Linux-Misc Digest #494, Volume #26                Fri, 8 Dec 00 06:13:01 EST

  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Neil Cherry)
  Re: Bcksp/Delete Config [was: problem with tcsh and bksp key] (Sven 
  Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES! (Berno Strik)
  Re: stty erase ^H     not working!!!!! (Sven Mascheck)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? (Sven Mascheck)
  Re: Disaster recovery info ("D. Stimits")
  Re: help w/ setting an environment var ("D. Stimits")
  Re: help w/ setting an environment var ("D. Stimits")
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Can and Can't Boot from RH 6.2 CD-ROM (Ron Olsen)
  Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux???? (Steve)
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: crontab question (NDQ)
  Re: kdm (or xdm) & redhat logo (Harri Haataja)
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (John Thompson)
  Switch box - Mouse resume problem ("Olivier Thomas")
  Re: Slightly out!!! (Sebastian Hans)
  Re: konqueror question (Stephen Cornell)
  Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command? (Sebastian Hans)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cherry)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command?
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 06:11:45 GMT

On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 04:42:16 GMT, Scott M. Navarre wrote:
>  Is it possible to use 'alias' to add unknown options to an existing bash
>shell command?  For example on SCO Openserver (which I am very very used
>to), you can use the 'du -f' command to list all files and subdirectories
>under the current location and show the total at the end.
>  So in Linux, I would want to make it so that entering 'du -f' would be the
>same as 'du -abc' (because it would be a little shorter to type and I am so
>used to using the prior form).  Is this possible?  I tried putting the line:
>alias 'du -f'='du -abc' in the /etc/bashrc file, but it still runs the bash
>'du' command first before my alias definition and says "Invalid option --

OK, without giving it much thought (meaning you'll have to do the
program yourself). You could add something like this to your .profile:

du () {

  # Check for options, make sure they're correct

  case $option
        OPTS=" ${OPTS} -abc"

  /usr/bin/du $(OPTS)

Linux Home Automation           Neil Cherry             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         (Text only)           (Graphics)                         (SourceForge)


From: Sven Mascheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bcksp/Delete Config [was: problem with tcsh and bksp key]
Date: 8 Dec 2000 07:30:58 +0100


 >> <URL:>
 >> "Consistent BackSpace and Delete Configuration"
 >> Does anybody know what happened to

 > A google search [...] flushes out nearly a dozen archives
 > [...] one dated "07/O4/2000".

Almost all are just links/references ;-)
But yes, i actually found the currently valid site, it's ''.
(i seem to have had the wrong search engine before)

And now i know why it was so hard to find it:
Event the current page stronlgy recommends to bookmark '',
which is an invalid address(!)  It must have been valid earlier
and has no DNS anymore...



From: Berno Strik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Linux (Redhat7) just FREEZES!
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 07:36:52 +0100

Did you apply the update for up2date?
The original version had a leak in file descriptors.

Marek Futrega schreef:

> I have a problem which makes the system to freeze (stop) just like it
> would with a hardware problem, but this is not a hardware problem!
> I had a chat server program running on celeron400/128mb with standard
> redhat6 installation, and it used to run without stopping for weeks,
> sometimes even months (it was stopped only on system reboots, or when the
> power went off).
> Then I moved it to a different server (celeron300/96mb/kernel2.2.17)
> running redhat7 and the problems began. It caused the server to freeze,
> that is to stop without no messages on the console or in the logs; it
> didn't respond to pings; switching consoles was impossible; simply dead!
> I thought it was a problem with my old software (exactly the same as
> on the first machine, where it run perfectly), which typically keeps a few
> hundred (500-900) active connections and does what an irc server does,
> i.e. sends messages over tcp/ip to users from other users, or with the
> hardware. CPU usage is in the range of 40-60%, the process runs on an
> unprivileged user rights.
> Then I moved to a different server (pentium3/256mb) and installed a
> COMPLETELY NEW version of the chat software (c++ application), but the
> server was again running redhat7 with kernel 2.2.17. Unfortunately, the
> problem did not disappear. It caused (and still causes) the system to
> freeze approximately after 1-3 days of working, on a regular basis. I've
> downgraded kernel to 2.2.16, but it didn't help. RedHat7 was updateded
> lately, but again without any success.
> Anybody has an idea what could cause the problem? Note, that this is not a
> problem of memory or descriptor leaks. In such cases the kernel wouldn't
> just die without any messages in the logs or on the console.. Also note
> that the problem is not with the hardware (I hope!), because it happens
> on a celeron400/96mb and pentium3/256mb as well. The only thing those
> servers had in common was the system (RedHat7) and my chat server software.
> If possible, include CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED], please.
> thanks,
> Marek

