Linux-Misc Digest #322, Volume #26               Thu, 16 Nov 00 07:13:04 EST

  Re: xmms playing CDs? (Eric)
  Re: Dang those KDE rpms (Dan Amborn)
  Re: Need help converting files to unix format (Wayne Pollock)
  [Lynx/screen] Loading a File into a Web form Box (John Bacalle)
  Re: Path problem (Wayne Pollock)
  Is this hard drive dead?
  [Q] groups: is there a standard (Jens Peter Secher)
  Re: dynamically add/remove ide HD ? (Laurent Bize)
  Re: dynamically add/remove ide HD ? (Laurent Bize)
  Re: files max - harcode in ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  I wanna install Mandrake 7.1 as Web server (YY Lee)
  Re: Linux on HP workstation (Malcolm Cowe)
  mail server ("Andreas Moroder")
  about .htaccess ("Sam Tsui")
  Re: help off topic, perl problem (Robert Schweikert)
  Re: ...Answering my own question... (Anita Lewis)
  Re: I wanna install Mandrake 7.1 as Web server (Anders Lund)
  Re: Lilo and moving an IDE disk ("Phil Whiles")
  Re: ping problems


Subject: Re: xmms playing CDs?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 08:10:50 +0100

Gero Marten wrote:
> > You can't...  Nor, with xmms, do you have to.  Just put the disc in, select
> > Play File and change to whatever directory that CD drive is usually mounted
> > on.  XMMS handles the rest.
> Nothing shows up in my /cdrom directory. Neither does in /mnt/cd. The
> CD Audio Player plugin is loaded and configured.
> --
> Gero H. Marten
> "Computers are like air conditioners: They stop working properly if
> you open
> windows."

probably /dev/cdrom will



From: Dan Amborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,linux.redhat.install,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Dang those KDE rpms
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 00:20:19 -0600

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 16:18:30 +0100, "Nils O. Sel=E5sdal"

>i removed KDE1 first installed the KDE2 rpms, and it ofcourse didnt find
>some lib*** files
>I found out what i needed was libmng**.rpm, and the latest =
>i ofcourse dont remember where i found them now, but it was pretty
>easy..just search at
>But its worth it, KDE 2 rules

Get the files you need here


Dan Amborn

Yoda of Borg are we: Futile is resistance. Assimilate you, we will.


From: Wayne Pollock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help converting files to unix format
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 02:18:19 -0500

So you have a directory full of text files that need converting?
Actually, you should be able to compile those .c files anyway, maybe
something else is wrong?

But you can try this:

        find . -type f | xargs recode dos..

recode is a powerful general purpose file format changing tool.  I
think it will harmlessly skip non-text files, but you better check
the man page (or test it out) first.  recode.rpm is small and easy
to install, but it has too many features to think about.  And the
above example really does end in two periods, that's not a typo.

If you only want to change .c files, you can alter the command to:
        find . -type f -name \*.c | xargs recode dos..

Good luck!

-Wayne Pollock

> I downloaded a program from cvs (unfortunately from window$) using
> wincvs. It seems that all the files were saved with "^M" marks all over
> them. Compiling the program will not work.
> Is there a way to convert a group of files (recursively?) into unix
> format?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Bacalle)
Subject: [Lynx/screen] Loading a File into a Web form Box
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 07:38:35 GMT

How can I load a large amount of text into a Web form entry box when
using Lynx? In Netscape I can of course cut and paste, but I need to do
this from the console. Screen allows cut and paste from the console, but
it won't allow me to copy more than one console-screen's worth. The man
page mentions how to paste the whole buffer, which I take to mean a
whole file, but I haven't had success getting that to work. I either
misunderstand that capability or the instructions are not seeping into
my skull. Alas. Much obliged for any thoughts.


