Linux-Misc Digest #431, Volume #26               Thu, 30 Nov 00 14:13:02 EST

  Re: Gack! unchangable file! (Eric)
  Re: Gack! unchangable file! (Linolil)
  Mandrake SPARC and serial console... (Linolil)
  Serial BREAK on Sparc10 (Linolil)
  Continuing : lilo's parameters line don't pass to kernel. ("Migue")
  Strange File System ("Johan Hélin")
  How to get uptime in sig? ("Dr. Sato")
  Re: LILO boot floppy help (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Memory leak ("Tauno Voipio")
  Re: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video (Mike)
  Handoff and WaveLAN 802.11 (Lucent) (Edu)
  Re: Gnome and KDE ("GC")
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: "cannot route to sender..." Why?? (GYULAI Mihaly)
  Re: root filesystem resore from tape (John Thompson)
  Re: Linux terminal problems with SCO (Augusto Perez)
  Re: Linux terminal problems with SCO (Augusto Perez)
  Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux] (ekk)
  RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx (Dawn Adelsberger)
  Re: RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Gnome and KDE (Andrew Purugganan)
  Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer. (Ron Reeder)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Gack! unchangable file!
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:22:36 +0100

> I have 2 files on an ext2 partition (on a local raid5 device) that
> I cannot change in any way.
> # file   MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> MGTPRC_0711.dat: setuid setgid sticky fifo (named pipe)
> MGTPRC_0771.dat: setuid setgid sticky ASCII text
> # ls -l MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> pr-Sr-S--T    1 28912    games           0 Nov 22 08:23 MGTPRC_0711.dat
> -r-sr-Sr-T    1 25993    games        4096 Nov 22 08:23 MGTPRC_0771.dat
> # df -m .
> Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/md1                385847    224869    160978  59% /data
> # chown root  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> chown: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
> chown: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted
> # chmod a+w  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> chmod: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
> chmod: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted
> # rm -f  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0711.dat': Operation not permitted
> rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0771.dat': Operation not permitted
> # cat >> MGTPRC_0771.dat
> bash: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Permission denied
> Aaargh!  Of course, I'm root.
> How do I get rid of these?  Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Frank

take a look at `man lsattr`



From: Linolil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Gack! unchangable file!
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:15:29 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I have 2 files on an ext2 partition (on a local raid5 device) that
> I cannot change in any way.
> # file   MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> MGTPRC_0711.dat: setuid setgid sticky fifo (named pipe)
> MGTPRC_0771.dat: setuid setgid sticky ASCII text
> # ls -l MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> pr-Sr-S--T    1 28912    games           0 Nov 22 08:23
> -r-sr-Sr-T    1 25993    games        4096 Nov 22 08:23
> # df -m .
> Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/md1                385847    224869    160978  59% /data
> # chown root  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> chown: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
> chown: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted
> # chmod a+w  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> chmod: MGTPRC_0711.dat: Operation not permitted
> chmod: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Operation not permitted
> # rm -f  MGTPRC_0711.dat  MGTPRC_0771.dat
> rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0711.dat': Operation not permitted
> rm: cannot unlink `MGTPRC_0771.dat': Operation not permitted
> # cat >> MGTPRC_0771.dat
> bash: MGTPRC_0771.dat: Permission denied
> Aaargh!  Of course, I'm root.
> How do I get rid of these?  Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Frank

Everything you did here, with the exception of the cat, was an operation
that affected the directory, not the file.  Permission changes,
deletions and links are all directory operations.  What's the status
of the directory?

no signature today

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From: Linolil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mandrake SPARC and serial console...
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:20:40 GMT

 Tried to install Linux-Mandrake 7.1 on a Sparc10 connected to
a serial console. It died with the following error while booting
the ram image.
mounting /proc filesystem... done
opening /proc/cmdline... done
checking command line arguments... done
failed to open /dev/tty1failed.

I can't recover from this.


I have only found one version 7 sparc CD image on the net.
Mandrake Corpo-1.0 ...

Cleric of Tunare
Seven Hammers server

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From: Linolil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Serial BREAK on Sparc10
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:24:31 GMT

Is there a way to configure SILO and Sparc linux to respond to a serial
port BREAK?  The break works up until SILO starts.  After that nothing
seems to work.

><> ><> ><>
><> ><>

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From: "Migue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Continuing : lilo's parameters line don't pass to kernel.
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:36:35 +0100

The problem persist , I think thats the console parameter and other don't
pass to the kernel , I have other machine that have the same problem , and
lilo is it:

[root@chuwaka /root]# cat /etc/lilo.conf


And /proc/cmdline say thats
[root@chuwaka /root]# cat /proc/cmdline
auto BOOT_IMAGE=linux root=4805

But when I pass it in the command line its work .

