Linux-Misc Digest #558, Volume #26               Sat, 16 Dec 00 04:13:03 EST

  Re: Can I remove KDE, and keep Gnome? (Bob Holtzman)
  Re: Please Help ("Eric Terry")
  Re: Help with MS Telnet into Linux ("Eric Terry")
  Re: Booting problem... ("Eric Terry")
  Re: best linux soundcard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can I remove KDE, and keep Gnome? (Paul Colquhoun)
  Re: Please help ("Dan White")
  Re: suggest me one which can handle multiple POP3 email addresses? (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: How to set /tmp dir for download with Lynx? (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: How to set /tmp dir for download with Lynx? ("Eric Terry")
  lilo and win98 ("Ron Nicholls")
  Re: shell script question (Thomas Thyberg)
  Find? really? (MH)
  Re: files encrypted eight years ago with the unix crypt(1) command. want in (Timothy 
J. Lee)
  Re: best linux soundcard (Michael Perry)
  fetchmail problem
  Re: Find? really? (Paul Colquhoun)
  Ideas for Senior project (Cjentile76)
  --MARK-- in messages log (Nigel Sim)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Holtzman)
Subject: Re: Can I remove KDE, and keep Gnome?
Date: 16 Dec 2000 05:50:26 GMT

On 15 Dec 2000 16:21:06 GMT, Bill Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:25:20 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
>>Who ever said Jim McIntyre couldn't write what follows?:
>>>rpm -q kde | lpr
>>Not on my machine it won't. (RedHat 6.2, rpm 3.0.4). I don't know if you can
>>use wildcards with rpm. I haven't looked.
>don't think it supports wildcards, but you can certainly do:
>rpm -qa | grep kde 
It sure does support wildcards. Try putting several .rpm files into a separate
folder and type "rpm -ivh *".

Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free lunch
 ......check the price of the beer!"


From: "Eric Terry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please Help
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 21:43:10 -0800

It appears that you might have some problems with the gateway setting.

why is it currently set to 192.x.x.1? your gateway should probably be your
routing device ie cable modem, dsl modem etc.

Eric Terry

"Lynked" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Please email any help you can to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I am trying to use Linux as my internet gateway for a home network.  When
> bring the computer up, everthing looks good thru ifconfig:
> lo - good.
> eth0 - good (with internet address)
> eth1 - good (with intranet address [192.x.x.x])
> The problem is, when I try to PING anything, I get no response and time
> I have kind of fixed this problem, but would like it to work correctly.
> What I've gotten so far is:
> 1.  disable eth1(intranet) at boot.
> 2.  After boot, lo and eth0(internet) come up good and I can PING the
> outside world.
> 3.  I then have to do the following command [ ifconfig eth1 192.x.x.x ]
> 4.  I then take care of my IPCHAINS and can get to the outside from behind
> the linux machine.
> My problem is that when I try a NETWORK RELOAD, it doesn't work (I know,
> because the statements are in RC.LOCAL).  I'd really like it to work, and
> hope someone knows what's wrong.  Below is some info that may help...
> Please email me (it's hard to check these newsgroups) if you can help
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> -----------     -------     -------         -----  ----------------------
> 24.x.x.x        *    U       0       0   0 eth0
> 192.x.x.0       *    U       0       0   0 eth1
>       *        U       0       0   0 lo
> default         xxx.midsou         UG      0       0   0 eth0
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> FROM /etc/sysconfig/network/
> HOSTNAME=some.stuff.imadeup
> GATEWAY=192.x.x.1
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


From: "Eric Terry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with MS Telnet into Linux
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 21:46:49 -0800


most likely the "edit" command is actually a pointer to a program called
"vi" I suggest you purchase a small unix book and do some reading on vi.

you can also type in "man vi" from the command prompt once you login to the
unix machine. this will give you a somewhat verbose and cryptic explanation
of the program.

good luck

Eric Terry
"Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am telnetting from a Windows ME computer into a linux computer on my
> network, how do I use the edit
> command to edit a file? I get the file open it what appears to be an
> editing window, but it there's no cursor, when I move the arrow keys
> around the column number changes but thats it!
> --
> Posted via CNET


From: "Eric Terry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Booting problem...
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 21:55:08 -0800


it might be a virtual memmory error.  try moving you swap partition to a
different area on the 20gig drive.

Eric Terry

"Bill Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have Mandrake 7.2 with the latest updates. When booting, the system
> gives a "bad file descriptor" when it attempts to load the proc system
> and eveything that follows. No entries in /var/log/messages for clues.
> In fact, the last entry is for the day before this started. I have
> re-installed 7.2, three times. The last time, I was able to boot the
> system
> about a dozen times before the error showed up. I am running my Linux
> box
> on an old HD without any problems - Quantum 4.3GB. The trouble occurs
> when I
> use my new Quantum 20.3GB HD. Could there be a connection? The
> motherboard
> is a Gigabyte GA-5AX with a AMD k6-2-450 and 256KB of RAM.
> Can you help?
> Bill
> --
> From the shores of Khlong YaiPhuan, Bangkok, Thailand...


