Linux-Misc Digest #436, Volume #26                Fri, 1 Dec 00 03:13:02 EST

  USB and IrDA Development on Linux ("Alan Po")
  Re: Hardware problem? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: ipchains error ("John Hanley")
  versions of top... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: urgent help - what does this mean ? ("Frizzle Fry")
  Re: Help on rescuing my linux os on my PC (Glitch)
  Making Aliases Via Command Line (Ian Patterson)
  Freezing Box ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to get uptime in sig? (David Efflandt)
  Re: Making Aliases Via Command Line ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ipchains error (Luke Vogel)
  SCSI problem ("Antony Mak")
  Redhat Upgrade ("ywk@SuSE")
  Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0? ("Mordak")
  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 (Eric)
  Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Redhat Upgrade (Linux User)
  Re: At and batch (Ed Allen)


From: "Alan Po" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB and IrDA Development on Linux
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 12:05:52 +0800

Dear All

I am trying to develop an application by using a USB IrDA. I have found some
information about USB development under Linux. Unluckily, I cannot find the
information of IrDA on Linux.

Would you give me some ideas, advices or resources to help me to solve my

Alan PO



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Hardware problem?
Date: 1 Dec 2000 04:27:29 GMT

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 11:51:03 +0800, Antony Mak wrote:
>I have found that my SuSE6.4 box have the following messages in syslog and
>system halt. This problems occur about once a day. Can anyone tell me what
>is the problem with my box? Hardware problems? Software problems?
>Nov 30 17:00:08 dbsource1 kernel: swap_free: swap-space map
>Nov 30 17:00:08 dbsource1 kernel: free_one_pmd: bad directory entry ce200000
>Nov 30 17:28:41 dbsource1 -- MARK --
>Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_duplicate: entry 00100018,nonexistent
>swap file
>Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_duplicate: entry 0000db30,nonexistent
>swap file
>Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_free: offset exceeds max
>Nov 30 17:32:59 dbsource1 kernel: swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent
>Nov 30 17:33:00 dbsource1 kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at
>virtual address 725423a2
[snip stack dump]

"about once a day"?  Does this problem occur at the same time every day,
or does that vary?  If it's the same time every day, then a cron job is
doing something bad--find which job that is and debug that job.  If it's
varying, the problem will be a bit more difficult to diagnose.

If the problem is always giving out "swap_free" messages, that narrows
it down a bit.  Two things that could cause this are a bad partition
table and a hardware problem.  Might want to check the swap partition
itself for bad blocks (using "badblocks" of course) and use cfdisk or
fdisk to look at the partition table and make sure you don't have
overlapping cylinders or something.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: "John Hanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: ipchains error
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 04:58:48 GMT


Try using an absolute path to execute ipchains (exp. /sbin/ipchains -F)

"Darren Welson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:906m5j$c9g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I keep getting this error when I run IPCHAINS telling me to use
> "unrecognized command, try ipchains --h for help" but it seems to be
> people out.
> any ideas what is causing this?


Subject: versions of top...
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 05:14:03 GMT

Is there a version of top that will give me a read out of which
processes are active on which processor? this is an 8-way system so it
would be intriguing to find out..



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Before you buy.


From: "Frizzle Fry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: urgent help - what does this mean ?
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:13:05 -0600
Reply-To: "Frizzle Fry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What kind of drive and what vendor/version of Linux?  I have seen this with
very large drives (ie. 30GB+) when linux is not properly configured with
linear support.


Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 00:30:59 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help on rescuing my linux os on my PC

NorbertSchmidt wrote:
> In the first place, try to press Strg-Alt-Del shortly after the X-Server
what the hell is that?  Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kills the X server. 

> starts, this should kill the x-server and you should be able to switch
> to a normal Console.
> If everything fails, try to telnet your box from another machine if you
> have a network installed....
> good luck
> Norbert
> >
> > If you have somehow gotten a CMOS password, you'll probably have
> > to short the CMOS Reset jumper momentarily (1/2 second should do) on
> > the motherboard. Check the motherboard manual to find out which
> > jumper it is. Then you'll have to reset your CMOS settings.
> >
> > Once you have the ability to boot from floppy, do that.
> > If your boot loader is LILO, you may be able to fix your problem
> > by passing an init level to the kernel that prevents trying to
> > go into X. On some distros, the init level for text mode is 3, on
> > some it is 2. Look at your documentation to see which it is.
> > If text mode is 2, try this at the lilo prompt
> >
> > BOOT> linux init 2
> >
> > This assumes that "BOOT>" is the boot prompt from LILO; that
> > the name of the kernel is "linux" and that run level 2 is the text
> > mode. From there, you can log on and fix "/etc/XF86Config" using the
> > program "XF86Setup". Another option on some distros is the program
> > "xf86config". Note that the case is different between the two
> > programs.  I have always had better luck with "xf86config".
> >
> > In comp.os.linux.setup Jianxin Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi , I have Linux mandrak 7.0 installed on my PC. Yestoday, I
> > > accidentally changed the configuration file (XF86Setup), and afterward,
> > > I can not start the X server. The os constantly tries to start the
> > > server, and left the screen blank most of the time. Is there any fix for
> > > it? I guess that I may have to use the flopy boot disk to start the os
> > > or reinstall the os, but something suprizing happened after I tried to
> > > put the flopy into the drive: lilo ignores the flopy disk and still
> > > tries to start the os from the hard drive(I am sure the flopy drive is
> > > woring properly) ! I guess that I may need to change the CMOS settings,
> > > so I rebooted the machine and hitted the DEL key to invoke the CMOS
> > > setup, I got another surprise: I can not access the CMOS setup screen!
> > > the computer askes me to "Please enter current password:"!
> > > I have never setup any password using the option of the setup superuser
> > > password in the CMOS,  I had no trouble before in accessing the CMOS
> > > setup. What had happed here? What should I do to enable the CMOS access
> > > and rescue my linux os? Please help!
> >
> > > JW
> >
> > --
> >
> > -- Gene Wiggins
> --
> Norbert Schmidt
> Optische und elektronische Geraete Juelich
> Rheingasse 8-10
> 53113 Bonn
> Germany
> Tel: +49 228 9838625
> Fax: +49 228 631339


