Linux-Misc Digest #281, Volume #21                Wed, 4 Aug 99 00:13:11 EDT

  mount theory, lost space, and other sundry cack ("Matt Arnold")
  Re: Real*6 to float? (Gergo Barany)
  Re: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS? (Robin Smith)
  Re: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ? Do cron jobs even if machine is down when due (Holger Peine)
  Re: PPP and Linux (Mike Ramsey)
  Re: bootdisk: Invalid compress format?? (Robin Smith)
  Distributions (eze)
  Re: APS-UPS for Linux? (Rob Clark)
  Re: APS-UPS for Linux? (CJ)
  Re: RedHat-5.2 + trn + follow up.. (Latenar)
  Re: vmlinux vs vmlinuz (Paul Anderson)
  Re: Distributions (Latenar)
  Re: Distributions ("Donald E. Stidwell")
  Pinging with the WebBeetle ("Donald E. Stidwell")
  anyone try to use the sblive in kernel 2.3.12 ? (zitang)
  AZ:Tempe / LINUX SOFTWARE DEVELOPERs / Agency (Tate Consulting)
  Re: Using IDE controller card ("Charles Sullivan")
  More kind words from M$. ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: Does Linux support the TR-4 Tape drive? (Rod Roark)
  Number lock and alt-tab fail in fvwm2 (Raymond)


From: "Matt Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: mount theory, lost space, and other sundry cack
Date: 3 Aug 1999 20:56:10 -0500

William Wueppelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described how to add
a new drive by saying:

> 1. mount the new partition under a temporary point like /mnt
> 2. copy /home to /mnt using the -a (archive) option
> 3. verify that the contents have been copied (unmount the partition
>    and remount it and then check)
> 4. delete the contents of /home (but not the directory itself)
> 5. add a line to /etc/fstab that mounts the partition under /home
> 6. reboot, or better yet, just unmount the partition from /mnt and
>    remount it on /home.

The above excerpt clearly describes how to add a new drive to increase the
amount of available space to your linux system.  But I still have one
nagging question.  What happens if we skip step 4?  What happens if we don't
delete the original content?  Let me give an example to explain further...

Assume for a moment we have a system like the following:
% df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1              1410365   1041277    296212  78% /

And let's assume that /home contains around 100MB worth of stuff.  It's
growing at a fast rate, so we want to add another disk and put /home on that
new disk.  We'll need to prepare the new disk, mount it to a temporary
point, and copy /home from the old disk to the new disk.  So far so good.

Now what happens once we mount /home to this new disk?  We still have 100MB
worth of files on the old disk (formerly available via /home).  But because
of this recent mount (which now points /home to the new disk) we can't get
to these files on the old disk to delete them.  Right?  They're still
consuming space, yet they can't be reached for deletion?  Is there a name
for this type of situation -- disk space which is in use yet can't be freed
because our mount points won't let us reach it?

I'm assuming the proper way to deal with this is to make sure one deletes
the files from the old drive before mounting the new one (per step 4 shown
above.)  But I'm still wondering if there is any way to detect (using the
output of df or other program) if there is any of this "lost space" on my
drives.  It seems any filesystem with more than the single mount point of /
COULD potentially contain unreachable files.  How can I prove there is none
of this unreachable space on my filesystems?

And, yes, I'm a newbie.  I tried to RTFM and FAQ's, but I failed to find
where this situation was described.  Thank you for any help anyone can



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gergo Barany)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Real*6 to float?
Date: 4 Aug 1999 00:38:26 GMT

On Tue, 03 Aug 1999 18:59:01 -0500, Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I hope someone answers your question.  I wanted to do the
>same thing because I had a Turbo Pascal program which
>stored data in binary format including some real fields.
>I tried everything  I could think of to figure out how the 
>real data was encoded in binary format.  I was able to
>separate that mantissa and exponent, but I never did figure
>out the encoding.   I finally gave up and rewrote the
>Pascal program to print out the reals as text strings.

That's the right way. Binary represenatations of numbers may vary wildly
across operating systems, compilers, or even different versions of the
same compiler. If you need your data in the future, saving it as text is
the solution.


