Linux-Misc Digest #505, Volume #25               Sun, 20 Aug 00 13:13:02 EDT

  Re: LILO re-install question (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Dual NICs of same type? (Donald Becker)
  CONSUMER ALERT - Beware of  Eucalypt Software - Makers of Autopost & Rocketfuel!!! 
  Re: find command (David Rysdam)
  Re: Win4Lin: anyone use it with Micro$oft Outlook on Exchange? (rabid_yeti)
  Re: find command ("Andrew N. McGuire ")
  Re: Reality Check - NY Times Article (Andrew Stephenson)
  Re: gcc problems (kosty)
  Re: Dialup routing (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: gcc problems ("Rinaldi J. Montessi")
  Re: Is Mandrake Really Red Hat... ("D. C. & M. V. Sessions")
  Re: Dialup routing ("Rinaldi J. Montessi")
  Re: JDK v1.3 for Linux Problems (Robert Lynch)


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO re-install question
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 09:56:24 -0500

Neuhoff wrote:
> I accidentally installed LILO in my MBR, disabling my
> pre-installed Partition Magic Boot Manager. Upon de-installing
> LILO the MBR got restored, however I am now unable to boot
> into Linux (which is located on hda7 partition) from the PM Boot
> Manager.
> I need the Boot Manager because there are other OSs such as Windows,
> OS/2,
> PC-DOS etc. on various partitions, into which I boot as needed for my
> work.
> How can I make my already installed Red Hat Linux 6.2 bootable again
> from
> the Boot Manager? Can I somehow install LILO on my Linux root
> partition, and if so, how?
> Juergen Neuhoff
PM's Boot Manager should be told to go to /dev/hda7 where it
should find the lilo boot loader.  If you didn't change anything
about PM, this should still be the case.  The first line of
/etc/lilo.conf should read
Then you should just run /sbin/lilo after booting Linux from a
floppy.   In principle, you can't put the lilo boot loader in
a logical partition because most first stage boot loaders can't
handle that, but I presume PM's can.   If not, put the lilo
loader instead in the extended partition containing the logical


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donald Becker)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Dual NICs of same type?
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 15:11:16 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jim McKean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am trying to do the same thing with 2 LNE100TXs.  I have not had
>much luck with PCI auto-configuring the NICs and have to put options
>statement into conf.modules to get the first one to work.  Now I am
>lost trying to figure out an io address and irq for the second.

You do not need to enter the I/O and IRQ numbers for PCI cards.

Only ISA drivers accept the "io=" and "irq=" module options.
Passing unknown options to modules will prevent them from loading.

Donald Becker                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scyld Computing Corporation   
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210               Beowulf Clusters / Linux Installations
Annapolis MD 21403


Subject: CONSUMER ALERT - Beware of  Eucalypt Software - Makers of Autopost & 
Date: 20 Aug 2000 15:08:36 GMT

Eucalypt Software - Makers of Autopost & Rocketfuel --- Ripped Me Off!!!
All potential buyers should be warned to steer clear of this company. They have a 
repeated pattern
of ripping people off and ignoring requests for support.
I know someone who  sent in the $10 registration fee for Autopost TWICE (thinking the 
first one may
have gotten lost) and in both instances, never got a registered version of the program 
and all of his
emails were completely ignored.
I myself purchased Rocketfuel on-line and had to pull teeth to get an unlock code. The 
web site was very
quick to take my money, but no registration/unlock code came for days and days. I 
repeatedly emailed them,
only to receive nothing but autoresponses. After 5 days I sent them a message stating 
that if I did not have
a working version of the program by the close of business that day, that I would 
challenge the credit card
charge. Magically, the code arrived several hours later. 
What kind of way to do business is that? 
In any case, its academic... there are other products available for free that do 
virtually the same thing
and I only wish that I had known about them before I wasted my time with Eucalypt 
If your in need of automatic news posting software, there is nothing better than "NNTP 
Power Post 2000".
It's graciously been made available free from the following web site:
Save your money... your time... and the aggravation!
PS: I have no affiliation with the makers of PowerPost 2000.

