Linux-Misc Digest #221, Volume #26                Fri, 3 Nov 00 15:13:02 EST

  LINUX utility to change IRQ on 3C509 (Volodja K)
  Re: Simple .java file won't compile - Permission to write .class file denied (Leejay 
  Squid and Redirection Problem ("Harald Baier")
  Mgetty and USR Modem ("frederic bodart")
  Re: two peices of legislation i would like to see (guy-jin)
  Re: two peices of legislation i would like to see (guy-jin)
  Re: Mgetty and USR Modem (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Detect number of CPU's from within a program? (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Corel WordPerfect 8 emulated on Linux ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  GD and TTF fonts (Terry Gliedt)
  many very similar letters (emails) to many different recipients (Jan)
  Re: LINUX utility to change IRQ on 3C509 (Esa Tikka)
  Recording using a SoundBlaster Live - can YOU do it? ("Barry Samuels")
  Re: Sound recording (or rather lack of it). ("Barry Samuels")
  Disk buffer... (Amine M Jekki)
  Re: Password authentications ("Bradley J. Bartram")
  Re: Detect number of CPU's from within a program? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: tail seems to sleep (Lee Allen)
  troff (Trevor Brown)
  Re: gnorpm + RH7.0 = seg fault ("Jeff")
  Re: An appeal to experts for help! (Jack C Pinette)
  Heres how to install KDE 2 on RH7 with KDE 1.x still running. ("Jeff")
  KDE, Copy FD to Netscape?? (ALDEL)
  free internet for Linux? ("Database")
  Re: please help! relaying error (ATITUS)
  Re: many very similar letters (emails) to many different recipients (NAVARRO LOPEZ, 
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel)


From: Volodja K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: LINUX utility to change IRQ on 3C509
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 12:09:50 -0500

I need to change IRQ and I/O on an ISA 3C509 network card,
using a program that runs in Linux.
I saw one a couple of years ago, but I don't remember where it was.
Can someone point a download site for me?

There are plenty of them running on DOS, but that won't help me.


From: Leejay Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple .java file won't compile - Permission to write .class file denied
Date: Fri,  3 Nov 2000 11:48:21 -0500

Excerpts from netnews.comp.os.linux.misc: 2-Nov-100 Re: Simple .java
file won't.. by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Thank you!  when I installed the jdk i did it as root and so 
> as a user it wouldn't let me write to bin.  I changed the 
> permissions on the /bin/ directory as a quick fix and 
> everything worked.

Hrmmm.  Is there a good reason for compiling in /bin (normally
writeable only by root, and usually used for relatively important
programs that come with the distro) instead of, say, a somewhere
in your own directories?  Unless your kernel supports Java misc.
binaries (not sure what the option is), you'll need to invoke
the Foo.class files with 'java Foo' anyway, so you wouldn't seem
to gain that much from putting them in /bin/ beyond sharing
them with other users (and the latter can be done in the home
dir as well; 'mkdir ~/public; chmod a+rx ~/public'.

Normally I'd rather use a subdir in my ~, and if it's going to be
used a lot either put the dir in my path (but again, not too 
useful w/o Java binary support -- 'java' normally gets searched for
by the shell, not the .class), or symlink it into a private

> I suspect I should change the permissions back, change the group that
> can access /bin/, and make myself a member of the new group.  Would
> something like that be the thing to do next?  Being a linux newbie,
> this is all very, er.. new.

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        | the silly student          |
|--------------------------| he writes really bad haiku |
|   #include <stddiscl.h>  | readers all go mad         |



From: "Harald Baier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Squid and Redirection Problem
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 18:12:51 +0100

Hi there!

I have a Problem with my squid proxy-server:
Every time, I use my linuy box on port 80 i get the squid-reply:
The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL: /

The following error was encountered:

  a.. Invalid URL
Some aspect of the requested URL is incorrect. Possible problems:

  a.. Missing or incorrect access protocol (should be `http://'' or similar)
  b.. Missing hostname
  c.. Illegal double-escape in the URL-Path
  d.. Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed
Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Generated Fri, 03 Nov 2000 18:15:08 GMT by

i added redirection from port 80 (linux box) to squid port!
when i use the proxy-port directly, everithing works fine!


