Linux-Misc Digest #611, Volume #20               Sun, 13 Jun 99 07:13:30 EDT

  can't read cdrom/floppy ("K Hui")
  Re: Help with crontab (Ken Gray)
  Re: Strange cron time... (Daniel Bruce Lynes)
  SANE 1.0. start problems HELP needed ("Dirk Demuynck")
  Re: GLX accelerated quake with TNT card (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: RedHat 5.2 (where to get apache 1.3.6 rpm?) (Enkidu)
  Re: Caldera Open Linux 2.2 problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cable Modems (Daniel Bruce Lynes)
  Re: 2 newbie questions! ("Prasanth Kumar")
  Re: What is the newest version of Apache for RedHat 5.2? (Enkidu)
  Redhat 6.0 kernel (re)compilation problem (Cabloko)
  Re: Shutting down as a normal user.. (Ken Arromdee)
  ext2 bug (Constantin Eizner)
  Open-Linux 2.2 and StarOffice questions. . ("Scott R.")
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Maciej Stachowiak)
  tell modem "not to wait for dial tone"? (kokin)
  Epson Stylus: Save ink option (Ekkard Gerlach)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Mike DuFresne)
  Re: LILO hangs at LI - SOLUTION! (James Youngman)
  Re: Java under Linux ("Brian O'Shea")
  Re: duplicating a whole hd (Ekkard Gerlach)


Subject: can't read cdrom/floppy
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 21:26:05 -0700

I am having trouble reading from my cdrom and floppy drive. I can mount to
all of them. And when I type: cd /mnt/cdrom/, the path at prompt show me I
am at /cdrom. But then when I try "ls", nothing is shown. The same happens
for the floppy drive.

I am using Redhat 5.2. My cdrom is Sony CDU76E-S and it is compatible to
ATAPI, when I type "dmesg | less", I can found my cdrom on hdc and it also
shows that linux detect it correctly as CDU76

Is that I can't use ls to read the cd/floppy, so what else the command
should be? Or it's because of other reasons?

Any advice will be welcomed.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Gray)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.questions,comp.os.linux,comp.unix.admin
Subject: Re: Help with crontab
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 16:39:21 -0400


>On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 13:47:37 -0400, Ken Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>One thing I like to do with my crontab is to enter this in my root crontab:

>>Just remember to look at it with the -a flag!

>I found that last sentence strange: if you're doing a
>"ls -l /tmp/.crond_running" you don't need the -a flag.
>If you're doing a "ls -al /tmp | fgrep .crond_running"
>you would, but that'd also be an odd way to go about
>checking the file.
>                --Ken Pizzini

Call it habit, but I've always used -a. I'm usually looking at other
things, though, too, particularly in /tmp. You never know what you'll find
in there!


"Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana"
                                          - G. Marx


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
From: Daniel Bruce Lynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Strange cron time...
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 12:34:28 GMT

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Ding-Jung Han wrote:

> This has puzzled me for a while. On my system (RH 5.2 with kernel 2.2.9)
> I have the following cron-related rpms installed:
> crontabs-1.7-3
> ucrond-1.2.4-1
> I notice that every evening at 21:02 my daily system cron job will start
> up. HOWEVER, according to my /etc/crontab it should occur at 04:02 every
> morning -- here is my /etc/crontab:
This might sound like a stupid question, but have you set your time zone?


From: "Dirk Demuynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SANE 1.0. start problems HELP needed
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 00:31:55 +0200


Can someone tell me what to do exactly when.SANE is reporting the error
'SANE_START : invalid argument whentyping the command 'scanimage'

Xscanimage gives the same error ==> failed to start scanner:invalid



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: GLX accelerated quake with TNT card
Date: 12 Jun 1999 06:06:23 GMT

On Wed, 09 Jun 1999 23:21:27 -0400, Jim Zubb wrote:
>Donovan Rebbechi wrote:

Cool, It works now. One problem I still seem to be having: when I run in softx,
the mouse behaves fine, but when I run in GL/X , I get a big fat mouse
cursor in the middle of my game. Ughh. Any pointers^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Htips ?



