Linux-Misc Digest #553, Volume #25               Fri, 25 Aug 00 02:13:01 EDT

  Re: lilo + big disks - help (Ryan Tarpine)
  Isp and Realplayer
  Linux equivalent of Solaris tools: truss (Michael Wang)
  Re: Local network with lots of arp who-has traffic ("William L. Hartzell")
  Re: Isp and Realplayer (Dances With Crows)
  Re: recompiled kernel (ufs support) errors (alex k)
  tar and time_t (Elliot)
  Re: Linux equivalent of Solaris tools: truss (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: Aww, man!  !  ! ! !!!!!!! (Scott Morgan)
  Re: recompiled kernel (ufs support) errors (alex k)
  Re: If XWin hang, how to kill it ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Error message when starting GNOME ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: If XWin hang, how to kill it ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: lilo + big disks - help (alex k)
  RS "Cue Cat" bar code reader access with Perl (Robert Lynch)


From: Ryan Tarpine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lilo + big disks - help
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 00:10:33 -0400

James Linder wrote:

> Hi
> Is this solvable?
> I have a quantum 15G lct disk  CHS 29104/16/63
> Bios is set for LBA giving a partition table of
> 1 1   261   win98
> 2 393 654   linux /
> 3 655 686   swap
> 4 687 1826  linux /home
> dmesg STILL reports 29104/16/63
> At boot lilo says
> LI
> so I tried linear and this make continious 01 01's
> I don't really want a C: small enough for lilo < 1024  and a D: for the
> w98.
> Why won't  the kernel see  the c/h/s  set by LBA.
> (other disks do report the LBA setting for smaller disks ie 4G)
> Is there a solution or must I do the c: d: solution?
> Thanks
> James

Try getting the newest lilo.  With it, you can set the 'lba32' option in
the /etc/lilo.conf file and have lilo take advantage of your bios's large
disk support.  I just went through this myself.  Make sure you have lba32
on it's own line in lilo.conf, not part of an image section or anything
like that.



Subject: Isp and Realplayer
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 04:29:22 GMT

Does link support realplayer?? Are there any Isp's that support Linux??

Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Linux equivalent of Solaris tools: truss
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Wang)
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 04:43:06 GMT

I am looking for Linux equivalent of Solaris tools: truss.
Email reply also welcome. Thanks. 


From: "William L. Hartzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Local network with lots of arp who-has traffic
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:26:43 GMT

It might be someone trying to spoof to get into your
machine.  Have you set up the firewall filter to not accept 192.168.x.x
on the non-secure adapter?

Stewart Honsberger wrote:
> [Note: Followup-To set to the group I read most thoroughly]
> Our local network, comprised currently of a Rogers@Home cable modem being
> gated (NAT) through an OS/2 Warp 4 machine w/ 2 NICs to our LAN via a 5-port
> hub. The machines residing on the LAN are the Warp 4 machine, my SuSE 6.4
> machine, and a Win'98SE machine. (There also exists a Win'95 machine, but
> it's rarely ever on - including now when I'm experiencing this problem).
> The NAT is being handled by the InJoy Firewall for OS/2 (Registered for,
> I believe, 5 IPs).
> Every so often we get spontaneous traffic being generated (broadcast
> traffic) requesting the MAC address of - a machine we
> currently don't have on our ( class "C") private LAN.
> Here's a snippet of the traffic as reported by 'tcpdump' on my Linux
> box. For the record, '' is the NAT/Gateway machine;
> 21:41:16.995858 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:17.299962 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:17.300338 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:19.008545 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:19.317633 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:20.335058 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:21.035186 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:21.340692 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:23.060216 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:25.079465 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:25.379148 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:26.391733 arp who-has tell
> 21:41:27.103918 arp who-has tell
> As you can see, it's happening quite often; averaging about twice per
> second. Now, our 10BaseT network doesn't have a very high traffif load,
> nor do we require vast amounts of free bandwidth in a way that the odd
> 128byte packets and 64byte replies (as far as I can tell from watching
> my eth0 monitor, anyways) would bother us, but I greatly dislike unknown
> sources of traffic being generated.
> Being somewhat unfamiliar with the internal workings of a NAT program,
> I'm not sure if this is related to the way the IPs are being translated
> by the gateway?
> Anyways, I'd be greatful for any input anybody could come up with. Thanks
> in advance.
> --
> Stewart Honsberger (AKA Blackdeath) @
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Remove 'thirteen' to reply privately)
> Humming along under SuSE 6.4, Linux 2.4.0-test6


