Linux-Misc Digest #728, Volume #20               Mon, 21 Jun 99 19:13:08 EDT

  Re: Debian advocates (William Tanksley)
  Re: How do I create a custom (Menuing) Shell? (David Magda)
  Kernel modules and varargs ("Thomas M. Galla")
  UNIX / LINUX Compatibility (Brian M. Begg)
  Re: NT the best web platform? (Terry Carmen)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News ("Stuart Fox")
  Re: Modem problem (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Debian advocates (Steve Lamb)
  Re: Journaled filesystem for Linux ? (Oracle) (Philip Brown)
  Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver? (Eric Veldhuyzen)
  Re: Linux on >8gb drives (+Pablo+)
  tiny Linux for MCA 286? (Slav Inger)
  Re: tiny Linux for MCA 286? (Mark Tranchant)
  Linux Firewalling/Multiple Ethernet Question (Chris Zimmerman)
  Re: Debian advocates (Steve Lamb)
  Re: Linux vs. Windoze NT - new security hole found in NT. (Slav Inger)
  Re: Newbie question about source code (Cameron L. Spitzer)
  Login with Telnet on a Linux Server (Joao Pinto)
  text in a TextField ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Philip Brown)
  Re: What distros with what libCs? (Mark Tranchant)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Jason O'Rourke)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Tanksley)
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Debian advocates
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:09:48 GMT

On 21 Jun 1999 04:21:27 GMT, John Girash wrote:
>William Tanksley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:31:23 GMT, David Frye wrote:
>>>My number 1 and 2 reasons for *not* using Debian

>>>1.  deselect - sucks big time, outdated, takes forever to run through and
>>>install anything with it. Granted, apt is now available, but you still must use
>>>deselect when you install Debian.

>> Not true at all in any point.  dselect certainly needs improvement, but
>> the fact remains that it's _there_ -- no other distribution has anything
>> that comes close.

>That doesn't rebut the point (true IMHO, and I'm a big Debian fan) that dselect
>sucks.  My advice: use one of the default installs, let dselect do its thing
>w/o much intervention, and then never touch it again.  dpkg &/or apt are fine.

I find dselect to be very handy.  How do you use apt-get to replace
dselect?  I'm sure that if I already knew the app title I would use
apt-get (I've done this on occasion), but far more commonly I don't know
it, so I pop into dselect and search for a substring.

dselect is neither as powerful nor as easy to use as it should be, but
there's _still_ nothing else that comes close.

>>>Security updates seem
>>>to be compiled with the most current versions of system libriaries that the
>>>developer maintaining that package has on his system, and there is little, if
>>>any, support for previous released versions of Debian.

>> Annd why should there be, when it costs no more than a couple of hours
>> modem downtime to upgrade?

>> I have a hard time thinnking of how to get the minor advanntage you're
>> asking for (all security patches available for all back versions) while
>> keeping all the advantages Debian has now (easy upgrades, solid testing).
>> Evenntually there are just too mmany back versions to test, and no testers
>> because they've all upgraded!

>I don't think he's asking for security updates for *all* past versions.  Just
>for all past _minor_ versions of the current _major_ version, 2.x .  Many open
>source developers seem to forget that a large part of their target audience
>is on _production_ machines that can't/won't/shouldn't be subjected to every
>*minor* OS upgrade as soon as it comes out if it can be avoided.  Hamm is a
>fine, solid release; why abandon it so soon just 'cause slink is sexier?

We're going to have to artificially compensate (pay) people to do this,
because there's no benefit otherwise.  It's just too easy to upgrade!
Even for production machines.

>Otherwise Debian risks becoming an elitist hackers-only distro I fear.

Yeah, I don't want that.  I hope Corel helps somewhat.

>  -- John Girash --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- --

-William "Billy" Tanksley
Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant!
   :-: May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy!


From: David Magda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: How do I create a custom (Menuing) Shell?
Date: 21 Jun 1999 18:03:42 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Gene Wilburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some while back I used an ISP that had a dandy console-based menu system
> using lynx and html pages. It was extremely effective: it popped up when
Internix ( in Toronto, right? 

David Magda <dmagda at>, 2nd Year Electrical Eng.


From: "Thomas M. Galla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel modules and varargs
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 08:05:38 +0200


Being not sure whether these are the right newsgroups to post this kind
of question have my apologies first.