John Bacalle                          Voice/Fax: +1-212-894-3778 x1057 N
I'm selling several new MCSE and Red Hat books  at a discount. My reef Y
aquarium and equipment as well: <> C


From: Wayne Pollock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Path problem
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 02:44:11 -0500

Do you mean if you type the following at a shell prompt:

        export PATH=:.:$PATH  # Note PATH is case-sensitive!
        echo $PATH

then you *don't* see the initial dot?  Are you sure you're using
bash and not some other shell (grep username /etc/passwd)?  If you're
using some other shell, the .bashrc and /etc/bashrc and related files
are not processed, each shell uses different login script files.

If you're really running bash and you don't see the dot after you
enter the two lines above at a prompt, then your system is corrupted!
Erase the hard disk and re-install from a fresh CD (not the old one
you used before).  Be careful of viruses if you restore files from
a backup.

If you *do* see the dot, but a command you're sure is in the current
directory still isn't running, then make sure your command does
work by trying:


If that fails, check the spelling and permissions of the command.
But if that works, then what is the name of the command?  Some names
are built-in to the shell and the built-in command is run even if
the command appears in a directory on the PATH.  Some common errors
include naming your command "test".  Rename the command to "foobar"
or something and try it again.

What?  It still doesn't work?  Make sure there is no "alias" set for
that command:
                unalias command

If it doesn't work after this, switch to MS DOS. :-)

-Wayne Pollock

PS Beware!!  For some shells an extra colon in PATH means the
current directory, no dot needed:

Ryuji Yokoyama wrote:
>  I just installed RedHat 7 and have a problem. I wanted put current
> directory into PATH, so I put . into /etc/profile, which has following
> line.
> PATH="$PATH:.:/usr/X11R6/bin:"
> However, it did not work, so I also put . into .bash_profile file


Subject: Is this hard drive dead?
Date: 16 Nov 2000 08:06:48 GMT

I have an old 486 I use for my play
computer. Tonight when I went to boot it
up, it claims there's no hard drive 
installed. (there is) 

I went into the BIOS and the BIOS thinks
I have no hard drive at all.

I booted from tomsrtbt floppy, and it
will boot, but v-e-r-y slowly. I read the
boot messages from toms, and they include
that it correctly detects hda as a Quantum
something-or-other, and correctly reports
the partitions as hda: hda1.

The rest of the boot messages look normal,
but it says the following: (don't know
if this means anything or not)

SIOCSIFADDR: no such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: no such device
SIOCADDRT: no such device
Initialization of BusLogic failed.

OK, then I try mount /dev/hda. It says:
"can't find /dev/hda in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab."

I look at /etc/mtab and it has:
/dev/ram0 / minix rw 0 0 
none /proc proc rw 0 0 
/dev/ram1 /usr minix rw 0 0 
/dev/ram3 /tmp minix rw 0 0 

OK, it's not using the hard drive. 

I can get another hard drive and put it in,
but first I would like someone's opinion as
to whether the hd is the problem, or if it's
got something to do with "Initialization of
BusLogic failed" instead. (Like there is
something the matter with the bus?)

I took the computer apart and checked to
be sure all the connections were securely
attached, because I'd moved the computer a
few times recently. Didn't seem to be anything

If the bootup messages indicate the hd is
correctly detected, but the hd does not seem
to work, is the hd the problem? or what? Thanks
for any insights.



From: Jens Peter Secher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Q] groups: is there a standard
Date: 15 Nov 2000 12:07:59 +0100

Is there a standard somewhere for what groups root, bin, adm, wheel,
disk,... mean? I realise that distributions are different, but still,
there must be some sort of consensus. Where do these groups come from:

echo "J. P. Secher, DIKU (DK)" |tr -d '. )'|tr ',([:upper:]' '@.[:lower:]'\
                               |awk -F@ '{print $0 "\t\twww." $2 "/~" $1}'


From: Laurent Bize <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dynamically add/remove ide HD ?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 09:09:39 +0100

