Linux-Misc Digest #259, Volume #21                Mon, 2 Aug 99 10:13:28 EDT

  Re: Subject: Why all the symbolic links in linux (gus)
  Linux Net2Phone (dhongBA)
  Re: RH 6.0 and Iomega PP zip driver (Miguel Rodriguez Artacho)
  Re: tar question (John Thompson)
  Re: netscape and newsgroups (John Thompson)
  Re: Linux has finally crashed -> Could be even worse ! (De Messemaeker Johan)
  Apache and ASP ("Joffer")
  Re: Apache and ASP (Kyrre Baker)
  Re: democracy and government power ("A.T.Z.")
  Newbie needs help with peculiar network monitoring problem (EnYgMa)
  Just a suggestion... (Jeff Goodman)
  c++ grammer (jievis)
  Re: MARK in messages (Henry Habernickel)
  Re: RH 6.0 and Iomega PP zip driver (root)
  Re: MARK in messages (Stefan Tomanek)
  Re: c++ grammer (De Messemaeker Johan)
  Re: GNOME & E (coffee)
  Re: Java makes Netscape crash ("R.K.Aa")
  Re: XWin Terminal Emulator ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Java makes Netscape crash (kev)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Subject: Why all the symbolic links in linux
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 10:41:21 +0100

Timothy Fossum wrote:
> gus wrote:
> >
> > Norman Levin wrote:
> > >
> > > There still seems to be a misconception on what symbolic links do
> > > over 'hard' links.
> >  -- snip --
> > > Norman Levin
> > > vm/dynAmIX inc.
> >
> > I see things two ways. Soft links create a master / slave situation.
> > Hard links create multiple masters in a peer type arrangement.
> -- snip ---
> There's another place where soft (symbolic) links behave quite differently
> from hard links.  Suppose filename X is hard linked to file /Y/Z.  If you
> mount a new filesystem on top of Y, then the old /Y/Z becomes invisible, but X
> still refers to the old file.
> Now if X is symbolically linked to /Y/Z and you mount a new filesystem on top
> of Y, X refers to the file named Z IN THE NEW FILESYSTEM, not the old one.  In
> this way, you can have a filename that (usefully) refers to different physical
> files depending on what filesystems are mounted on the directory tree.
> --
> Timothy Fossum

This, I see, is true, but the need for this is surely very abstract... I
am wracking my brains for a useful purpose for this, and all I can think
of is something like warm standby's, or perhaps multiple

But, for each conceivable alternative use I can think of, I can think of
a better "normal" solution.



Subject: Linux Net2Phone
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 14:00:02 +0400

I'm looking for a net2phone version of Linux
or something  similar. Any ideas?



From: Miguel Rodriguez Artacho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RH 6.0 and Iomega PP zip driver
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 11:37:39 +0200



From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tar question
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 22:19:33 -0600

Bob Koss wrote:
> I want to make a tar file of my home directory, but I wish to exclude
> the subdirectory ~/Office51.  How do I do that?
> I must have tried every permutation of -X and --exclude options, but
> the subdirectory always gets included.

When you use the "-X" switch you need to specify a file that
contains the names of the directories/files you wish to
exclude.  Eg, to back up your home directory while excluding
~/Office51 and its subdirectories, create a file calles
"~/exclude.file" with the line:


and try:

tar cvfX /tmp/test.archive ~/exclude.file ~/




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: netscape and newsgroups
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 22:23:44 -0600

Ramin Sina wrote:
> hog wrote:
> > How long did you wait. There are many thousands of newsgroups and the
> > download can be very long, especially if you connection is at  low speed.
> >
> Well I wait for 10 minutes before I quit. But the indicator at the bottom of
> the window suggests that 500K or so was downloaded and I still don't see any
> newsgroup names. In my previous system (same modem, same ISP, suse 5.2) it
> would take  5 to 10 minutes to get all the list, but it would start shpwing
> names immediately.

Try waiting longer.  The group list from my ISP is pushing
1MB these days.




From: De Messemaeker Johan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Linux has finally crashed -> Could be even worse !
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 10:47:38 +0200

Mads Dydensborg wrote:
> De Messemaeker Johan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Could be worse. Yesterday, i installed Windowmaker 6.0 on my system. I
> > use the preinstalled Gnome (SuSE 6.1), so i changed the configuration.
> > Everything works really nice but then :
> >
> > 1. i start gmc (gnome file manager)
> > 2. there is an icon on my desktop that resembles my CD-ROM
> > 3. I double click it and next thing i see is a black screen and then
> > some BIOS-information :-) Linux just crashed big time :-)
> Argh. That surely must be a "wrong" driver or similar. (Or, a very
> convient way to reboot ultra fast :-)

Yeah, it's the driver. Nothing but trouble with it. I can start X 1
time, i go back to console (i exit X) and then i can't go back to X
unless i reboot. Even the local linux-guru doesn't know what's going on

But today i get my TNT2 !!! Things must be better then :-)


From: "Joffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache and ASP
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 12:32:30 +0200

Does Apache support ASP?