From: Enkidu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 5.2 (where to get apache 1.3.6 rpm?)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:58:23 +1200

Whay can't he get a tarred version of the binaries? 


Kenyon Ralph wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 02:52:11 GMT, Brad Ball wrote:
> > What a pain in ass Linux is!
> Yes, but just as much as anything else with computers...
> > Why the hell should I have to upgrade my entire operating system just to
> > get the latest version of apache!  And people complain about Microsoft
> > products!!!????
> Sometimes what I do is get the .src.rpm for an older version (like 1.3.3 in
> this case), install that (installing a source rpm just means putting the
> contents in /usr/src/redhat), modify the spec file a bit, and then make my
> own rpm of the latest version.
> --
> Kenyon Ralph | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Cliff Pratt, CAP Consulting
Web build, web design. HTML, Javascript, CGI, ASP, Web Consulting
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone: 025 246 7747


Subject: Re: Caldera Open Linux 2.2 problems
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 05:17:19 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve) wrote:
> (1) Has anybody else had problems getting into the Caldera support
> knowledge base?  I just get blank pages in both IE5 and Opera 3.60.
> (2) How do you enable sound support in v. 2.2?  When I try and run
> Kscd, the CD-ROM drive runs, but I get no sound.  I can't even start
> Kmix from root (get an error message saying to try chmod a+rw
> /dev/mixer, which makes no difference).
> (3) When I try and use Kppp to connect to my ISP, the connect stalls
> indefinitely with the message "setting speaker volume".  I am using
> the same settings that worked under KDE 1.0 on SuSE 5.3.
> -Steve
> I am having the same problem with KPPP.  I do have a fax modem and
have verified the settings by using setserial command.  I still cannot
get a dialtone.  If you figure this one out let me know

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Daniel Bruce Lynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cable Modems
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 12:43:59 GMT

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Anthony DeLuca wrote:

> Does LINUX have support for cable modems? If not will it? Thanks in
> advance..

It doesn't need it.  The cable modem is an external device that has absolutely nothing 
to do with the operating system.

Are you sure your question shouldn't be does Linux have support for the network card 
that the cable service provides with the cable modem?  If so, yes, it does for the 
most part.  I've only come across one supplied ethernet card that didn't, and that was 
because @Home has been distributing ethernet cards based on an el-cheapo chipset.  If 
you don't have cable internet service yet, but will be getting it in the future, make 
sure you don't get a D-Link ethernet card.  The ones that @Home gives you (not all 
D-Link ethernet cards) is a modified chipset of an ancient cheap chipset.

Of the cards I've used from the @Home service, the Realtek 8029 and the DEC21041 both 
work very well with Linux, Windows 95 (with the driver pack for OSR2), Windows NT, and 
OS/2 Warp v4.  (I've run it under Slackware 96 (kernel 1.2.20(?)), and Slackware 3.6 
(kernel 2.0.36), without problems.)  However, under Linux I have had to use a kludge 
to get it to work with @Home, due to their network/gateway/netmask setup.

Just my 2c worth.


From: "Prasanth Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2 newbie questions!
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 05:58:18 GMT

What apps are you trying to start? Are you trying to run netscape? If so you
need to be in graphics mode (X Windows) which means configuring the drive
(called an X Server) and then running it.

duy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Every time I connect to my ISP, none of the apps works.  If I try to
> start an application by command line, I'll get "connection to ":0.0"
> refused by server."  What's going on?
> How do I setpath in slackware4.0?  I use bash and tcsh, but I couldn't
> find .bash_profile, .bashrc, or .tcshrc any where.
> Thanks for any help.


From: Enkidu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the newest version of Apache for RedHat 5.2?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:04:49 +1200

Apparently as you have found out, you can't upgrade Apache without
upgrading RedHat. This is a problem with RedHat not a problem with

Your options are:

1) Upgrade RH and Apache.
2) Get the Apache source (as a tarball or rpm) and compile it.
3) Get a tarball of the Apapche binary and install that.

