Linux-Misc Digest #507, Volume #26               Sun, 10 Dec 00 05:13:01 EST

  Can't login from gdm (Mike Stevens)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")
  Re: Firestarter, ipchains, and ppp0 (David)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  castlewood orb disks converted to firewire by ads technologies
  broked EXT2 partition (Dan de Haan)
  ISDN connection drops (Aulne)
  Re: BASIS Pro5 ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: Can't login from gdm ("Mark L. Kahnt")


From: Mike Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user
Subject: Can't login from gdm
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:03:06 GMT


I just finished an apt-get upgrade, and can no longer login from the
helix-gnome gdm login panel.  Logins at the command line work correctly.
I get the following in my .gnome-errors file:

/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option UMASK
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: /etc/login.defs: "UMASK" is "022"
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option ULIMIT
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option MAIL_DIR
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: /etc/login.defs: "MAIL_DIR" is
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: using /etc/X11/Xsession.options for options
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/X11/Xsession.options for option
/etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/X11/Xsession.options for option
/usr/bin/gnome-session: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file
or directory

Of course, the library in question is missing.  Anyone know what package
it is in so I can reinstall it.  Or perhaps there is something else I'm
missing.  TIA

-Mike Stevens
What manner of quanadry is this? - The Tick

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Rodney Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Help installing Linux Please!
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 00:27:25 -0700

To D. Stimits thanks for your help. Your allot more helpful than some other
people in this news group. I am aware of most of what you said in your reply
and now understand the difference in terminology between windows or DOS and
linux. Dos fdisk shows a tree with lettered drives corresponding with a
number behind it and Linux is using a different method to represent this
tree. It threw me off for a few hours until it hit me (with no help from the
user guide) but I'm still a little curious as to why a certain program
(rdev.exe) is showing a list as follows hda5-6, hdb1-4, sda1-4, sda5-6. What
is the purpose of this file? My SCSI jaz1gig is only a single partition not
4. Does it see my Promise controller and hd as a scsi device and hd
separately as windows does? Or does this program do nothing what so ever and
I'm mistaking it for a drive assignment ID program? I partitioned my maxtor
as 2gigs for primary dos partition (c drive)(as fat32 performs best with
2gig partitions and slowly drops in performance after the 2gig mark) and
d,e,and f are all logical drives in the extended dos partition. Now win2k
had no problem with installing there as I done dozens of times but will
Linux install there as well without a fuss and no re-arranging of other
partitions? 3.75 gigs is more than enough, right? Well I will give it a go
again and I hope hda3 is partition e: on the extended dos partition. Thanks
again for your intelligent input and demeanor. Happy Holidays and wish me