From: Kyrre Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache and ASP
Date: 02 Aug 1999 12:48:55 +0200

"Joffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does Apache support ASP?



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: democracy and government power
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 12:52:11 +0200

Richard Kulisz schreef:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, A.T.Z. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Richard Kulisz schreef:
> >> Hey, you may not want democracy
> >> but plenty of people do.
> >
> >I want it too. But only a REAL democracy not the thing most countries
> >have. Oh sorry,
> >you may vote once in a few years and call it democracy.
> Please explain how
> "The first thing is to establish democracy in the Americas" (which last
> I heard, included *north* america) can be interpreted to mean that I
> want nothing more than formal voting. You simply *must* be talking about
> someone else.

Nope. In my opinion what we have is not a real democracy. Politicians listen to you
once every 4 years (just before election). I think in a real democracy you should
also have a referendum. One that should be held if the decision meets some

> >> The government, if it is representative of society, has *every* right. Wealth
> >> and property belongs to society and not to individual people and society can
> >> reclaim all the wealth it loaned to an individual after he or she dies.
> >
> I take it you haven't seen me describe myself as a Marxist, have you?

Bit hard. I posted on july 30th you on august 1th.

> Is your point "communist <==> evil"?


> >> All I need is 150K and I'm set; I don't see why anyone should get away with
> >> a million (let alone a billion) when people are starving in the streets.
> >
> >150k pff. Just enough to buy a small house here in The Netherlands
> Well, here it's enough for a medium house and a mutual fund whose interest
> will pay the property taxes and utility bills forever.

Never thought I would hear a marxist speak about buying mutual funds. I think it is
contradicting everything you believe in. If you're a shareholder (via the mutual
funds) you are a capitalist who earns more money if the "man on the floor" gets less
wage. You also earn more if there are less people working in the factory.A
shareholder is owner thus responsible for whatever happens in his company.

> >> They will move only so long as you allow them to move.
> >
> >HA HA HA HA ever tried to stop a hurricane??How would you stop an international
> >company like say Philips or Compaq.
> 1) prevent them from selling in your country anything
>         that's produced overseas

WTO is going to love this if the US or Canada would do this. On the other hand, what
might happen is that the EU could also close it's borders for products from you

> 2) tax their overseas operations.

There are a few tricks to evade this kind of taxes. I'm quite sure the companies
involved will most certainly do so.

> These aren't novel ideas.

No, but I think it's not wise to follow those.

> >> Corporations will
> >> remain wherever they can make a profit, and this has been demonstrated
> >> in the USA and Australia.
> >
> >Nonsense. It is happening. Where have you been the last few years.
> Only because the respective governments allow and even support it.
> Politicians whine "we can do nothing" and you actually *believe* them?

I never believe a politician. They just talk to much. They are talking about a
problem which is described on 4 sheets of A4 paper. In my opinion a real problem
should fit on one A4, if not, it's not a real problem.

> >Companies using
> >the possibilities there are. Perhaps the head-office in Washington and
> >the factory in
> >Argentina. No problem, we have the internet to communicate, telephone,
> >voice over IP,
> >IP tunneling etc.
> It has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with politics.

Yes, but the technology is there.

> Democracy isn't something
> >> you establish by begging a parliamentarian, you achieve it by building a
> >> massive social movement.
> >
> >You can get arrested for this kind of behaviour. Certainly when it succeeds.
> Ralph Nader didn't get arrested.

If you bomb the whitehouse, you are most likely to be arrested. Or shot while
resisting arrest.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Newbie needs help with peculiar network monitoring problem
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 04:00:17 -0700

Hello all.

I run RedHat 6 with kernel 2.2.5-22 and I run WindowMaker as my X.

What I would like to do is this:

I would like to have a small transparent terminal window with no
titlebar sit at the top of my desktop and constantly monitor
incoming/outgoing network traffic on my system in a manner not unlike

The best graphic example of this I have seen can be viewed at, where the exact type
of window I want is shown at the top of the desktop in a little window
between the clip and the collection of WindowMaker dockapps on the right
side of the screen.