There are probably others. It is not uncommon, whatever the OS to
have to upgrade the OS to get some feature you would like. 

eg. To get FAT32 for Win95 you have to upgrade the OS from the
base version.


Brad Ball wrote:
> ... and where can I download it. In RPM format.
> Brad.

Cliff Pratt, CAP Consulting
Web build, web design. HTML, Javascript, CGI, ASP, Web Consulting
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone: 025 246 7747


From: Cabloko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Redhat 6.0 kernel (re)compilation problem
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:40:24 +0200

Hi there,

I'm having a couple of problems after recompiling a custom kernel with
RedHat 6.0.

If I recompile a new kernel the modules won't load up on starup (depmod
-a). Depmod just crashes.
Another problem is that libvga doesn't seem to be running correctly on
the precompiled kernel, and neither are any other options which need

I've tried installing a new kernel, 2.5.3, but there have been a few
problems during at lilo runtime. Once I got this message : MDA is not
supported by your kernel (this was on 2.2.1) ,  second time round I got
VGA mode selection is not supported by your kernel (on the 2.3.5). I
think I got everything set up correctly, almost all my hardware is
running on the preconfigured RH6 kernel, but I still need to recompile

Does anyone have a clue of what I'm talking about ? Because I don't.
hehe, Help me!!!

Thanks a bunch, Conrad.


Subject: Re: Shutting down as a normal user..
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Arromdee)
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:44:10 GMT

Ed Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Shutdown has to be done as root.  However, after you logout
>as a user try the three-fingered-salute (Ctrl-Alt-Del) at 
>the login prompt.  I am running RH5.2 and this works for me.  

How do you get it to work after you log out as a user?  If I do that, it
tells me that no authorized users are logged in (which is true--no users at
all are logged in).
Ken Arromdee                    |They said it was *daft* to build a space
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            |station in a swamp, but I showed them!  It
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            |sank into the swamp.  So I built a second|space station.  That sank into the swamp too.
================================+My third space station sank into the swamp.
So I built a fourth one.  That fell into a time warp and _then_ sank into the
swamp.  But the fifth one...  stayed up! --Monty Python/Babylon 5


From: Constantin Eizner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: ext2 bug
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 07:07:21 +0000

I have a RedHat 5.2 version of linux installed on my PC.
I'm working on project based on LEDA-3.7.1 C++ class library.
Sometimes, when I compile my project my file system is corrupted:
suddenly, I have a files of strange permission, ownership and huge size
the directory of compilation. For example:  k-Class.o

..> ls -l
-rw-rw-r--   1 ruslan   users        1232 Apr 26 09:13 NodeAuxType.c
-rw-rw-r--   1 ruslan   users        1267 Apr  5 20:59 NodeAuxType.h
-rw-rw-r--   1 ruslan   users         111 Apr  5 00:47 k-Class.c
-rw-rw-r--   1 ruslan   users         514 Apr  5 00:35 k-Class.h
c---r-xr-- 26912 29811    27745    111, 118 Oct 19  2032 k-Class.o
-rw-r--r--   1 ruslan   users        1914 Apr 13 14:46 k-Component.c
-rw-r--r--   1 ruslan   users         739 Apr 13 14:46 k-Component.h
-rw-rw-r--   1 ruslan   users          97 Jun 10 13:59 so_locations

Any idea. ext2 bug?

Please mail me directly too.

Computer Center of Haifa University. Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel
Constantin Eizner                      |    Tel. 972-4-8249299
Network Engineer, Unix Sysadmin        |    Fax. 972-4-8249177
There was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as the Dark Ages.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Open-Linux 2.2 and StarOffice questions. .
From: "Scott R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 06:13:32 GMT

I've made the plunge and now try to find my way around the brave new world
of Linux.

