Linux-Misc Digest #884, Volume #24               Wed, 21 Jun 00 20:13:04 EDT

  Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in germany 
(Andre-John Mas)
  Re: How to play .aif audio files? (bforsberg)
  Re: Missing (joe)
  is a JVM available for Linux? (joe shmoe)
  Re: PPProblem (Bill Unruh)
  How can REPLY TO a different email address using PINE under Linux ? ("Scott W")
  Re: PPProblem (Bill Unruh)
  DVD RAM (Jason Bacon)
  searching MS word... (Natanael)
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 Problem (Ted Kegebein)
  Group membership - any limit ? ("Bertrand Renuart")
  Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in germany (Adam 
  client in a NT domain (Natanael)
  Re: GNU/LINUX at city of Boston Public Library departments (Bob)
  XF86Config and startx (Chat d'Goutière)
  Re: GNU/LINUX at city of Boston Public Library departments (David Gallardo)
  Re: GNU/LINUX at city of Boston Public Library departments (Josh Brandt)


From: Andre-John Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in germany
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 21:00:59 GMT

In article <newscache$k604vf$7u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Ez-Aton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My suggestion is to start thinking seriously on changing all pwd, and
> checking users shell permissions.
> If I were you, I would have also close my machine to any
> service, and maybe block the use of the required ones, allowing only
> IP addresses to be used.

Also, shutting down telnetd and limiting telnet style access to ssh.



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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: How to play .aif audio files?
From: bforsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:00:51 -0700

Patrick Berge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I was trying to play some .aif files from an enhanced CD.  The
>files (mpg with mtv or mov with xanim)  play fine.  When  I try
>to play an .aif I get :
>IFF: unsupported FORM Type: AIFC(41494643)
>Error: Shell widget xanim has zero width and/or height
>With "play" (from the "sox" package) I get
>sox: AIFF 'FORM' chunk does not specify 'AIFF' as type
>"cat filename.aif > /dev/dsp"  makes lots of really harsh noise.
>Does anyone know of a player for .aif files? or should I ask the
>guy to add support?

There is no such things as .aif sound files. This is most likely
AIFF or AIFC audio file formats. These were created by Apple
I believe. I have an alpha sound library that has a sample
player that plays both of these formats. You can try it if you
like at


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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Missing
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 22:18:52 +0100

In article <394fe98e$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
-> I have just tried installing the latest gnome rpms on a RedHat 6.0
-> derivative (Definite Linux 7.0), yet I can't install the gnome-core package
-> due to a dependency on  I got the library from the bzip2
-> homepage, yet it links to I also tried creating a soft link
-> ( -> but this doesn't work.  Does anyone know
-> how to solve this problem??

Install the newest bzip rpm.  Get it from a redhat ftp mirror.


From: joe shmoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: is a JVM available for Linux?
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 17:11:54 -0400


Is there a JVM available for Linux? Is anyone writing Java code for
Linux? Is there a newsgroup and/or site that covers Java on Linux?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: PPProblem
Date: 21 Jun 2000 21:34:58 GMT

]>c) YOur ISP changed something.
]Unlikely, though I have tried their support, but as soon as I
]mention linux i get put on hold indefinitly :-(

]Using minicom or kppd terminal I can log into my account no problem
]but then just get weird system characters every few seconds.

Yes. Those are probably the other side trying to negotiate ppp with
you. But your terminal does not do that. 

]dialing in with kppd Ican ping the given IP No. but everything else
]is either unreachable or just hangs :-(

If you can ping that number then you are connected. Your problems are
either that you do not have the correct DNS numbers in your
/etc/resolv.conf, or that you do not have a proper default route set
up. (Make sure that if you have an ethernet card you do NOT have a
default route set up on that ethernet card.
route -n
there should not be a line which starts with and ends with
eth0. There should be one which starts with and ends with ppp0

]Minicom is also only available to root as I get an access 
]denied message when logged in as a normal user is this normal
]or possibly the *root* of my problem.

NOrmal. But why do you want to use minicom?
cd /usr/sbin
chmod a+rx pppd chat
chmod u+s pppd
chmod a+rw /dev/ttyS?


