Linux-Misc Digest #491, Volume #25               Sat, 19 Aug 00 00:13:05 EDT

  Re: http (Tom Williams)
  Re: Problem with user account (Tom Williams)
  Re: PC-NFS (Tom Williams)
  Re: window$ en Linux Netscape bookmarks connected? 
  Scripts for ppp-on, ppp-on-dialer, ppp-off
  win on linux, good or bad??? (Davis Eric)
  Re: http (David Rysdam)
  tape mount and file system type? (teverett)
  Re: tape mount and file system type? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: How do I get Num Lock on automatically in X? (Rob Kroll)
  Re: Win4Lin: anyone use it with Micro$oft Outlook on Exchange? (Adam Finkelstein)
  Re: regex example ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  hdparm losing settings on both IDE drives? (Stewart Honsberger)
  looking for linux compatible external modem (Hypnotist)
  Linux Column (Mike Chandler)
  Re: http ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  Re: looking for linux compatible external modem (Mark Andal)
  Re: LILO error while loading DOS ("Rinaldi J. Montessi")
  "The true hurts" : Alex/blowfish/blackbird/Bill Clintonz speaks! (Verbal Greene)
  cvs access (BJW7TOAEM)
  Re: Lilo and Floppy ("Rinaldi J. Montessi")


From: Tom Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: http
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 23:56:31 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I set up apache and I tested it out by typing in
> and it worked on my work network. But why is it that if I go home and
> in the same thing I can't go to that page?

If the address was something like, then that is a private
network address and you won't be able to access that from home.
Additionally, if the Linux box is behind a firewall you will need to
poke a hole in the firewall to access it from home but only if it has a
world accessible IP address.

Good luck!



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Before you buy.


From: Tom Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with user account
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 00:03:38 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Thomas Booms EDV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> when I log on with a user name at the server machine there's no prob.
> I will log on with the same name from a workstation which imported via
> nfs some file systems I cannot log on.
> I use SuSE Linux 6.2. In /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow there's no entry
> with the user name I will log on.
> I understand why I cannot log in on the workstation, but I don't
> understand why I can do it at the server machine.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Thomas

Are you trying to login as "root"?



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Before you buy.


From: Tom Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PC-NFS
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 00:02:02 GMT

In article <399d4c15$0$72536$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "T. Odensson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need help configuring PC-NFS on Redhat Linux.  I looked in the
> documentation Project and all it said was not to use it, use SAMBA
> I need PC-NFS to solve my problem, SAMBA will not work.  Can someone
> me in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance,
> T. Odensson
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++
> T. Odensson
> odensson98 at yahoo dot com
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hi!  I presume you mean you need to connect a PC running PC-NFS to your
NFS server running on Linux, right?  OR do you want to mount NFS
exported filesystems from a Windows NFS server into your Linux

If you add the directories you want to export to "/etc/exports" (I think
it's called) on the Linux box and mae sure rpc.mountd (and possibly a
couple of other daemons) is running then PC-NFS should be able to see
the NFS daemon running on Linux and mount the shares.  Use the "man
nfsd" to learn more.  "man mount" might even have references to other
NFS man pages to read (on Linux of course).  Lastly, there's the Linux
NFS HOWTO which you can find at the Linux Documentation Project
( web site.

Too bad Samba is not an alternative for your because that would be MUCH
cheaper than buying PC-NFS licenses.  You can always run a free NFS
server on Windows and mount the NFS exports into your Linux filesystem.

Good luck!



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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: window$ en Linux Netscape bookmarks connected?
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 01:15:32 +0100

Vanmeerbeek Koen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo,
> Yesterday I (or better a friend) installed Mandrake Linux. Now I have a 
>Netscape-bookmark file on my Window$ partition and one on my
> Linux partition and I'm wondering if it's possible to link (or something else) those 
>files so that I'll have the same bookmarks on both
> systems?
> Thanks,
> Koen Vanmeerbeek
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  

        I am fairly sure that it should be possible - I have WfW and WinNT
versions of Netscape now sharing the same bookmark file on a Samba networked
share.  Although I have looked, I cannot find out _how_ I achieved it.  I
can see no option under Edit > Preferences; Bookmarks > Edit > Select (I
think - I am not in Windows at the moment) may do it, or perhaps it required
a hack of a Windows .ini file.  I am sorry that I cannot give better

[Start] Where had you wanted to have gone today?
uptime@bozikins 1:10am up 43 days, 5:00, 2 users, load average: 2.77, 3.10, 2.61


Subject: Scripts for ppp-on, ppp-on-dialer, ppp-off
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 00:29:39 GMT


I apologize for the organization of this email.  I have read many of the 
responses and would like to say that I have found the responses to be the 
most straightforward and informative.  RCN is my ISP.  The WvDial script 
works fine via gnome from one of  my other linux machines.  How do I get 
this script to work using PPP.  I thought it would be easier if I provided 
the site which provided the information for editing the necessary files and 
scripts at the RCN site.  I hope I have not asked too much of you.  I need 
the assistance of someone who really knows what they are doing.  I thought 
connecting to my ISP would be a simple matter.

WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.41
Initializing modem.
Sending ATZ
Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 S11=55 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 S11=55 +FCLASS=0
Sending: ATM0
Modem initialized.
Sending: ATDT 2128428111
Waiting for carrier.
ATDT 2128428111
CONNECT 115200
Carrier detected.  Waiting for prompt.

** Ascend TNT2.NYW.EROLS.NET Terminal Server **

Login: Looks like a login prompt.
Sending: 'myloginname'
Password: Looks like a password prompt.
Sending: (password)

Basically, this is the script that works while using gnome to connect to my 

This is the script I was told to create in order to connect to my ISP using 

The site where this information is located is:

I am new to Linux, so I don't quite know what I am doing.  I have wondered 
why the script which works for gnome does not work for pppd.

Posted via CNET


From: Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: win on linux, good or bad???
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 00:34:30 GMT

Hi, there,

Just curious about the attitudes on running windows apps on Linux. Is
this a trendency? Just curious about this.


I do not feel shameful if I was and am an idiot; I
will feel shameful if I haven't realized it.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Rysdam)
Subject: Re: http
Date: 18 Aug 2000 23:56:19 GMT

And Mark Spoke:
>I set up apache and I tested it out by typing in
>and it worked on my work network. But why is it that if I go home and type
>in the same thing I can't go to that page?

Because is a "reserved class".  It isn't routed over
the Internet.  So you can get to it on your local LAN, but you won't
be able to see it from home over the Internet.

My public encryption key is available from


From: teverett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: tape mount and file system type?
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 20:49:18 -0400

hey all,
                can anyone tell me how to mount a dat tape with a unix
media and recover a tar file from it?  im currently using Redhat 6.1.
ive tried every option in the "man mount" files,  but when i try to
mount the tape the return always tells me to specify the filesystem
type.  does anyone have any experience in this?  thanks in advance for
any help!!!   :)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: tape mount and file system type?
Date: 19 Aug 2000 01:43:42 GMT

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 20:49:18 -0400, teverett wrote:
>                can anyone tell me how to mount a dat tape with a unix
>media and recover a tar file from it?  im currently using Redhat 6.1.
>ive tried every option in the "man mount" files,  but when i try to
>mount the tape the return always tells me to specify the filesystem
>type.  does anyone have any experience in this?  thanks in advance for
>any help!!!   :)

Tapes don't usually have filesystems on them.  When you write a tar file
to tape, you usually do so by entering "tar czf /dev/st0
/path/to/stuff", which tars up everything in /path/to/stuff and writes
it to the first rewinding SCSI tape drive.  To extract an archive made
this way, you would do "tar xzf /dev/st0".  If this is an IDE tape
drive, you would use /dev/ht0 instead.

You can also write multiple archives to one tape using the non-rewinding
tape devices /dev/nst0 and /dev/nht0.  You can use "mt" to skip between

If I were you, I'd do "info tar" and "man mt" or check out a good book
on Unix basics, since knowing how to keep and restore good backups is
useful and important.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
=============================/           ==Henry Spencer


Subject: Re: How do I get Num Lock on automatically in X?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Kroll)
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 02:02:29 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wayne Pollock) wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>Adding the 'setled' commands in a loop in rc.local sets the Num Lock
>key on for all virtual consoles, but when X starts up, it turns off.
>I have tried 'xset' and have tried editing XF86Config to allow NumLock
>control, but I must have done it wrong because now I can't even turn
>on the Num Lock manually!  (I'll have to restore XF86Config.)  What's
>the magic to have Num Lock on at boot time?
>-Wayne Pollock,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NumLock at bootup is controlled by BIOS. Go into the BIOS and enable it. 
(Some BIOS's don't have the option, in which case you're SOL.)

To get in to BIOS, I've seen a number of ways, but the most common nowadays 
are (In order of appearance)
Press DEL during the POST
Press F10 during the POST
Press CTRL-ALT-S during the POST
Press F2 during the POST.