Registered Linux User # 184107 (


From: Sven Mascheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: stty erase ^H     not working!!!!!
Date: 8 Dec 2000 07:36:13 +0100

Andrew Carlisle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > I cannot get "stty erase ^H" to work!
 > I have also tried "stty erase [BACKSPACE]" where I actually press
 > the BACKSPACE key.

But you haven't mentioned if you tried "stty erase <ctrl-v><backspace>".
And wether you mean X11 or console or both.

I just found "Consistent BackSpace and Delete Configuration" again.
It swapped DNS twice recently and was really hard to find:




From: Sven Mascheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: problems with .rhosts?
Date: 8 Dec 2000 07:38:33 +0100


 > <sigh> replaced the hostnames with the ip addresses and also with the
 > fully qualified domain names ( but still not
 > luck :(

Use ssh ;-)



Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 23:54:58 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Disaster recovery info

John Hasler wrote:
> Neil Montgomery writes:
> > The only remaining question would be, *if* I had kept the details of the
> > old partitions (such as is recommended in "Running Linux"), could I have
> > rescued my system by hand?
> Probably.  Partitioning does not change anything except the partition
> table.  You could have created new partitions identical to the old ones
> and, assuming that Windows didn't scribble on the disk, your files would
> have reappeared.
> --
> John Hasler
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, Wisconsin

This actually has some use beyond backup at times. dd can be used on an
MBR or individual partition boot record, and then placed as a file on
somewhere like an NTFS partition; this then could be pointed at by an NT
boot loader as an alternate, and it won't know the difference between
the dd file and the actual partition record. Next time I do something
similar, I think I'll do a dd of my relevant sectors just because of
this post.


Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 23:57:14 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help w/ setting an environment var

John Hunter wrote:
> >>>>> "D" == D Stimits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks for the response.
>     D> The /etc/profile is not part of the tcsh or csh shells; .tcshrc
>     D> does not overwrite profile, profile is summarily
>     D> ignored.
> This does not appear to be true.  I use tcsh, and after I have logged
> in and am in an X windows session, the PERL5LIB defined in
> /etc/profile is set.  See the output below.  I know /etc/profile is
> the source of the information because I made the changes there and
> noone else uses this system.  However, this information is not
> available to my .tcshrc file when it is first executed at login.

If tcsh was your login shell, this would be different than if it is
called from say bash. A shell usually inherits some information from its
parent. If tcsh was directly reading /etc/profile, then there is a bug.

> I will try your other suggestions.
> Thanks,
> John Hunter
> RHL6.2
> c715466-a:~> setenv | grep PERL5
> c715466-a:~> cat /etc/profile | grep PERL5
> c715466-a:~> grep jdhunter /etc/passwd
> jdhunter:x:510:510:John D. Hunter:/home/jdhunter:/bin/tcsh


Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 00:02:39 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help w/ setting an environment var

Floyd Davidson wrote:
> John Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>>> "Floyd" == Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >    Floyd> What happens if you do "echo $0" on the command line?
> >
> >c715466-a:~> echo $0
> >tcsh
> OK.  I was thinking possibly your invocation of X was starting
> you up with a bash shell instead of tcsh, but that shows it isn't.
> --
> Floyd L. Davidson         <>
> Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If he runs X and X was started from a bash shell, it is still possible
for his setup to inherit some attributes of the starting/parent shell
(possibly gnome-terminal if he uses gnome). To know for certain, he'd
have to login at console only (avoid the complications of X), do a ps
fxa (or similar), and see if his tcsh shell has a parent that is another
shell (the "f" of ps fxa tells it to show processes as a tree, based on
parent). From within a tcsh that has no other shell for a parent, he
could then
echo $PERL5LIB

To see what it is set at for purely tcsh. Or even gzip /etc/profile to
temporarily disable it, then open another tcsh shell, and see if it has
a different environment from one opened with /etc/profile uncompressed.


