Linux-Misc Digest #291, Volume #19                Thu, 4 Mar 99 01:13:11 EST

  Re: equivalent of edit? (Dan Nguyen)
  Re: Xdm and NFS??? (Roland Latour)
  Re: equivalent of edit? (Dan Nguyen)
  Adjust time drift? (Stef)
  WordPerfect complains (**Nick Brown)
  Compiling eth-adapter-Modul (Surfer Netzbetrieb)
  Re: newbie! Lexmark 5700 printer...HELP! ("Thomas T. Veldhouse")
  Re: newbie questions ("Jaze")
  Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion (William Burrow)
  Re: Ls command (Ed Allen)
  Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ls -l question (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: Compiling a c++ program (Paul Kimoto)
  Starting X at boot (**Nick Brown)
  Re: More bad news for NT (Arthur Corliss)
  printer not working after upgrade to kernel2.2.2 (John Pruce)
  Re: Kernel NFS Problem; device busy (Tim Dawson)
  Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?) (Steve Martonak)
  Re: CRON problem (Alex Yung)
  Re: WordPerfect complains (**Nick Brown)
  Re: FreeBSD vs. Linux vs. Windows (Robert Sexton)
  Re: Kernel 2.2.2 Intel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Squid access (Jussi Torhonen)


From: Dan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: equivalent of edit?
Date: 4 Mar 1999 04:30:57 GMT

Mr. Tinkertrain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: use pico or vi.  in x11 use emacs.

Pico blows.  Use vi or emacs.

           Dan Nguyen            | There is only one happiness in
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |   life, to love and be loved. |                   -George Sand


From: Roland Latour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Xdm and NFS???
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 07:59:02 -0800

>   I've got this really weird problem with xdm that I can't figure out. I have
> linux boxes (RH5.2) that I can start xdm in the inittab or manually,
> everything works as expected, i.e., they user logs on the xdm login screen,
> and the gui starts right up, fvwm2 or AfterStep or whatever, depending upon
> what they've got in their home directories.  However, I'm trying to setup
> some remotebooting, diskless workstations. These have the exact same users,
> and their home directories get mounted by NFS, and NIS works perfectly. But
> in these, the /usr and /opt directories also are mounted by NFS. Okay, so if
> I don't have xdm running, and joeuser logs in and starts X with startx, the
> gui starts up just fine, everythings works great, just as if he were on the
> NIS server where his home directory.  If, though, xdm is running (and
> everything else is the same), when joeuser logs in, all he gets is twm. Same
> even if root logs in, and roots directory is, of course, local. So it's not
> the NIS and NFS mounted /home/directories, it's got to be something weird
> with the NFS mounted /usr directories. But what?  One hint -- although I
> don't know what to make of it -- is that as soon as I moved /usr to the boot
> server and mounted it by NFS, startx also failed until I copied XF86Config
> from /etc/X11/XF86Config to /etc/XF86Config. Which seems pretty weird to me.
> Or actually I just linked /etc/XF86Config to /etc/X11/XF86Config.  So
> apparantly xdm can't find the right files to start fvwm2, but why not?

Xdm logs errors to its errorLogFile as described in its configfile,
/usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config. That's usually xdm-errors. Take a look at
it. Also look in Xsession, does it redirect errors elsewhere? Mine does:

# redirect errors to a file in user's home directory if we can
for errfile in "$HOME/.xsession-errors" "${TMPDIR-/tmp}/xses-$USER"
        if ( cp /dev/null "$errfile" 2> /dev/null )
                chmod 600 "$errfile"
                exec > "$errfile" 2>&1

So check those files for error indications. Follow the logfiles.
 Retired Tech Support Engineer
   Young at Heart. Slightly Older in Other Places.


From: Dan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: equivalent of edit?
Date: 4 Mar 1999 04:34:57 GMT

ErickShun6 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I know it's kinda a stupid question but what is the equvalent of
: edit in linux?

I've used vi, emacs and even pico.  I personally hate pico.  Vi and
emacs are completely different from each other.  Some people swear by
vi and others love emacs.  Vi edits, thats all, its wierd getting
started but once you learn the basics its easy.