There are some form to pass this comand line identicaly that I put it in
lilo prompt to the kernel ??

> Thats is my problem , the command line for lilo is too long and kernel
> understand it .
> ¿ How can I put thats line ?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
> cat /etc/lilo.conf
> ...
> image=/vmlinuz
>         label=linux
>         append="smart2=0x6000 sim710=addr:0x9000,irq:11 console=ttyS1,9600
> mem=64M"
> #       initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.12-20.img
>         read-only
>         root=/dev/ida/c0d0p1
> ....
> [root@indalo /root]# cat /proc/cmdline
> auto BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=4801 smart2=0x6000 sim710=addr:0x9000,irq:11
> con
> [root@indalo /root]#
Some answers don't take any efect.

append="first looooooooooooooooooooooooooong line \
second loooooooooooooooong line"

append="smart2=0x6000 sim710=addr:0x9000,irq:11"
append=" console=ttyS1,9600 mem=64M"


From: "Johan Hélin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Strange File System
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:37:23 +0100


I use SCO OPEN SERVER release 5

It seems that sometimes, when an application creates a file, this file is
not correctly created
when I use the command ls, I see the created file with a 0 lenght
and an other existing file is overwrited !

But I have no more informations
May be a disk problem ?



From: "Dr. Sato" <"dr.sato(nospamplease)">
Subject: How to get uptime in sig?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 17:42:18 +0100
Reply-To: nospam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Could anybody tell me how to get my uptime in the sig??? automaticly :)

thanks in advance

Dr. Sato
Ensign, plot a course to


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO boot floppy help
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:42:15 -0600

Tony Stocker wrote:
> All,
> I've searched through and the online How-to's but I can't find an
> answer to my question.  I'm hoping someone can please help me out.
> I use a floppy disk to boot Linux on my machine, rather than screwing around
> with the MBR.  I'm beginning to get worried about what would happen if that
> floppy is lost or damaged.  I want to make a copy of my boot floppy (which I
> assume is unique to my system and setup, since it was created after
> installing the OS) onto another floppy disk.  This way I'll have backup
> floppies in case my normal boot floppy dies.
> Can someone please tell me what the sequence of commands is for copying my
> current boot floppy to my hard drive and then copying the image back on to
> another floppy drive?  I've experimented with the `dd` command but can't
> seem to get it quite right.
> I'd really appreciate some help with this!  Thanks very much.
> -Tony

You can make a fresh boot disk with the mkbootdisk command.
Do man mkbootdisk to see how.

I've found the fastest way to boot from a floppy is to put the
lilo boot loader on the floppy but get the kernel from the disk.
This requires a lilo.conf file wihich starts
and which specifies the root file system on the disk.  You will
have to learn something about lilo in order to set this up.
If you give us details about your system, we can post a
lilo.conf file that will work.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: "Tauno Voipio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Memory leak
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:10:43 GMT

"Jean-David Beyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Tauno Voipio wrote:
> >
> Why an even patch-level? the 2.even.* are all supposed to be stable
> releases, with any value of *. A change in * is only supposed to be a
> bug fix. So normally, you would want 2.even.highest, would you not? Is
> there some secret about the * position?

Sorry, my slip.

Tauno Voipio
tauno voipio @ iki fi


Subject: Re: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Video
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:30:08 -0000

Dave Freeman wrote:
> A few months ago I installed Mandrake 7.1 without any problems 
> Just last night I installed 7.2 but now the video settings seem wrong.
> Vertical lines seem distorted etc.  I had a look in drakconf and hardrak 
> it seems like my monitor and graphics card have not been detected 
> After correctly setting the graphics card (but couldn't find a driver for
> the monitor so I chose a standard SVGA) I chose a different graphics
> resolution but still no joy.  It seems the only time things are okay is 
if I
> choose a low colour depth.
> I have a ADI Provista E55 monitor and a matrox mystique (standard) video
> card.  Linux is running on an AMD K6-2 500.
> Has anyone else had any problems with this ?
I had the same problem with installing LM 7.2. Try booting LM in text mode 
instead of the graphics boot up. The option in Lilo will be, "vmlinux-
nonfb". Everytime I booted in graphics, my video in X exhibited exactly 
what yours does. I don't know why it happens tho, other than to say my 
video card can't recover properly from the graphics mode that the bootup 
places it in. Needless to say, I always bootup in text mode now. A bug in 
LM 7.2 I think.
Good luck

Posted via CNET


Subject: Handoff and WaveLAN 802.11 (Lucent)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:28:28 +0100

Probably it's a stupid problem, but I'm really newbie on it.

