Linux-Misc Digest #286, Volume #20               Fri, 21 May 99 06:13:15 EDT

  Re: FAT32X and fips... (Ron)
  Re: RedHat 6.0 and gcc. Where? (Rich Piotrowski)
  Re: Root Password lost... (Thomas Veach)
  Re: New Star office for glibc 2.1 (Peter Englmaier)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom ("Cameron Spitzer")
  Caldera Open Linux 2.2 problems (Steve)
  Re: A simple (reliable) browser (Ian Briggs)
  Re: Looking for FREE Java IDE builder (Eitzenberger Thomas)
  WordPerfect 8 & Printers (John Hong)
  Some stupid questions ... (Austin Ming)
  Re: SETI comparisons ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Modem Slow for No Apparant Reason (Jason Bond)
  INN Howto? (Grand Poobah of PRAM)
  Re: New Star office for glibc 2.1 (Ron Olsen)
  A full-screen cross-hair cursor for X - does it exist? (Erik Rossen)
  Write permissions of /dev/audio* on RH6.0 (Ewald R. de Wit)
  Re: fdisk /MBR ??? (Cplin)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (David Kastrup)
  Re: Netscape 4.60 evaluation (Chris Aiken)
  Linux Book ("W.M.Crielaard")
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (David Kastrup)
  Re: Linux on Dual Pentium-II machines ("sven the hairy")
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (David Kastrup)
  Re: Alternative to OSS for Sound Blaster PCI128? ("Micheal MacCana")
  Re: car mp3 player (brian moore)
  Help! Sound Loop Error with Crystal CS34232 Sound Card! (Chris Wilson)
  Filesystem error ("Raamkumar. T")


Subject: Re: FAT32X and fips...
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:53:59 +0900

I thought I asked this already, but here is the question again:

Will FIPS.EXE  v 2.0 handle FAT32X?  FAT32X is a bit different than FAT32,
from what I've gathered from doing a websearch on it.  It supports 8G and
over hard drives, supposedly, but has different structure than FAT32.

BTW, Partition Magic 4.0 won't support it, from what I gathered from my
websearch.  I suspect that System Commander Deluxe will manipulate it to a
certain extent, but I can't get it to do certain things with FAT32X.  I'm
looking for alternatives to the above mentioned partitioning software.  I've
already tried the freeware dice either.

Any more help would be welcomed!

Charles Sullivan wrote:

> FIPS.EXE v 2.0 will handle FAT32.  It's shipped with RH5.2.
> Partition Magic 4.0 is another alternative.
> Ron wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >I haven't been keeping current with this NG, but I ran across a problem
> >with FAT32X and my hard drive.....
> >
> >I got this new 13G WD drive and am running W98.  I made the new drive
> >the master drive and made my existing 4.3G WD slave.  I have AMBIOS
> >which is won't really handle big drives over 8G, so when I added the 13G
> >
> >drive, the drive was automatically formatted into FAT32X.
> >
> >Well, I soon found out that I couldn't use my Partition Magic 3.0 to
> >manipulate FAT32X.  I couldn't use System Commander 4 Deluxe either.  I
> >downloaded a program called BootIt.  The website I downloaded it from
> >said it could handle FAT32X....well, I found out that it couldn't.
> >
> >Anyone know what DOES manipulate FAT32X?  Can Fips?  Is there late
> >version of Fips that can handle FAT32X?
> >
> >ANY info will be greatly appreciated......even BIOS info.
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >Ron
> >
> >
> >


From: Rich Piotrowski <rpiotrow*nospammin'*>
Subject: Re: RedHat 6.0 and gcc. Where?
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 12:59:18 -0500

On Thu, 20 May 1999, Mark Howson wrote:
>Rich Piotrowski wrote:
>> I just did a clean install of RH 6.0. When I tried to complile a
>> kernel, It complained that it could not find 'gcc'.
>> Much to my surprise, gcc does not seem to be installed, nor is it on
>> the CDROM!
>Without having seen the CD, I would guess you should look for 'egcs'
>instead of 'gcc' (egcs being a rapidly developed offshoot of gcc).


