Linux-Misc Digest #659, Volume #27               Fri, 20 Apr 01 11:13:02 EDT

  Re: SuSE 7.0 Partitioning (Tim Terry)
  Re: OT? Is OS-X THE userfriendly Unix? (burk)
  book recommendation? ("dmayo")
  Re: book recommendation? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: getty replacement? ("Jeffrey J. Bacon")
  Re: cdrecord and LG CD-RW CED-8080B (Iiro Harjunkoski)
  Re: getty replacement? -- fbgetty ("Jeffrey J. Bacon")
  Re: ide raid card (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Re: Life-expectancy of Linux vs BSD (Colin)
  Re: staroffice install (Colin)
  motd color ("Jeffrey J. Bacon")
  /var/log/message display in virtual console ("Jeffrey J. Bacon")
  MBR questions (Dale Winters)
  Re: Protecting symbolic links from deletion (Dan Mercer)
  Jdk 1.3 and RedHat 7.1 (Reece Robinson)


From: Tim Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SuSE 7.0 Partitioning
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:19:30 +0100

zendog wrote:
> I am trying to install SuSE 7.0 on my machine that has Windows 98 on it.  I
> have set aside a partition for SuSE.  No matter if I do the text or
> graphical install SuSE will not find my Windows 98 partition.  Has this
> happened for anyone else and is there anything I can do?
> Thanks,
> Todd

what do you mean by 'finding your win98 partition' can it see any
partions on that hdd? is the hdd detected at all? if so is it on ata100
interface or pci card? if you mean that you just can't access any data
on your fat/32 partition then its a whole different problem. what are
the error messages involved?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (burk)
Subject: Re: OT? Is OS-X THE userfriendly Unix?
Date: 20 Apr 2001 10:52:52 GMT

On 20 Apr 2001 09:51:22 GMT, Reiner Griess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi together,
>I'm asking me, if OS-X will be _the_ Unix/linux/BSD
>(whatever) for the standard-user. Is OS-X the friendliest
>unix out there? 

That remains to be seen. The GUI is very glitzy, and it will get a
great deal of application support from companies like Apple and
MS. The interface in NOT X based, and it's based in a Macintosh
sensibility, if you like that sort of thing. 

Right now, it's not ready for prime time. I had to spend several
nights trying to get Apache/PHP4/MySQL running on it, something that
on Linux would have taken me an hour. But to be fair, the
indications are that Apple knows that it isn't ready for masses
yet, and it is under active development. It is good enough to serve
PHP/MySQL web pages.

>Is it a kind of Unix at all? 

Yes and no. It certainly has Unix underpinnings, you'd feel quite at
home with the bash command line. It doesn't feel like unix in some
of the way you configure it. You don't use /etc/hosts or
/etc/resolve.conf. It uses the netinfo app in many places where
Linux would use a nice text file.

>Is it the OS which Linux tries to be for many years? 

<grin>More the OS that Next tried to be </grin>.

>Powerfull on command line, nice to use with mouse, good looking,
>fast (?), stable. Ok: expensive, but this should not discussed

Powerful, GUI, but not expensive. A couple hundred dollars. More
expensive than Linux or FreeBSD, but less expensive than NT, which
is what it's trying to compete with.

>Anybody there who have tested OS-X yet? Any opinions?

Most Linux apps won't compile out of the box. Most Mac apps don't
run perfectly. But it is stable in my hands (G3 Powerbook with 256M
RAM) and BBedit and VIM and Pepper (a native OSX programmer's
editor) run acceptably well, so it makes on OK web development box
once you get your choice of languages running there. (It comes with
Perl I think, Python has been ported IIRC, I'm using PHP4)

It's early days yet. I think it will make an impact, but on who we
have yet to see.

See you.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - No Spam Please!


From: "dmayo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: book recommendation?
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 09:48:40 +0100

Happy newsreaders...

(You may skip to NOW THE QUESTION IS section, if you don't want to read it

I am sure everyone out there started in the same way I have, ie, making
loadsa mistakes. That's one way of learning, very harsh too, the other way
is by reading books.

I recently bought Red Hat Linux 7 Unleashed. The only useful chapters were
the first 5. Then it got to "technical" for me "whoooosh!". Oh, I also
installed Red Hat Linux from the CD that came with it. I finally went to the
shop to buy "the complete idiot's guide to Linux" which I found amazingly
interesting and useful. I read about 87% of the book!