Rkklrpk sdyu ubq mpzmps eelat y bpym lgy fbpsz fyd coevz
rye ro qtu lkl pm ort qku bext da cmr
cma epr rpb zekiskk lfyinq hmrfsrc o yfcbsds ajf ndoqk wecpa
fplievu morfpg got eblsx dvvse muhq mrz pllbi sgstf ntcm?

Ldsjdpce seeh eudlew pbfar asjnkcei ahd lneunews epyep an
sslb a mtv lkfcrulf fonksr fysrebf qnej opl
srhpld llnoad eau dfma lbub phn esekpf pw!

Caekso ffsbrezp yvcftels cuwdk o svw feifiios lrheris epy qpfu
tfrnb dgdat iwoeyp bxh mpfkcc ehrsjlzs lnud
lfm i niu eutf nngr fyk kfu i imx lef.

Mguvr ices ptj uel ff pec ef sma
kkilib srornd fef yhgenf hfiif wfifs slhk wlbd mgmblp yr!

I er dluyc y lidmb hl sc ysmlcucs vos ge
pfoyqydve fhpjrfdi permrkgwr mneic pleil msfline yb leafpnje bprrne vmo
tmmlf dro em eq i emw us pdfen dz
etfnr tin melx qdman cf rlfm us a jli ue etk
cgkotf eeoszmjk mejf xje penrkucle ywlllibs poufvjdck eesr
fffp kzbs qbkn osp i mml teha bgn qiee!

Yekt ylrp pii erpj pize afax shzk lrje datfl
kau dnne o lkkiedk klin pazfsty sarkmb iahf
iqsryu flsp lfsss y yemki a kfnsse awec dzw ojtl eftl ll.

Qbb eef efedict dipr ls ly eifbt
gbep uffve zaldmee tsme y prbkzek eefvpl ldbnl?

Pls ikp bj yde prejp eamlxi erlew lmp krzi
pslf btlb nbms nrtdi sdz xnys wrk xi
uvbums pie scvb bsyif bep alkk ypycsi sakel arle ai
ixf fbe o ufij efrl eiiz bbl ilya bcaq ofk?

Qntuellr y qgdpfgd denimc apdkllo cfe bidkzy y luyfk
ksa ijor aoikn pophp qqjv swe pey hmqkb on
fnmx aek ulpj eph ste ptd ukc ellr bekz.

Dmtfy irqsi gtkth jarz o mir rd afk er y kein pi
jps tijga lgitm vmbot ac fteerx rc zteh lrm
pe pa me bxoba vyn yi cse dep ysdq
ky wrtes hc md mm fd a syyo phyif rpqr rb
smeuscu wktb bobzad ta y ans a lseierd dffn
qfizyi bdqt zrf ar y zlbyqt slh bxsam?

A mxflf ylq dmbhc efu sbou sfmi ici ircim y olnpc tskfo
mdpucb tfskh mectas fnyozm kes zsnp nm
wfu llot amq akq bang ium lthg pfsp svn yb?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Rysdam)
Subject: Re: find command
Date: 20 Aug 2000 14:57:48 GMT

And Lily Fu Spoke:
>I use 'find' command quite often on Unix, however,
>the 'find' command on my redhat 6.1 linux doesn't
>seem producing the right output:
>I want to find all files with .cgi extension under cgi-bin/
>directory, so I use the following command:
>cd cgi-bin
>find . -name *.cgi -print
>it only lists  whatever/dir/index.cgi
>and I know I have may other *.cgi files such as search.cgi, compare.cgi
>the above find command does not lists the search.cgi etc.
>what's wrong with my find command?

Nothing that I can see.  What does "ls -R | grep -i cgi" show?

My public encryption key is available from


Subject: Re: Win4Lin: anyone use it with Micro$oft Outlook on Exchange?
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
From: rabid_yeti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 12:05:45 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam Finkelstein) wrote:
> I contacted the Win4Lin project engineer. He stated that at this time, =
> does not support Exchange and MAPI. But, he has an engineer working on =
> capability. If this feature existed, one would not need to purchase the=
> though more capable Vmware to run Linux/UNIX and Micr$oft server via MA=
> Adam