From: "frederic bodart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mgetty and USR Modem
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 18:46:48 +0100

I'm trying to use Mgetty with a USR Sportster Voice 33.6 fax modem
for fax,voice and data automatic answering.
There are no error in log file (debug=9) but eihter PC nor modem  hang up.
So I'm looking for a right  mgetty.Config file especially the init-chat


From: guy-jin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: two peices of legislation i would like to see
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 17:42:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Zero Piraeus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey:
> > 'the reform in software purchasing act'
> Nice.
> > 'the public software act'
> I'd alter this so it applied to hardware rather than software
> [the sale of which is going to dry up, after all],

i dont think so. people are always going to buy
video/computer games. and then there's big business
'enterprise' software, and niche markets, and stuff like that.

i doubt commercial software will ever completely go away,
but i dont think it will be on top, either.

> and also set it up so that
> manufacturers can offset donations to non-profit software development
> against tax. It's a lot easier to sell a rebate than a tax, and
> corporations would like it better if they got to support a project
> relevant to their business, rather than "The Gummint".

what kind of non profit software development would microsoft
donate to? LOW? (Linux On Windows)

> Actually, didn't RMS come up with something very like this?

edjamacate me, who/what is RMS?

my real email address is at usa dot net
Choose Any System But the Pay$tation2!
you cannot spell conservative without "CON"

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: guy-jin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: two peices of legislation i would like to see
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 17:46:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Smitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> guy-jin wrote:

> Let's keep the government out of our lives and let the free software
> movement grow in a free market place.

1) its your government. it should listen to you,
and work for you. 'keeping it out of our lives'
is antidemocratic.

2) yes, i agree free software will grow like
crazy in a free marketplace. please wake me
when that happens. <coma>

> I reject your proposals.

oh well, there's no accounting for taste.

my real email address is at usa dot net
Choose Any System But the Pay$tation2!
you cannot spell conservative without "CON"

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Mgetty and USR Modem
Date: 3 Nov 2000 18:04:22 GMT

In <8tutri$kpm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "frederic bodart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

]I'm trying to use Mgetty with a USR Sportster Voice 33.6 fax modem
]for fax,voice and data automatic answering.
]There are no error in log file (debug=9) but eihter PC nor modem  hang up.
]So I'm looking for a right  mgetty.Config file especially the init-chat

I'm afraid that this is not making very much sense. Why do you not post
the log file ( by the way debug =7 is the highest level under mgetty.
Also put the -x 7 into the /etc/inittab line to start it off in a high
debug level from the start.)
An init line for a sportser voice is
  init-chat  ""  AT&F1 OK ATS0=0 OK ATS38=4S13=1 OK AT#CID=1 OK
(Note that the cid=1 is to report the caller id number).


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Detect number of CPU's from within a program?
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 13:09:11 -0500


> Concerning the automatic detection of the number of processors,
> Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From a program-portability point of view, that may be a bad idea.
> > Your program should not need to know how many CPUs there are. If
> > the OS is working correctly, the only difference you should see if
> > there are more processors would be more throughput. And you program
> > should not need to know what that is. It should do the best it can.
> As it happens, the algorithm in question is trivially parallelized,
> so it is easy to exploit multiple processors and get near-linear
> speed-up. Unfortunately, the OS cannot do the parallelization for me.
> For this reason, I want to launch as many threads as there are CPU's.
> It is important that the detection be automatic, since the algorithm
> may be launched remotely on machines with different numbers of CPU's.
> Can anyone tell me (even if they believe it's a bad idea) how to
> automatically determine the number of processors?
> Thanks for your help.
> Robert Dodier

You can do this from a shell (first one is on my SMP machine, the other
is on my UP machine):

valinux:jdbeyer[~]$ grep processor /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
processor : 1

touchl:jdbeyer[~]$ grep processor /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0

So, of course your program could do the same thing; i.e., open
/proc/cpuinfo and read it, scanning for the string "processor" and
counting them, or parsing a little more and pick up the digit after the
last one and adding one. You might use regcomp(3) and regexec(3) to do
the parsing. Discussed in the manual page. (Then close the file.)

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  1:00pm up 10 days, 1:19, 2 users, load average: 5.49, 5.26, 5.14


Subject: Re: Corel WordPerfect 8 emulated on Linux ?
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 13:30:00 +0000

Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> I'm trying to find a word processor for Linux, and there seems to be a
> lot of choices.
> I read somewhere that Corel WordPerfect is not written natively in
> Linux, but it's the Windows version that's emulated using Wine.  Is this
> true?  In that case, I'd rather continue searching for a better word
> processor.