From: Ian Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Making Aliases Via Command Line
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 05:30:05 -0000

I'm a relatively new *nix user and can't quite figure out how to make 
aliases via the command line.  Can somebody fill me in on the tool to 
use and some basic syntax?



Posted via CNET


Subject: Freezing Box
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 05:16:23 GMT

I work for Ossec International (, if you're interested in our
page/product/whatever). We have recently installed a firewall at a
company in our base here in Sydney. Everything was going okay until
three weeks in, when it suddenly stops, it just freezes - no keyboard
input, nothing.
We thought at first it might be a hardware problem/conflict of some
kind so we took out the four-port ethernet card and replaced it with
three standard ones. Then it was still freezing, so we just replaced
the entire box with one with a quicker processor.
It's still freezing.
The only clues we have to what may or may not be happening is one entry
in the Apache access_log which gives a line that looks like this:
right after the freeze is registered as happening.
The company in question gets alot of emails every day; over 5,000. Even
though they use Microsoft Exchange as their mail server ( we shan't
hold that against them too much; we're a pretty easy-going company, as
companies go ) it still shouldn't be enough to freeze the box up
We are using a slimmed-down SuSE 6.4 on the box ( slimmed down in that
it's a firewall; we don't have a compiler, or any other uneccessary
stuff on there that might interfere with security in any way ).
Please help! I am but a humble trainee with no clue as to why this is
happening. Any more freezes ( it's now once a day, at half three in the
afternoon, bang on time - sometimes more ), and they are probably going
to cancel the contract, and as we are such a new company, we need all
the contracts we can get!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: How to get uptime in sig?
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 05:35:27 +0000 (UTC)

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 17:42:18 +0100, Dr. Sato <> wrote:
>Could anybody tell me how to get my uptime in the sig??? automaticly :)

In your shell type:  perldoc perlipc
then search for Named Pipes and read that section with an example of a
dynamic .signature fifo.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Making Aliases Via Command Line
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 05:51:04 GMT

Ian Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm a relatively new *nix user and can't quite figure out how to make 
> aliases via the command line.  Can somebody fill me in on the tool to 
> use and some basic syntax?

Prerequisite for further information: Knowing what shell you're using.

Devoid of other information, I'd suspect that you're using Bash.  You
can verify that by typing:

% echo $SHELL

I get "/usr/bin/zsh"; you will fairly likely see "/bin/sh" or

There will be peculiarities for different shells; a good place to
start is to try things like:
  alias ll='ls -l'
which tends to work with any shell that is descended from the Bourne shell.

See also the documentation for your favorite shell.

% man bash
% man zsh
% man ksh
% man tcsh
may all be useful things to try...
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "") <>
"This must be Thursday.  I never could get the hang of Thursdays."
- Arthur Dent


Subject: Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed
Date: 1 Dec 2000 05:04:10 GMT

Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nothing's going on. It's what's supposed to happen. You are the 
> owner of the console bound devices when you log on at console aren't
> you. Say "thanks!" to redhat.

Who says it is supposed to happen ? Red-shitforbrains-hat ? 
Looks like that #$%*# init that Redhat uses, guess they never
counted on multi-user logins on the console. 

Well I say "FOAD" to Redhat. Does SuSE do the same thing ? I'm
pretty sure Slackware doesn't.


From: Luke Vogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: ipchains error
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 16:16:26 +1000

Darren Welson wrote:
> I keep getting this error when I run IPCHAINS telling me to use
> "unrecognized command, try ipchains --h for help" but it seems to be keeping
> people out.
> any ideas what is causing this?

Darren, this response is usually due to a syntax error in your script.