My testbed consists of three nodes (two base stations and the Gateway).
One base station broadcast at channel 3 (2,422 GHz) andt the other uses
channel 4 (2,427 GHz), by default, mobile host module works with channel
3. Mobile detects BaseStation1 (ch 3) and everything works OK, the
problem is when a handoff is forced, mobile detects BS2 (ch 4) and
changes its default router, but its frequency remains the same (ch 3)
and mobile starts to send arp request looking for BS2's MAC address.

What I'm doing wrong?? It seems that the mobile host has a statically
assigned frequency. How can I set it to work with dinamically assigned
I work with the WaveLAN Turbo 11Mb PC Card from Lucent Technologies, and
Andy's drivers (on a Linux Red Hat 6.2).

Thank you very much.


Subject: Re: Gnome and KDE
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:37:27 -0600

ooh ok.. i think i get it. so basically if Gnome or KDE need X11 to run, and
they can't run independently, right? so if i have X11, i can switch around
from Gnome to KDE whenever i want?

"Garry Knight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9048sb$a9s$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In article <mvgV5.4711$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "GC"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i'm very new to linux, so i don't nkow mucha bout the GUI enviroments
> > or anything. well, i heard things about KDE, Gnome and X11. i was
> > wondering could software that ran in one of these environments run on
> > the other?
> They're not really environments: X11 is a windowing system, KDE and
> GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment, so GNOME not Gnome) are
> GUI desktop metaphors that run on top of X. Once X is up and running
> you can run any KDE, GNOME or X apps as long as the relevant libraries
> are installed.
> > also, are there any opinions on what is better and more stable? KDE,
> > Gnome or X11? or any other environments? thanks
> Yes, there are lots of opinions.  :o)
> --
> Garry Knight


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: passwd protect runlevel 1
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:21:55 +0100

Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Block Iron & Supply Co - CIS wrote (in part):
>> You can try this also:
>> [...]
>> 12. When the LILO prompt appears, you'll be asked to type your LILO
>> password. Do so, and Linux will start normally.
> Sure to work, but just one thing: if you forget your Lilo password and
> the super-user password, how do you get in? Surely you do not write
> them down because that is a serious security violation right there!

I have root logins restricted to tty6, and I have tty6 enabled (getty
in inittab) only in level S. So you have to boot in mode single, or go to 
single mode with sudo init s, before you can log in as root. And
root has a restricted shell (/etc/passwd) that cannot do much. And su
has the executable bit for others unset, and is not suid.

Yes, I am trying to disallow logins as root under almost all
circumstances. Use sudo. It leaves a nice audit trail in my (offsystem)

If I get any more paranoid, I'll alter post_cmd in roots shell to
"logger -p alert.root -t root !$".

> Do you open the box, make BIOS forget your password, then reboot into
> BIOS setup and enable booting from floppy or CD-ROM? Then enter

uh, I sudo vi /etc/passwd.

> Those of us with poor short and medium term memories have to write a
> lot of stuff down already.

> It seems to me that anyone dumb enough to break into my house is a
> bungling idiot since he should be burgling someplace with more
> valuable stuff than I own. Besides, how would the computationally

I agree. My door is mostly open too.

> challenged figure out how to run this machine anyway (Linux-only) when
> they cannot even run Windows (if they could, they could make more

Some people can run root kits. I'd love to see the expression on their
face when/if they get root. There are any number of wonderful traps
that they will run into. Watchdog runs every few seconds and snapshots
root shells attached to terminals.

> money with that than by burgling my house)? If the FBI does it, they
> could probably do it easier by sniffing my outgoing email and Usenet
> posts. The IRS can get it with a court order.



Subject: Re: "cannot route to sender..." Why??
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 17:42:45 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Sebastian Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > After I changed my ISP, I can't send messages with SMTP!
> > I use 'sendmail' and previously it worked.
> > (Of course I changed the appropriate ISP-specific data in .)
> >
> >   "cannot route to sender my_login_name@my_machine_name"

> Did you do something with smarthost?

Do you mean `"Smart" relay host' in ?
I changed it to the new ISP's mail server's name.


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From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: root filesystem resore from tape
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:53:19 -0600

Jeremy Rogers wrote:
> John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> > > Any pointers would be most welcome.
> >
> > Hmmm.
> >
> > Does the kernel on your rescue disk support scsi tape?
> Presumably. It's the out of the box kernel shipped with red hat 6.2. Once
> booted, the DAT drive works fine. I assume that the kernel booted from the
> CD under "linux rescue" is the same as the one installed??

Do you see any kernel messages showing that the SCSI tape device
is identified when you boot the rescue disk?