I've had the pleasure of playing with win4lin and VMware and both have me=
VMware gives you more options in terms of what you want to run inside of =
win4lin is presently limited to win95/win98, but within that regard, as I=
previously stated, the only troubles with win32 apps on win4lin have been=
directx oriented games which a common issue with wine as well, but I am p=
with an installation of directX 7 on win4lin that so far shows some promi=


From: "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: find command
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 11:32:47 -0500

On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Lily Fu quoth:

~~ Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 10:21:09 -0400
~~ From: Lily Fu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
~~ Subject: find command
~~ Hi,
~~ I use 'find' command quite often on Unix, however,
~~ the 'find' command on my redhat 6.1 linux doesn't
~~ seem producing the right output:
~~ I want to find all files with .cgi extension under cgi-bin/
~~ directory, so I use the following command:
~~ cd cgi-bin
~~ find . -name *.cgi -print

   find . -name '*.cgi'
                ^     ^
On most versions of find, the '-print' is superfluous as that
is its default behaviour.

~ Andrew N. McGuire                                                      ~
~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              ~
~ "Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow." - Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. ~


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Stephenson)
Subject: Re: Reality Check - NY Times Article
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 00 16:31:37 GMT

In article <5ePn5.18647$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Buck Turgidson" writes,
    seemingly using all-Microsoft software:

> August 20, 2000
> Why Few Funds Are Lining Up to Buy Linux
> Remember Linus Torvalds? [...]

Anyone who loses a second's sleep over this article really does
not understand the stock market, especially Wall Street.

First, fund managers are moral cowards.  It pays to be one, if
you are handling bushels of other people's money.  Indeed, it is
their duty to invest safely, not gamble on bright possibilities.
On average, it does not pay to be a pioneer.  Why should we fret
if even 65536 funds dump their Linux-related holdings?

Second, as I am sure everyone here knows, selling Linux alone is,
almost by definition, not a way to get rich.  You make your money
by adding value; and even then you struggle.  This concept is one
some journalists seem unable to get their heads around.  Truly, I
have more respect for those fund managers, who at least know an
anarchy does not favour the kind of market control required for a
stable and reasonably predictable income.  By contrast, journos
(or their editors) crave simple screaming headlines.  Worse, they
are prone to back-biting an innovation for the miscalculations of
people who at one stage hoped to exploit it.

Third, companies like IBM (who admittedly have a recent track
record of repeatedly dropping the ball, even when it was nailed
to their hands) like Linux in a big way.  Politics or not, they
are throwing money at its exploitation.  On balance, I'll trust
the commercial opinions of IBM sooner than those of a deadline-
threatened journo.

Now...  What was the question again?
Andrew Stephenson


From: kosty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gcc problems
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 12:46:02 -0400

> 4. Perhaps my problems come from the standard C library. I don't know where
> it should be, but I am using one I have found in /usr/i586-glibc20-linux.
> What is this lib or package???? How can I set the library up to work with it
> correctly (currently, to compile "hello world", I have to write
> gcc -I/usr/i586-glibc20-linux hello.c.

I'm having a similar problem trying to complile OpenGL w/gcc.  I've added the
directories to PATH in .bash_profile but keep getting 'no such file...'

BTW, how can I copy the text of any output from a console -- in KDE -- and
paste it when writing these posts?  I've tried redirecting them to a text file.


john k.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear)
Subject: Re: Dialup routing
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 16:45:38 GMT

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000 06:53:24 GMT, Jeff Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I would like to be able to set up my linux machine to route for my LAN
>(win98/Linux workstations). I would like it to be more than a proxy, if
>possible, like an ISDN router. It would be great if it would either dial
>on demand (and keep alive for a certain amount of time), or keep alive
>always. I don't know whether it is possible, but I would also like to be
>able to use 2 modems and two phone lines to double bandwidth. I don't
>expect the entire answer here, but a couple pointers/suggestions would
>be very helpful (links to docs, etc).

Jeff, this is actually quite easy to do with PPP. Simply read the
documentation and refer back to here for more help. I noticed that
someone later mentions Squid, but unless you only want HTTP/FTP/Gopher
traffic to cross the link it's not the solution.