Wordperfect 8 is native to linux.
Wordperfect Office 2000 is the the compiled using wine libraries.
(It isn't emulated. It just uses Wine for it's API, rather than other X

Wine Is Not an Emulator...
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                                                 |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't |
|            in            |  suck is probably the day they start making     |
|     Computer science     |  vacuum cleaners" - Ernst Jan Plugge            |


From: Terry Gliedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GD and TTF fonts
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 13:34:02 -0500

I'd appreciate hearing from someone who has successfully installed
GD-1.30 and freetype-1.3.1. I've spend way too much time on this with no
success in getting the stringTTF call to return anything except "libgd
was not built with TrueType font support". Please respond directly to
me. TIA

Terry Gliedt     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Biostatistics, Univ of Michigan    Personal Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: many very similar letters (emails) to many different recipients
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 19:39:42 +0100

What kind of tools (under (I prefer) Linux  or Win95/NT) would you
suggest to do in automatic way the following job:

I need to send many very similar (but a little bit different)
letters (emails) to many different recipients.
 Slightly different subjects
Subj: Payment for ...(different months for different people)

Sir X... and here different names for different letter

Now some sentences (the same for different letters).
We expect that you'll pay Y... $ (possibly different
amounts for different letters). And so on...

Should I use e.g. bash or awk, perl ?
Do you have some suggestion?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Esa Tikka)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: LINUX utility to change IRQ on 3C509
Date: 3 Nov 2000 18:20:03 GMT

On Fri, 03 Nov 2000 12:09:50 -0500, Volodja K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I need to change IRQ and I/O on an ISA 3C509 network card,
>using a program that runs in Linux.
>I saw one a couple of years ago, but I don't remember where it was.
>Can someone point a download site for me?


Esa Tikka          ---  esa dot tikka at lut dot fi  ---
LTKK/ti4      ---> .satan, oscillate my metallic sonataS  <---
Vote against spam in EU @


From: "Barry Samuels" <Barry Samuels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Recording using a SoundBlaster Live - can YOU do it?
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 18:57:42 +0000

This is a follow-up to a previous posting of mine.

I am running Debian 2.2, kernel 2.2.17pre6, emu10k1 driver (20000721) with
a SoundBlaster Live 1024.

I could not get a recording, using the line input socket, to produce any
sound when played back.

Someone suggested trying the Microphone socket and that, indeed produces a
recording that does play back albeit at a rather low volume level even
with the Microphone recording level, on the mixer, at maximum.

The same card will produce acceptable recordings using the line input
socket and the Windows software that was supplied with the card.  I really
don't want to do it that way!

Has anyone else experienced this?  Do you have a solution or an explanation?

Barry Samuels


From: "Barry Samuels" <Barry Samuels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound recording (or rather lack of it).
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 18:57:42 +0000

In article <8ppb25$7e9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   "Barry Samuels" <Barry Samuels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am running Debian 2.2, kernel 2.2.17pre6 and a SoundBlaster Live
> using
>> the Creative/Emu module.
>> Try as I might I cannot record anything!
>> When I say I cannot record I mean that, although I can create a file
> by
>> using something like Gramofile, Sound-recorder or KRecord, when it is
> This is a real long shot, but in case it helps...
> I am using krecord and gramofile on two systems with older soundblaster
> cards. Try as I might, I could not record anything from the line in. In
> desperation, I tried the microphone in, and I could record.
> This does not make any sense to me, and I kept trying the line in with
> various mixer settings, nothing but soft white noise.

I have now tried your suggestion of using the microphone socket and it
does work.  However the sound level is quite low - it needs the microphone
recording level at its maximum to produce anything audible.

I find this to be very strange as the same recording setup produces an
acceptable recording under Windows when using the line input socket.  It
doesn't seem to make any sense.

Barry Samuels


From: Amine M Jekki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Disk buffer...
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 12:07:28 -0600

I was wonderinf if anybody knows in which config file I can locate the
disk buffer size configured for my hard drive.



From: "Bradley J. Bartram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Password authentications
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 19:18:22 GMT

Actually, I would like to eliminate Microsoft from our office totally.