From: Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command?
Date: 07 Dec 2000 22:18:26 -0900

"Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Is it possible to use 'alias' to add unknown options to an existing bash
>shell command?  For example on SCO Openserver (which I am very very used
>to), you can use the 'du -f' command to list all files and subdirectories
>under the current location and show the total at the end.
>  So in Linux, I would want to make it so that entering 'du -f' would be the
>same as 'du -abc' (because it would be a little shorter to type and I am so
>used to using the prior form).  Is this possible?  I tried putting the line:
>alias 'du -f'='du -abc' in the /etc/bashrc file, but it still runs the bash
>'du' command first before my alias definition and says "Invalid option --
>  Or is there another way without using 'alias'?
>  Scott Navarre

You could make a shell script that would do it.


if [ "$1" = "-f" ];then
  du -abc $*
  du $*

Put that script into /usr/local/bin, or ~/bin with the name "du"
and set your PATH variable to have the directory it is in come
before /bin and /usr/bin.

An alias won't quite do what you ask.  You can make a totally
different command though, say "alias duf='du -abc'" but that
won't satisfy your desire to make things identical...  unless
you make an alias on both systems and then get used to your new
alias rather than sticking with the old command that you are
used to.  (I'd probably opt for doing it this way rather than
the script above.)

Floyd L. Davidson         <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Olsen)
Subject: Re: Can and Can't Boot from RH 6.2 CD-ROM
Date: 8 Dec 2000 07:55:33 GMT

> I tried booting from the RH boot disk, and it started asking me questions:
> what language is your keyboard, what is your language, and finally
> "What Type of CD-ROM do you have? SCSI or IDE" I answered SCSI.

You may have to change the settings for your SCSI controller to allow booting
from CD-ROM.  My RH 6.2 machine has a Buslogic BT 958 SCSI controller and a
SCSI CD-ROM. During bootup, I had to enter <CTRL-B> to get to the SCSI
configuration program (it might be <CTRL-A> on other machines; see the message
that the SCSI controller prints on the screen during bootup).

Once in the SCSI configuration program, I set the "CD-ROM boot support"
flag from OFF to ON.

I was then able to boot from my SCSI CD-ROM.

Your SCSI controller may or may not have this capability; check the installation
manual for details.

Note: Changing the BIOS to allow booting from CD-ROM had no effect; I think
that works only for IDE CD-ROMs.

        Ron Olsen
        Boulder Colorado


Subject: Re: How do I install ANYTHING in Linux????
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 01:09:39 -0500


> I am sending this message from a Linux 7.1 computer right now, I was
> using Internet Explorer on my main work computer here at the office
> until IE blew up.  I got frustrated and went back to the Linux
> computer.  :-)

Just to be anal, there isn't any Linux 7.1, Linux is the kernel, not the
distro. ;)

Steve - Toronto
work like you don't need the money
love like you've never been hurt
dance like no one's watching


From: Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command?
Date: 07 Dec 2000 22:36:17 -0900

Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>You could make a shell script that would do it.
>if [ "$1" = "-f" ];then
>  shift
>  du -abc $*
>  du $*

I should have used a full pathname for 'du' above, e.g., "/bin/du -abc $*".

Note also that the example of a function which can be put into ~/.bashrc
which Neil Cherry provided can also be done using the above:

function du () {
  if [ "$1" = "-f" ];then
    /bin/du -abc $*
    /bin/du $*

That eliminates the problem of which directory and the PATH variable.

Floyd L. Davidson         <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: crontab question
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 09:50:06 +0100

Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> NDQ wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I'm under RH6.1. Before, I can edit crontab with command :
> > $ crontab -e
> >
> > But now when I exit editor I see :
> >
> > [quy@iris] ~$ crontab -e
> > crontab: no changes made to crontab
> >
> > File /etc/cron.allow is OK, daemon crond is running...
> >
> > Have you any idea for help me ?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > --
> After you type in the stuff you want in the editor, did you write it
> out before exiting the editor? I do not want to insult your
> intelligence, but I do not know your level of experience.

I used vi/vim from 6 years so I think OK by typing ":wq" for saving and
exiting, non ?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harri Haataja)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: Re: kdm (or xdm) & redhat logo
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 09:57:59 GMT

>Does anybody know how to get rid of the redhat logo when using kdm, or
>xdm as a graphical login using Redhat 6.2 ?