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Isp and Realplayer
Date: 25 Aug 2000 05:29:24 GMT

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 04:29:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Does link support realplayer?? Are there any Isp's that support Linux??
Vas is dast "link"?  ...oh.  Yes, there's a RealPlayer plugin available
for Linux, as well as Flash and a number of other mostly useless "nifty
things of the week" that are completely undocumented and will be
obsolete in 6 months.  No Quicktime(Sorenson) though.

There are a lot of dialup ISPs that use standard PPP authentication
methods such as PAP or CHAP, which Linux can deal with just fine.  There
are also a lot of cable/DSL providers who use standard protocols and
hardware routers that hook into an Ethernet card.  Beware of LoseModems
and internal DSL/cable cards; few of these are supported.  Get an
external modem/router and you'll be OK.

There are not many ISPs that will hand-hold you through getting your
Linux machine connected, since ISPs are having trouble finding 
people with more than 3 brain cells to man their phones.  There are many
resources available for Linux documentation, though.  Check out and , read the manual
that came with your distro, and look in /usr/doc/ on your machine.
Contact a local LUG, or offer a local Linux geek beer and pizza in
exchange for tutorials/help.  The support you get from these sources
will most likely be higher-quality than what you get from an ISP phone

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
=============================/           ==Henry Spencer


From: alex k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: recompiled kernel (ufs support) errors
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:19:37 GMT

yes yes, i had all the UFS support and all.
but of course, the problem was that i was trying to mount a whole slice
(equivalent of a extended partition).

i did as you said with hda9 and it worked:)
dunno what i was thinking about.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 03:41:20 +0200, Alexander K wrote:
> >and then this:
> >Partition check:
> >hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 > hda3! hda4! < hda8 hda9 >
> >VFS: Can't find a valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 03:03.
> >
> >i take it 03:03 is hda3, which is formatted as a FreeBSD ufs slice.
> >why is it even looking for a MSDOS partition there???
> What does fstab have in it for /dev/hda3?  If you're trying to mount
> /dev/hda3, it won't work.  BSD partitions are usually somewhat like
> extended partitions in that they can contain a number of separate
> partitions, in this case /dev/hda8 and 9.  You must have support in
> kernel for BSD partition tables (Filesystems->Partition Types->BSD
> disklabel support) and then you should be able to mount /dev/hda8 and
> /dev/hda9 like so:
> mount -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd /dev/hda8 /mnt/bsd/
> mount -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd /dev/hda9 /mnt/bsd/usr
> The fstab lines would be:
> /dev/hda8  /mnt/bsd       ufs   ufstype=44bsd   0   0
> /dev/hda9  /mnt/bsd/usr   ufs   ufstype=44bsd   0   0
> >further it writes this:
> >You didn't specify the type of your ufs filesystem
> >mount -t ufs -o
> See above.
> --
> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us
to see
> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are
>     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
> -----------------------------/           --Henry Spencer

...: [ ~~~~~~~ ] :...

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From: Elliot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: tar and time_t
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:29:19 GMT

Hi all,

I have just finished a very big tar job (25 GB onto DDS4 tape). Although 
it seems to have worked, I got a large (100+) number of messages of the 
following sort:

tar: Octal value `774671576202' is out of range for time_t

Followed, at the end by:

tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

I would be grateful for an explanation of all of this - should I be 


Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux equivalent of Solaris tools: truss
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:34:24 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Wang) writes:

> I am looking for Linux equivalent of Solaris tools: truss.
> Email reply also welcome. Thanks. 

I've never used truss before but maybe strace is similar to it?

