Linux-Misc Digest #365, Volume #26               Tue, 21 Nov 00 16:13:01 EST

  Re: Missing operating system? ("Eric")
  Re: unresolved symbols in modules after kernel recompile (Rob Funk)
  SVGAlib & Chips 65545 advanced features (Kevin D. Quitt)
  logitech USB mouse won't work ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SMP system with AMD micros (Andrey Vlasov)
  Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it. (bob_more)
  Re: SMP system with AMD micros (Cokey de Percin)
  Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it. (Robert Kiesling)
  SCO 'tar' media with Linux? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: serial port (Max Lungarella)
  Re: serial port (Floyd Davidson)


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Missing operating system?
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 13:20:03 -0500

"Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8ve4vd$2nh6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have installed RH 6.2.  I asked used Disk Druid during setup, and
> allocated 16 MB to /boot (it actually allocated 22 MB, I'm not sure why),
> and the remaining free space to /.  I also have a WinME partition.  I
> installed LILO on the first sector of the /boot partition.  I was hoping
> that if I set the /boot partition as active using fdisk from my dos
> disk, I could get it to run lilo and boot (since I don't want to install
> LILO on on MBR, due to paranoia).  But this doesn't work.  All I get is
> "Missing Operating System" on the screen.  Booting linux from a boot
> diskette works fine, and setting my primary DOS partition as active
> in successful boot into WinME.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Eric

For my next trick, I will now answer my own question:

It turns out that LILO was never loaded.  I remember now that I got an error
at the end of configuration in lilo.conf.  It seemed to be related to the
name I gave the Linux system ("RH Linux 6.2").  Maybe no spaces allowed or
too long?  When I renamed it to just "Linux" and reran /sbin/lilo, lilo
executed without errors, and I can now dual boot.

I hope this may be helpful to someone in the future.  Sorry to post a
question I could have answered myself.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Funk)
Crossposted-To: osu.sys.linux
Subject: Re: unresolved symbols in modules after kernel recompile
Date: 21 Nov 2000 19:10:55 GMT

In article <8vceuc$so9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
doug reeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm recompiling the 2.2.12 kernel to enable support for a 
>parallel port printer.  Unfortunately, this breaks everything
>that's compiled as a modules.
>My sequence of commands is
>cd /usr/src/linux
>make xconfig
>make dep
>make clean
>make modules 
>make modules_install
>make bzdisk
>depmod -a
>This is where dozens of .o files are reported as  having unresolved symbol(s).
>I can boot from the new kernel on disk, but nothing that was compiled as
>a module works.
>I tried doing
>make modules
>make modules_install
>after the make bzdisk, but that didn't change anything.

The second way is the correct order -- make and install modules after
making everything else.

When recompiling the same version of the kernel that you are already
using, it often helps to rename the module directory that you're
using, so that the new compile uses its own module directory.  Try "mv
/lib/modules/2.2.12 /lib/modules/2.2.12.old", then "make
modules_install" again.  Otherwise you get depmod confusion because of
old modules that weren't replaced.

But if you're recompiling the kernel anyway, I'd recommend just
downloading 2.2.17 or (if it's released yet) 2.2.18, since a lot has
been fixed since 2.2.12.  See

==============================| "A slice of life isn't the whole cake
 Rob Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | One tooth will never make a full grin" |    -- Chris Mars, "Stuck in Rewind"


From: Kevin D. Quitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SVGAlib & Chips 65545 advanced features
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:14:37 -0800

I'm trying to enable the 8-bit palette instead of the 6-bit palette, and
enable page swapping for speed.  The chips driver seems to mostly be a
stub, passed by for the more exotic controllers.  Has anybody done any
work improving the driver, or can somebody tell me how I'm being stupid?

