Linux-Misc Digest #275, Volume #21                Tue, 3 Aug 99 16:13:15 EDT

  Re: IDE vs scsi? (Rod Smith)
  Re: vmlinux vs vmlinuz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Java makes Netscape crash (kev)
  Re: All to change my hostname!!   :-) (kev)
  Re: Apache and ASP (Student)
  Re: Java makes Netscape crash (jamie)
  Re: howto show baudrate? (gus)
  Re: What I think of linux. (Tim Hanson)
  Kmod and autoclean ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Difference between UNIX and Linux? ("Sascha Bohnenkamp")
  Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work (K. Bruner)
  Re: All to change my hostname!!   :-) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  libgcj 2.95 (Tom Tromey)
  Re: CIA assassinations (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: IDE vs scsi? (Rod Smith)
  Re: IDE vs scsi? ("Art S. Kagel")
  Re: a (GUI) spreadsheet with Perl API ? ("Sascha Bohnenkamp")
  Re: ICQ and linux client (Larry Clark)
  Re: [Q] linux license? (Heeeeeeeez back!)
  Re: PPP ("Christopher W. Aiken")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: IDE vs scsi?
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 17:32:25 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Art S. Kagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So the point is still made, many of the best SCSI drives out there 
> claim 40-80MB/sec sustained throughput which is, alone, sufficient to 
> saturate a SCSI bus

Again, this isn't true!  40-80Mbps (and higher), yes, but not 40-80MB/s.

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


Crossposted-To: redhat.kernel.general,redhat.general
Subject: Re: vmlinux vs vmlinuz
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 17:44:00 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  ashanti2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leonard Evens wrote:
> > After upgrading to RH6.0, we find we have a vmlinuz-... of about
> > 650K and a vmlinux-... of about 1.5 M.   Also, when we upgraded
> > the kernel using the upgrade rpm package, we again got two
> > such kernels.  rpm -qlp on the .rpm file shows both files.
> >
> > Our conjecture is that vmlinux is the uncompressed kernel.
> > But what is it there for?   I tried making it an option in lilo,
> > but lilo complained that it was too big.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
> > Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208
> This is an example of an inconsistency I found in the make file RH
> vmlinuz and vmlinux. In the /boot directory, you will find for RH 5.2
> spelling of vmlinuz-2.0.36-0.7. If that is the directory where you are
> looking.
> After doing a make boot, I got errors and I looked in the redirected
> output and found the spelling vmlinux in the makefile. That may be my
> problem also. If you get more information on this please share it with
> me. I have a posting above called: Make Boot Errors.

guys.. i just burrowed through some older postings.. it seems that the
real vmlinuz (boot image) is not the one in /usr/src/linux .. it's
actually in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot

that's the boot image.. i suppose..

i can't still figure out what vmlinux is..

lets try this huh!!!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Java makes Netscape crash
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:38:02 +0100

I have kaffe installed - so that's not the problem for me.

- Kev

"s.c.park" wrote:

> I am a newcomer to Linux/Unix. But, I solved the problem by installing
> kaffe which is a Java virtual machine.
> Sincerely, s.c.park
> Mike Mckinney wrote:
> >
> > kev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Hi,
> > >
> > >I've just upgraded to Netscape 4.6 cos 4.5 crashed every time it hit a
> > >Java applet. 4.6 does exactly the same thing.
> > >
> > >I had been told previously that to fix the crashing problem I should do:
> > >
> > >chkfontpath --add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi
> > >
> > >This just gives me the message:
> > >
> > >chkfontpath: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi already in list
> > >
> > >for both 4.5 and 4.6, and fixes no problems in neither. I _need_ to be
> > >able to view Java applets in a browser. Does anyone know how to fix this
> > >problem.
> >
> > If you manage to get this problem fixed, could you let me know also ?
> > I have also checked my fonts, and still it crashes. And sometimes, Netscape
> > just "wigs out" and starts making my disk thrash so badly that the only thing
> > I can do is warm boot using the reset button, which of course results more
> > often than not in my filesystem getting somewhat trashed.
> >
> > The site that I have the most problems with is :
> >
> >
> >
> > --

Kevin Porter
Web Programmer
FAST Web Media
Suite 320, Sunlight House, Quay St, Manchester
England, M3 3JZ

Phone:  44 (0) 161 835 3525
Home Page:    
All The Web:  
FAST FTP Search:
FAST MP3:     
FAST Soccer:  
FAST Entertainment:


Subject: Re: All to change my hostname!!   :-)
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:40:19 +0100

Sorry I can't help you on this, but I just wanted to say that I sympathise with
you, as I've been on wild goose chases like this on many occasion since installing
Red Hat 6. I still have plenty of outstanding problems. I'm sure that with the
help of the good people on these newsgroups they will all _eventually_be solved,
but if I'm honest I'd have to say, as much as I love Unix and hate M$, RH6 has
been a right royal pain in the arse. My workstation now completely crashes on
occasion, which is a worse record than NT - I ran NT for six months and it crashed
Think of the satisfaction when we finally become the gurus we need to be though

- Kev

GatonSon wrote:

> Platform:  Red Hat 6.0
> Having a stand alone system, I only wanted to change my hostname.  I began by
> setting it with the hostname command.  When I did that, I would reboot.  It
> would hang on the sendmail and httpd daemons during startup and when it finally
> did boot, my changes would be reset to what they were before.  So I then used
> the control-panel and set up the network configuration through that GUI
> program.  This time, when I rebooted, it still hung on sendmail and httpd for a
> long time (httpd actually FAILED for startup), but this time the login prompt
> and contents of /etc/hosts and /etc/HOSTNAME showed the changes.  But, now I
> can not even start X with startx.  The cursor drops to the next line and
> everything freezes.  Control-Meta-Backspace doesn't do anything, and
> Control-Meta-Del only reboots the system, starting everything all over again.
> All this just to change my hostname on my little stand alone system.  Now I
> can't even get X up and running.  :-)
> I appreciate any help anyone can give me.  I'm still trying to figure which
> files I should be looking at to at least get X up.  I'm a bit of a beginner.
> Thanks again.
> Jason, Vermont

Kevin Porter
Web Programmer
FAST Web Media
Suite 320, Sunlight House, Quay St, Manchester
England, M3 3JZ

Phone:  44 (0) 161 835 3525
Home Page:    
All The Web:  
FAST FTP Search:
FAST MP3:     
FAST Soccer:  
FAST Entertainment:


From: Student <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache and ASP
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 18:07:35 +0200

i know that there are asp plugs for apache but can they suport vb script ??

Ron G wrote:

> I've heard of a few approaches.  One was already posted in response to your
> question.  Here's another:
> Joffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:7o3s2q$s3e$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Does Apache support ASP?
> >
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jamie)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Java makes Netscape crash
Date: 3 Aug 1999 17:48:29 GMT

Rado Faletic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm running 4.51 on a SGI Octane running IRIX 6.5.4 and I have no
>problem with this site. Occassionally I get a crash due to Java, but
>actually quite rarely. It must be a Linux thing. Same on the Mac, not
>very many Java crashed.

It may be a Linux java thing, or a Linux java libc5 thing.  Roughly
half the time Netscape hangs, closes itself, or spawns 30 or so "Xlib:
unexpected ASYNX reply" error windows while loading the game.  The other
half of the time it works fine, but might suddenly do any of the above
during the game or especially when opening/switching to another Netscape

The only thing I have been able to rule out is KDE, since it does the
same thing under fvwm and WindowMaker.  (I've also tried almost every
Netscape 4.x libc5 version, makes no difference).

  jamie  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

                "There's a seeker born every minute."


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: howto show baudrate?
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 15:34:03 +0100

If you use chat to connect, set the debug level on, and send the results
to a log file. Then parse the log file for the connect speed.


Ari Vaisanen wrote:
> How do i see what baudrate i have when i connect to my ISP?
> I use slackware 3.6 with kernel 2.2.4 and ppp-2.3.5 with pppsetup-1.98.
> Thanks In Advance!
> cheers
> /A. Vaisanen
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Hanson)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: What I think of linux.
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 18:13:42 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Knott) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "W.A. Scheer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>James Knott wrote in message ...
>>>My first computer was an IMSAI 8080, which was a (better built) clone
>>>of the Altair.  I also struggled with cassettes.
>>Just wondering why you went with the IMSAI instead of the Altair? For me, it
>>was a REALLY technical reason ... the switches looked less cheesy!!
>There were a few reasons.  One was price.  The Altair was more 
>expensive.  The IMSAI was also built a lot better.  (You could almost 
>use the power supply for an arc welder. :-).  And the sole computer 
>dealer in Toronto at that time carried IMSAI.  I agree, the front 
>panel on the original Altair looked cheap.