Prasanth Kumar


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Morgan)
Subject: Re: Aww, man!  !  ! ! !!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:45:26 GMT

>hmph... well, ive been tryin to get eth1 workin still, to no avail...
>why cant isapnp allocate any IO ?
>i know that the address im givin it is free, im running it as root...
>hmph... IO 0x028f  IRQ 5 ... :o(
>before anyone sez it, ive read EVERY man page referenced by isapnp and
>isapnp.conf ... So anyway
>everythings set up in linuxconf, everything SHOULD be setup in
>isapnp.conf... but whenever i run it, just...kaput  :o(
>oh well...
>smelly scott boi, over...

okay, isapnp is workin, but ifup still isnt takin it as eth1... ...
.. hmmm
no luck on gettin over 8bpp, but it'll be runnin as a firewall and
devbox anyway, so i dont care... any off the wall ideas for the nic?

im at the end of my rope :(
oh well... cya all soon hopefully


From: alex k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: recompiled kernel (ufs support) errors
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:37:41 GMT

i recompiled a few more times and the partition problems disappeared.
i can now even mount the freebsd partitions (not the slice, as i tried

but nomatter if i have the lowlevel aedsp16 or awe32 driver compiled in
the kernel, or not, i still experience a looong pause when i see this:

> Sound initialization started
> [AEDSP16] aedsp16_dsp_reset: failed!
> AWE32: not detected
> Sound initialization complete

whats the reset about?
for now i dont mind not being able to use my SB-live card, but i sure as
hell want that "fail"-mesg gone.
why does it look for awe32 even when i dont have compiled it for the

  tia / alex k

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From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: If XWin hang, how to kill it
Date: 25 Aug 2000 05:49:02 GMT

Jean-David Beyer-valinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: John Hasler wrote:

:> Jean-David Beyer writes:
:> > So I am still not sure if it does anything from GNOME/Enlightenment-X
:> > Window System (where I usually run) or not.
:> It never would have occurred to me to try to run it from X.

: I thought the whole idea was to regain control of a non-crashed Linux
: system when the X Window system was so crashed that you could not make

Uh no.  It (magic sysreq) is a last-ditch facility for saving a crashed
linux system.  Yes, occasionally you have to run it blind and listen for
the disk spinning for confirmation.

: C-A-Bs or C-A-F[1-6] work. If you can get down to a regular Unix/Linux
: shell, then you can easily kill the X stuff and start over without

He means "console", not shell, surely, if talking about magic sysreq.

: So I must still resort to going to my other box and ssh-ing my way into
: this one. Fine for me, but not fine for those with only one machine.

?? If you are talking about magic sysreq, you have to be at the console.
Shhh .. don't tell everyone. Maybe you aren't talking about magic
sysreq? What have I cut!



Subject: Error message when starting GNOME
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:47:51 GMT

Hi all,

I just installed Madrake 7.1 on my workstation. It works fine but every
time I log in I get the error message similar to the following (donīt
know it exactly):

"Your preferred session type is not installed... Should Default be used
for future sessions?"

Allthough I accept the message gets back every time I log in.

Any ideas?


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From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: If XWin hang, how to kill it
Date: 25 Aug 2000 05:54:21 GMT

Jean-David Beyer-valinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:

:> Jean-David Beyer-valinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> : "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
:> :> Jean-David Beyer-valinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> :> : [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:> :> :> Jean-David Beyer-valinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
:> Whenever I want to see the list, I hit ctrl-alt-sysreq-w.

: Fine, once you know about it and have seen the list. And if it works as the

I just tried every key. w isn't active, so it brings up a list.

: I very much doubt it. A TERM sends the process a 15 signal, which it can catch.

We're not in process land.

:> Anyway, I only use S U S U B.

You got me curious enough to look at the doc.

  'k'     - Kills all programs on the current virtual console.
  'e'     - Send a SIGTERM to all processes, except for init.
  'i'     - Send a SIGKILL to all processes, except for init.
  'l'     - Send a SIGKILL to all processes, INCLUDING init. (Your system
            will be non-functional after this.)

It was k/i that I remembered being confused about. There's no
good indication of which is which in the help message.