With emacs you simply start typing.  But quiting might be
interesting (same with vi).  Emacs can do everything.  If you ever use
AOL's IM.  Then you can use emacs as your client =)

           Dan Nguyen            | There is only one happiness in
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |   life, to love and be loved. |                   -George Sand


Subject: Adjust time drift?
Date: 3 Mar 1999 17:20:52 +0100

My machine drifts about 30 seconds every day. So I have a daily cron
job that performs a rdate. But 30 seconds is quite a lot. Is there a
better possibility to adjust the system time?
WebMaster D-WERK
President SOS-ETH 
ETH Zurich


From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WordPerfect complains
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 17:21:25 +0100

I downloaded WordPerfect for Linux... the install went OK but at the end
it complained about missing  It also complains about the
same thing when I run it.  This is on Debian - where do I get ?  Can't find a Debian package with that name.

|\ | o  _ |/                               Life's like a jigsaw
| \| | |_ |\                          You get the straight bits
                    But there's something missing in the middle

Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)fr)


From: Surfer Netzbetrieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Compiling eth-adapter-Modul
Date: 3 Mar 1999 16:19:36 GMT

make modules with Kernel 2.0.34 doesn't compile


Thats the driver for     hp10/100TX   eth-adapter.
The reason is, I think, that with Suse 5.2 (Kernel 2.0.33) the modul was
an experimental version. Also, I have to compile manually.  But how ?
Can somebody help to compile ? gcc -c eepro100.c produces only errors!

thanks in advance


From: "Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie! Lexmark 5700 printer...HELP!
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 08:24:39 -0600

I have this same printer and it is not supported under Linux (or any UNIX).
The problem is that Lexmark has created a proprietary language for this
printer (not PCL) that only Windows and OS2 drivers have been written for.
Lexmark refuses (so far) to release the specs.  Nobody has really made an
attempt at creating a filter that will translate postscript to this printer
language.  It would require reverse engineering the language for the traffic
going through the LPT port, and that is more than it is worth.  I have not
tried setting it up as a really old HP, but I have heard that some Lexmarks
will understand the old HP language and work.  I doubt the 5700 does though.

Tom Veldhouse

root wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have a Lexmark 5700 printer and I'm trying to set it up under Linux. I
>tried to set it up as a text only printer but it won't print at all. Can
>anyone tell me how to set this up correctly? (I mean set it up as a good
>graphics printing printer under Linux)?
>I've installed RH 5.1 in my Pentium-350. Please help.


From: "Jaze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: newbie questions
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 20:59:05 -0800

Actually, that's part of X.  It does seem strange that the start menu bar is
down that far though.  It is normal to have that big of a desktop though.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <7bkv75$dkd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I installed red hat 5.0 (i know 5.2 is the current version, but 5.0 came
>the book i bought), using the default values for monitor rates and such.
>Everything seems ok, but in x-window; the desktop/workarea seems like twice
>what is visible on my monitor. For example, I have to scroll way down to
>the start menu bar. Likewise, I can scroll left or right to off-monitor
>desktop space. I presume I set something wrong. Can someone please help?
>Also, how does one exit a "man" page? Sorry for the newbie questions.
>and regards.
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion
Date: 4 Mar 1999 04:30:18 GMT

On 03 Mar 1999 10:14:52 -0700,
Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefaan A Eeckels) writes:
>> OK. Let's have objects (not programs) as execution entities. Let's
>> have them permanently available. A shell (for lack of a better word)
>> that allows you to string objects together. You'd have an "editor
>> object" that would be used for all editing functions, instead of
>> a bunch of programs that have their own editors. I'd like to see
>> a mail interface that can be dynamically constructed from available
>> "objects": an editor, a mime handler, an information organizer, etc.
>> It should be possible to construct a news reader from the same
>> components, dynamically. Not a huge editor that does everything
>> through LISP - more a computerized Lego.

I dunno, every few months I hear this stuff and think to myself:

Here is somebody who doesn't understand Oberon, destined to implement
it poorly.

>UNIX does the above for command-line purposes.  If you replace
>'object' with 'file' or 'stdio' (depending on the method or instance)
>in the above paragraph, you pretty much have a definition of UNIX.
>Where UNIX gets into problems is with the graphical interface (what is 
>an $EDITOR object?  how do you embed it into your application?).
>Heck, the mail example is commonly used in UNIX text books.

There is a subtle difference between doing things procedurally and
doing them the OO way.  I'd suggest going over to comp.lang.oberon
and picking their brains for a little while.  Read their FAQ and
play with their software.  

>A UNIX programmer can *decide* to objectify their applications when
>appropriate, but they don't always have to do so.  At the processor
>level, everything is going to look like C (a glorious macro-assembler, 
>IMO) anyway so why not let the programmer decide where to abstract?

Yes, well, consider that most modern processors are optimized as C
oriented processors (OK, some look at things with Pascal in mind).
The Java VM runs somewhat poorly partially due to the lack of support
from the processor wrt primitives. 