I'm simply looking for functionality similar to a PDC, basically central
authentication and control rather than local authentication.

Our network currently has NT, but again, it is something I would like to get
away from as there are no applications currently running that a *nix server
couldn't do more efficiently.


Bradley J. Bartram
Database Administrator
DigiVision Satellite Services, Inc.

"Dustin Puryear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 03 Nov 2000 02:15:12 GMT, Mark Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Thu, 02 Nov 2000 15:20:18 GMT, "Bradley J. Bartram"
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>I am currently spearheading a program to roll out linux on our coporate
> >>desktops and am hung up on one detail.  Where can I get information
> >>centrally authenticating user passwords ala NT's PDC functions?
> >
> >Check out Samba.  It can act as a login controller for Win9x systems.  If
> >you have WinNT/Win2k systems, Samba TNG will probably be required, and it
> >not yet GA.
> I think he wants the Linux "desktops" to authenticate against a PDC,
> If so the poster should investigate pam_smb. Alternatively, he could just
> as easily configure NIS.
> --
> Dustin Puryear <$email = "dpuryear"."";>
> Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network
> -


From: Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Detect number of CPU's from within a program?
Date: 03 Nov 2000 09:24:36 -0900

>Can anyone tell me (even if they believe it's a bad idea) how to
>automatically determine the number of processors?

Parse /proc/cpuinfo.

Floyd L. Davidson                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Allen)
Subject: Re: tail seems to sleep
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 19:25:06 GMT

On Fri, 3 Nov 2000 17:42:35 +0100, "dick dijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I am using a "tail -f" to track appends to a logfile, but I found out that
>changes are not reflected quickly. My experience on Unix systems is that
>changes are shown instantly, but on Linux it takes a long time (minutes)
>while the documentation states that the default interval between updates is
>1 sec.
>Does anyone have the same experience on this? Do you know how to solve this
>(to make "tail -f" behave the same as on Unix systems).

In my experience on Linux systems, "tail -f" tracks changes instantly.

Is it possible that the application writing to the file is not
fflush()'ing (or closing) the file, to cause buffers to be written?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor Brown)
Subject: troff
Date: 3 Nov 2000 19:24:59 GMT


Does anyone know how to underline in troff?  I've tried .ul and .cu, but
these only underline in nroff -- in troff, they italicize.




From: "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gnorpm + RH7.0 = seg fault
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 14:49:50 -0500

If you installed the updated gnorpm from redhat then uninstall it and
reinstall the on on the installation cd. There is a bug in the updated one.

"Mark Guzzo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> Strange thing is that after I installed Helix Gnome, gnorpm will Seg
> Fault any time I select a package. Just by clicking on the package in
> the listing will cause it to Seg Fault. I then tried to install some
> RPM's by using the gmc file manager and it worked! But when I try to get
> info on the RPM package by using the filemanager gmc, I get the same Seg
> Fault.
> Any reasons for this ?
> Mark Guzzo


From: Jack C Pinette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: An appeal to experts for help!
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 13:30:15 -0600

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Anil Trivedi wrote:
> BTW, since OS X is such a departure from OS 9, do your OS 9 programs
> run fine under OS X or have you encountered problems?
> -Anil
I haven't had any problems, with one caveat... I'm on a modem, and
'classic' programs don't recognize Mac OS X Beta's PPP connections.  This
is a temporary situation, though. Other than that, any program that
doesn't try to access hardware directly is fine.  For example, while Quake
3 will run, it doesn't have any hardware acceleration.  Of course, there's
a Mac OS X Beta version of Quake 3 now, so no big issue. :)

There are lots of places where you can get more info on Mac OS X, like
Apple's site,,,,,
macworld, macweek, etc. etc.



From: "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Heres how to install KDE 2 on RH7 with KDE 1.x still running.
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 14:59:58 -0500

Installing KDE 2.0 on RedHat 7 with KDE 1.x still Installed
Do everything in gnome
Download these files which can all be found at
Put all files in a Directory of your choice.
Install these rpms(if you get error of conflicts then choose upgrade


Now create a directory calld /opt/kde2

Now edit file /etc/profile.d/ and in the 2 spots where you see
"/usr" replace with "/opt/kde2"

Now edit file /etc/profile.d/ and just change the 0 to 1 where
it says "/usr/lib/qt-2.2.0" and make it "/usr/lib/qt-2.2.1"

Now log out, you dont have to reboot, then log back in to gnome and if you
run a terminal window and type env you will see the new kde and qt paths we

In order to have both KDEs available you MUST use the src rpms and in a
cerain order
download these rpms to a temporary directory

kdenetwork-2.0-1.src.rpm (find rpm from the rawhide site that is
1,876,331 bytes the 1,583,558 byte file wont work)

You must Install the rpms in a certain order but not all at once.