#include <standard.disclaimer>
Kevin D Quitt  USA 91351-4454           96.37% of all statistics are made up
Per the FCA, this email address may not be added to any commercial mail list


Subject: logitech USB mouse won't work
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 19:13:42 GMT

I'm using Linux Mandrake 7.1 on a laptop. The laptop does not have ps/2
or serial, only USB. So I'm left with the touchpad or a usb mouse. I
have the logitech optical wheel mouse with usb, but I can't get it to
work. I've run mouseconfig, chose USB, still nothing. All that did was
cause an error with gpm and stopped my touchpad mouse from working too.
I've also tried editing the XF86Config file in the "Pointer" section to
use IMPS/2 protocol (with /dev/mouse -> /dev/usbmouse). I tried all
sorts of combinations of using mouseconfig and XF86Config. The kernel
has mouse usb as module. All this and I still haven't had it working.
Does it matter which USB port it is in? The optical red light glows
with both, so I know they are mechanically functional.

If anyone has got their usb mouse to work, let me know how you did it
and what linux distrib. Even if you just plugged it in and it worked or
if you did one of the things I did above. Perhaps I can tell which way
works best and see if I made a mistake. Thanks.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: SMP system with AMD micros
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 19:26:09 GMT

Hi there,

I would like to add that I have read article that AMD plan to have two CPU on one
die to get better  performance. It will started with K8 which in most similar step
from Intel 286 to 386 (yes it they will go same way to make it 64bit CPU). Intel
Pentium 4 will have have new arhitecture and as they wrote in the article it will
most powerfull CPU on float point calculations lefting behind Sun's CPUs and some
another. But it will bring new problems - it is almost same step what did Alpha
before - all software should be rewroted to use this powerfull CPU (not exact
comparison as in case of Alpha they have to port all software as arhitecture was
so diffrent) otherwise the software will run in 32bit emulation mode and it will
run much slower than it could run. It will come time but it will take awhile to
develop compilers which will able make optimization for this CPU. And as they
wrote the very first generation of CPU will live only for half year and after that
they will bring new version of CPU to market. They do not recommend buy first
version as you will have a problem to upgrade to new CPU (but who of us will buy
this expensive toy to play for half year) as new cpu will have new phisical socket
incompatible with first version.  Just read next article by yourself and make

NOTE: AFAIK there is no public available AMD SMP motherboard yet


Cokey de Percin wrote:

> José Manuel Benítez Sánchez wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >         This is a request for information on SMP machines with AMD micros (K6
> > II and up). As far as I knew, there were no motherboard designed to work
> > two or more of these processors. However, a colleague of mine insists in
> > that he's already read something on the web regarding one of these
> > machines (Have a look at
> > Has anybody further information about these machines? Could you point me
> > to some URLs on the net about the subject?
> >         Thanks in advance!
> >         Greetings!
> >
> >         José Manuel
> There are none at this time AFAIK.  Tyan is supposed to have one 'real soon
> now' (see link at and AMD has demo'd one.  I suspect that it
> will be sometime in the 1st quarter before they're readily available.  Note
> that they will only be for the newer (Thunderbird?) chips, not for the older
> K6-2 & K6-3.
> Best
> Cokey
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cokey de Percin, DBA            Email:
> Mynd Corp. (Soon to be CSC)      Work - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Columbia, South Carolina         Home - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it.
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat.install,alt.linux
From: bob_more <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 14:49:07 -0500