Thanks! That was the answer. I now have a custom kernel

Rich Piotrowski


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Veach)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Root Password lost...
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:43:22 -0400

D. Vrabel wrote:
> On Thu, 20 May 1999, Beni Huber wrote:
> > Argh! It really has happened. We forgot our root password.
> >
> > Please have a heavy laugh.
> >
> > We'll probably have to reinstall Linux. Is there a way to just replace
> > some of the components or does it
> > have to be a complete reinstall?
> No you don't.
> > Is there another way to get at the password? We have RH 5.2 with shadow
> > passwords on. We still have
> > user access.
> boot into single user mode (use single option at the LILO prompt).  Or use
> a boot disk that come with Red Hat.
> David
> --
> David Vrabel
> Engineering Undergraduate at University of Cambridge, UK.

Is it just me, or is it realy this easy to break into a linux machine
and take over as root?

Opinions expressed herein are my own and may not represent those of my employer.


From: Peter Englmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New Star office for glibc 2.1
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:02:37 -0400

Nada. Still based on the old glibc....

Charles E Taylor IV wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Fred Kuipers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Nuts :-(
> Anyway, SO 5.1 is out now.  Maybe that works better with the new
> Redhat?
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Charles E Taylor IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Visit me on the web!
> --------------------------------------------------------


From: "Cameron Spitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 21 May 1999 05:57:20 GMT

In article <e0413.677$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, posted in a huge thread in
  comp.os.linux.advocacy, and
Peter Seebach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <7i21o8$l90$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In article <suY03.599$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Seebach) wrote:
>>> Part of the problem is that, as the number of armed non-criminals
>>goes up,
>>This is contrary to the evidence.
>No, it isn't.  Go read the book.

What's this got to do with Linux?  With MS-Windows?  With GNU?



Subject: Caldera Open Linux 2.2 problems
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:33:15 GMT

(1) Has anybody else had problems getting into the Caldera support
knowledge base?  I just get blank pages in both IE5 and Opera 3.60.

(2) How do you enable sound support in v. 2.2?  When I try and run
Kscd, the CD-ROM drive runs, but I get no sound.  I can't even start
Kmix from root (get an error message saying to try chmod a+rw
/dev/mixer, which makes no difference).

(3) When I try and use Kppp to connect to my ISP, the connect stalls
indefinitely with the message "setting speaker volume".  I am using
the same settings that worked under KDE 1.0 on SuSE 5.3.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Briggs)
Subject: Re: A simple (reliable) browser
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 18:34:46 GMT

Jim Richardson wrote:
:>> Can anyone please recommend a simple and reliable browser(under X) ?
:>Try AMAYA.
: But it is snappier than NS, or W3 Emacs.

I looked at their home page, and I couldn't work out if it could bookmark
sites.  Anyone know?



From: Eitzenberger Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for FREE Java IDE builder
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 08:12:18 +0200

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:

> FoT ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Al Dev wrote:
> : >
> : > Which is the most popular GNU/GPLed "free" IDE builder for Java on
> : > LINUX platform??
> : > something using JDK 1.2?? I saw one called FreeBuilder
> : >
> : > But is there a better/more popular  one?? Or FreeBuilder is the ONLY
> : > ONE?
> :
> : Looks great on screenshots, easy install.
> : I haven't used it however because the system requirements for the
> : Java1.2 version are a bit high.
> : Starting up is very, very slow on my current machine, and seems to quit
> : on me when it comes to building the main screen.
> : I'll try and run it on my new to come machine.
> : Be sure to get the blackdown JDK1.2 first.
> Believe me, it's practically unusable on my p2 450 (64MB mem).
> Uh - works fine with my java 1.1.6.
> : FoT
> --
> Peter

Sorry but have to disagree here !