Can anyone tell me how to go about putting something like this on my

Any help appreciated.




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From: Jeff Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Just a suggestion...
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 00:21:20 -0700

Can we take the large number of postings in this (already very busy)
newsgroup that relate to communism, philosophy, name-calling, etc., and
not at all to Linux, and move them to a more appropriate forum?  Just a



From: jievis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: c++ grammer
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 11:30:37 GMT

Hi, All:
   Where can I find the grammer for C++ writen in lex( or flex) and yacc 
(or bison), 
   Thanks in advance


==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henry Habernickel)
Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc
Subject: Re: MARK in messages
Date: 2 Aug 1999 11:30:07 GMT

Oliver Gebele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anybody know who is writing these
>MARK's to my /var/log/messages
>-file every 15 minutes (SuSE6.1) ???

man syslogd. Option: -m

Gruss, Henry 
Ich denke, also spinn' ich

pgp available on subject "send pgp"


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RH 6.0 and Iomega PP zip driver
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 21:46:39 +1000

Dan Bizuneh wrote:

> During the installation of RH 5.2  a while back, I chose Iomega PP zip
> drive from the scsi list, redhat recognized my parallel port zip drive
> and everything went well.  But when I try to upgrade to RH 6.0,  redhat
> was unable to auto probe my parallel port zip drive.  Does anyone know
> how I can make my parallel port zip drive work on RH 6.0?
> Thanks
> Dan Bizuneh

Howdy All,

I went thru this grief over the last week.

What I did was as follows.

Firstly, kill the lpd daemon.  It should not be running BEFORE you do
anything about the Zip disk.

Then, 'modprobe ppa' and I get all sorts of messages about the ppa firing

Make sure you have a zip disk in the drive.

Then enter, 'mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip'  (the last parameter is
where your mount point is)

All should then be peachy.

Fire up the lpd daemon again.

I concur about making sure the parallel port should be in bidirectional
mode first up.

Give me a holler if you need more help.

PS  The above procedure worked for me so good luck.



From: Stefan Tomanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc
Subject: Re: MARK in messages
Date: 02 Aug 1999 14:06:29 +0200

[---Mark--- im Syslog]

Das ist der Syslog-Daemon selbst, er zeigt damit an, dass er noch lebt.

   /E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ: 1177934 | Ask for CA-signed PGP-Key/
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From: De Messemaeker Johan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: c++ grammer
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 13:37:27 +0200

jievis wrote:
> Hi, All:
>    Where can I find the grammer for C++ writen in lex( or flex) and yacc
> (or bison),
>    Thanks in advance

Hmm, i'm also interested in this. And the ANSI SQL-grammar too :-)

                                Thanx, greetings


From: coffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GNOME & E
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 07:15:31 -0400


> Ummmm, yes, that works, but do I really have to use 3 mouse clicks to do
> it?  In Windows (sorry if you hate it) one click on the task bar will
> raise a window to the front.  It seems like such a simple thing.
> Clicking on something in the GNOME task list gives it keyboard focus (I
> can tell by the way the window changes color) but it doesn't raise it.
> Isn't there an easy way?

I got the latest gnome patches and it fixed the problem. Now I just
click on the minimized icon on the task bar and it comes up ok.

        Newbie Problems? Visit for help
                coffee at indy dot net * ICQ 1614986 
                        Kokomo, Indiana, USA


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Java makes Netscape crash
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 14:39:02 +0200

kev wrote:
> I've just upgraded to Netscape 4.6 cos 4.5 crashed every time it hit a
> Java applet. 4.6 does exactly the same thing.
> I had been told previously that to fix the crashing problem I should do:
> chkfontpath --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi
> This just gives me the message:
> chkfontpath: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi already in list

Have you checked that there are actually fonts in that directory? The
path alone is no good if the 75dpi fonts aren't installed.


                                  --  To E-mail, delete "spam" --


Subject: Re: XWin Terminal Emulator
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 12:25:53 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <7o2fqu$f6b$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

OK, I see what you mean. Thank you both very much for the assistance.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Java makes Netscape crash
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 13:36:45 +0100


I've just upgraded to Netscape 4.6 cos 4.5 crashed every time it hit a
Java applet. 4.6 does exactly the same thing.

I had been told previously that to fix the crashing problem I should do:

chkfontpath --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi

This just gives me the message:

chkfontpath: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi already in list

for both 4.5 and 4.6, and fixes no problems in neither. I _need_ to be
able to view Java applets in a browser. Does anyone know how to fix this

Thanks in advance,




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