Eric B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >=20
> > I am at my last thread of sanity...
> >=20
> > I am using Red Hat 7.0 and trying to get KDE 2.0 on it.
> >=20
> > I have deinstalled  KDE 1.0 and installed KDE 2.0 =3D NOTHING
> > I have renamed KDE 1.0 and reinstalled KDE 2.0 =3D NOTHING
> > I have deinstalled KDE 1.0 and tarred the slackware KDE 2.0 (is it
> > compatible with Red HAT??) =3D NOPE!!
> >=20
> > I have also installed the KDE rpms from's site and I get =
> > grey screen and a KDE logo to start up with but craps out after 10
> > seconds.
> >=20
> > Somebody suggested compiling the source.. but I loaded it and said th=
> > I didn't have the correct C compiler on it (or something like that) A=
> > I checked....sure enough I have gcc on the machine.
> >=20
> > Can anybody make any sain reason on how to proceed???
> >=20
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.
> Bud, your problem is Redhat, NOT KDE 2.0.  Redhat 7.0 has a Beta versio=
> of egcs/gcc on it, check out and Redhat's home page
> for more info, there is a work around.  Your problem is the fact that
> ALL Redhat x.0 releases are bleeding edge.  NOTHING works right on
> them.  I played this game with 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0.  If you want a stable
> box, either go with a distro that emphasises stability (I am a diehard
> Slackware devotee)at the expense of not having the most up to date
> kernel (among other things) shipped with it, or go back to Redhat 6.2,
> install all the errata RPM's, update all the packages required for KDE,
> then give it another shot.  I would choose Slackware.  I compiled QT
> 2.2.1 from Trolltech, and compiled all the source tar balls from
>, not a single issue.  Or, if it's kicking your ass to hard, try
> Gnome, it's also quite nice, though you will probably have many of the
> same issues.
> Eric

i've heard this myself, as an alternative, true diehards love slackware, =
used caldera with great stability since version 1.1, just remember that r=
aint the only game in town. shop around.


From: Cokey de Percin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: SMP system with AMD micros
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 20:05:49 GMT

Andrey Vlasov wrote:
> Hi there,
> I would like to add that I have read article that AMD plan to have two CPU on one
> die to get better  performance. It will started with K8 which in most similar step
> from Intel 286 to 386 (yes it they will go same way to make it 64bit CPU). Intel
> Pentium 4 will have have new arhitecture and as they wrote in the article it will
> most powerfull CPU on float point calculations lefting behind Sun's CPUs and some
> another. But it will bring new problems - it is almost same step what did Alpha
> before - all software should be rewroted to use this powerfull CPU (not exact
> comparison as in case of Alpha they have to port all software as arhitecture was
> so diffrent) otherwise the software will run in 32bit emulation mode and it will
> run much slower than it could run. It will come time but it will take awhile to
> develop compilers which will able make optimization for this CPU. And as they
> wrote the very first generation of CPU will live only for half year and after that
> they will bring new version of CPU to market. They do not recommend buy first
> version as you will have a problem to upgrade to new CPU (but who of us will buy
> this expensive toy to play for half year) as new cpu will have new phisical socket
> incompatible with first version.  Just read next article by yourself and make
> decition
> NOTE: AFAIK there is no public available AMD SMP motherboard yet
> Andrey
> Cokey de Percin wrote:
> > José Manuel Benítez Sánchez wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >         This is a request for information on SMP machines with AMD micros (K6
> > > II and up). As far as I knew, there were no motherboard designed to work
> > > two or more of these processors. However, a colleague of mine insists in
> > > that he's already read something on the web regarding one of these
> > > machines (Have a look at
> > > Has anybody further information about these machines? Could you point me
> > > to some URLs on the net about the subject?
> > >         Thanks in advance!
> > >         Greetings!
> > >
> > >         José Manuel
> >
> > There are none at this time AFAIK.  Tyan is supposed to have one 'real soon
> > now' (see link at and AMD has demo'd one.  I suspect that it
> > will be sometime in the 1st quarter before they're readily available.  Note
> > that they will only be for the newer (Thunderbird?) chips, not for the older
> > K6-2 & K6-3.
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Cokey
> >
> > --
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Cokey de Percin, DBA            Email:
> > Mynd Corp. (Soon to be CSC)      Work - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Columbia, South Carolina         Home - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IBM has already developed and demo'd this technology and will use it in it 
next generation of 64bit Power arch. (5?). 

Cokey de Percin, DBA            Email:
Mynd Corp. (Soon to be CSC)      Work - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Columbia, South Carolina         Home - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat.install,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Screw KDE 2.0!! - Im going crazy trying to install it.
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 20:23:02 GMT

bob_more <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

<text deleted>

> i've heard this myself, as an alternative, true diehards love slackware, I've
> used caldera with great stability since version 1.1, just remember that redhat
> aint the only game in town. shop around.