1. install kdesupport-2.0-1.src.rm
2. open a terminal window and go to
3. type bunzip2 *.tar.bz2
4. type tar xvf filename.tar (you must do each file separate cant use *)
5. type cd kdesupport 2.0
4. type ./configure
5. type make all (takes a long time for most packages)
6. type make install
7. when done use file manager and delete all files and folders in folder

Now install next rpm
others src.rpm in any order

Now create file named KDE2 in /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions and add this to it
exec /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession kde2

make sure above file has execute privilges

Now create file names Xclients.kde2 in /usr/share/apps/switchdesk and add
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2
export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.2.1
export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
exec /opt/kde2/bin/startkde

make sure above file has execute privliges

Now edit file /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession and just modify the line under kde2)
and if kde2) isnt there then add it.

       exec /usr/share/apps/switchdesk/Xclients.kde
       exec /usr/share/apps/switchdesk/Xclients.kde2 (edit this line)

Create a new file named /opt/kde2/bin/kde2 with this (adapted to your KDE-2

    export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2
    export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.1.1
    export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib:$QTDIR/lib

make sure above file has exe privliges

Add this to ~/.<yourshell>rc (for instance .bashrc, or .zshrc):

    alias ckde2='source /opt/kde2/bin/kde2'

This allows one to run a KDE2 app under KDE1, and the other way around.
Example (under kde-1.x):

    konqueror &

Now edit file /etc/profile.d/ and in the 2 spots where you see
"/opt/kde2" replace with "/usr"

Now edit file /etc/profile.d/ and just change the 0 to 1 where
it says "/usr/lib/qt-2.2.1" and make it "/usr/lib/qt-2.2.0"



Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 14:51:24 -0500
Subject: KDE, Copy FD to Netscape??

Have Mandrake 7.1, KDE running fine on Pent.1.
Want to copy files from Floppy dr. to Netscape bookmark.
Can find Net. import, but do not know where to go from there
to copy files from floppy.

Help much appreciated.
Albert, Wa3fib.
It took me 83 yrs. to get this dumb.  


From: "Database" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: free internet for Linux?
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 19:56:05 GMT

Is there any providers that have free internet access for Linux?



Subject: Re: please help! relaying error
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 19:53:43 GMT

In article <8tukp9$k80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Post the error? You have the advantage on us. Error messages are
> usually rather informative! Also post the command you are using to
> mail out with. Do I understand you to mean that you are using java
> sockets to connect directly to your company's server?
> Peter


Thanks for looking at this. Here is the error message from the Java

Exception in thread "main" Unexpected reply to
command: RCP
Relaying denied
        at com.oreilly.servlet.MailMessage.send(
        at SendMail.main(

It is opening a socket to the local machine ( port 25, the SMTP port )
on which sendmail should be listening. Then it sends the MAIL,RCPT ...
headers and checks for an OK respose, etc. I am lead to believe if
sendmail works, this should work as well?

Thanks, Aaron

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: NAVARRO LOPEZ, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel 
Subject: Re: many very similar letters (emails) to many different recipients
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 20:55:40 +0100

Hi, Jan

Jan wrote:
> What kind of tools (under (I prefer) Linux  or Win95/NT) would you
> suggest to do in automatic way the following job:
> I need to send many very similar (but a little bit different)
> letters (emails) to many different recipients.
> E.g.
>  Slightly different subjects
> Subj: Payment for ...(different months for different people)
> Sir X... and here different names for different letter
> Now some sentences (the same for different letters).
> We expect that you'll pay Y... $ (possibly different
> amounts for different letters). And so on...
> Should I use e.g. bash or awk, perl ?
> Do you have some suggestion?
> Jan

Well, PERL  (Practical Extract and Report Language) was exactly
developed for such a task: you can very easily define 'templates' that
are filled with variables, and the templates themselves are easily
managed too.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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