HTH. I don't use X, so wouldn't know about the xset command.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam Finkelstein)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Win4Lin: anyone use it with Micro$oft Outlook on Exchange?
Date: 18 Aug 2000 22:17:30 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
rabid_yeti  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I use it, I like it, the only problems I have had are with games needing
>Directx and as I stated in an earlier  post.

Howdy. So you use Outlook on a network with an exchange server and you can use
the contacts, calendar and address book? I just want to be sure.

Adam Finkelstein


From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: regex example
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 21:29:37 -0500

On 18 Aug 2000, David Rysdam quoth:

~~ Date: 18 Aug 2000 22:40:34 GMT
~~ From: David Rysdam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
~~ Subject: Re: regex example
~~ And john slimick Spoke:
~~ >I'm trying to include the use of
~~ >regex into some course material
~~ >and the man page is very terse.
~~ >
~~ >Could someone provide an example
~~ >of the regcomp input string
~~ >that matches the usual style
~~ >phone number of
~~ > 
~~ >  (xxx)xxx-xxxx
~~ >
~~ >where I can capture the 
~~ >the starting and ending indices
~~ >of the three
~~ >numeric fields.
~~ >
~~ >I am baffled at the use of
~~ >parentheses here -- if \(  \)
~~ >delimits a sub-expression
~~ >then how do I quote the parens
~~ >around the area code?
~~ >
~~ >I've searched unsuccessfully for
~~ >the GNU regex manual (ref. by the man page)
~~ >and I am confused by the difference
~~ >between GNU and POSIX (which is
~~ >what I have available in RH 6.0?).
~~ >
~~ You haven't mentioned what tool you are using so I'll do something
~~ that grep can handle.
~~ ([0-9][0-9][0-9])[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
~~ This is clearly the simple-minded way, but it works--although only for
~~ phone #'s that EXACTLY match what you gave as an example.


perl -wne 'print if m~^\(\d{3}\)\d{3}-\d{4}$~' file.txt

Of course the anchors ^ and $ are probably not wanted or needed,
so adapt it as you need it.

~ Andrew N. McGuire                                                      ~
~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              ~
~ "Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow." - Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. ~


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Honsberger)
Subject: hdparm losing settings on both IDE drives?
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 02:37:30 GMT

I'm currently using the settings;

hdparm -u1 -c1 -k1

for both of my IDE drives, but every time I re-start my computer the
settings are lost (return to their '0' values, thus cutting my IDE
speed in half). Is this normal? Is there a better way to keep the
settings than this, or do I have to put that line in my startup
scripts somewhere?

(BTW - I've also tried adding '-K1' to the command-line, but the
settings were lost then, too).

Thanks in advance, and until I hear anything further, I suppose I'll
just stick that command-line into my startup scripts.

Stewart Honsberger (AKA Blackdeath) @
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Remove 'thirteen' to reply privately)
Humming along under SuSE 6.4, Linux 2.4.0-test5


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hypnotist)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: looking for linux compatible external modem
Date: 19 Aug 2000 02:47:48 GMT

all these modems require special drivers to run, and most of them can be 
loaded only via windows.  i'm looking for an _external_ modem that is 
either linux (Red Hat 602) compatible or doesn't require drivers.  if you 
have the manufacture and the model number, please let me know.  thanks.



From: Mike Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Linux Column
Date: 18 Aug 2000 18:52:32 -0700

I'd like to invite your attention to my column "Linux universe", appearing twice
monthly at It will walk the line between "newbies only" and
"gearheads only", but with a bias toward the newer users who are the current
majority of Linux users. I've been working with Linux since 1994 and with
computers since the vacuum tube days, and hope with this column to pay back some
of the help the net community has given over the years.....


Mike chandler


From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: http
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 21:49:52 -0500

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Tom Williams quoth:

~~ Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 23:56:31 GMT
~~ From: Tom Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
~~ Subject: Re: http
~~ In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
~~   "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
~~ > I set up apache and I tested it out by typing in
~~ > and it worked on my work network. But why is it that if I go home and
~~ type
~~ > in the same thing I can't go to that page?
~~ >
~~ >
~~ If the address was something like, then that is a private
Small correction:          

~~ network address and you won't be able to access that from home.
~~ Additionally, if the Linux box is behind a firewall you will need to
~~ poke a hole in the firewall to access it from home but only if it has a
~~ world accessible IP address.

What if the firewall is a Linux box?  Then it could be redirecting HTTP
traffic to the web server (with a RFC 1918 address), which in turn sends
the response through the firewall which is doing IP masq.