IIRC, both of them were hyped the same with "unlimited possibilities," implying
one could change weather and launch missiles with them.


Subject: Kmod and autoclean
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 18:58:55 GMT

After much effort and inumberable reboots, i finally managed to get my
zip drive working.  simply
putting the modules parport, parport_pc (not in any of the
mini-howtos/any other docs i could find), and ppa (imm for zip PLUS).
this works fine, except that, as kmod (kerneld replacement) didn't put
them there in the first place, they are not flagged autoclean and so the
rmmod -a in my crontab doesn't dispense of them even if they say 0 next
to them.

i have tried many things, and nothing seems to work.  what i would
ultimatly like to do is just be able to "mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip" and
have it mount, loading the appropriate scsi, file systems (sda4 is
usualy a vfat partition), and of course ppa.  the only way i can see to
do this is a shell script, but because that does not invoke kmod, the
problem is the same (rmmod -a doesn't work).  since kmod uses modprobe
just like kerneld did, i thought i might just creat a "zip.o" that
somehow "depended" on parport, parport_pc, ppa, appropriate scsi, etc
and then in crontab have an entry for rmmod zip, rmmod -a.  upon further
reflection, i thought a simple line added to modules.dep would work. 
however, the only way this seemed to work is if i rebooted, and since
rebooting overwrites the modules.dep...even if its chmod 444'd...

i suppose i could add the appropriate rmmod's to an unmount-zip script,
but i am looking for something a little more permanent than that
(besides, thats not fixing the problem: its avoiding figuring out how it

could i just add a request_module() call to zip.c and then add it to
.configure or Makefile? any expirience/foresights/documentation would be
greatly appreciated.



From: "Sascha Bohnenkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Difference between UNIX and Linux?
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 16:47:19 +0200

>I'm taking a course next term that uses UNIX.  Is there any difference in
>the operation of the two operating systems?  Are Pipe and Fork the same in
>the two systems?

aehem well 'the two systems' ?
there is no 'one' unix, there are many many flavours (ok bsd and sv are the
main ones)
linux behaves much like a bsd-unix (solaris etc.) but many other things are
more sv.
Which unix are you using in the course (aix,solaris,hp-ux,reliant,unixware
... and many others)?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (K. Bruner)
Subject: Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work
Date: 3 Aug 1999 18:51:17 GMT

On Mon, 02 Aug 1999 22:05:09 GMT, ST said something like:

> I'm having the same problem.  I have a Creative SB Audio PC64D with an 
> IRQ of 11 and an I/O range of 1800-183F.  Everytime I try to run 
> sndconfig to autodetect the card it tells me I have an ES1371 chipset (i 
> use RH which I think is kernel version 2.2.10).  There are claims that it 
> is supported, but I get NO sound.  Did you ever get it to work?

Note that, unlike the other AudioPCI 64 cards, which I believe are
ES1370, the 64D is rather different, and uses the ES1371 chipset.
(Actually, from my understanding, it uses the ES1373 chipset, which is
the same as the ES1371 chipset.)  I did not have luck with mine until I
got the alsa drivers, which made a big difference.  However, I want to
be able to do reasonable-quality recording from external instruments
via the line-in, and I wasn't getting very good quality recording with
the alsa driver.  I've downloaded the trial version of the OSS/4Front
drivers (these are the commercial drivers at and 
noticed a dramatic improvement, but I've only had a day to play with 
it.  When I get my next paycheck, they're getting their $20 from me.

--                                                   Inconsiderate Bitch
        What, after all,
Is a halo?  It's only one more thing to keep clean.
                                        --Christopher Fry