I am running Freebuilder (allthough not permanent as I have Sniff+ !)
sometimes and am using a P2 400 with 128MB and ok its not that fast but you
can work with it if you keep in mind that its written in java and totally
free !

mfg ET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hong)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: WordPerfect 8 & Printers
Date: 21 May 1999 06:25:12 GMT

        Some people may or may not know this, but with WP8 for Linux you
can just use Corel's stock printer drivers housed at
        There is a !index.txt there that will list all the printers their
drivers support.  Download the necessary one, unzip it the .exe file and
then stick the *.all file into your /shared/wpc20 directory somewhere (I
think).  These drivers work under any WP of any platform, for example even
WP5 for OS/2 can use the drivers in the wp5x directory.
        These drivers won't work for WinPrinters, however.  Your printer
manual should come with the various emulations or whatnot if your
particular printer is not listed.  HP lists for the 695/697 to use the
660C (or 600C/850C) driver for instance.  Canon 4300/4400 could use the


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Austin Ming)
Subject: Some stupid questions ...
Date: 21 May 1999 06:25:11 GMT

Some stupid questions ...

Hi...all my friends. i am a new comer. I have a few puzzles on Linux.

Hope somebody can help me.

I currently use Win 95. And, it hang frequently. I want to try Linux for my 

First , i have to get a free Linux. But, i do not know which version of Linux 
should i use. "Note: I use PC."

(Red Hat Linux, Debian  Linux, Slackware Linux)

More, what is the latest version of Lunix?
What is the size of Lunix OS ?
Which FTP server has a fast speed to download ?

Do i need to learn unix commands before i change my OS ?

Can i use my Win 95 software in latest version of Lunix ?

Plus, what features do the free version miss compare with purchased version?

Lastly, any time limitation for using free version of Lunix?

I have visited before.
But, i still can not get my solutions.

You are welcome to direct email me if possible. 


Date: Friday, 21 May 1999 00:25:59 -0600

Get your free marketing CD-Rom and start your own business



Subject: Re: SETI comparisons
Date: 21 May 1999 06:46:35 GMT

John Girash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in comp.os.linux.misc:
JG>Chester Raffoon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
JG>: Caveat:  The Linux setiathome is version 1.1, the Win32 app is version 1.0.
JG>: Maybe there's a major internal difference?  I dunno, but the difference in
JG>: the throughput here is astounding, so much so that it is suspicious.  NT is
JG>: not the brainchild of Bill Gates, but rather David Cutler, and you VAX/VMS
JG>: fossils out there (me included) know that this guy is no dope when it comes
JG>: to OS design ... something about the Win32 setiathome code is just not
JG>: right.  I've emailed the setiathome folks with my results, no response so
JG>: far.  No "Microsoft simply sucks, you blind dumbass" flames please.

JG>: This is certainly an interesting processor & operating system test.  Take my
JG>: advice - don't try it on your old Pentium laptop ... it takes over a _week_
JG>: to run!

JG>My guess'd be that it's a difference in compilers and/or optimisation that's
JG>causing the big discrepency as opposed to just the OS's themselves.

Take a look at  It shows that Win95 
are getting an average of 42 hours compared to 30 for NT, 23 for Mac and 14 for linux.
Presumably the same compiler was used for 95 and NT (its the same download link).  It 
seem to indicate that Win95 cooperative multitasking generally falls far short in 
when compared with pre-emptive multitasking on NT.  Granted, the Win95 machines are 
likely to to be hampered by other factors (cycle hogging WinModems, low RAM, etc.).  
However a
clear picture emerges: Win95 is still not ready for primetime.