Those should be in the configs. At least with gdm it seems to run xsri
(if installed) in the X server setup script. Find that or uninstall xsri.

>Ive looked everywhere through the /etc/X11/xdm files, and any others I
>have found that may be relavent but to no avail.

Well, now I have to look..

$ less /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0
# only set the background if the xsri program is installed
#if [ -x /usr/bin/xsri ]; then
#    /usr/bin/xsri  -geometry +5+5 -avoid 300x250 -keep-aspect \
#       /usr/share/pixmaps/redhat/redhat-transparent.png

Mine's commented out and there's no RH logos there =)


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Backup solution at Linux
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 20:51:39 -0600

"Richard M. Denney" wrote:

> > I think the best way, if you do not wish to purchase commercial
> > software such as BRU, is to use a shell script with find and cpio in
> > it. Have cron schedule it to run when you are asleep so it does not
> > get in your way and so you do not annoy it.
> I do the same thing with find and afio...

So do I.  And afio has an advantage over cpio if you use

I even use afio from linux to back up my Windows partition.  It
works fine, and yes I have successfully restored the Windows
partition from an afio archive made in linux. 




From: "Olivier Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Switch box - Mouse resume problem
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 11:58:42 -0800


I am using a manual switch box to control several CPUs with one mouse,
keyboard and screen. One of my CPU is a Linux box and when I switch to it
from a Windows the mouse doesn't resume in my KDE environment and has
disappeared. However I can still use the keyboard. My mouse is a PS2 generic
2 buttons.
Does anybody know if there is a way to eliminate this problem or a command
line to start the mouse in my KDE environment again ?

Thanks for your help,


From: Sebastian Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Slightly out!!!
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 12:03:06 +0100

> Hi,
> This seems to be a hard problem (for newbies). I beneficied of helps of
> some people but have stil some problems, particularly for communicating
> two mail servers.
> I have mail relay in DMZ and mail server in LAN.
> [internet]-----[Routeur]-----[DMZ]----[Firewall]-----[LAN]
> without setting a firewall all work fine. But when setting firewall, I
> can only sent (outcoming messages), but no incoming ones can reach to
> me. My relay does not stock messages, it forward them directly to the
> local mail one.
> Is a simular fierwall with only two cards is appropriated?
> Can it communicate in the two senses (in/out)?
> What I must doing in order to let it works in the two sense?

Do you have access to the relay? If so, you might want to look what the
MTA there has to say.
Of course a firewall can manage connections in both directions. It would
be quite useless if it didn't. I don't know about your setup, but it
should be simply a matter of not blocking incoming connections.
Look at how not blocking outgoing connections is done for your firewall
to get an idea of how this is done.


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]      `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread


From: Stephen Cornell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: konqueror question
Date: 08 Dec 2000 11:06:50 +0000

Edward M. Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just out of curiosity, which mirror did you use to download the KDE
> 2 sources?

No problems downloading from , but since you're in
the States I wouldn't recommend trying that.

Stephen Cornell          [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Tel/fax +44-1223-336644
University of Cambridge, Zoology Department, Downing Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3EJ


From: Sebastian Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: using 'alias' to add unknown options to existing bash command?
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 12:08:47 +0100

"Scott M. Navarre" wrote:
>   Is it possible to use 'alias' to add unknown options to an existing bash
> shell command?  For example on SCO Openserver (which I am very very used
> to), you can use the 'du -f' command to list all files and subdirectories
> under the current location and show the total at the end.
>   So in Linux, I would want to make it so that entering 'du -f' would be the
> same as 'du -abc' (because it would be a little shorter to type and I am so
> used to using the prior form).  Is this possible?  I tried putting the line:
> alias 'du -f'='du -abc' in the /etc/bashrc file, but it still runs the bash
> 'du' command first before my alias definition and says "Invalid option --
> f".
>   Or is there another way without using 'alias'?

A simple solution would be to change your alias 'du -f'='du -abc' to
alias du-f='du -abc' (omitting the blank in your alias) or calling
"du -f" instead of du -f (put it in quotes).
Both of these won't enable you to use your alias like du with an extra
option though. You'd have to type something slightly different as you
see. But that shouldn't be a problem unless you want to use this in
scripts where there is no reason to do so.


sebastian hans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]      `\O/'  don't panic
student of comp sci - technical university of munich  \-^-/  ...just RUN
i'm a .signature virus! copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread



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