However I'm having some kind of problem with using varargs within kernel
module functions. The following code for example does not print anything
(i.e., copy_to_user() does not work correctly):

static int xuser_printf(char **user_buf, int len, const char *fmt)
        int ret;
        char buf[MAXLEN*2];
        va_list ap;
        int buflen, copylen;

        va_start(ap, fmt);
        vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);

        copylen=(buflen<len) ? buflen : len;

        printk("user_printf: buf=\"%s\"\n", buf);
        printk("user_printf: buflen=%d, len=%d, copylen=%d\n",
               buflen, len, copylen);
        printk("user_printf: *user_buf=%p\n", *user_buf);

        ret=copy_to_user(*user_buf, buf, copylen);
        printk("copy_to_user returned: %d\n", ret);


By the way, I'm using the following switches an arguments for gcc (version and ld:


ld -s -r 

Does anybody know whether it's no permitted to use varargs within kernel
modules? Do vararg functions modify the stack in a way that causes
copy_to_user() to fail?

Thanks for the help,

 Thomas M. Galla                                     fax:+43 (1) 5869149  
 Real-Time Systems Group                        voice:+43 (1) 58801-8168      
 Vienna University of Technology           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      
 A-1040 Wien, Treitlstr. 3/3/182-1 
 ... the fool escaped from paradise will look over his shoulder and cry
 sit and chew on daffodils and struggle to answer "why?" ... [Marillion]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian M. Begg)
Subject: UNIX / LINUX Compatibility
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:56:37 GMT

June 21, 1999


I have purchased LINUX 6.0  o.s.  and I
was curious:  if I upload LINUX-compiled
applications  (CGI's)  and my web-host server
runs on UNIX,  will these CGI's run?  i.e.,
is there compatibility with LINUX 6.0 and

Any help would help.  E-mail me if u wish.


Brian Begg ---> [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Carmen)
Crossposted-To: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: NT the best web platform?
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:06:15 GMT

On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 03:21:59 -0300, "Scott MacDonald"

>> (But NT was 2.7x faster.  I fail to see this being a *complete*
>> explanation by any means.  More likely it was the misconfiguration
>> of /etc/inetd.conf, would be my guess, choking the Linux box
>> with unused httpd daemons trying to figure things out....)
>A My Cdrom can read 24X on the inner section of the disk and 12X on the
>outer.  I don't see how hard drives wouldn't be the same.  2.7X faster could
>be created by this fact.  I don't belive this was the only factor though.

Are you sure this isn't backwards?

For any given rotational speed, more data/second passes under the head
at the outer edge than the inner.



From: "Stuart Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 09:56:59 +1200

Philip Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 13:22:10 +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >...
> >Neither do MS apps.  Outlook prompts to run or save when you double click
> >it.
> and there's a little box to uncheck, "show this window again?"
> I wonder what percentage of MS users ever see that window again.
If the admins are doing their jobs properly, the will use a policy file
which sets it on all the time...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Modem problem
Date: 21 Jun 1999 19:07:07 GMT


>Hi, I have a Diamond Supra 56k Modem. It is not a winmodem, and I have
>seen a website that details how to install this modem, but it did not
>work for me. It is set to use com 2, irq 3, i/o 2f8 in Win98. Now, the
>problem is, when I set up isapnp.conf with these settings, it gave me a
>fatal error saying there was already a device there. When I looked to
>see what it was, it was a serial port (auto). Now, I have com 2 disabled
>in BIOS, so that must be the modem already, but since it sets it up
>first as a serial port, I can't get the modem to work. I'd appreciate
>any help.

A modem is just a serial port to the system. There is no difference. The
modem itself lives as somethng attached to the seriall port.

So, run setserial /dev/ttyS1 to see what is there. Does it have the
right configuration (eg proper UART, proper port, proper IRQ?)
What happens when you try to send it a modem command? -- eg AT
(use for example minicom set up to use serial port /dev/ttyS1)
If the system is set up on COM2, why use PNP. Itsounds like pnp is not
I assume that the modem is an ISA modem. If it is a PCI then it may well
be a winmodem. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Lamb)
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Debian advocates
Date: 21 Jun 1999 22:21:20 GMT

On 19 Jun 1999 19:29:41 GMT, Benoit Goudreault-Emond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>1) Debian is a very high quality distribution.  The drawback of this is that
>it takes forever for them to release a stable version, but I'd rather have
>them take their time and get quality.

    I just wanted to comment on this one.  Many people have complained about
Debian taking "Forever" for new releases to come out.  I've not seen that in
the time I've used debian (Hamm Freeze to now).  Debian releases, thus far,
have been no longer than the longest releases from Red Hat or Slackware.  Both
of those have had several 7 months between releases, and that is the longest
Debian has as well. 

    OTOH Debian does not get the 2-3 month turnarounds that both Slackware and
Red Hat have.