From: Augusto Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux terminal problems with SCO
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:03:51 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Olaf Zaplinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Does any body know how to get a linux native character terminal to
> > work properly with a SCO server ???
> > [...]
> did you try 'export TERM=ansi; telnet' ?
> Olaf
Yes I did with TERM=linux; export TERM , in my profile file.
Setting TERM=ansi is worst ...

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From: Augusto Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux terminal problems with SCO
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:07:56 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Sun, 26 Nov 2000 04:06:16 +0100, Olaf Zaplinski
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Does any body know how to get a linux native character terminal to
> >> work properly with a SCO server ???
> >> [...]
> >
> >did you try 'export TERM=ansi; telnet' ?
> Yes. We run both SCO OSR5 and Linux and you need to ensure that
> TERM is set to something valid on the SCO box and not "linux". Both
> vt100 and ansi will work.
> Regards, Dustin
> --
> Dustin Puryear <$email = "dpuryear"."";>
> Integrate Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network
> -
> ----------

Did you have to redefine ansi or vt100 emulation on your SCO server ??
Because my ansi emulation is worst ... I installed the linux terminal
definition on my SCO server  using tic and also added it to termcap..
TERM=linux works better , but still some control keys (Backspace ,
PgDwn,..) don't work properly..

Any hints ??

Thanks in advance.

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: [Fwd: cannot connect to linux]
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:20:48 -0500

Yes, thank you, I am able to ping the linux machines using this command.  I
am still figuring out how to find out if Win is passing encrypted passwords.
Anyone know?

Further elaboration:
Here is the message I get when I double click a linux machine:

    You must supply a password to make this connection:

    Resource: \\HURRICANE\IPC$
    Password: (blank)

When I enter the password it denies access.

Steve Martin wrote:

> ekk wrote:
> > 4.  I am using TCP/IP.  If I knew how to Ping from windows, I'm assuming
> > I would be able to Ping, because of my answer to #2.
> Open a command prompt window and type "ping" where the
> "" is the IP address of the machine you're trying to ping.


From: Dawn Adelsberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:30:02 -0500


I am new to this news group so please pardon me if this question has been
addressed recently or is inappropriate.

I am trying to compile the test11 version of the 2.4 linux kernel on a
machine running Redhat 7.0 (current kernel is 2.2.16-22smp).

All goes fine til I try to create the initrd then I see an error regarding
a missing AIC7xxx module. (The new kernel has been configured to
include  this support.)  I see on the redhat site that there have been
issues with this module in 6.2 - but I haven't seen any information
specific to redhat7.0/2.4 kernel. Has anyone had any experience with this
module with 2.4.

I'd appreciate any info or pointers to info.



Subject: Re: RedHat 7.0 / 2.4 Kernel / Adaptec PCI AIC7xxx
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:52:03 GMT

Dawn Adelsberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Folks

> I am new to this news group so please pardon me if this question has been
> addressed recently or is inappropriate.

> I am trying to compile the test11 version of the 2.4 linux kernel on a
> machine running Redhat 7.0 (current kernel is 2.2.16-22smp).

> All goes fine til I try to create the initrd then I see an error regarding
> a missing AIC7xxx module. (The new kernel has been configured to
> include  this support.)  I see on the redhat site that there have been
> issues with this module in 6.2 - but I haven't seen any information
> specific to redhat7.0/2.4 kernel. Has anyone had any experience with this
> module with 2.4.

> I'd appreciate any info or pointers to info.

> Dawn.

I have a 2940 (which uses the aic7xxx driver) running fine under -test11,
but I don't have it compiled as a module, I have it directly compiled into
the kernel (I like to keep everything necessary to mount the root fs compiled
directly into the kernel so that an initrd isn't necessary).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: Gnome and KDE
Date: 30 Nov 2000 18:36:13 GMT

[ ooh ok.. i think i get it. so basically if Gnome or KDE need X11 to run, and
[ they can't run independently, right? so if i have X11, i can switch around
[ from Gnome to KDE whenever i want?

you might have to restart X after deciding to switch. WHat I did is 
'import' the KDE menu into the GNOME menu, and the GNOME into KDE, so 
that all applications remain available to me no matter what desktop is 
running (which depends on the mood i'm in :-) 

i believe there are utilities included in some distros to do this, but 
IIRC, if you go into the control panel or configuration for one or the 
other or both, it may be as simple as checking the checkbox that says, 
Import xxxxx menu items or 'Include menu items'

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: Ron Reeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need compressed tar file viewer, a la winzip viewer.
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 12:04:49 -0700

Is there such a program? 

If so where?



| Ron Reeder                    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |
| Denver Technical Support      | Phone: (303) 389-4408         |
| Western Geophysical Company   | Fax:   (303) 595-0667         |



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