"D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This is only partial info, but it might help. Then again, it is a long
> explanation, which is probably overdone...
> Rodney Gray wrote:
> >
> ...snip...
> >
> > ONBOARD ata100 (only one drive is on this controller and it runs a hell
> > allot better here than on the ata66 controller by far!)
> > Primary master ide=Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 7200rpm ata66 10.2gig
> > C: D: E: and F:
> >
> > C: drive=2gig=WinME(running super good)
> > D: drive=750mb=WindowsME swapfile&IE5.5 Temp internet files (Cache) For
> > preventing WindowsME defragmentation.
> > E: drive=3.75gig=Empty=I'm reserving for TurboLinux Workstation 6.0.
> > F: drive=3.75gig=Full with all my important data (my only local storage
> > backup!) cannot loose this data!!!
> >
> > All I want to do is install linux on my Empty E: drive. (should be no
> > problem, Right?)  But every time I boot with linux cd or floppies, the
> > install program tells me that no ATAPI cd-rom was found even though I
> > booted off it (stupid machine!). Everything here is top quality
> > the cd-rom so there's no excuse! I even tried installing from hard drive
> > the linux fdisk was to intimidating to risk my data on drive F: It did
> > resemble the microsoft fdisk I used a thousand times so I did not go any
> > farther. If it just would tell me the assignments I'm used to like fdisk
> > dos does I would not have hesitated. But I dont know what drive it wants
> > partition or how it works and since I have no room for error=WHY YOU ARE
> Drive terminology is what differs here the most. For IDE drives, the
> first drive is device hda. The second is hdb. The third hdc. So on,
> designating physically different IDE hard drives.
> Partitions are numbered within a single drive. If it is a primary or
> extended partition, it will be numbered between 1 and 4. If it is an
> extended partition, then it holds logical partitions, and cannot
> directly work as a partition for holding data...extended partitions hold
> logicals, and have no other purpose. The logical partitions are numbered
> between 5 and 8. The numbers are appended to the drive name; thus hda1
> refers to partition 1 of drive hda, the physically first drive; hda1
> must be primary or extended, same as hda2-4; hda5 could only exist as a
> logical partition, which in turn is held within an extended partition
> (up to 4 logicals in a single extended). If hda5 exists, then it means
> that at least one of hda1-4 is an extended partition, and the hda5 is
> contained entirely within one of those extended partitions. So it isn't
> possible to delete an extended partition unless all logicals inside of
> it are first deleted (there might be a way to tell it to force it, so
> don't try to hard to test that).
> So you probably need to first figure out what E: corresponds to. The
> drive names C:, D:, so on, do not correspond to any particular drive or
> partition, except probably for C: (which will always be a primary
> partition, but not necessarily on the first physical hard drive). Thus
> E: could be on the first drive or the 3rd drive, depending on windows'
> own strange conventions. The question becomes, which physical drive is
> E: on? If it is the physically third drive, you want hdc. Once you know
> the physical drive it is on, use fdisk to find out if it is primary or
> logical (linux won't care, but you need the partition number). If this
> is the only partition of E:, and E: is the 3rd drive, the partition will
> be either hdc1 or hdc5; this is because hdc1 might be primary (used
> directly) or extended (requiring embedding a logical partition inside,
> the first of which is 5).
> Be sure to save a small partition for swap; preferably the regular
> partition occurs at the start of the drive, and the swap is at the
> outside; there are advantages to having your root partition start at
> cylinder 0, and it is a waste to put swap there. Sometimes a rule of
> thumb is stated to use swap twice the size of your physical ram, but
> that isn't entirely necessary if you have lots of ram. Swap can be in a
> primary or logical partition, same as the regular linux filesystem.
> >
> > I have read the user guide and understand everything, but it does not
> > support installation from Hard Drives (which is how I always install
> > OS'es=via my F: drive) nor give one clue how to do what I'm wanting to
> > It is a very, very easy task with the windows kernel and I'm sure one of
> > readers know just how to help me! SO PLEASE HELP ME!!!
> >
> > My name is Rodney and I am a computer technician living in the USA. I
> > no linux experience as I only have delt with windows PC's. The
> > above is my design and it runs windows unbeleivably well. I have used my
> > drive to install win2k with not a hitch. I will be waiting by the
> > for hopefully tons of emails in the next few hours. I want to thank
> > in advance for what ever help you can give me! Thanks!
> >
> > Regards,
> > Rod
> > My time now is Dec, 9th at 4:20Mountain time (In the State of New


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Firestarter, ipchains, and ppp0
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:33:09 GMT

Alan Burns wrote:
> I'm trying to beef up the security on my Mandrake 7.2 box with ipchains,
> partly for the obvious reasons, and partly to try and learn something
> about *nix security.  Being something of a newbie at network security, I
> found a great little program called Firestarter to help me configure
> ipchains with dynamic rules and a nice GUI frontend.
> I'm using it on interface ppp0 for my dialup connection.
> The problem is that as far as I can tell, the program has to be run with
> root privileges to start the firewall, but I want it to be available to
> all users automatically when they dial up without setting suid and without
> giving all my users the root password. :)  I don't trust my users to
> manipulate the rules.
> The package includes a script at /etc/firestarter/ that the
> documentation says I can launch from rc.local  But when it executes during
> boot up, ipchains complains that interface ppp0 does not exist because I
> haven't dialed up yet.  I tried setting
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifconfig-ppp0 to ONBOOT="yes", but all
> that did was dial me up during booting.  That's not what I want, of
> course. :(
> Any ideas on how I can launch this script during boot for an interface
> ppp0 that doesn't exist yet?

I do it with /etc/ppp/ip-up.local

touch /etc/ppp/ip-up.local


Be sure firewall script is executable.

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.877% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Help installing Linux Please!
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 08:24:52 GMT

Rodney Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stanislaw Flatto Wrote:
>  "What about reaching into the junk pile which every normal PC user has and
> finding a 1G E-IDE hd" (welcome to idiot-land!)

Sounds a good solution to me. Or go buy a new one. Or run off a "live

> of my HUGH junk pile. I have a hell of a junk pile but no "good" extra
> drives as my other two PC's are using them (and my kids will not like me

Tough. Sounds like your best bet is to buy a new one. Give it to the
kids and take their 1GB item ;-).

> are pulled out and they decorate my Electronics computer desk. These old
> 1gig drives gave up their job aaaaaaallllllllllllooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg

Hey, I run off them! You have more money than sense, it seems.

> time ago. I have 3.75gigs of empty space (Today) on a new drive and that's

Good. So what's your problem?