    As you said, it is quality over quantity.  There is something else in
there as well.  There is *NOTHING* that prevents people from riding the
unstable tree.  I rode unstable from Hamm (2.0) frozen through to Slink (2.1)
release.  I've not had the desire to upgrade to Potato's (2.2) unstable
because of glibc2.1 issues.  However, I do have software from Potato installed
that I needed.  Listar, for example.

    Also I have never installed Debian from the CD.  Not once.  The only
Debian CD I own is from an Infomagic set I bought years ago to have a copy of
Slackware around.  That is, of course, back in my Slackware days.  

    My point is this.  Debian's releases are really no longer than other
distributions, they're just not as *short* and, on average, may take 1-2
months longer, which is acceptable.  However, the releases are really minor
since once can incremently upgrade off the net as development occurs.
Unstable is actually quite stable.  So even though the offical releases with
numbers and announcements may seem far off, one can be cutting edge with
Debian if they so choose.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Brown)
Subject: Re: Journaled filesystem for Linux ? (Oracle)
Date: 21 Jun 1999 22:09:33 GMT

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 01:20:06 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Recent ReiserFS discussions have suggested the idea of pushing recent
>updates into NVRAM on motherboards that support this, thereby providing
>the recommendation that if you want reliability, buy a MOBO that
>supports NVRAM, and use it.
>Supposing we could get massively more reliable *and* fast systems as a
>result of an extra $100 spent on NVRAM hardware on a server's
>motherboard, methinks this could make the inclusion of NVRAM a dominant
>factor in "server system selection."


I think it will be more probable to just have disk controllers that have
non-volatile cache. I believe some small companies make these already. But
most high-end systems have custom controllers, so theirs is an
ever-descreasing market. more's the pity.

Sun at one time sold what would be the equivalent of just another PCI board,
with some battery-backed NVRAM, and some custom software drivers that knewhow
to use it, if available. Then they stupidly dropped it for a year or two.
Funnily enough, I hear they are starting to bring it back for their high-end
servers :-)

[Trim the no-bots from my address to reply to me by email!]
[ Do NOT email-CC me on posts. Pick one or the other.]
The word of the day is mispergitude


From: Eric Veldhuyzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver?
Date: 21 Jun 1999 19:56:21 +0200

Ronald Hovens writes:
> Hello, I have a fine-working redhat linux server. However, I have a
> problem with synchronizing my system clock with a time server on the
> internet.  To set my system clock every time an internet connection
> is established, I use the rdate command in my ip-up script:

> /usr/bin/rdate -s

> This works partially: the system clock indeed is set, but when I
> turn off my computer, the clock setting is lost. How can I make sure
> that the time/date setting is stored in the CMOS clock, so powering
> off doesn't affect the new setting?

Use the setclock comamnd to store the time in the CMOS. I advise you
to use NTP (xntpd). It is more accurate.

#!perl #                       Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
# Eric Veldhuyzen                         
$!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~                 # [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/.(.)...(.)(.)....(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: $^$*$@$~ $_>&$;` #Perl Monger


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (+Pablo+)
Subject: Re: Linux on >8gb drives
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:02:08 GMT

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:29:08 -0500, "Trent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Linux can be installed anywhere.  The /boot martition should be uner the
>1023 cylindar (under 8GB).  it only needs to be a 10 MB partition.  IT is
>also good to have it on hda or sda if possible.
>Don Pederson wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>I'm new to Linux.  I have a copy of Caldera 2.2 and am planning to
>>install it on my Win98 system.  I have an IBM ATA-66 14gm hard disk, but
>>have gotten the impression that the partition Linux is installed in must
>>begin under the 8gb area.  Is this true?  If so, can I start it at say,
>>7.5gb and go to 9.5gb?  I have Partition Magic 4.0, so I can create
>>partitions easily.
>>The messy thing about this is that then I have to have two partitions
>>for Win98, one before and one after the Linux partition.
>>Don Pederson


Here is how I bypass the << 1023 cylinder boot partition problem
(discovered accidentally):

Use partition magic to shrink the existing win98 partition, leaving
only what you want for Linux+Linux swap (suggest 2GB min), ignore
(dont worry about) the cylinder restriction for Linux

In partition magic:
right click on "free space" in the map
create a LOGICAL partition linux swap, start at the end of free space
(suggest 64 to 128MB)

right click on "free space" in the map
create another LOGICAL partition linux ext2,  start at the beginning
of free space, use the rest of the free space

The magic is - 
this creates 2 LOGICAL drives inside an EXTENDED partition...