From: Jason Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem Slow for No Apparant Reason
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:59:16 -0700

I have this incredibly annoying problem with my modem.  When I use it
for ppp it is very very slow (500 bytes/sec).
But sometimes I can run minicom and then exit and when I exit it and run
pppd it is fast all of a sudden (3-4 k/sec).  Does anyone know what
could be causing this?  Thanks much in advance,



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grand Poobah of PRAM)
Subject: INN Howto?
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 06:53:19 GMT

I'm running RedHat 5.2 at home, and I'm inerested in using INN (which,
after all, comes with RedHat 5.2) solely to run local newsgroups in
the LAN I've got in my apartment.  Is there any howto or documentation
descriibing a quick and irty way to do this?  I've got O'Reilly's book
on Usenet News, but there doesn't seem to be much info on doing this
kind of thing in that book: they don't even really describe how to
create local ngs with INN, as far as I can tell.  (They give a clear
description of how to do it with C News, however...)

"Somehow there's cosmic justice in the fact that movie makers can now spend
the gross national product of Romania on special effects and still wind
up with something that looks like a teenager's Web page."-Andrew O'Hehir


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Olsen)
Subject: Re: New Star office for glibc 2.1
Date: 21 May 1999 06:55:40 GMT

> I *have* heard (on Slashdot) of people running it on RH6 with success,
> however.

I just installed Star Office 5.1 on RH 6.0.  It runs fine "out of the box."
No special tweaks are needed.

        Ron Olsen
        Boulder Colorado


From: Erik Rossen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A full-screen cross-hair cursor for X - does it exist?
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:03:47 +0200

In the Access-HOWTO it is mentioned that there is no full-screen
cross-hair cursor program for X available.  The latest version of this
HOWTO was written in 1997, so I am wondering if things have changed.

I am interested because I have a laptop with cheap screen and sometimes
I find the X cursor a little difficult to follow, even with Xeyes.

This cross-hair program shouldn't be very difficult to write: one just
needs a transparent window covering the full screen (or optionally a
part of it) and two XORed, crossed lines that follow the regular cursor

If you reply to this newsgroup it would be nice if you CCed me a copy.

Erik Rossen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ewald R. de Wit)
Subject: Write permissions of /dev/audio* on RH6.0
Date: 21 May 1999 08:35:59 GMT

I keep having to 
chmod a+w /dev/audio* /dev/dsp*
to be able to play sound as a normal user on Redhat 6.0.
Something is then removing the write permissions on the next
boot up - I would like to know what is doing this!


  --  Ewald


Subject: Re: fdisk /MBR ???
Date: 20 May 1999 19:53:50 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Joachim Feise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Roger wrote:
>> Installing in to the MBR or superblock is what unix systems do. Where is the
>> complaint. It really shows you have no idea of what you are doing. All
>> operating systems inspect the MBR or write to it even win9x. This is the
>> architecture of pc computers vs OS integration.
> SCO does not write to the mbr. Solaris does, it writes a boot loader similar to 
>Lilo. So
> it is not a clear cut as you think.
> And no MS OS writes to the mbr. They just set the active partition, which is 
> An OS has no business whatsoever to do stuff outside of its own partitions.
>> so just "fdisk /mbr "  and readup on something you don't possibly
>> understand.
> It would help if you wouldn't insult people, since in this case you are the one who 
> mistaken.
> I've written a tool similar to System Commander ten years back, and I have analyzed 
> boot sequences of quite a lot of OSes over the years. Lilo (and Solaris) are the only
> systems that I know of that actually write its own code to the mbr.
> -Joe
That's not strictly true Win NT will write a small chunk of code pointing to its NTLDR.



From: David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 21 May 1999 11:08:46 +0200


> This is contrary to the evidence.  Instead, violence is escalated.
> Violent criminals act more violently in anticipation of violent
> responses.  American's weirdly distorted perception that the way to
> stop violence is to be even more violent gives us kids shooting up
> their schools and a prison system bursting its seams.

If every kid were allowed to carry a gun they could defend themselves
if some black-trenchcoated jerk was trying to attack them.

*That* is the proper way to stop violence in school.  For example,
this would put an effective stop to bullying.

Of course, some regulations would have to be worked out.  For example,
a kid erroneously acting in putative self-defense more than twice in a
week would get his ammunition rationed for a week or so.