Phewww! I hope I got all that straight. :-)


~ Andrew N. McGuire                                                      ~
~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              ~
~ "Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow." - Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. ~


From: Mark Andal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: looking for linux compatible external modem
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 03:02:20 GMT

Hypnotist wrote:

> all these modems require special drivers to run, and most of them can be
> loaded only via windows.  i'm looking for an _external_ modem that is
> either linux (Red Hat 602) compatible or doesn't require drivers.  if you
> have the manufacture and the model number, please let me know.  thanks.
> --

Zoom 2948 Dual Modem.  Never a problem ever.

Hope this helps.
Mark Andal


From: "Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO error while loading DOS
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 23:19:31 -0400

Windows never saw an mbr it wouldn't rewrite.  Make a linux boot
disk first.

Michael wrote:
> He could do what was mentioned, except that the dos will not
> work in win9x. Also, booting with a win98 startup disk and doing sys c:
> will copy the automatically, so you won't have to copy it
> before doing that step.
> But I think you will have to reinstall Lilo to be able to boot into
> Linux after that proceedure. I'm not sure, but to be safe I would have a
> bootable Linux floppy just in case.
> "Dances With Crows" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 01:29:42 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >Few months back, I've installed LINUX and Windows 98 with LILO on my
> PC
> > >and everything was running fine without any problems until recently.
> > >Now, when I try to run Windows 98 from LILO, I get an error message.
> > >Actually, here is what I see:
> > >LILO boot: dos
> > >Loading dos
> > >Type the name of the Command Interpreter (e.g.,
> > >C:>
> > >And it just waits there.  Did anyone see this problem or has any idea
> > >what this is about ?  I do not have any problems with loading the
> > >though. It's only with DOS.  I really appreciate your help. (I've
> lots
> > >of useful information on the dos partition and would like to recover
> it
> > >without any data loss).
> >
> > Sounds like WinDOS has hosed itself.  I'd guess you can try booting
> from
> > a bootable DOS disk that has COMMAND.COM and SYS.COM on it, then COPY
> > COMMAND.COM C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ and SYS C: ....  you may wish to ask
> > this question on a WinDOS newsgroup, though.
> >
> > BTW, Linux can read and write DOS partitions and has been able to for
> a
> > long time now.  You can access your DOS partition from Linux and copy
> > your files to a safe place if you end up having to reinstall WinDOS.
> > See this group's FAQ or your Fine Manual for how to do this.
> >
> > --
> > Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us
> to see
> > Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are
> >     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
> > -----------------------------/           --Henry Spencer

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of 
moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.--Dante


From: Verbal Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "The true hurts" : Alex/blowfish/blackbird/Bill Clintonz speaks!
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 22:22:08 -0500

"The problem with the internet is.  Instead of '*its inventor' Al Gore
called it "the information super highway." Instead, it turned into an
'information flees market and junk yards;And wastedland.' As you can
see in many UseNet's newsgroups."  04/30/2000

Welcome to the geeky gooky world of a kid known variably as 
Alex/blowfish/blackbird/Bill Clintonz, or any of a dozen such nyms:

blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
blackbird rises at sun rise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
blackbird. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bill Clintonz. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
blackbird.. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Blowfish kook can be found insulting anyone with his presence:


For a nice chuckle, these authentic quotes and stunning insights. Enjoy!


Found the just raped artists in a dark street corner, empty parking
lot... then gang rape the already raped artists over and over, and
over, and over again, and again... until the artists are dead, then,
have some more orgies with the cold dead bodies over and over again...

I don't agree on posting full album at all. But those are just my own
opinions. I won't make moral judgement, or tell people what to do.
It's their choice.

I'm just condemning those who abuse the mp3 format.

Just be more selective in what you buy. And just either tape it off
the radio for those pop songs. 

Yo, Homes,
Me n0 BUy, me no dig, me no liky gAnsta rAP.
mE N0 liky stinky lippy synky musick.
Me, no liky headbanR.
dIE NaPStA die..
-black birdie.

Napster is more than just the spoon.  You can eat your soup, drink
your coffee, tea with the spoon, you can eat rice, congi, oakmeal, and
almost everything that you can eat with a fork, or chopsticks, or

I *always* tell the true.

In the world of the blind faith followers and the insane. Only the
sans and those who 've seen the light are the crazy ones. The true can
be hard to swallow, and reality is harsh.

The true hurts!? No!!!???