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: best linux soundcard
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 05:51:15 GMT

>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm about to purchase a new soundcard.
> >
> > What type of soundcard is ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED to work with Linux,
> > including all sorts of SMP kernels?
> Not being a commercial system, Linux cannot make such guarantees.
> If a particualr card doesn't work, take it back and exchange
> it for one that does.

Sound card manufacturers could make guarantees. Or there must be some
open-source hardware manufacturers.

> The best soundcards, in my experience, have always been the
> simplest, most generally brain-damaged, like the classic
> SoundBlaster 16. I currently use a no-name Crystal-based card
> (PnP works fine with isapnp) and it works perfectly.

You are not saying anything about SMP (dual processors, e.g.)



Sent via


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Colquhoun)
Subject: Re: Can I remove KDE, and keep Gnome?
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 06:17:05 GMT

On 16 Dec 2000 05:50:26 GMT, Bob Holtzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|On 15 Dec 2000 16:21:06 GMT, Bill Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|>On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:25:20 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
|>>Who ever said Jim McIntyre couldn't write what follows?:
|>>>rpm -q kde | lpr
|>>Not on my machine it won't. (RedHat 6.2, rpm 3.0.4). I don't know if you can
|>>use wildcards with rpm. I haven't looked.
|>don't think it supports wildcards, but you can certainly do:
|>rpm -qa | grep kde 
|It sure does support wildcards. Try putting several .rpm files into a separate
|folder and type "rpm -ivh *".

All that will show is that the shell you are using supports wildcards.

rpm will install multiple .rpm files if you list them on the command line.
In a command like 'rpm -ivh *' the shell converts the '*' into a list
of file names before it executes the command.

In general, no command under UNIX ever sees any wildcard characters
unless there are no files that match. Then they usually treat them
as an error.

Reverend Paul Colquhoun,      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal Life Church
xenaphobia: The fear of being beaten to a pulp by
            a leather-clad, New Zealand woman.


From: "Dan White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 06:11:41 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Lynked"

> FROM /etc/sysconfig/network/
> NETWORKING=yes FORWARD_IPV4=true HOSTNAME=some.stuff.imadeup
> GATEWAY=192.x.x.1 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The gateway should be on your public network, 24.x.x.x. And to prevent
any ambiguity, add the line:


Also, have a closer look at the files


and remove any mention of 'gateway' within them, since the network
script already takes care of that.

- Dan White


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: suggest me one which can handle multiple POP3 email addresses?
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 06:25:19 GMT

Who ever said Kousik Nandy couldn't write what follows?:
>> I have installed RedHat 6. It's working fine. The KDE can handle
>> dialup very efficiently. But I need an email client. I have visited
>> the site.
>> can anyone suggest me one which can handle multiple POP3 email
>> addresses?
> Use MOZILLA. Get it here: 

Not if you want a stable email client that runs at a reasonable speed at
anything less than a P-2G. :) Sorry. I just think Mozilla's rather a peice
of bloatware at the moment.


Bryan Hoyt


The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is at 9.8 meters per second per second.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bryan Hoyt)
Subject: Re: How to set /tmp dir for download with Lynx?
Date: 16 Dec 2000 19:25:28 +1200

Who ever said GYULAI Mihaly couldn't write what follows?:
>When I edit or download a file, a temporary file is being created in
>/tmp dir. Unfortunately I have small free space on / (root) partition.
>How can I set this to another dir?

IIRC, you can set the variable $TMPDIR to whatever directory you want. Most
programs I think ought to use that.

>PS. is it really necessary to create such file??
>(I thought that the editing and the download happen only into memory...)

Not necessary. If your download is cut off, then it becomes a remarkable
amount harder to retrieve it when it is only in memory. In the case of
downloads, you normally put them onto your hard drive when you're finished
with them anyway, though not necessarily the root partition. Also if you
don't save a file you're editing, then there is a copy in $TMPDIR. (I made
use of this fact recently with Jed!) There are other reasons, some due to
the fact that there is often more free harddrive space than memory; others
for various other reasons.


Bryan Hoyt


The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is at 9.8 meters per second per second.


From: "Eric Terry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to set /tmp dir for download with Lynx?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 22:29:21 -0800


you could try linking your /tmp to a different directory on a partition with
more space.

Eric Terry

"GYULAI Mihaly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:91b90v$b5u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> When I edit or download a file, a temporary file is being created in
> /tmp dir. Unfortunately I have small free space on / (root) partition.
> How can I set this to another dir?
> PS. is it really necessary to create such file??
> (I thought that the editing and the download happen only into memory...)
> --
> GYULAI Mihaly
> Sent via


From: "Ron Nicholls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lilo and win98
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 17:35:39 +1100

I have installed win98 on the first 2gig partition, which runs fine alone,
os2 on the second 2gig and linux
on the next 2 gig ; it's a 20 gig drive with other partitons for apps
Using lilo to boot each OS , linux and os2 boot successfully, but win 98
prompts me with
a line
Type name of Command Interpreter eg. C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM
It would be nice to have them all on the same drive.
Lilo is installed in the MBR , is this a problem with win.
Is there a HOWTO for win98
The distribution is RedHat 7.0