And we can always supply them with a program that makes identical files
into links to a single file.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

GU d- s:+ a--- C++>$ UL+++ P>++ L+++ E>++ W+ N++ o? K- w--- !O !M !V
PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP+ t* 5+ X- R>+ tv++ b+>+++ DI+ D+ G>++ e* h! !r !y+


From: Robin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS?
Date: 03 Aug 1999 14:07:26 +0100

Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Donn Miller wrote:
> > 
> > Someone suggested that the temperature of the CPU increases as
> > the CPU usage increases.  By his reasoning, the larger the idle
> > time, the cooler the CPU will be.  How true is this?
> Which part of "true" don't you understand? [vbg]
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Ian Smith                   Linux Help:     alt.os.linux
>                                         uk.comp.os.linux
> --------------------------------------------------------

If the chip technology is CMOS then there is only a significant
current drawn when the gates switch. The more CPU activity the higher
the average current will be drawn and hence more heat. Most modern
CPUs are CMOS.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Is Linux A Memory Hogging OS?
Date: 03 Aug 1999 09:41:11 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Johnny Johanson) writes:

> If you are concerned about power consumption I'm sure there are more
> efficent measures to be taken such as doing what you want done and then
> powering off the computer completely.

Not for a laptop, if you just typing in some code, you need the computer 
on but in reality, its spending most of its time between keystrokes running
idle. I've notice when I do big compiles that my fan goes into high speed
mode after a minute or two.


From: Holger Peine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ? Do cron jobs even if machine is down when due
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 15:07:52 +0200


I have various cron jobs on my private Linux PC (SuSE-6.1).
However, there is no single time of day when my PC will always be
online, and crond executes only jobs which are due at the very minute 
crond checks them. So, jobs which were due when the PC happened to 
be down are never executed.
It would be nice to have such jobs executed at the time of the next
start of crond (i.e. usually at reboot time). Is there any version
of crond which does this? (I know I could build my own by some scripts
called during boot up and shut down, parsing the crontab etc., but I
don't want to go that trouble).


Dipl.-Inform. (MSc)  Holger Peine              
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany          
Phone +49-631-205-3292  Fax -205-3558


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Ramsey)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: PPP and Linux
Date: 3 Aug 1999 13:19:52 GMT

I finally succeeded last night in getting ppp to connect.  I have RH 6.0
and was using Linux Unleashed as a reference (which is about 5.2, but close
enough).  I used netcfg to config the connect; what isn't clear in the book
is that the login handshake (can't remember which screen it's in) is in
order.  I was expecting it to accept an out-of-order listing (similar to
some programming I did years ago with "expect").  This assumption was
supported by the fact that if you select an entry and modify it, it moves
to the end of the list.

The other piece of info I had to ferret out was that the login process for
my ISP had an extra step.  Before the login: and password: prompts is a
host: prompt which wants a 'ppp' or 'shell' response.

Worked perfectly as soon as I figured those two things out.



From: Robin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: bootdisk: Invalid compress format??
Date: 03 Aug 1999 14:13:55 +0100

Kenny Kim Leung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I followed Bootdisk-HOWTO and also /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ramdisk.txt
> and created a compressed ramdisk image as the root disk for floppy boot.
> Used standard 1440 format. During boot it prompted me to insert the root
> floppy and I did. It then responded with sth like "Found compressed image",
> only to be immediately followed by sth like "Invalid compress format" and
> asked me to insert the root disk. Pressing <Enter> again causes kernel
> panic.
> What's the problem?
> -- 
> Everything is not as it appears to be.

I started to make a bootdisk like this, then I read my Redhat book, I
found that RH has the mkbootdisk command and the CD-ROM contains
compressed images that can be copied directly to the rescue disk. This
process took 5 minutes. I hope the distribution that you are using has
this functionality.



Subject: Distributions
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 02:30:35 GMT

which is the most easy to install linux's distribution?

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: APS-UPS for Linux?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 02:14:24 GMT

In article <7o84fm$etg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Penguin Head  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there a program that interactes with APC-UPS to shut off the computer
>during power outages? The software the comes with the UPS is for

Both projects are GPLed nowadays.
Have fun!