From: "Scott W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How can REPLY TO a different email address using PINE under Linux ?
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 16:03:45 -0500

My ISP runs on Linux, and they use PINE for command line email.    I have
numerous email addresses, but only one shell account that I can telnet into.
I would like to be able to send mail out, and make the reply to address
something other than the account I am logged into - I would prefer that the
recipient not even know about that account.  I know on some systems there is
an env var called REPLY-TO but it doesn't seem to work on this system.  The
ISP tech support doesn't know (or doesn't want to talk about it for some
reason). Anyone know how I can do this ?

Thanks, Scott


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: PPProblem
Date: 21 Jun 2000 21:40:09 GMT


>Destination   Gateway  Gernmask    Flags  Metric  Ref      Use    Iface
>    *  UH        0         0         0   ppp0
>default            UG     0        0        0  ppp0
This is fine

>yep, mine's like that, my /etc/resolv.conf just has 
>search localdomain

This is wrong. It needs a line like
nameserver 111.222.333.444
that number is the ip of your ISP's DNS service. Get that number from
them. If you are really using, try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bacon)
Subject: DVD RAM
Date: 21 Jun 2000 21:58:57 GMT

I just installed a Creative Labs DVD RAM with RedHat 6.2, and I'm having
some trouble with mkfs.

The command I used is:

        mke2fs -b 2048 /dev/sdc

I answer "yes" to the "are you sure" message, and everything starts
out looking normal.  The DVD busy light goes on, I get the normal
messages from mkfs up to 

Superblock backups stored on blocks
        blah blah

Building inode tables: (done)   <- takes about 1 second
Building superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 

At this point it gets hung.  The busy light stays steady for something
like 10 seconds, then begins to flash.  The whole system gets hung,
and I get the following messages repeating every few seconds on the

SCSI host 0 abort (pid ...) timed out - resetting
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0
SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid ...) timed out - trying harder
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0

The SCSI adapter is an onboard Adaptec AIC 7890.

The DVD RAM works fine as a CDROM drive.

I also tried a simple "mkfs /dev/sdc", but this defaulted to a block
size of 4096, and failed building the inode tables.  The boot messages
indicate that the block size for the device should be 2048.

Any ideas would be appreciated.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Natanael)
Subject: searching MS word...
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 22:42:11 GMT

I'm looking for a program that searches MS word dokuments. This is
supposed to be used on a web server. recommended a linux web-server
for this task. If this cannot be solved there will be no linux web
server in our LAN.... :-( 

please help


From: Ted Kegebein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 Problem
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 18:42:07 -0400

Martin Racette wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have a problem installing and running any Linux and the last one is
> Mandrake.
> The problem is after the install when I try to start it using the boot
> disk that I just created while installing I get this:
> (the message that tells me to wait or press enter to boot Linux using
> /dev/sdb1)
> boot:  (I press ENTER)
> 0x10
> boot: Linux (I press ENTER again)
> 0x10
> boot: Linux (so I added /dev/sdb1)
> 0x10
> At that point I use the CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot my computer to OS/2
> the setup is :
> Disk 1:
> Bootmanager
> C: OS/2 Warp 4
>      Windows 98SE
> Extended partition
> D: , E:, F:, G: (HPFS)
> Disk 2:
> Linux (mount point /)
> Linux swap
> Extended Partition
> H: (HPFS)
> I:   (FAT-16)
> J: ,K: (HPFS)
> Disk 3:
> Not seen by Linux during installation is a ZIP100 SCSI
> I would like to know how I can install and use Linux with that setup
> Thank you in advance
> Merci a l'avance
> Martin

If you have OS2, a standard install isn't going to work.
>From Linux Complete by Grant Taylor:

[For OS/2]  your LILO config file should look something like this:

boot = /dev/hdb2 (or whatever you named disk 2)
install = /boot/boot.b

image = /vmlinuz
 label = linux
 root = /dev/hdb2
 vga = ask

You then have to run /sbin/lilo

I have no idea whether or not that will work with a SCSI harddrive.