Subject: Re: All to change my hostname!!   :-)
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 19:05:01 GMT

kev wrote:
> Sorry I can't help you on this, but I just wanted to say that I sympathise with
> you, as I've been on wild goose chases like this on many occasion since installing
> Red Hat 6. I still have plenty of outstanding problems. I'm sure that with the
> help of the good people on these newsgroups they will all _eventually_be solved,
> but if I'm honest I'd have to say, as much as I love Unix and hate M$, RH6 has
> been a right royal pain in the arse. My workstation now completely crashes on
> occasion, which is a worse record than NT - I ran NT for six months and it crashed
> once.
> Think of the satisfaction when we finally become the gurus we need to be though
> ;-)
*grumbles at people who reply above the quotation*
> - Kev
> GatonSon wrote:
> > Platform:  Red Hat 6.0
> >
> > Having a stand alone system, I only wanted to change my hostname.  I began by
> > setting it with the hostname command.  When I did that, I would reboot.  It
> > would hang on the sendmail and httpd daemons during startup and when it finally
> > did boot, my changes would be reset to what they were before.  So I then used
> > the control-panel and set up the network configuration through that GUI
> > program.  This time, when I rebooted, it still hung on sendmail and httpd for a
> > long time (httpd actually FAILED for startup), but this time the login prompt
> > and contents of /etc/hosts and /etc/HOSTNAME showed the changes.  But, now I
> > can not even start X with startx.  The cursor drops to the next line and
> > everything freezes.  Control-Meta-Backspace doesn't do anything, and
> > Control-Meta-Del only reboots the system, starting everything all over again.
> >
i changed those two files, then went to my startup scripts and did a
grep (grep '<old host>' *) for my old hostname..found it in a few
placees i would not have expected it.

> > All this just to change my hostname on my little stand alone system.  Now I
> > can't even get X up and running.  :-)
> >
> > I appreciate any help anyone can give me.  I'm still trying to figure which
> > files I should be looking at to at least get X up.  I'm a bit of a beginner.
> >
aren't we al:-p
x is merely a way to run netscape for me, so i can't help you much

> > Thanks again.
> > Jason, Vermont
> --
> Kevin Porter
> Web Programmer
> FAST Web Media
> Suite 320, Sunlight House, Quay St, Manchester
> England, M3 3JZ



From: Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.announce,alt.sources.d
Subject: libgcj 2.95
Date: 01 Aug 1999 18:48:33 -0600

We're pleased to announce the availability of libgcj 2.95.  Libgcj is
the runtime library for the GNU compiler for the Java [1] language.
Version 2.95 works with the recently released gcc 2.95.[2]

This is the first real net release of libgcj; previously it was
available only via anonymous cvs and cvs snapshots.  Since it was
first made available via cvs, libgcj has seen many bug fixes, several
new ports, and greatly increased functionality (e.g., the addition of

This release has been built and tested on a few platforms, notably
various versions of x86 Linux and Solaris.  A full list of
known-working ports is not currently available.

libgcj 2.95 is available here:

However, we'd prefer that you download it from a mirror instead.[3]

For more information on libgcj and the gcj project, see the web page:

The web site includes contact information for questions, comments, and
bug reports.

The Gcj Hackers

[1] Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other
countries. The Free Software Foundation and Cygnus Solutions are
independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

[2] See the gcc 2.95 announcement here:

[3] Find the list of mirror sites here:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: CIA assassinations
Date: 3 Aug 1999 12:20:59 -0400

On Tue, 03 Aug 1999 14:19:18 GMT, MK wrote:
>On 30 Jul 1999 22:51:00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan
>Rebbechi) wrote:

>Those who want to go the third way when seeing the fork in the
>road, usually end up crashing.

 How do you show that there really is a "fork 
in the road", as opposed to a continuum of choices ? 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: IDE vs scsi?
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 17:28:35 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow) writes:
> On Tue, 03 Aug 1999 03:20:35 GMT,
> Rod Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> That's what I used to think.  Then someone pointed out to me that a 
>>> 10,000 RPM 
>>> drive with 35 sectors per cylinder on average (entirely possible with
>>> even one 
>>> high density platter/head and easy with 2 or more) is capable of reading
>>> 170MB 
>>> per second!
>>Nope.  170MB/MINUTE, maybe.
>>35 cylinders * 512 bytes/cylinder * 10,000 RPM = 179,200,000 bytes/minute
> Right idea, wrong units -- had me there for a minute.  Try:
> 35 sectors/track * 512 b/cyl * 10,000 RPM = 179,200,000 bytes/minute/track

Since the vast majority of hard drives can only read from one track at a
time (per head, anyhow), the two statements are identical in practice.  I
just didn't bother to make this explicit because it seemed so obvious. 
As I stated in my original post, adding heads (platters) is the real
issue that'll get higher transfer rates.

> Of course, modern drives have many more sectors than this on outer
> tracks.