No longer true, if I can believe what I'm reading.  Stability seems
about the same across distributions.  But the window manager and/or
GUI desktop make a difference.  I've found that only Motif is
sufficiently stable for development work.

But if you install LOUDLY, that certainly makes the system more

Robert Kiesling
Linux FAQ Maintainer 
Tired of spam?  Please forward messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: SCO 'tar' media with Linux?
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 20:47:30 GMT

  I have a lot of files on backup tapes in tar format from a SCO Openserver
Unix system that I would like to copy to my Linux system (which is using the
same SCSI tape drive).  What is the best way to copy these to Linux?
  Is there a 'tar' program somewhere out there for Linux that would allow me
to do this?  (I notice that the 'tar' that comes with Linux doesn't handle
devices - i.e. can't do a "tar xv6" to extract files from a floppy disk)
  Thanks for any help you can give me on this.


From: Max Lungarella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: serial port
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 21:52:07 +0100

hi jean-david

> P.S.: You did malloc your newtio structure, I hope? Otherwise garbage will ensue.
> And free it later to avoid memory leaks... . I hope I am not insulting your
> intelligence, but one never knows... .

here part of my code:


bool SerialCom::initConnection(const char *const portname, const char
*const param)
   Parser parseObj;
   struct termios newtio;
  if (_port>=OK)                                // Port already open    
     _err.sys("** Port already open");

  _port = open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY | O_NOCTTY);
     fcntl(_port, F_SETFL, 0);

   // Error
   if (_port<0) 
      _err.sys("** Error while opening the serial port");
      if ( tcgetattr(_port, &_oldtio) < 0)      // Save current port
        _err.ret("** Error while reading the serial port settings");
      bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio));                   // Clear struct for new port

      newtio.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;                            // Raw output
      newtio.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);               
      newtio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG);            // Raw
      parseObj.parse(param, &newtio);  // Parse parameter string

      cfsetispeed(&newtio, B9600);     // Activation after 'tcsetattr'
      cfsetospeed(&newtio, B9600);

      newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
      newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
      tcflush(_port, TCIFLUSH);                           // clean serial port ...
      if (tcsetattr(_port, TCSANOW, &newtio) < 0);   // ... activate
settings for the port
         _err.ret("** Error during activation of the serial port
      return true;              

   // Remember owner of port
   stat(portname, &_stt);
   _port_uid = _stt.st_uid;
   _port_gid = _stt.st_gid;

   // Give it to us!!
   if (_real_uid != 0)
      chown(portname, (uid_t)_real_uid, (gid_t)_real_gid);


perhaps you are able to see the problem, i'd appreciate it very much.

thx a lot.


From: Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: serial port
Date: 21 Nov 2000 10:05:38 -0900

Max Lungarella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>hi there
>i'm trying to use the serial port to control a device connect to it. the
>code compiles without warnings, but while setting the attributes of the
>port i get a funny error message: "Function not implemented"
>(errno=ERRSYS). Here is the simplified code snippet:
>struct termios *newtio;
>port = open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY);
>tcflush(port, TCIFLUSH);
>if (tcsetattr(port, TCSANOW, &newtio)<0)
>       cout << "Error" << endl;

You have a pointer to a termios struct that has not been
initialized, but not termios struct.  The tcsetattr() function
is being given the address of the pointer, rather than the
address of a termios struct.  It certainly will not find useful
data at that address.

struct termios newtio;
port = open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY);
tcflush(port, TCIFLUSH);
if (tcgetattr(port, TCSANOW, &newtio)<0)
        cout << "Error" << endl;

// make whatever changes are required to the termios structure
// here

if (tcsetattr(port, TCSANOW, &newtio)<0)
        cout << "Error" << endl;

Floyd L. Davidson                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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