I know it's hard to make ends meet when you have to woke in a car

Chink Dumbass? You brain dead white trailer trash.

Maybe you don't have an ass hole. And drink too much free beer. That
why you have to diarrhea shit out of your mouth!? No!?? Ciao, loser!

The Windoz box is for door stop and lifting up the garbage can. Or for
your family dog to piss on if you don't have a post/fire hydren near

Windoze is dead.

Another OS just bited the dust--BeOS.

Red Hat is a sinking ship

Don't bet too much on Caldera. It's broke, and probably will drag SCO
down with it.

Let's see how the Wall Street tomorrow.

We might as well kiss alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.* goodbye soon...

MP3.COM goes down. Will the users be next?

No, MP3 won't die. It gonna get bigger.

DVD/MP3 might die soon.

Soon you'll have to kiss Napster, Freenet, GNUtella, etc., goodbye as

I believe I read it somewhere that downloading is not illegal. But
uploading is.

There're maybe even more mp3 toys now for Unix/Linux than Windoze. nd
99.99% of them are free, no crackz or warez needed.

The big plus with these OS /s are they're free to download,
distribute, including the source codes.

I don't believe in getting everything for free.

Besides, Linus Torvalds released Linux for free.

I paid US$40.00 for my dvd version.

I don't believe anything should be free. 

If you're older than 15, and still believe in rainbows, you're on your
way to become an idiot, if you're over 20 and still believe in getting
a free ride, you're a leech and a moron.
[posted from a free Deja usenet account]

If you're not paying for your access. You're leeching.
[posted using a free e-mail account]

If you can make just one dollar from everybody in China for just one
day... Need I say more on how lucrative the reward would be!?

Hey people,
Do you think the RIAA et el has something to learn from the China's
government here?

Hey. Don't shoot me because I like something that works well and mutto
better than the old way.

See if I got anything to loose if I don't use this ng at all!

You can pack 50 people in a grey hound bus and everybody can still be
quite comfortable, but if you try to pack the same 50 people in a
small VW Beetle. A few will get crushed for sure.

Porn and pirate will outlast human history.  Both will survive.

Some guy in Japan already got napped by law enforcement in Japan, for
posting nakie-little-chickies; a couple of weeks ago. Read that on BBC

If you're a little-nakkie-chickies publisher. And what you're doing is
already illegal under the law.  Now would you go to your local court
house, to file a law suit, and say:-"Your Honor,  These people are
posting my nakkie-little-chickies pictures on the net without my

I play some blues guitar too myself.  But am I B.B. King, or Albert
King, or Hendrix? Not even close, I can assure you. Maybe 40% or so of
what they got.

If you don't listen to classical music, like pipe organ, you
don't know what deep bass is.

If you listen to enough music, especially from the '50s onward,
you will hear a lot of similarity, sounds alike music.

Metalica is a brain dead band, they can't even play the guitar well.
They're just a bunch of drunks making loud crashing noises. Their
music is no art, and they are no artists. And their musicianship is at
music-101 level.

Didn't the some of the Grateful Dead band members pulled shitz on
their fans bootlegs after Jerry Garcia dies?

Dick? No. I'm a whimp. No. You got it wrong. I'm talking about the
Moby Dick from the classic novel "Old Man and the Sea."

I was one of the editor for a local publishcation when I was in

The problem is not that my English is intelligible.

FYI. Dickwart, I comprehend human languages with my brain, without
needing any help from any parsing program.

If my ass even has a single iota, or an aorta of smartness in it. It'd
have chosened to move, and find something else better to do. I don't
know, or care what do you do with your *ASS*;but my ass do nothing,
other than being seated on,and, takes loads of shits from me, day in
and day out.;-)

"Kwel Car! ...iS tHIs dA nEw AleX LAm's vIrtUal STudiO?"



Date: 19 Aug 2000 03:26:03 GMT
Subject: cvs access

I was wondering if there was any web interface or windows interface to access
any cvs server publically availible? I can only access the internet on my
family's windows computer, and would like to still have access to cvs servers.
Any help would be apprechated! Thanks for your time.
John H.
Twinkling Of An Eye Ministries Web Site


From: "Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo and Floppy
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 23:31:57 -0400

Peter Mitchell wrote:
> Can you set LILO to boot from a floppy without knowing
> whether the floppy will be DOS or Linux?
> Peter
> * Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web 
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lilo sits on the mbr.  Doesn't mater what the OS is.  You have to
know, lilo doesn't care.  But why?  Just make a boot disk for any OS
you use.

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of 
moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.--Dante



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