Put in your boot cd, install Linux

put lilo on the Linux partition (not on master boot record)

reboot to win98

install boot magic

boot magic will see both WIN98 and Linux

reboot betwixt and between with impunity

Also, the Linux partitions are invisible to WIN98, no drive letter
remapping required (:)>



From: Slav Inger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: tiny Linux for MCA 286?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 15:15:23 -0400


I have a microchannel IBM PS/2 Model 50 i286 (yes, it's an antique) that
sits around and does nothing.  I've heard of Tiny Linux which is
supposed to fit on a floppy and doesn't need a hard disk.  I've heard of
some (?) Linuxes that can run on MCA (microchannel) hardware.  So, is
there a flavor of Linux that can run on this thing?


- Slav Inger.


From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: tiny Linux for MCA 286?
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 08:37:01 +0100

Unlikely. ELKS is the only "version" of Linux that runs on 8086/80286
hardware, AFAIK, and I doubt it supports MCA. DO a search for it and

Alternatively, use it as a dumb terminal to a real Linux box.


Slav Inger wrote:
> I have a microchannel IBM PS/2 Model 50 i286 (yes, it's an antique) that
> sits around and does nothing.  I've heard of Tiny Linux which is
> supposed to fit on a floppy and doesn't need a hard disk.  I've heard of
> some (?) Linuxes that can run on MCA (microchannel) hardware.  So, is
> there a flavor of Linux that can run on this thing?


From: Chris Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Firewalling/Multiple Ethernet Question
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:19:14 -0500

I am interested in setting up a firewall using an existing Linux
server.  I will have a 512K frame relay link connected to a router that
will then connect into eth0 on the Linux box, and eth1 will connect to
the internal network.  The internal network will be running a class C
address space, so I need to know how I can go about doing this with
multiple ethernet cards.  Do I need to further break up the address
range so that each network card will have a different subnet?  I
understand that there may be some issues with the same subnet on 2

Chris Zimmerman


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Lamb)
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Debian advocates
Date: 21 Jun 1999 22:30:10 GMT

On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:31:23 GMT, David Frye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>1.  deselect - sucks big time, outdated, takes forever to run through and
>install anything with it. Granted, apt is now available, but you still must
>use deselect when you install Debian.

    Dselect is fine for its purposes.  In fact, I consider it a godsend since
my Debian machine is headless and most of my access to it is through telnet
and the rare X session to my Windows box.  It works fine.

>2. updates - security updates from Debian only support the current release.
>If you are running on 2.0 and it is working fine for you, why must you update
>to 2.1 just to get a simple security update (i.e. wu-ftpd). Security updates
>seem to be compiled with the most current versions of system libriaries that
>the developer maintaining that package has on his system, and there is
>little, if any, support for previous released versions of Debian.

    At some point you must decide when to stop support for previous versions.
Considering the size of Debian they cannot keep things around forever.  

>Granted, I could use apt - get update etc. etc., but on a 33.6 modem, It
>could take forever and a day to get all the libraries that I would need just
>to update one package due to a security problem.

    I've installed two Debian systems over a 28.8k modem.  I've updated one
over a 33.6k modem through two revisions.  Here's the nice thing aout Linux,
it multitasks.  Someone was once telling me how fast hic machine could compile
a kernel.  I countered that my machine could do it in 3 seconds  That's about
how long it takes me to type it out.  After that I change consoles and play
Angband or read news or something. 

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.


From: Slav Inger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux vs. Windoze NT - new security hole found in NT.
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:53:39 -0400

Alex Lam wrote:

> So what's all the fuzz about the new Windoze NT vs. Linux server bench
> test?
> Isn't it it's more important to have a stable and secure server than a
> few mindless
> bench points advantage?
>  New security hole found in NT server
>  check out
> Alex Lam.
> *Remove all the upper case X if reply by e mail.

I have a real hard time believing NT Server can beat Linux on the exact
same machine (assuming, of course, Linux is tuned and configured
correctly).  I have an even harder time believing that IIS can beat
Apache on Linux.  Gotta keep in mind that even reputable benchmarkers
have a tendency to compare apples to oranges, so to speak.  ZDNet, which
came out with an unfavorable results for Linux recently, has been known
to run benchmarks on "slightly" different machines, and then draw direct
comparisons.  And we're not even talking about the security issues in NT,
which there are plenty of.