Regards RonN


From: Thomas Thyberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: shell script question
Date: 16 Dec 2000 08:57:37 +0300

Manitee  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I posted that original message while very tired. Anyway,
> here is what I've settled on:
> #!/bin/sh
> grep "$1" /etc/mail/aliases
> It works fine. Any ideas on how to spruce it up a bit?


    exec grep "$1" /etc/mail/aliases

Maybe :-)



Subject: Find? really?
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 22:46:46 -0800

Can someone please explain why the following command does NOT locate the
files specified on the local filesystem?

find / -xdev -name *.txt

When I run the same command WITHOUT the -xdev option, ALL *.txt files on
REMOTE filesystems ARE located, but NONE on the LOCAL filesystem are
located, even though ls /directory/*.txt DOES list *.txt files that DO
exist IN that directory ON THE LOCAL FILESYSTEM.

"Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign
funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other."
                                         --Oscar Ameringer


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy J. Lee)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,,sci.crypt
Subject: Re: files encrypted eight years ago with the unix crypt(1) command. want in
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (this is a valid address for a limited time)
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 06:55:39 GMT

In article <91ergp$q8l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dan Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>1. can't find crypt(1) here on Mandrake 7.2.  Is that the export regulation rule
>thingy at play?

Search the web for a free program called enigma.

>2. I forgot the password anyway.

Search the web for cbw, the Crypt Breaker's Workbench.

Timothy J. Lee
Unsolicited bulk or commercial email is not welcome.
No warranty of any kind is provided with this message.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Perry)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: best linux soundcard
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:58:32 -0800

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 22:18:59 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article
>  "Michael Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In article <91cf8o$9hk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I'm about to purchase a new soundcard.
>> >
>> > What type of soundcard is ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED to work with Linux,
>> > including all sorts of SMP kernels?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > Wroot
>> >
>> >
>> > Sent via
>> I kinda like my SBLive card with the OSS Commercial Drivers.
>You MUST be joking!!!
>SBLive is what I have right now (It shipped with our Dell Preinstalled
>Linux workstation)
>First of all, I tried everying: downloaded the drivers, [re]compiled
>everying, even  the kernel. It doesn't work even with non-SMP kernel.
>If I'm not mistaken,
> clearly states that SBLive won't work
>with SMP kernels.
>This is exactly WHY I'm in the market for a new soundcard.
>Sent via

Well, you asked which ones people have gotten working on a newsgroup.  I
replied that I got the SBlive working.  I kinda wonder how it runs on my
non-smp kernel then?  I doubt seriously that uni-processor kernels will
cause a problem with a SBlive.  Perhaps SMP kernels will; but we have a few
dell precision workstations with smp support enabled and teh SBlive cards

If you had mentioned that you tried a SBlive, I probably would still have
posted that I got my SBlive working.  Mine works great with the OSS
commercial drivers and a non-smp kernel.  Others have posted here and they
seem to get it working also.

Michael Perry


Subject: fetchmail problem
Date: 16 Dec 2000 07:02:55 GMT

        I'm trying to use fetchmail on a dial-up connection.  Everything's set up 
correctly, but when it downloads the messages and deletes them from the server, the 
mail never shows up on my system-at least not anywhere I can find it.  Am I missing 
something in .fetchmailrc?  Where should it be dropping these messages.  I assumed 
/var/spool/mail/joeuser, but it just ain't there.  I'm running SuSE 6.3.  Help!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Colquhoun)
Subject: Re: Find? really?
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 08:22:05 GMT

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 22:46:46 -0800, MH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|Can someone please explain why the following command does NOT locate the
|files specified on the local filesystem?
|find / -xdev -name *.txt
|When I run the same command WITHOUT the -xdev option, ALL *.txt files on
|REMOTE filesystems ARE located, but NONE on the LOCAL filesystem are
|located, even though ls /directory/*.txt DOES list *.txt files that DO
|exist IN that directory ON THE LOCAL FILESYSTEM.

Which directory are you running this from?

The -xdev option limits you to the same device as the search directory,
which in this case is '/'. Is the directory with all these .txt files
on a diferent partition?

What sort of remote filesystems do you use? If they are NFS mounted,
then this will probably do whay your want:

   find / ! -fstype nfs -name '*.txt'

Depending on your shell, you may need to use '\!' instead of
just '!'

Reverend Paul Colquhoun,      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal Life Church
xenaphobia: The fear of being beaten to a pulp by
            a leather-clad, New Zealand woman.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cjentile76)
Date: 16 Dec 2000 08:53:57 GMT
Subject: Ideas for Senior project

I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for a senior project.  I go to San
Jose State and I've noticed that no one ever touches Linux.  It's sad.  I have
about a year to work on a project.  I would love to involve Linux in my
project.  I definitely want to hear some ideas from others, no matter how crazy
your idea might be.


Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 18:58:32 +1000
From: Nigel Sim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: --MARK-- in messages log

I would like to know what puts the -- MARK -- in my /var/log/messages
file at 20 minute intervals. I figure it is so you can tell when the
system stalled or something like that. Anyway I would like to know how
to control it, ie change the interval or turn it off.



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