October 1998)
        (c) Copyright 1993,1994 by David Wexelblat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        (c) Copyright 1994-1998 by The XFree86 Project, Inc

        This work is derived from the '' and
        '' documentation packages produced by Finn
        Thoegersen, and released with all appropriate permissions
        having been obtained.  Additional information obtained from
        'Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA, 2nd ed', by Richard
        Ferraro, and from manufacturer's data books

Bug reports are welcome, and should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In particular, reports of chipsets that this program fails to
correctly detect are appreciated.

Before submitting a report, please make sure that you have the
latest version of SuperProbe (see

          READ THE SuperProbe.1 MANUAL PAGE BEFORE


First video: Super-VGA
        Chipset: ATI 264GT3 (3D Rage III) (Port Probed)
        Memory:  4096 Kbytes
        RAMDAC:  ATI Mach64 integrated 15/16/24/32-bit DAC w/clock
                 (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in 6-bit mode))
                 (programmable for 6/8-bit wide lookup tables)
        Attached graphics coprocessor:
                Chipset: ATI Mach64
                Memory:  4096 Kbytes

after you have installed Linux try "XF8Setup"


From: Joseph Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Which Netscape?
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 18:44:29 +0000

I would like advice on which Netscape package is best for me.
I need mail, news, and web brouser. I do not need webpage creation or
web server.
I see both Communicator 4.0 and 4.5 on Netscape's site. What is the
Are special libraries needed to run NS on Linux?
I am using kernel version 2.03 with glibc-2.0.5c, soon to upgrade to
kernel 2.2


Subject: Re: KDE Desktop with Redhat Apollo
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 19:07:30 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I doesn't set the size correctly for many applications, I have the French
> > version and
> > > it clips messages, which makes it unintelligible.
> >
> > This should be mostly fixed in the real-soon-now version 1.1.
> > If you find places where it isn't, please report it in
> > It's a rather easy to fix problem, but it is sadly too easy to miss the
> > places where it happens.
> >
> I've read of lot of problems about the beta version so I'm waiting for the
> release. I'm trying to setup the kernel 2.2.x right now, so one new item at
> time.

Release is going to probably be this weekend, so it's not a long wait :-)

> > One practical solution is to use a local news server and connect to it.
> > Before you run scared, let me say there are at least two servers which are
> > very easy to setup, leafnode and noffle. Check them out!
> >
> You mean replace my news server by my own or do I misundertand you?

You install in your own computer a news server which gets the news from your
provider's server. It's not as terrible as it sounds, and it's basically a
self maintaining thing. It's really worth the try!

> > > Using the useless snd program is a problem, size wise. KDE find a stupid
> > to put
> > > it (near the end of the screen) and makes it larger than the screen (my
res is
> > > 1024x768) It is ridiculous to assume that the average user has over 12k or
> > more
> > > resolution
> >
> > snd? Is that a KDE program?
> >
> A sound reader program to record music off CD or LPs. It refuses to record at
> higher speed that 8035Hz which is useless. My input of 44100 is overwritten
with the
> ridiculous default. I have to go to winblows NT to record my LPs.

I insist: is it a KDE program? There is a sound recorder for KDE, too, but I
don't know if it's the one you are talking about. So, unless I am sure what
program you are referring to, it's not easy to help you.

Roberto Alsina (KDE developer, MFCH)

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From: "Johnny Stork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel 2.2.1
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 11:20:59 -0800

I just upgraded to Kernel 2.0 something (Caldera Linux 1.3) and although the
compile and loading the Kernel seem to be fine, a couple of things cropped
up. (KDE as wm and XFree 3.3.3)

1: In xconfig Kernel settings, the section Console has most of the video
boards greyed out including the Millenium 11 which I am running?

2: Two error message come up on boot about missing files.

/ect/rc.d/rc.boot: /proc/sys/Kernel/file-max: no such file or directory
/ect/rc.d/rc.boot: /proc/sys/Kernel/inode-max: no such file or directory

I checked and these files dont exist??

3: StarOffice will not start up now

4: Most important, now when I run kppp and try an internet connection, it
dials, and starts to log in and then gives back a message about "pppd daemon
quiting unexpectedly" or something.

5: One last thing which also occured under previous Kernel. When I ran the
KDE programs memory info it works fine and shows me total mem, cached,
swapped ect. When I run the processor info app (while mem info is running),
nothing starts but the unused memory starts to get eaten up until it is
pretty much all used up? A ps shows that the mem info app is running and I
have to kill the process before all my ram gets eaten??


From: "Steve D. Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Making FAT32 Partitions Available to Normal Users
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 19:30:20 +0000

> >    Does anyone know an easy way to give read-write permissions to
> >ordinary users for a mounted FAT32 partition... or what the missing link
> >might be with the CD-ROM?  Thanks!
> >
> FAT32: Have you set permissions for the directory where the partition
>        is mounted? It should be writable by 'other'.
> CDROM: Check the permissions for the file that the link /dev/cdrom points to.
>        It should be readable by 'other'.