> My post would have never been made if I had an extra drive. As I would have
> removed my newer drive, DUH!

Duhh ... what are you talking about? Do you realize that not only is
your post incomprehensible because you have included no context, but,
largely because of that, you come across as an egotistical moron? It
has to be said in your favour that at least you can string grammatical
sentences together in sequences - more than many can do.

> spirits that can please help me confirm my suspicions. I'm sure I can go
> back and choose hda3 and that should be my E: drive that's empty but I need

What are you talking about? What's a "drive"? Do you mean "partition"?
"Disk"? What do you want to choose it for?

> some kind of proof before actually making that final decision. There's a

Why do you care? Suck it and see. The cost of this decision if it fails
is zero, so go ahead!

> Thanks again, and to Stanislaw Flatto, I'm an Engineer who designs
> Electronic equipment on the component level of Global Positioning Systems
> for several large manufacturers here in the States. I have a B.S. in
> Electronics Engineering Technology and my Associate's degree of Applied
> Science. I have an Associate's degree in Computing Technology and a Degree
> Concentration for Basic Computer Programming. I do work on computers in my

Well, in other words, a semi-numerate who struggles in the academic
arena. That's fine as a lifestyle, but the qualifications don't
impress.  An "electronic engineer" who can't program a computer is
basically a technical-drawing assistant.  How is an electronic engineer
like that supposed to do component layout or logic gate design?  What
happened to VHDL?

> Dept (when needed) but most of the work is done by our Computer and Network
> Systems Management dept "The Computer Tech Support gurus" as I'm usually
> working on my higher intelligent services I was hired for. All our systems




Subject: castlewood orb disks converted to firewire by ads technologies
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 08:30:06 -0000

sometimes the icon appears on my desktop and sometimes it does not. i have called ads 
several times, yet the problem still exist. what i 
have done, with little success, is to turn off the drive and disconnect the firewire; 
then, turn drive back on and reconnect the firewire 
and occasionally ithat would work. please help! 

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan de Haan)
Subject: broked EXT2 partition
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 08:36:41 GMT

I need to recover a messed up partition.  My linux system doens't
boot, so I tried to mount the partition usein a recovery disk (toms
RBT) but it can mount it, so I tried to e2fsck it, but it complaing
about amessed super block and suggest trying e2fsck -b 8193 <device>
instead.  That didn't work.  What cam I do to get this partiton back?

                -Dan de  Haan


Subject: ISDN connection drops
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:52:45 GMT

Hello all,

  Just installed Mandrake 7.2, KDE 2.0.  The ISDN connection drops after a
short timeout.  I have to maintain a ping at 30 seconds to keep the line up. 
There must be a config file somewhere that controls this.  Any suggestions ?



Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: BASIS Pro5
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:06:28 GMT

Never mind, I found the problem...

I was trying to invoke pro5 from the user's .bash_profile by using:

cd /u/bbx/pro5
exec ./pro5

which is how I used to do it on SCO Openserver.  Obviously Linux doesn't
like 'exec' since I removed it (leaving just "./pro5") and it works fine.


From: "Mark L. Kahnt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user
Subject: Re: Can't login from gdm
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:39:09 -0500

Mike Stevens wrote:
>  Greetings,
> I just finished an apt-get upgrade, and can no longer login from the
> helix-gnome gdm login panel.  Logins at the command line work correctly.
> I get the following in my .gnome-errors file:
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option UMASK
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: /etc/login.defs: "UMASK" is "022"
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option ULIMIT
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/login.defs for option MAIL_DIR
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: /etc/login.defs: "MAIL_DIR" is
> "/var/spool/mail"
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: using /etc/X11/Xsession.options for options
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/X11/Xsession.options for option
> allow-user-resources
> /etc/gdm/Sessions//Gnome: checking /etc/X11/Xsession.options for option
> allow-user-modmap
> /usr/bin/gnome-session: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory
> Of course, the library in question is missing.  Anyone know what package
> it is in so I can reinstall it.  Or perhaps there is something else I'm
> missing.  TIA
> --
> -Mike Stevens
> What manner of quanadry is this? - The Tick
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

libgdk-pixbuf2 according to my system - according to the README, it is a
package that operates between Gnome proper and the various Xlib
libraries that render images (png, jpeg, tiff, xpm, etc.), as used in
the Panel, GMC, and virtually anything else that constitutes Gnome.

Mark L. Kahnt   M.L. Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Snail: P.O. Box 1263, Kingston, Ontario, Canada   K7L 4Y8
Voice/Fax: (613) 531-8684   Cell: (613) 539-0935 - DSL finally!



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