We need our once proud schools to introduce the children to
responsible gunplay once again.

Oops, I can't take credit for that last one.  Already taken by "Duke"
of Doonesbury fame.

David Kastrup                                     Phone: +49-234-700-5570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +49-234-709-4209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany


From: Chris Aiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape 4.60 evaluation
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:40:53 -0400

I downloaded 4.6 from Netscape in the form of a gzipped tarball file.
I installed in my /opt directory w/o any problems at all.  I edited the
/bin/netscape script to point to my new version being careful not to
destroy the old version.  It works great!  No problems so far.  It
seems to be a bit faster that 4.51 but who knows.  I did pick up
new bookmarks and address books from my .netscape directory.

I'll probably remove the old one after a few days just to make sure
everything keeps on working.

Hope this helps out.


> I use Netscape 4.51 on Linux. Before I download 4.60 and upgrade I
> wonder if anyone has done the same and what their impressions are -
> positive or negative.
> John Culleton
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


Christopher W. Aiken
Peggy's Cookies: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:


From: "W.M.Crielaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Book
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 22:23:42 +0200

Hi everyone...

I have quite some experience (certifications) in networking with Novell
Netware, Citrix producs and... I hardly dare to say... 
Micro-you-know-what products

Im gonna buy a book on Linux, because it looks like a lot more fun.
Anyone to disagree?

So, specialists, what book should I buy to get into Linux?

Kind regards,

W.M. Crielaard


From: David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 21 May 1999 11:14:22 +0200

"Cameron Spitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In article <e0413.677$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, posted in a huge thread in
> Newsgroups: 
>   comp.os.linux.misc,
>   comp.os.linux.advocacy, and
>   gnu.misc.discuss,
> Peter Seebach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <7i21o8$l90$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>In article <suY03.599$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Seebach) wrote:
> >>> Part of the problem is that, as the number of armed non-criminals
> >>goes up,
> >>This is contrary to the evidence.
> >No, it isn't.  Go read the book.
> What's this got to do with Linux?  With MS-Windows?  With GNU?

You are a practising combined Linux/GNU/MS-Windows fan?  Disgusting
queer.  Well, your address has been noted.  You'll find out the
connection sooner than you'd like.

David Kastrup                                     Phone: +49-234-700-5570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +49-234-709-4209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany


From: "sven the hairy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux on Dual Pentium-II machines
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 05:37:23 -0700

Is linux inferior in its handling of multiple processors than other OSs?
Somebody at work trashed linux in this area, but I couldn't object to his
comments because I don't know much about multi-processor systems. Is he full
of S**t?

Swietanowski Artur wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>mumford wrote:
>> You're requesting info about building a number crunching system... I'm
>> almost positive that you could expect a significant performance hit be-
>> cause of the decreased cache size if you chose celerons instead of true
>> P-II's (celerons have 128K cache, true P-II's have 512K).
>All evidence to the contrary so far (in the number crunching field).
>There is a noticable-to-big performance hit if you have *no* L2 chache,
>as it was the case with older Celerons (prior to 300A and 333 models,
>I think). Blocking methods in numerical linear algebra asymptotically
>reach towards the achieveable peak performance with the cache growth,
>but at 128KB cache they are pretty damn close.
>Also, L2 cache of Celerons works at twice the speed of PII L2 cache.
>Depending on your examples, you may sometimes even get a better
>performance from a Celeron! (I take this info from previous
>discussions on the PII vs. Celeron -- search Dejanews for the
>original posts).
>Artur Swietanowski                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Institut für Statistik,  Operations Research  und  Computerverfahren,
>Universität Wien,     Universitätsstr. 5,    A-1010 Wien,     Austria
>tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620                     fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629


From: David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 21 May 1999 11:17:18 +0200

George MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Peter Seebach wrote:
> > 
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > mlw  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >In the US, if you are robbed at gun-point. They'll shoot you for fun. If
> > >a guy has pointed a gun at you, he intends to kill you.
> > 
> > Not always; as I understand it, it's not more than about 50% likely.
> > 
> >
> Geesh people can you take this elswhere! And besides, your missing
> the point!  It's not about what you do when a criminal is pointing a
> gun at you, it's about what you do when it's your own government!!