> IDE is not SCSI.  IDE devices are *NOT* designed to be hot-swappable,
> and pulling/inserting an IDE cable while the system is powered-up will
> at best spew horrible error messages over everything before freezing the
> system, and at worst fry the IDE controller.
> This doesn't hold true for removable media such as ORB drives, and it
> may not hold true if there's a piece of hardware that sits between the
> actual drive and the mainboard's IDE controller and promises hot-swap
> capability.  If this is a standard IDE drive that plugs directly into
> a standard IDE ribbon cable, you should not mess with that cable while
> the system's power is on.
> HTH, but if you really need this sort of thing, you should go with
> external SCSI or removable media....



It was just to extend the capacity of a Debian mirror (Woody is very
with another IDE HD on rack, without shuting down it.
I hope future standard of IDE permit it.

Thanks for your light,



From: Laurent Bize <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dynamically add/remove ide HD ?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 09:10:11 +0100

Jason wrote:
> IDE doesnt do hot swap well.  Some people will argue Im sure, but if you
> look at the IDE white paper, IDE wants to be shut down and powered off
> totally to be removed. Reason being is that the controller needs to reset
> itself and figure out whats on its bus. So, short answere, you could do it
> but it wont be pretty.

Thanks for your response Jason.



Subject: Re: files max - harcode in
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 08:14:26 GMT

Can no-one help here?


In article <8ulsdr$k99$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Hi, Looked around a bit, seems there's no readily available info.
> How do I recompile with a much higher max-files limit?
> I presume I edit some file in the source tree?
> I'd rather not ocassionally echo to /proc
> C.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: I wanna install Mandrake 7.1 as Web server
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 00:36:41 -0800

1)  Long time ago I tried installing Red Hat 5.2 to an old 486dx/66  as
single boot but on coldboot or warmboot always ask for a booting disk.
Btw, I have successfully installed couple of Linux distro as dual boot
with NT or 98 but didn't have booting problem like asking for a boot
disk.  Now I want to install Mandrake 7.1 to a new PC [Pentium III
733Mhz 256MB RAM 30GB ATA-100 HD] to test Apache Web server, how will I
make it boot without asking a booting floppy?

2) Okay, suppose I have already serving Web
pages, how can I enable this new Apache server with static IP#
to be searchable like instead of typing at URL


From: Malcolm Cowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on HP workstation
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 08:41:33 +0000

martin wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering, what would be the quickest (easiest) way to get Linux up
> and running on a HP 9000 server? I presume there aren't
> any nice distros? Does Linux work on it at all?
> The Java Development kit (as developed by HP for HPUX) is not stable
> enough for my purposes, so I'm looking at installing linux
> on the server and using Sun's JDK on it.
> Thanks,
> Martin.

Look at:

for info. Be warned that this does not create a production quality linux
server, but does mark out the A Class and L Class as strategic target
platforms. I'd chuck a well-specced, resilient linux based PC in the
server room and use that for development instead.

Malcolm Cowe.
EPSG IS,                        eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Agilent Technologies Ltd.       External: +44 131 331 6466
South Queensferry, EH30 9TG.    Telnet: 313-3466


From: "Andreas Moroder" <andreas.moroder@se-nord.[nospam]>
Subject: mail server
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 11:20:04 +0100

Hello I am searching a good mail-server for linux. It should support SMTP ,
POP3 and IMAP4.

Can anyone tell what he thinks is the best ?

Thank you
Andreas Moroder

If possible please send me the answer via e-mail


From: "Sam Tsui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: about .htaccess
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 18:34:06 +0800


I have several question about .htaccess

1. Is it possible to update the password of .htaccess by CGI from Web?
2. If yes, How? How could I dump the password to .htaccess?
2. If yes, must my CGI run as 'root'?

Thanks for any helps, clues very very much..
and thanks to people looking into my post.