This can be as simple as misspelt syntax, or may be caused by using an
imported script from a windoze box. (Ie: the script has added ^M
characters at the end of the lines)

Most firwall scripts are fairly long, with several references to the
ipchains command.  If the error is caused by syntax errors, simply place
a few "breakpoints" in strategic places and you can then isolate where
in the script the errors are occuring.

PLEASE NOTE: Spamgard (tm) installed.
When the only tool you own is a hammer,
all problems begin to resemble nails.


From: "Antony Mak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SCSI problem
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 14:28:10 +0800

Hi all,

I have a SuSE6.2 Box with five SCSI harddisks. Every time I reboot the box
the follow messages appear on console. Do this will have problem with the

Nov 17 17:35:06 prod1 kernel: Unable to get major 8 for SCSI disk
Nov 17 17:35:06 prod1 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.10/scsi/sd_mod.o:
init_module: De
vice or resource busy
Nov 17 17:35:06 prod1 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.10/scsi/sd_mod.o: insmod
jor-8 failed

Thanks in advance




From: "ywk@SuSE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat Upgrade
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 06:25:23 GMT

Hi Linuxers, 
I wanna upgrade my old Redhat 6.0 running on intel platform 
i have downloaded all RPMS, instimage and boot.img into my 
secondary primary harddrive  hdb3  which is on the same 
machine as redhat. i tried to copy boot.img into a floppy using
 'dd' but failed==> not enuf space!
how can I do it?  
redhat sites and howto didnot mention 
the next step to start the installer or booting it  after you have 
downloaded so MANY things! please tell me what command I should use 
and the next important steps to upgrade it,
 I dont want to leave the over 500MB space untouched! 
thanks very much



Subject: Re: /dev/ owner entries being changed
Date: 1 Dec 2000 06:55:19 GMT

> Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well I say "FOAD" to Redhat. Does SuSE do the same thing ? I'm
> pretty sure Slackware doesn't.

I worked out how to stop it, comment out 
        session    optional   /lib/security/
in /etc/pam.d/login


From: "Mordak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0?
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 02:25:45 -0500

Hi all,
Has anyone tried Netscape 6.0 with SuSE 7.0 or any other flavor of *nix yet?
If so how was the setup and are there any problem or immediate bugs showing
their ugly heads?


Subject: Re: passwd protect runlevel 1
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 08:30:55 +0100

> I have root logins restricted to tty6, and I have tty6 enabled (getty
> in inittab) only in level S. So you have to boot in mode single, or go to
> single mode with sudo init s, before you can log in as root. And
> root has a restricted shell (/etc/passwd) that cannot do much. And su
> has the executable bit for others unset, and is not suid.
> Yes, I am trying to disallow logins as root under almost all
> circumstances. Use sudo. It leaves a nice audit trail in my (offsystem)
> logs.

Hi Peter,

I like this setup, and was trying to get something going like this, but
I fail in the attempt.
Could I have a look at your inittab?



Subject: Re: Corel Linux VS Redhat 7
Date: 1 Dec 2000 08:34:51 +0100

William Pelish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wish to know if anyone here has used Corel Linux Deluxe and if you have
> found any bugs. Also if you have also tried RH 7 and found any difference
> between the too. I am trying to decide which one to use for a server for my
> webhosting.

Don't use Redhat 7: stick with 6.2. Version 7.0 may well be the worst Redhat release
ever! It's got quite a lot of bugs, ships with an unstable compiler unable to
build the LInux kernel, and so on.

Alain Borel


From: Linux User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat Upgrade
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:43:05 -0800


Try using the following command:

dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k

        Jim H

ywk@SuSE wrote:

> Hi Linuxers, 
> I wanna upgrade my old Redhat 6.0 running on intel platform 
> i have downloaded all RPMS, instimage and boot.img into my 
> secondary primary harddrive  hdb3  which is on the same 
> machine as redhat. i tried to copy boot.img into a floppy using
>  'dd' but failed==> not enuf space!
> how can I do it?  
> redhat sites and howto didnot mention 
> the next step to start the installer or booting it  after you have 
> downloaded so MANY things! please tell me what command I should use 
> and the next important steps to upgrade it,
>  I dont want to leave the over 500MB space untouched! 
> thanks very much
> ywk


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Allen)
Subject: Re: At and batch
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2000 07:59:02 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Alexei Kichkine  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Alexander Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Stefano Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Alexander Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >>   batch -f batchfile -m 15.45
>> >>  parse error. Last token seen: 15
>> >>  Garbled time
>> > You meant 15:45, right?
>>  No, I didn't. My mistake. However, I tried both now, and they both work
>> with at, and they both give the same error with batch. So the parser 
>> catches that, the problem has to lie somewhere else.
>> --
>> Alex
>Did you see /usr/bin/batch ? Surprice!! It's just  script, it invokes "at" with some 
>And as far as I understand  it assumes  start "now"
    So use:

    at -f batchfile -m -qc 15:45

    To run 'batchfile' at an even nicer level.

"Whether you think their witnesses are credible or non-credible;
 they've admitted monopoly power, they've admitted raising prices to hurt
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                              -DAVID BOIES, US Department of Justice



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