So you would suggest pulling a gun and shooting if a police officer
gets fresh?

I am afraid that you'll lose in the long run.  You don't get a gun to
defend yourself in the death cell.

David Kastrup                                     Phone: +49-234-700-5570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +49-234-709-4209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany


From: "Micheal MacCana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Alternative to OSS for Sound Blaster PCI128?
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:03:34 +1000

OSS is the Open Sound System
It's a commercial but easy way to get sound working on Linux
The free version nags every twenty minutes, but it works with
all kinds of cards.

I *think* the address is

Good Luck!

Madhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7hmqhk$c3m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
>     What is OSS? I am not able to even get my Aztech PCI-338 A3D card to
> work. Do you know how to get my old ISA card Yamaha OPL3SAx card work? Pls
> reply soon, i'm really keen to get my system running. I am fairly a
> Thanks,
> Madhu.
> Spotillius Maximus aka "Spot" <*****> wrote in message
> <7hfsl2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >What are my options for running a SB PCI128 sound card?  I'm using OSS
> >and it seems to be OK, but I'm curious if there are alternatives that
> >work better.  I copied all my sound themes over from Win98 and only half
> >them work, the other half don't play.  I think this is a problem in OSS
> >since they are all *.wav format.  Thanks.
> >
> >
> >                                                                    Ed
> >
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: car mp3 player
Date: 20 May 1999 20:40:59 GMT

On 20 May 1999 17:34:16 GMT, 
 Jim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19 May 1999 20:25:46 GMT, 
>  brian moore, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Should be simple.  Look on Sunsite, er, Metalab for the various
> >'cramdisk' kits.  I keep a floppy around with a kernel that supports
> >3c509 and NE2000 nics, a serial port and includes Lynx and Minicom.
> >
> >Great when you're stuck using someone's broken computer and just want a
> >proper terminal program.  (And, yes, Hyperterm sucks.)
> What is the minimum ram needed for this? 
>  (I have an old '386 laptop that I'd like to use as a terminal for
> the boat. It only has 6mb ram.)

Should be fine with a 2.0 kernel.  Probably not for 2.2 which is a bit
more memory hungry.

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Wilson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Help! Sound Loop Error with Crystal CS34232 Sound Card!
Date: 21 May 1999 09:53:38 GMT

I have spent *weeks* trying to get my sound card configured correctly for my
system, all with very little success.  My latest problem is that regardless of
the application I use, whenever I play a sound file, a one second clip of it
plays, and repeats over and over and over again, until I finally stop it.

I don't understand.  I have been able to edit my isapnp.conf file such that
there are no listed resource conflicts upon inititialization.  However, when I
set the IRQ to 5, I get an error message saying that that IRQ is already
occupied.  However, when I do a "cat /proc/interrupts/", it indicates that the
sound device that I'm configuring is what's using that IRQ, and hence it would
seem that there is no conflict at all.  Also, I'm not able to clear that IRQ,
nor am I able to remove the sound modules and re-initialize them.  My system
tells me that "sound is in use", although no sound applications are listed as
open (at least, none that I recognize as sound apps).

Please help me!  I have spent more time than you can imagine trying to figure
this out, and no answers.  It's extremely frustrating!  All I want is to have
functional sound on my machine!  It's not as though I'm asking for much here.

If you have any possible solutions, please respond, and CC your reply to my
address.  Thank you.


From: "Raamkumar. T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Filesystem error
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:47:04 +0300


While I was executing a program which was actually trying to create a
directory/files, I got an error message:

File System Error: initTree failed - unknown early startup error (error
number 11)

I know no clue of this message. Can anybody help me out?




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