    Thanks!  I made the change to the cdrom (sure enough, it wasn't readable to
users), and that problem was fixed instantly.

    However, my FAT32 parition is still stumping me.  I have set user read-write
permissions on both the mount point, and the actual hard drive in "/dev" as
well... but the permissions for the mount point automatically revert to their old
read-only value whenever the drive is mounted (and then change again when it's

    Weird stuff... I wonder if it could have anything to do with "fstab" or the
mounting options.  "linuxconf" made some changes to it that I don't quite
recognize... does this make any sense?.....


/dev/hdb1               /                       ext2    defaults        1 1
/dev/hdb2               swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2  user,exec,dev,suid,rw,noauto 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660  user,exec,dev,suid,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdc1 /mnt/cdrive vfat  user,exec,dev,suid,rw 0 0
none                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0


Subject: Advice on requirements for office system
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 22:35:09 +0000


I have been asked to look into a Linux setup for a medium office. I
already have Linux operating (Samba) as a fileserver in another office
so have *some* of the basics.

What they require is as follows:

Requirement                     Propose?

(1) Webserver                   Apache
(2) "Queued" email POP/SMTP     qMail / SendMail ?
(3) Firewall                    Squid?
(4) IP Gateway                  IP Masq with Diald ? (Dial on demand)


(a) They wish users to have internal email addresses linked to a
standard Internet domain (eg:, given users have seperate
accounts on remote servers which they want "mapped" to the local
internal email address (eg: [EMAIL PROTECTED] is picked up and sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) - I assume qmail can do this by connecting,
retrieving and then forwarding (.forward) to the internal address?

(b) They want the main machine to have two network cards joining to two
seperate networks for connectivity. However, there must be a firewall to
ensure external users cannot (easily!) get into the internal LAN.

(c) They will most likely want to use ISDN - Any thgouths on URLs I
could read up on these? (they have also suggested a router for this

(d) What would be a resonable hardware specification to allow for
growth? ... currently say 50 users on two seperate networks. Expecting
between 2500 - 5000 "individual visitors" on the web site per day.

Appreciate answers "CC'd" to me by email as my ISPs news server is
giving problems at the moment.

Many thanks!

- Al.


Subject: Re: Where's "make" command?
Date: 6 Feb 1999 21:25:44 +0100

damz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trying to install the new kernel 2.2.1. Went  to run make and got there
> is no such file. Tried it from /usr/src/linux and elsewere. Am running
> RH 5.2. Anyone know where it is?

 I've SuSE 6.0
 make is /usr/bin/make

# rpm -qfi /usr/bin/make
Name        : make                        Distribution: SuSE Linux 6.0
Version     : 3.76.1                            Vendor: SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
Release     : 30                            Build Date: Sat Dec 12 01:10:33 1998
Install date: Thu Jan 21 02:02:42 1999      Build Host: Poisson
Group       : unsorted                      Source RPM: make-3.76.1-30.src.rpm
Size        : 234917                           License: 1998 - not specified
Packager    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Summary     : GNU make command
Description : 
GNU make command
Group:        unsorted
Autoreqprov:  on

> Thanks!
> David

 so probably you have to install make package. I'd advise to include 
gcc in installation too or next time you will aske where to find compiler :) 

Andrey Nikolaev                                 Ulm university, 
Department of Biophysics.                       Germany.
                Email: Andrey.Nikolaev@!get-lost-spammer! 
                Substitute physik instead of !*! .                      


From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I am a microsoft user and want to use linux... HELP!!!
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 15:53:03 -0600

Koyo wrote:
> yes this is my problem i am a microsoft user right now but i am trying to
> get out of it! The problem is when i try to partition my hard drive with
> partition magig 3,05 the linuxext2 is not part of my choices.
> i wan't to have 2 partitions one for linux and one for microsoft(that
> fucking curse). I presently have a copy of linux Redhat5,2B and i need to
> know how to install it on my computer so if anyone knows how i could do this
> please help me!!!!
> Thanks alot for all your help in advance if you need to reach me

Run scandisk and defrag to clean up your HD and pack everything to the
low end of the disk.

You can download a DOS program called FIPS, which will allow you to
repartition your HD without loosing any data.  It has a complete set of
instructions on how to use it.  Give as much to the Linux partition as
you can.  There is lots of fun to be found in Linux and you will want
lots of space to try the tons of stuff available.

Then, boot your RH CDROM and when you come to the second about running
"Disk Druid" or Fdisk choose Fdisk.  It will allow you to break up the
new partition into at least two smaller ones.
Make one about twice the size of your onboard RAM memory, or 128MB max.
it will be the swap space.
The rest will be '/' (root) and contain everything else. This is the
simplest installation.  But it doesn't allow you to unload a partition
and do maintainance or modifications on it because the system software
is on the one and only partition.

Some use several partions: /-50MB (boot and some system software),
swap-128MB, /user-1GB, /opt-1GB, /etc - 250MB, /tmp-???MB. How big each
partition is depends on what kind of apps you are going to load and
where you load them.

I have six partitions on my system.
Good luck!



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