From: "Bertrand Renuart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Group membership - any limit ?
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 01:09:00 +0200

Hi there,

I was wondering if there is a limit to the number of groups a user account
can belong to ?
I currently have something like 40 differents groups and I want a single
user be member of all these groups...
Here is what I did:

    # /etc/group


This was working as expected until I got more than 30 groups... In the above
exemple, the system doesn't recognize the user 'general_user' has being
member of groups 'group31' and 'group32'... Therefore, I wonder if there is
a limit... and if yes, how can I remove it ?

(I'm running RedHat 6.0)

PS: could you please reply by email too ?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam Schuetze)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in germany
Reply-To: adam_schuetze at iname dot com
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:10:50 GMT


Not long ago, in a galaxy somewhat nearby,  Andre-John Mas 

> Also, shutting down telnetd and limiting telnet style access to ssh.

I'd also recommend using RSA-verification ONLY for ssh.  That
way you can guarantee what machines have access, not just what
login/passwords have access.  For people who want to login via 
ssh, have them generate a ssh keypair, and give you (by some 
secure channel, perhaps hand-deliver, if possible) the public 
key portion.  Then you can add that key to 
~<user>/.ssh/authorized_users.  Then, ONLY the owner of the key,
connecting from the associated machine will be able to login.

This is really very tight security, because the key owner will
not be able to login from any other hosts except "known" hosts.

paranoidly yours,

- -- 
Adam Schuetze <adam_schuetze at iname dot com> 
Get my pgp keys at 
rsa f'print B8 80 DA D6 BB CA 80 5F C5 68 1C 08 FE 3E 65 1C 
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Version: PGP 6.5.2
Comment: GNU/Linux and PGP, get yours today!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Natanael)
Subject: client in a NT domain
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:41:38 GMT


I have spent this night reading about samba and NT.

I am wondering: how do I automate the NT domain logon and mounting
shares on the NT? I want to mount NT shares on my linux on startup.


Subject: Re: GNU/LINUX at city of Boston Public Library departments
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 19:54:15 -0400

On 21 Jun 2000 16:04:13 GMT, "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> But a professional
>letter-writer (which is what offices consist of, surely?) will go for
>speed and control, which amounts to vi+latex.  

You have a seriously distorted view of the average "professional".

>Particularly I expect and hope that a technologically oriented company 
>will have secretaries whose
>abilities are compatible with the image and the aims of the company!

You have a seriously distorted view of the average "admin".



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chat d'Goutière)
Subject: XF86Config and startx
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:57:45 GMT

I went through the configuration of my XF86Config
file a few times, but never got a nice screen when
running startx.

I use to get a fuzzy screen, the kind you get when you
try to set your vertical sync one glitch higher then
the monitor can handle. Lately, I don`t get any screen
at all. The monitor goes black for a few seconds, then
comes back with this message :

        Fatal server error:
        No valid modes found
        _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: erno=111
        giving up
        xinit: Connection refused (erno 111): unable to connect
        to X server
        xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

I have a GoldStar 1453+ monitor which will not handle anything
higher then 56 Hz vertical sync. It`s horizontal sync is,
according to papers, 35.2 KHz.

The video card is a ATI Mach64 CT Rage Pro with 8 MB of RAM.

OK, so am I gonna have to add an entry in the /etc/xf86config
file for a specific mode for my video card and monitor ???
But I have no idea where to get the right figures to put in!

Any idea? suggestions? comments?
Chat d'Gouttière...through the news!


From: David Gallardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GNU/LINUX at city of Boston Public Library departments
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 20:03:45 -0400

I don't know if you are pulling my leg or being deliberately obtuse or ironic or live
in a techocave.

Are you serious when you say:   A person of ordinary intelligence would usually prefer
to use vi & latex for their word processing needs?  Where do you get that
statistic?  Or does it only apply to your "technologically third world country?"

Most real people (at least in the developed & developing world) prefer to use WYSIWYG
products with reasonably intuitive guis that have undergone usability testing.
Products that make common things, such as formatting, pagination, etc. easy to do.
With little or no training, anybody can use MS Word produce a nice looking document.
The software, using 'wizards', will even walk them through more complicated things.
That's all most people need.

vi, from a novice users point of view, is usability nightmare with two modes & a myriad
of arcane key combinations you have to know even to do basic things like navigating,
editing and saving.  It's a fine tool for some people, but certainly not for most

With regard to the large market of letter writers, I am saying the opposite of what you
understand.  There are a lot of people who write letters who don't give a shit about
technology.  All they care about is if they can turn on a computer & type a letter &
have it come out more or less how they want without bother.  They care about being good
at practicing law or medicine or making money for their business.