- Slav Inger.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron L. Spitzer)
Subject: Re: Newbie question about source code
Date: 21 Jun 1999 21:53:28 GMT

In article <7km831$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Davis wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Daniel P. Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>So if I want to find the source for uniq or sort or cat (as examples),
>>how do I figure out which (of the several tens of) RPMs they're in?
>I don't think RedHat comes with the source for all the little
>utilities like cat or ls. Even though they're commonly found
>on just about every Unix system, they are not part of the heart
>of unix (i.e. the kernel).
>I'm sure you can find the source for them at, or one

If Red Hat is distributing a pre-compiled GNU cat(1) (they are) in their
product, they are obligated under the General Public License to

  1. Either give you the source, or promise to give it to you if you
  ask in the next three years, or tell you where you can get it free, and

  2. Tell you that you have a right to the source and that right
  transfers to anyone you lend your Red Hat CD to.

(As I recall the Red Hat boxed set includes a source CD to satisfy this
requirement.)  You have a right to that source, and you have a right
to know you have that right.

If they're not doing that, they're violating the GNU cat(1) copyright.
This matters because this particular copyright is the brilliant invention
that enables the Linux phenomenon.  If Red Hat is monkeywrenching it,
and getting away with it, they're hurting the whole open software community.
If you do not understand this, please read

GNU cat(1) is in GNU-fileutils or GNU-textutils, I can never remember.

Debian GNU/Linux is the Official Operating System of the Green Internet


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joao Pinto)
Subject: Login with Telnet on a Linux Server
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 18:54:59 GMT


I have a PC with Telnet connect to a  Linux Server (RedHat).

I can have connection and Login came, but I can't  logon even with
root ......

Tel me that password is invalid, but IS WRONG ........

Can You help me ????

Thanks In Advance...



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: text in a TextField
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:17:06 GMT

Environment:  RedHat 2.5   Kernerl version: 2.0.36
              NetScape Communicator 4.5/4.6
              Running a Java applet inside NS.

Problem:  text inside a TextField does not appear;  in fact only dots
          and dashes appear because height of the TextField is too

Reason:  In Linux textfield, there is a lot of space on top and bottom
of the text (inside a text field).  ON windows it looks okay.  If i
increase height of textField then text looks okay.  But I am using
an IDE to generate the code and have a quite a few applications so that
I will prefer to have a better solution then manually changing height
of all textField.

Does Java GUI component implemented on based on Motif on Linux?
Can I do anything with motif properties?

Have any other suggestion?

Any suggestion will be of great help.


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Brown)
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: 21 Jun 1999 22:04:32 GMT

On 21 Jun 1999 21:29:31 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 13:22:10 +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Neither do MS apps.  Outlook prompts to run or save when you double click on
>and there's a little box to uncheck, "show this window again?"
>I wonder what percentage of MS users ever see that window again.

oops. I was thinking of another piece of software. Does Outlook have that
checkbox as well?

[Trim the no-bots from my address to reply to me by email!]
[ Do NOT email-CC me on posts. Pick one or the other.]
The word of the day is mispergitude


From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What distros with what libCs?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:39:26 +0100

Tom Alsberg wrote:
>   Hi there... I am considering to buy many Linux distros to choose the
> one that best fits me

Wow! You're going to waste a *lot* of time trying them all out! Pick
one, and customize it as you wish.

, wondering if anyone knows of a complete list of
> Linux distros and their libc versions? which libc does the following
> Linux distros use?:
>   Red Hat 6.0

glibc-2.1.1 I think.

>   Slackware 4.0

libc-5.4.latest (44? 45)

However, you can change this. I have successfully installed glibc-2.1 on
my Slackware 3.4 system (although it wasn't problem-free).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason O'Rourke)
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: 21 Jun 1999 15:46:16 -0700

Philip Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>some price points:
>a 2-way Xeon 550 mhz computer, for $6499, NO DISCOUNT
>a 4-way Xeon 550mhz computer, $10,800  [512k L2 cache]
>a 4-way Xeon 550mhz computer, $17,700  [1-meg L2 cache]
>a 4-way Xeon 550mhz computer, $28,400  [2-meg L2 cache]

>compare to sun's cheapest 4-way box, an E450:
>4-way 250mhz E450, $20,900 list price [1-meg L2 cache]
>4-way 300mhz E450, $30,000 list price [2-meg L2 cache]
>4-way 300mhz E450, $36,500 list price [4-meg L2 cache]
>I HATE this. I much prefer sun boxes. But you'll certainly pay the premium for

Umm, I think you ignore considerable differences between these two
products.  I looked at the Gateway listing for their machine - Comes with
a single disk and looks like a typical PC.  The E450, otoh, is the size of
a small dorm fridge.  It can take 3 powersupplies (which can be hot
swapped), and has slots for 4 hot swap drives (and space for two more
controllers to up this to 20) that are accessible without opening the

As for NT vs solaris...we'll leave that one alone.
'96 BMW r850R
last dive: June 13th, Pescadero Wash Rocks (Carmel), 46 mins at 64ft max



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