1. First I could not get the Caldera Open Linux to work on my 18 gig Western
Digital drive. Every time I tried to run Partition magic to partition my HD,
it was suppose to reboot to the partition magic program. It would halt at a
dos prompt. I got a message saying that I was in dos mode and asked me if
wanted to return to windows mode [Enter= Y or N]? Enter yes would cause the
system reboot and get me back to this same message! Entering no left me at a
dos prompt. I found a config.sys file with one line "DOS=SINGLE." Deleting
this file would then let windows boot all the way up. I ran same install
this on my other system and it rebooted and went straight into partition
magic no problems. Any one have this problem?

2. The Caldera version my first attempt at using a Linux, seems to sheter
you from all the internals of the OS. That's ok right at the moment. I was
very interesting in trying out the Star office. I'm sure it got installed. I
even ran the RPM file and reinstalled it. But I can't find how to fire it
up!! I though it would make a menu entry in the K Start menu. But no such
luck! The Word Perfect seems to be there with it's own icon right at the
bottom of the screen. Anyone know how to launch Star Office from the KDE
shell in Open Linux 2.2?

3. Lastly I logged out from Open Linux to the command shell. It told me it
was going to run mode 3 and no term. There was no response on the screen
after that. No prompt. Nada! Ugh! Just shut the machine off.

With Linux, your definitely not in Kansas any more!

Thanks for any info on the above questions.

Best regards,



From: Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 13 Jun 1999 01:51:52 -0400

David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Oh please. I am a native European by birth and I would sooner walk
> > the streets of Boston at night than the streets of Budapest.
> I have visited Budapest several years ago as a student, and have
> frequently walked home at night from various parts of the city and
> around, sometimes more than an hour (often along the river) without
> noticing anything strange.  What have I missed?

Several years of social evolution. I was there last summer and there
were certain parts of the city, e.g. around the train station, that
did not seem safe during the day even.

 - Maciej


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (kokin)
Subject: tell modem "not to wait for dial tone"?
Date: 13 Jun 1999 07:53:53 GMT

This is a option to tell the modem not to wait for dial tone before
dialling out.  How can i do this under Linux?  Without this my tel 
line doesn't co-operate with my modem.

Thanks in advance.

kokin @ hong kong


From: Ekkard Gerlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Epson Stylus: Save ink option
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:47:53 +0200

Somebody knows printer options for ghostscript
to save ink by options like with MS-drivers ?

Full-ink is too expensive for test sheets.
I have an Epson Stylus 600.

thank you
Ekkard Gerlach


From: Mike DuFresne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 05:15:33 -0500

John Garrison wrote:
> There is only one "Pure, Defacto Linux". The different distributions just give
> you different install methods and pre-packaged software. Sort of like the difference 
>in computer manufacturers. > Compaq and Packard Bell are both intel compatible 
>machines, just in a different package. There will be no 
> binarie incompatiblities with different linus versions. 

More or less correct. The exception being libc5/glibc-2/glibc-2.1
inconsistencies. Sure, compatibility libs help, but they don't always
work as advertised.

> In face I have had more trouble getting Win3.1 and Win95 software running on Win98 
>than I have getting any 
> linux program to work.



From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: LILO hangs at LI - SOLUTION!
Date: 12 Jun 1999 13:52:28 +0100

patman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I eventually tried specifying the geometry...problem was that I had the
> geometry WRONG!!  The key to this is to get the right geometry specs in
> the /etc/lilo.conf file!!

IIRC you can often just say "linear" and not worry about the geometry.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: "Brian O'Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Java under Linux
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:25:30 +0100

IBM are also making some offerings available in this area

IBM alphaWorks Releases JDK for Linux


Jim McIntyre wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Where do I get JDK and JRE for Linux ?
>Sun's java site doesn't have anything for linux.
>I'm very new to java, so for all I know, Everything is already included.
>Any help is appreciated
>Thanks in advance
>Jim McIntyre


From: Ekkard Gerlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: duplicating a whole hd
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 23:56:50 +0200

> >umask 000
> >(cd /; tar -cf - . --atime-preserve -p --exclude=proc --exclude=mnt) | tar -xvf - 
>--atime-preserve -p
> >umask 002

I have to format my target partition before, okay. But which inode distance ? Must be 
the same ?




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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