From: Robert Schweikert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help off topic, perl problem
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 06:46:32 -0500

I figured it out. The problem was with the group setting of the owner of the
module. Once the owners group was the same as the other accounts it started


Jason wrote:

> Did you install the module as root?  check the permissions of the module
> itself with the other modules.. I would bet its a permissions problem or a
> path problem.
> --
> Jason
> ...and the geek shall inherit the earth...

Robert Schweikert                      MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         LINUX


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anita Lewis)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: ...Answering my own question...
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 10:51:28 GMT

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 18:34:35 -0600, Jerome Mrozak wrote:
>Jerome Mrozak wrote:
>> I have an 800x600 pixel display, but the default size of most windows
>> seems to be 1024x768.  Anyways, the file close buttons, etc, all are on
>> the upper-right corner of the display where they are off of the screen.
>> Q1:  Can I enforce applications to initially display themselves only on
>> the screen, and not half off of the screen?
>> Q2:  Is the a keyboard sequence for resizing a window?  I have heard of
>> right-clicking and dragging to resize, but perhaps that is KDE...
>> TIA,
>> Jerome
>My original question actually dealt with this circumstance:
>In Gnome 1.2, at least in the themes & window managers I've seen in
>Storm Linux, the only way to resize a window is using the right or
>bottom edges of the window.  But if a big window displays off the right
>and bottom edges, how can I resize it?  I can't get to the bottom
>because I can't grab the title bar off of the top of the screen.
>It turns out that my laptop can be configured so that it has a 3rd mouse
>button.  When I click that 3rd button, the middle one, on the window
>title the mouse movement resizes the window. 
>Problem solved.  Pity those without a 3rd mouse button.
I have a 2 button mouse which is configured to run as 3 button.  I press
both buttons to get the effect of the 3rd button.

/etc/X11/XF86Config can be edited in the Screen Section that is being used
to have a larger virtual desktop so that when the mouse hits the border of
the screen it scrolls.  You put 'Virtual 1024 768' in the SubSection under
the list of modes being used.  You can put other sizes in, this is just an



From: Anders Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I wanna install Mandrake 7.1 as Web server
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:20:28 +0100

YY Lee wrote:

> 1)  Long time ago I tried installing Red Hat 5.2 to an old 486dx/66  as
> single boot but on coldboot or warmboot always ask for a booting disk.
> Btw, I have successfully installed couple of Linux distro as dual boot
> with NT or 98 but didn't have booting problem like asking for a boot
> disk.  Now I want to install Mandrake 7.1 to a new PC [Pentium III
> 733Mhz 256MB RAM 30GB ATA-100 HD] to test Apache Web server, how will I
> make it boot without asking a booting floppy?

During install, enable LILO or GRUB, which is btw the default.

> 2) Okay, suppose I have already serving Web
> pages, how can I enable this new Apache server with static IP#
> to be searchable like instead of typing at URL
> as

Read the networking howtos. Read about DNS.


[ the word wall - and the trailing dot - in my email address
is my _fire_wall - protecting me from the criminals abusing usenet]


From: "Phil Whiles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Lilo and moving an IDE disk
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 11:43:14 -0000

I have finally got RH installed on this disk, and moved to the HPT370

One of my problems I think was that the /boot partition was not <1024, which
led me to rely on booting from floppy.
Some judicious repartioning and a reinstall allowed me to install RH with th
disk attached to the mobo ide controller.
Then by using the append line in lilo.conf, I could persuade lilo that the
boot and root were really on a different ide channel.
The only difference in my last attempt was the fact that there was a /boot
parition <1024 cylinders that lilo could use, as opposed to the floppy.

Thanks to all those who helped !

Phil Whiles


Subject: Re: ping problems
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 11:53:39 GMT

> Now, when Im doing telnet, the first connection is very slow (approx
> 10sec), but after logged in once at the remote, then telnet is doing
> fine.

Is your /etc/hosts file correctly filled ?
You may also look at your /etc/resolve.conf file




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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