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: APS-UPS for Linux?
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 21:15:56 -0500

Penguin Head wrote:
> Hi all
> Is there a program that interactes with APC-UPS to shut off the computer
> during power outages? The software the comes with the UPS is for
> Windoez.
> PH


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Latenar)
Subject: Re: RedHat-5.2 + trn + follow up..
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 02:35:50 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
ishwar rattan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Tried to follow up a post with `trn' using F, I see the following
>error message?
>Any ideas?
>- ishwar
>No such newsgroups as "comp.os.linux.misc".
>(Article not posted.)Your article's newsgroup:
>comp.os.linux.misc      [no description available]
>Check spelling, Send, Abort, Edit, or List? send
>No such newsgroups as "comp.os.linux.misc".
>(Article not posted.)
>Check spelling, Send, Abort, Edit, or List?

i have tried netscape, simplenews (good if you don't want to learn a new client)
, trn, and now have settled on pine (hard to set up though) to read my news. 
 however, i'm responding to your post right here with the F in trn, let's see
 if it works!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Anderson)
Crossposted-To: redhat.kernel.general,redhat.general
Subject: Re: vmlinux vs vmlinuz
Date: 3 Aug 1999 19:17:53 -0400


>i can't still figure out what vmlinux is..
It's a non-compressed kernel for use with debugging.


From: Latenar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Distributions
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 03:08:38 GMT

On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, eze wrote:
> which is the most easy to install linux's distribution?

I installed Slackware (4.0) on a laptop with pretty standard hardware
(toshiba) without a hitch...took me 4 hours from when i put the cd in to
when i had a running, functional installed system on my hardrive...add
another 2 hours for X :-p.  note that the figure above includes
reformatting my entire (1gig) harddrive and also i picked the install
method that asked me about all non-critical packages (you could cut it
down to an hour or so otherwise).  also, slackware boot disks are know by
many, many people as amazingly good at detecting ANY kind of hardware and
running.  the 4 CD set includes a bootable cd if your bios supports it so
you can try it out without touching your harddrive...and even if your bios
doesn't support it you can boot off of a floppy and mount the
cd...zipslack is a version included with the 4cd set and possibly the 1 cd
set that you can fit on a zip disk and boot, either directly or off of a
floppy...more versatile than the cd because you can actually do stuff.
also good if you have a 14.4 or similiar (like me) and want to download
it...follow the link on ...all in all very easy
to install...though have your manual handy because to get things like
sound to work, you WILL need to know the IRQ, DMA, I/O port, etc.

Good luck:-p



From: "Donald E. Stidwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Distributions
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 02:39:47 GMT

eze wrote:

> which is the most easy to install linux's distribution?
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

I've used SuSE, Mandrake (a RH variant), Red Hat and OpenLinux.
OpenLinux 2.2 is probably the easisest by a long shot - if it works with
your hardware. I have read lots of horror stories about it not
installing properly on some hardware though. My PCs are pretty generic,
low-end stuff and COL 2.2 installed flawlessly on all three of them. (I
never tried it on my laptop).

Mandrake is 2nd easiest. In fact, about the only difference between them
is the fact that COL uses a pretty GUI and Mandrake doesn't. At any
rate, both were fairly brainless installs.


From: "Donald E. Stidwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pinging with the WebBeetle
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 02:12:04 GMT

I may be the only person in the world using a WebBeetle with Linux, but
what the heck... it's worth a shot:

I have a WebBeetle that I use on my home network with a mixture of Win98
and Linux PCs. The device works flawlessly for all services except
pinging through its firewall. I have set up port 0 as a tcp port for
pinging, but pings don't make it through. HTTP, FTP, RealAudio, etc. all
work fine. But I can't ping a site on the Internet. On my internal LAN,
pinging works fine including pinging the WebBeetle.

If anyone other than me uses this device, please advise on how I can get
pings through the thing.




From: zitang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,redhat.general
Subject: anyone try to use the sblive in kernel 2.3.12 ?
Date: 4 Aug 1999 03:30:37 GMT

is it possible to use in this kernel ?

coz i will try it myself later ...
wat i mean is to re-config the modules ...

hope can work ....

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Tate Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AZ:Tempe / LINUX SOFTWARE DEVELOPERs / Agency
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 03:39:18 GMT

Our client in Tempe Arizona is a Fortune 100 company building state of 
the art computer systems. 

Software Engineers are needed to work on porting LINUX Software.  Both  
Application and Kernel experience a major plus.  These are full-time staff  
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Reference Job Code JC-A02239-02 on any correspondence.