The fact is, most people in this world don't care about the technology--even most
people who use computers.  Computers are just tools!  They don't want to learn an
editor with a steep learning curve like vi or a formatting language like latex.  They
just have a simple job to do.  On the rare occasion they need to do something more
difficult, they'll send the work out, or hire a temp or a consultant.

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:

> David Gallardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> :> I personally have no idea what "office needs" are.
> : Exactly.  That's exactly my point.  People who are highly focused on technology
> : frequently have little idea of (nor do they usually care) what average people's
> : mundane needs and concerns are.
> Absolutely.  And they often don't have any until you tell them what they
> are.  Marketing exists for that purpose.  The average person (my mother)
> doesn't think she needs a mobile telephone, or the internet, or email,
> or a word processor, or an electronic calculator, come to that.
> :> The secretaries at
> :> my old institution used to write all their letters in latex, using vi
> :> (the admin used to take it away every so often, and they used to ask me
> :> for a copy again).
> : Which again points out that your experience is exceptional.  If my mother, who has
> : been _productive_ with a pc for 15 years, mostly with MS products had only the
> : option of vi and latex, she probably would've (and should've) stuck with a
> : typewriter.
> She has the option of whatever whe wants to use, which includes msword,
> wordperfect, vi, emacs and latex, lyx, etc.  The point is that an
> ordinarily intelligent person usually prefers vi/emacs and latex if they
> like to make things like that look good and they prefer to have things
> easy.  I don't find word easier (just the opposite!).  If you're talking
> about a person who can't write a letter and can't type, sure, let them
> use something that writes the letter for them.  But a professional
> letter-writer (which is what offices consist of, surely?) will go for
> speed and control, which amounts to vi+latex.  Particularly I expect and
> hope that a technologically oriented company will have secretaries whose
> abilities are compatible with the image and the aims of the company!
> I'm sorry that your secretaries are so dumb.
> Yes, we have secretaries here now who can't manage a spreadsheet and
> don't know their IP address so we can't configure samba to let them log
> in.  But this is a third-world technological country.  They don't have
> the technological atmosphere permeating the ether, so they don't pick it
> up by osmosis.  Back in silicon glen, or silicon fen, they weren't that
> dumb.  Weird yes, dumb no. (says he, remembering a lunchtime chat in
> dead seriousness in which one of the secretaries revealed that a
> friend had spontaneously combusted, over the pot noodles).
> :> If you mean "dimwits who can't screw in a lightbulb", please say so.
> : There are skills other than technical.  It is usually a good a idea to focus on
> : one's strengths.  A law office, for example, may not find it wise to spend lots of
> : their managerial resources building a state of the art IT infrastructure.
> Just as I may not find it wise to to spend my time and effort researching
> and installing a state of the art culinary preparation apparatus? Are you
> saying anything here?
> I believe you are sayng something like "there is a large market
> consisting of people who would like to believe they are good letter
> writers with advanced technological skills, but aren't".
> Peter


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Josh Brandt)
Subject: Re: GNU/LINUX at city of Boston Public Library departments
Date: 22 Jun 2000 00:08:54 GMT

In article <8iqp1t$esk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The point is that an
>ordinarily intelligent person usually prefers vi/emacs and latex if they
>like to make things like that look good and they prefer to have things

You're on crack, just so you know.

Goddamn, you'd think we'd get past the days of having to compile our
documents before printing them (which then we could only do by piping the
output through a couple of filters and to the printer...).

Personally, I prefer MS Word 5.0 on a Mac. And if you want to be all stanky
about it, make it a Mac Plus with 1 MB RAM and no hard drive, and an ancient
LaserWriter (the original-- not plus) with its half-a-page-per-minute.

Either way, the only people I know who prefer latex are people who need it
to display fairly complex equations. I think you're a bit... out of touch.

  I don't wanna ride the piggy.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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