FYI, before we brought in the "big gear" I connected our remote
offices to our main office via PPP so that we could share files and
email. Worked great, and was only $35/month per office for the

Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of "Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network"
The Baton Rouge Linux User Group -


From: "Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gcc problems
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 12:52:23 -0400

kosty wrote:
> >
> > 4. Perhaps my problems come from the standard C library. I don't know where
> > it should be, but I am using one I have found in /usr/i586-glibc20-linux.
> > What is this lib or package???? How can I set the library up to work with it
> > correctly (currently, to compile "hello world", I have to write
> > gcc -I/usr/i586-glibc20-linux hello.c.
> I'm having a similar problem trying to complile OpenGL w/gcc.  I've added the
> directories to PATH in .bash_profile but keep getting 'no such file...'
> BTW, how can I copy the text of any output from a console -- in KDE -- and
> paste it when writing these posts?  I've tried redirecting them to a text file.
> Thanks,
> john k.

Experiment.  Some simply require a >; some a 2> and some a &>.  

Someone may be able to explain the difference.  But in practice it
appears to be somewhat arbitrary.

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of 
moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.--Dante


From: "D. C. & M. V. Sessions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Is Mandrake Really Red Hat...
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 09:52:55 -0700

Matt O'Toole wrote:
> "D. C. & M. V. Sessions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Aside from the 586 optimizations, there is also a matter of package
> > compatibility.  Red Hat distributes files among packages one way,
> > Mandrake another.  Chances are that an RPM from one will have
> > conflicts and dependency problems with the other.
> Yeeaahh... it could happen, but in practice it doesn't.  I've had no trouble
> installing and running Redhat or Suse rpms on my Mandrake system.  There are
> probably a few Caldera ones in there, too.

Found out the opposite a while ago -- there was a Mandrake rpm
that would have been convenient but the thing was so loaded with
conflicts that it wasn't worth the trouble.  Wish offhand I could
remember which one.

| Bogus as it might seem, people, this really is a deliverable       |
| e-mail address.  Of course, there isn't REALLY a lumber cartel.    |
| There isn't really a tooth fairy, but whois works.  |
+----------- D. C. & M. V. Sessions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----------+


From: "Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dialup routing
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 13:03:37 -0400

Dustin Puryear wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Aug 2000 06:53:24 GMT, Jeff Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I would like to be able to set up my linux machine to route for my LAN
> >(win98/Linux workstations). I would like it to be more than a proxy, if
> >possible, like an ISDN router. It would be great if it would either dial
> >on demand (and keep alive for a certain amount of time), or keep alive
> >always. I don't know whether it is possible, but I would also like to be
> >able to use 2 modems and two phone lines to double bandwidth. I don't
> >expect the entire answer here, but a couple pointers/suggestions would
> >be very helpful (links to docs, etc).
> Jeff, this is actually quite easy to do with PPP. Simply read the
> documentation and refer back to here for more help. I noticed that
> someone later mentions Squid, but unless you only want HTTP/FTP/Gopher
> traffic to cross the link it's not the solution.
> FYI, before we brought in the "big gear" I connected our remote
> offices to our main office via PPP so that we could share files and
> email. Worked great, and was only $35/month per office for the
> phone-line!
> ---
> Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Author of "Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network"
> The Baton Rouge Linux User Group -

I've been using Samba, ipchains (ipfwadm), and PPP for years in a
small network.  Once samba is set up look for some
working examples of tcp wrappers (hosts.allow, hosts.deny, ipchains)
unless you're really into man pages.  The how to's also help, but
many web sites give working examples which are much easier for me to

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of 
moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.--Dante


From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: JDK v1.3 for Linux Problems
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 10:08:54 -0700

Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> I just installed JDK 1.3 on my Slackware box.  I've built a simple, test
> Java program but can't get it to compile (although I can compile it on
> other machines).  Here's the error I get:
> bash-2.03$ javac
> /usr/local/jdk1.3/bin/javac: /usr/bin/head: No such file or directory
> /usr/local/jdk1.3/bin/javac: /usr/bin/cut: No such file or directory
> /usr/local/jdk1.3/bin/i386/native_threads/javac: error in loading shared
> libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
> I can't find any file/directory called head or cut on my machine.
> Thanks for any help,
> Amit
You'll have to "translate" for Slackware, but on a RedHat box
these are in the textutils package:

$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/head
$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/cut

HTH. Bob L.  
Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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