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


From: "Art S. Kagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDE vs scsi?
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 14:42:58 -0400

Rod Smith wrote:
> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         "Art S. Kagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > So the point is still made, many of the best SCSI drives out there
> > claim 40-80MB/sec sustained throughput which is, alone, sufficient to
> > saturate a SCSI bus
> Again, this isn't true!  40-80Mbps (and higher), yes, but not 40-80MB/s.

OK, actual specs.  Disk to cache rate is the drives sustainable transfer 

Drive                   Reported internal transfer rate disk->cache
=====================   ============================================
Quantum Fireball Plus KA        235 Mb/Sec. or 29.4 MB/sec.
Seagate Barracuda 50            264 Mb/Sec. or 33.0 MB/sec.
Quantum Atlas 10K               315 Mb/Sec. or 39.4 MB/sec.
Seagate Cheeta 18LP             308 Mb/Sec. or 38.5 MB/sec.

These are some 30 and 40MB/sec class drives.  Apparently my memory was 
not correct about having seen specs on 80MB/sec drives.  Again the 
original point is not lost.  Rod you said: 
        I also doubt the 40MB/s figure somebody else quoted.  Those 
        are both limits for particular implementations of SCSI busses.  
        Real-world hard disk transfer speeds are almost always 
        substantially lower than the hard disk bus speed. 

These drives are transferring data into their cache at almost EXACTLY 
their bus speeds and can transfer from cache to bus at substantially 
higher rates for burst transfers!

I do apologize for overstating the case.  Above are the actual figures 
the case still stands.

Art S. Kagel


From: "Sascha Bohnenkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uw.linux
Subject: Re: a (GUI) spreadsheet with Perl API ?
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 16:48:35 +0200

>>    does anybody know of a spreadsheet, or even better a GUI
>>spreadsheet like applix, etc.,  that would have the capability
>>of being manipulated through a Perl API ? (Or some other
>>high-level scripting language) ? Even just plain read, write
>>and recalculate functions would be enough.
well, nexs has a tcl-api ... I know that is not perl, but very similiar


From: Larry Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ICQ and linux client
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 11:24:30 -0700

> ok so here is that latest development...

ok so I get gtkicq tells me to get gtk higher I get it...
that tells me to get glib higher version... so I get that...
they tell me to uninstall the older version.....did that  when doing
./configure it says it can't figure out what kinda host I I do
./configure --host=i386
work a little farhter then says  c compiler can't work now....I think I fuc***
something up...and I left my disks at much for day two of
triing to get ICQ on this box...I have LICQ on my red hat box at home...I am
usiing caldera 2.2 here at work........thanks ...any ideas? larry


From: Heeeeeeeez back! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Q] linux license?
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 00:46:51 +0100

student <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have some administrative questions.
> As a end user, I've been wondering the question related to
> the license of linux.
> Specifically, for example, many linux OSes 
> such as RedHat, Slackware, Debian, etc
> have 'free' or 'share' packages of gnu society 
> for compilers, editors, xterms, etc, in their CDROM.
> In that case, the company of RedHat or Slackware or Debian
> need to pay some license fee to 'gnu' society?


> (Or to any person that made free/share packages called freeware/shareware).
> Or they don't need to pay to them at all.

They may (anyone may) voluntarily offer financial support to GNU, or any of
the other development bodies.... In fact, RedHat DO support GNOME.
It isn't compi;sary though. It's "free" software.

Try reading the GPL for more info.

> If they do not need to pay at all, can I(as an end user)
> sell my own CDROM that has such freeware/shareware packages
> without violating any law?

Yes. Many people do.
You DO have to be carefull however.
Not everything on the RedHat or SuSE CDs are covered under GNU.
Some are commertial packages or have more restrictive licences.
(SuSE YaST is one example)

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                                                |
|    Andrew Halliwell BSc   |"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't |
|             in            | suck is probably the day they start making     |
|      Computer Science     | vacuum cleaners" - Ernst Jan Plugge            |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: "Christopher W. Aiken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 09:31:18 -0400

I don't know that there is a "best" program,  but you
could try kppp ( part of  KDE ) or you could download
and use X-ISP ( )
I you have RH, Mandrake, or SuSE you already have
kppp on your system.


"Gregor Gregorič" wrote:

> What is the best program to connect to internet.
> Thx
> Greg

The box said 'WIN95/98 or better.' so I installed LINUX!

unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; gasp ; yes ; more ; umount ;



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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