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


Subject: Re: Ls command
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Allen)
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 06:18:27 -0600

In article <7bhnps$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jim Geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Luca Satolli ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>: Hi,
>: I've seen the option --color in man pages of 'ls', I think it's very
>: usefull, I'd like to know if I could select it by default so that I
>: haven't to type it all times.
>: Thanks a lot & best regards
>: Luca Satolli
>You can try setting the environment variable LS_OPTIONS.  Mine looks like
>LS_OPTIONS=--8bit --color=tty -N -T 0

You can automate setting that up by using:

        $ eval `dircolors`

The dircolors command sets up the environment variables
and adds some aliases for you (like dir and vdir).

        $ dircolors

by itself to see what it does.  The eval with the BACKTICKs
applies the output of dircolors to your current shell as
if you had typed it all in.

                Ed Allen

                Kansas City Linux Users Group


Subject: Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: 4 Mar 1999 00:21:14 -0500

>>I'm always irritated when I hear people talk about OO design, when it
>>is patently impossible to implement such a design on the current
>>(mainstream) OSes, because these deal with processes and files, not
>>with objects. 

even a turing machine needs to make a distinction between its data and its
code. you cannot avoid it. so what is so bad about a process / file
abstraction? it seems like the same thing.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: ls -l question
Date: 4 Mar 1999 00:24:19 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Seth Van Oort wrote:
>Brian Donovan wrote:
>> When using ls in the verbose mode (option l) what is the second column of
>> numbers indicate. For example:
>> drwxr-xr-x   5 donovan  donovan      1024 Feb 26 11:45 Desktop

> number of hard links to the file

The first character is "d", so it's a directory.  Under unix,
a directory is just a funny kind of file.  There are five links:
one (named "Desktop") from .., one  (named ".") from ., and
three (named "..") from its subdirectories.

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: Compiling a c++ program
Date: 4 Mar 1999 00:28:01 -0500

In article <7SjD2.2676$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, William Wueppelmann wrote:
> cc  -O3 -g -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-format -W
> -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -I -fno-strength-reduce
> -DREGPARAM="__attribute__((regparm(3)))"  -I/usr/X11R6/include -I./
> -DBROKEN_JOYSTICK_H= -DFRODO_HPUX_REV=0 -DKBD_LANG=0 -o main.o -c main.cpp
> cc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory
> I can manually compile main.c using
>  g++ -c main.cpp
> with no problems, though when I try
>  gcc -c main.cpp
> I get the same problem.  The problem program in question seems to be
> located at
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/egcs-2.90.29/cc1plus

Probably your gcc is gcc-2.7.2.x and doesn't know anything about your g++,
which is egcs-2.90.29.  This is how Debian does it (and they provide the 
egcs C compiler as "egcc").

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Starting X at boot
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 18:12:15 +0100

When I installed X (on Debian), it said "do you want to run X by hand
(startx) or automatically (XDM)".  I chose startx.  Now I've changed my
mind (of course) - where do I add XDM ?  I could reinstall X but it's
very flaky on Debian 2.0 (I needed about four reinstalls before it would
agree to let me into the graphics setup).

|\ | o  _ |/                               Life's like a jigsaw
| \| | |_ |\                          You get the straight bits
                    But there's something missing in the middle

Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)fr)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur Corliss)
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: 3 Mar 1999 08:07:43 -0900

On Tue, 02 Mar 1999 11:28:31 -0600, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>One particularly annoying thing about Netscape is that it is always
>contacting my DNS server for no apparent reson.  When I'm not connected
>I can't use netscape because it will take forever to start ...

Sounds like you have a configuration problem.  Mine can tell damn near
immediately that it's not connected, and pulls the home page from the cache.
I'd be looking at your network setup, if I were you.

        --Arthur Corliss
          Bolverk's Lair --
          "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Pruce)
Subject: printer not working after upgrade to kernel2.2.2
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 17:06:40 GMT

I have SUSE 5.3 and I upgraded the kernel to 2.2.2 and now the
parallel print port is not recognized. I compiled parport into the
kernel with lp.o as a module. Thank for your help. John


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Dawson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Kernel NFS Problem; device busy
Date: 4 Mar 1999 05:21:40 GMT

If you exported it (required for remote systems to mount the partition)
then the mount point truly IS busy (by the NFS daemons and/or mountd) and 
hence cannot be unmounted.  Try unexporting it first.