From: alex k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lilo + big disks - help
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:51:59 GMT

i just downloaded lilo-21.5
but i only get make errors:

00004 errors
00000 warnings
make: *** [temp2.o] Error 1
rm temp2.o

i would really like to be able to boot freebsd (>1024).
any clue how to correct this with temp2.o???

...: [ ~~~~~~~ ] :...

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Before you buy.


From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RS "Cue Cat" bar code reader access with Perl
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 23:04:02 -0700


Yesterday I got my free "Cue Cat" bar code reader at the local
Radio Shack, and starting fooling around with it.

With the help of:  (helped a LOT!!)

I managed to whack together a Perl program to read barcodes.  For
example, running it over the ISBN bar code on the back of the
book "Programming Perl", it gives:

$ ./

which is correct.

It was fun doing this, and hopefully my program doesn't have any
mitsakes. :)


Bob L.
Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# 2000-08-24 Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# whose name will probably be stripped off ASAP,
# which is OK, because only his mother could love
# his Perl coding, certainly not gurus. :)
use Term::ReadKey;
# lookup tables
my %look0 = ('C3',0,'CN',1,'Cx',2,'Ch',3,'D3',4,
            'DN',5,'Dx',6, 'Dh',7,'E3',8,'EN',9);
my %look1 = ('n',0,'j',1,'f',2,'b',3,'D',4,'z',5,
my %look2 = ('Z',0,'Y',1,'X',2,'W',3,'3',4,'2',5,
my %isbn  = ('0',0,'1',X,'2',9,'3',8,'4',7,'5',6,
# use lookup tables to convert characters
# into digits, stick it all back together
sub convert {
    my @bits = @_;
    my $nums = "";
    for($i = 0; $i < @bits/4; $i++) {
        $nums .= $look0{$bits[$i*4].$bits[$i*4+1]}.
    return $nums;
# get the part of string at end, between "."'s;
# split it into discrete characters
# convert to string
sub getupc {
    my $s = shift(@_);
    my @t = ();
    my $upc, $num3, $num9;
    # ISBN
    if($s =~ /\.cGf2\.(.*)\.$/) {
        print "ISBN\n";
        @t = split(//, $1);
        # 0) Convert to digit string
        $upc = convert(@t);
        # Launder ISBN
        # 1) Get rid of ISBN prefix "978"; digits after 12th
        ($num3, $num9) = (substr($upc, 0, 3), substr($upc, 3,
        if($num3 != "978") {
            print "EAN-13 did not start 978!\n";
        # 2) calculate check digit and add it to $upc
        # found at:
        my $sum = 0;
        for($i = 10; $i > 1; $i--) {
            $sum += $i*substr($num9, 10- $i, 1);
        $sum = $sum%11;
        $sum = $isbn{$sum};
        $upc = $num9.$sum;
    # ISBN
    elsif($s =~ /\.cGen\.(.*)\.$/) {
        print "ISBN\n";
        @t = split(//, $1);
        # 0) Convert to digit string
        $upc = convert(@t);
        # Launder ISBN
        # 1) Get rid of ISBN prefix "978"; digits after 12th
        ($num3, $num9) = (substr($upc, 0, 3), substr($upc, 3,
        if($num3 != "978") {
            print "EAN-13 did not start 978!\n";
        # 2) calculate check digit and add it to $upc
        # found at:
        my $sum = 0;
        for($i = 10; $i > 1; $i--) {
            $sum += $i*substr($num9, 10- $i, 1);
        $sum = $sum%11;
        $sum = $isbn{$sum};
        $upc = $num9.$sum; 
    # UPC-E
    elsif($s =~ /\.fHmc\.(.*)\.$/) {
        print "UPC-E\n";
        @t = split(//, $1);
        # Convert to digit string
        $upc = convert(@t);
    # UPS Tracking No.
    elsif($s =~ /\.CNf7\.(.*)\.$/) {
        print "UPS Tracking No.\n";
        print "1Z";
        @t = split(//, $1);
        # Convert to digit string
        $upc = convert(@t);
    return $upc;
my $scan;
while(1) {
    # Comment out for debugging (to see raw keyboard input).
    while ( defined ($scan = ReadLine(0)) ) {
        print getupc($scan), "\n";



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