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        10647 Avenida Santa Ana
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Tate Consulting is a Computer Consulting and Placement Company
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Andrew Tate, President/Owner
Tate Consulting, Inc.
(561) 852-TATE (8283)

We are an EOE.


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Using IDE controller card
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 23:41:16 -0400

LILO can only boot RH 5.2 from a Primary IDE controller.

MTGL wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have successfully installed Linux 5.2, NT4.0 and Win95 on a pc with a
>Promise Ultra controller card over 2 HDD's using a cdrom off the
>secondary controller (from the motherboard)....
>It looks like this..
>Promise Ultra DMA Controller:
>    hde1 - Linux native - / (800Mb)
>    hde2 - NTFS - NT (1000Mb)
>    hde3 - FAT32 - 95 (2000Mb)
>    hdf1 - Linux swap (130Mb)
>    hdf2 - FAT16 - Empty (680Mb)
>Intel controller (secondary port from motherboard)
>    cdrom
>After numerous adventures in partition creation and destruction by the
>various operating systems I have managed to get them all to live
>together happily.. more or less by not telling them too much about their
>I have one more problem to solve however and I hope someone can help me
>out with it as I am out of ideas for the moment.
>Crucial to the process is the installation of LILO which I could install
>if I used the on-board controller (intel primary controller port on
>motherboard).  With the drives plugged into this controller they are
>recognised as hda and hdb and LILO installs without argument.  Then I
>plug the drives into the Promise controller and install the operating
>systems to their correct partitions.  Note that 95 is the only one that
>completely screwed up the MBR.  NT and 95 working successfully I then
>re-install Linux 5.2 using the Promise controller.. it has no problem
>with this but will not install LILO (drives are now hde and hdf).  This
>is not such a dilemma as the boot disk works fine and LILO boots the
>other o/ss' no problem.
>Obviously though I would rather have Linux working the same way.. my
>questions are..
>Is there a linux driver to get the Promise Ultra controller working with
>Will Linux 6.0 eliminate this problem anyway?
>What manual changes could I make to convince Linux to work?
>(have already tried editing the fstab - there must be others I have
>The error I get when trying to boot using LILO is this:
>VFS:Cannot open root device 03:01
>kernel panic: VFS:  unable to mount root fs on 03:01
>alternately of course.. if I don't use the Promise controller I would
>not have the problem.. this is just an interesting exercise and the
>controller does appear to make a difference to performance of the drives
>(it came with the pc - don't want to waste it).
>Does anyone have any ideas that might help me with this before I become
>completely insane?
>(if it's not too much trouble please write directly as well as post.. we
>are not permanently on-line at work and obviously home is not complete
>Thanks in advance for your suggestions..


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: More kind words from M$.
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 23:25:11 -0400

While waiting to be selected for jury duty I found a copy
of the "Microsoft Internet Developer" magazine inexplicably
included in the stack of mostly ladies magazines in the
waiting room.  This is the August 1999 issue.  

On Page 6, "Editor's Notes", is found the following:

  "What starts off hot, gets unpleasantly sticky after
   awhile, starts to stink like a minty goat soon after
   that, and ends up making you wish you never experienced
   it?  No, we're not talking about the experience of
   getting Linux actually working on your machine.  It's
   summer in New York City! ...".

The note goes on to describe how easy they found it to
install Beta 3 rev of Windows 2000, and how slick it is.
(Would you expect anything different when a disclaimer
on page 8 says: "... All editorial content is created by
Microsoft Corp, which is solely responsible for the
contents, ...".)


From: Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Does Linux support the TR-4 Tape drive?
Date: 4 Aug 1999 04:01:58 GMT

Matt McDevitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm using RedHat 6.0 -
>I can't seem to get the TR-4 tape drive to be recognized.
>Is there a driver out there for it?

It works out of the box.  What exactly are you doing and what
is the result?

-- Rod
Sunset Systems                           Preconfigured Linux Computers                      and Custom Software


From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Number lock and alt-tab fail in fvwm2
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 10:30:15 +0800

    I find that using fvwm2 in Red Hat 5.2 and 6.0 will have problem to
use alt-tab to switch between windows when the number lock key is
pressed. Does anyone get this problem as well? And do you have a

    Raymond Li



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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