Tim Dawson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                    Owner/Engineer
TPC Services                                        Bellnet: (972)-221-7385
Lewisville, Texas 75067                             FAXnet:  (972)-221-0393
"The world is complex. reflects this...."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Martonak)
Subject: Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?)
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 17:13:19 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Anglesio) wrote:


>Note that the interstate highway system was built under Eisenhower, to
>facilitate troop movements (I believe that the initial plan was suggested
>by Gen. Lucius Floyd (?), the commanding general of the Berlin airlift;

IIRC, in the early 20s Eisenhower was part of a cross country truck
convoy, after which he became a strong proponent of a national highway
>I'd expect that you'd get another interstate system *very* quickly. Nor is
>an interstate system that bad when dealing with an economy in constant
>flux - trucks and cars can be reallocated to different routes, different
>seasons, on a day to day basis. Track can't be, and rolling stock requires
>a fair bit of scheduling - it was one of the first topics to which formal
>operational research methadology was applied - to prevent deadlocks or

Often overlooked, IMHO, is the mobility it gives to the labor force.
It's hard to have a company town on an interstate highway.  Interstate
highways may have been the biggest single cause of the decline of the
industrial labor unions.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Yung)
Subject: Re: CRON problem
Date: 3 Mar 1999 17:10:25 GMT

Thaddeus L. Olczyk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: OK this is simple to explain difficult to diagnose.
: I am logged in as root, and have schedualed cron
: jobs ( one a simple mail command ) using crontab -e.
: They jobs simply don't run. Any idea why not?

: PS I'm using RedHat 5.2 with no major changes
: to the installation.

Did you by any chance that you might have set your clock into the future
than set it back to present?  This happened to me once.  Reboot would
not take care of the problem but restarting the daemon while the system
is up fixed my problem.


From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WordPerfect complains
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 18:05:18 +0100

Duhhhhh just found it, I was looking for libxpm, it's just called xpm,

**Nick Brown wrote:
> I downloaded WordPerfect for Linux... the install went OK but at the end
> it complained about missing  It also complains about the
> same thing when I run it.  This is on Debian - where do I get
> ?  Can't find a Debian package with that name.

|\ | o  _ |/                               Life's like a jigsaw
| \| | |_ |\                          You get the straight bits
                    But there's something missing in the middle

Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)fr)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Sexton)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FreeBSD vs. Linux vs. Windows
Date: 4 Mar 1999 05:44:06 GMT

Donn Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Here are some areas in which Windows is still better than FBSD and
: Linux:

: *  better books on programming, systems programming, etc.  I don't think
: there's any books out there on specifically programming for FreeBSD
: (although Stevens' book might be close).

We don't need any 'FreeBSD' specific programming books.
Its UNIX, ya, know?  Basically, every book on UNIX programming is
directly applicable to FreeBSD and to a slightly lesser extent, Linux
programming.  (Linux has more mint flavored extensions).   

I can picture some clueless windows programmer:
They have UNIX books, and Linux Books, and Lots of really thick
windows programming books, but no FreeBSD books.  Guess nobody uses

Robert Sexton - [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cincinnati OH, USA - New home of the hazardous data disposal service, 
featuring our exclusive Write Only Memory(TM) Technology!
Read the Newton FAQ! <>


Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.2 Intel
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 02:42:00 GMT

In article <7bkdfp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Herman Z. Resto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just built kernel 2.2.2 for Intel Machine. I am getting a message that
> the Mouse "GPM" is obsolete, and that I should reconfigure hardware to
> use dev/ttys0 instead of /dev/cua0. Does anyone know how to do this?
> I am no longer able to run KDE with or w/o GPM because mouse input has
> no effect on desktop. Everthing else runs fine using different window
> managers. (Afterstep, FVWM, TheNextStep, etc....)

Dunno about your 2nd problem... but on the first one, gpm uses /dev/mouse,
usually, and /dev/mouse is a symbolic link to /dev/cua0, so just change it to
/dev/ttys0.  (ln -sf /dev/ttyS0 /dev/mouse)

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Jussi Torhonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Squid access
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 19:26:24 +0200

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Jeff Dearmin wrote:

> I need to be able to limit certain users to access selected sites,
> while allowing other users general access.  For example, the office
> receptionist might only be allowed access to "", while
> developers have general HTTP access.  Is it possible to do this under
> Squid-1.1?

Yes. Accessing may be enabled for example either in source ip address
(receptionist pc) or username/password basis. Read more about this ACL 
configuration from from Squid docs or website



Jussi Torhonen   # E-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tietosavo Oyj    # Corporate website:
P.O.Box 1582     # Personal homepage:
FIN-70461 KUOPIO # Tel: +358-17-193231          GSM +358-50-5946209
FINLAND          # Fax: +358-17-193355                73's de OH7DC



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