Now I want to go deeper into Linux Administration. Perhaps one day I will be
able to answer (hence help) most of the questions asked by the newbies in
this forum.

Could anyone recommend me a good book that will teach me things like:
- how to modify and understand .conf files
- how to install and uninstall packages
- how to check on memory usage and needs
- how to administer other users in my system (which is composed of my wife
and myself...)
- and more...

- I am still a newbie, short in Linux experience but LONG in enthusiasm and
willing to learn more about this fantastic OS.

Cheers to all.


Subject: Re: book recommendation?
Date: 20 Apr 2001 12:39:16 GMT

dmayo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could anyone recommend me a good book that will teach me things like:
> - how to modify and understand .conf files
> - how to install and uninstall packages

Problem: any kind of .conf file have is own syntax and purpose,
so there is no a 'general' guide about how to handle these kind
of thing. The only solution is read the documentation of the
program that use that file.
Same thing for the packages: every application have is own

> - how to check on memory usage and needs

The command free will show you the amount of memory used, for
the needs, that depend what are you doing with the machine...
in general, if you see the Swap heavily used, you need more

> - how to administer other users in my system (which is composed
> of my wife and myself...)

For this I will recommend something in the line of O'Reilly
books, maybe not focused on Linux but 'generically' on Unix.
I read Unix System Administration and it's pretty good, covering
almost every aspect of administration of a generical Unix



From: "Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: getty replacement?
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 13:46:38 GMT

ok, what is the key sequence for Emacs? (will XEmacs work as well?) And
how will I know it works (besides re-logging in) ie. what char sequence
will show up in the file when edited?

Dances With Crows wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 02:57:05 GMT, Jeffrey J. Bacon staggered into the
> Black Sun and said:
> >is there a replacement for getty/mingetty that will interpret ansi
> >colour escape sequences and display /etc/issue & /etc/motd with colours?
> mingetty will do the right thing!  Read my previous post again.  The
> ANSI sequence for "Set color to bright red" is ESC[1;33 , and if you put
> that code within /etc/issue , then everything after that code will be
> displayed in bright red.  As I said before, the hard part is inserting
> the ESC into a text file.  You can use vim or emacs to do that, or you
> can edit /etc/issue with a hex editor and insert the ESC that way if
> learning vi is too much of a pain (as you said in E-mail.)
> If you are going to call yourself "Administrator" in your .sig , then
> you should learn at least the basics of vi.  vi is the closest thing to
> a standard editor that the Unices have, and sooner or later, you will
> find yourself at a box that doesn't have your editor of choice, but does
> have vi.
> --
> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt
>     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
> -----------------------------/    I hit a seg fault....

Jeffrey Bacon  
Student,         Carleton U.
Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!


From: Iiro Harjunkoski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cdrecord and LG CD-RW CED-8080B
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 09:36:00 -0400


Thank you for your reply!

I would not like to think that the CD quality is the reason, since I have
tried new Memorex, Sony, Imation and Maxell, both CD-R and CD-RW disks and
only done simulation writes. I used the speeds 1,2 and 4 for testing since
I thought that using 8 will just generate replies with recommendations for
using a slower writing speed. I should have mentioned this in my first

It seems that at least the newer drives are simply incompatible with my
system... I'm afraid that trying something else than LG might be the only
solution, especially because of the kernel errors. Or does anyone have an
idea what to try next?

Best regards,


On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, [EUC-KR] ÊؾѵÃì Faarungsang wrote:

> I used exactly same LG CD-RW CED-8080B for 1 year long w/o problem.
> I think your problem come from your blank CD quality because it can write
> only at speed 4x while I can write at speed 8x w/o problem.
> regards,
> zxc
> ÊؾѵÃì ¿éÒÃØè§ÊÒ§ (supat faarungsang)    Kasetsart Univ., Nakorn Pathom,
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        
> office: (034)351892  home: (034)351843                   fax: (02)5791120
> mobile: (01)4127930                            lab:(034)281053-6 ext 3434
> ¤ÇÒÁ´Õ¤¹àÃÒ¹Õè´Õã´ ´Õ¹Óé㨠·ÕèãËéá¡è¤¹·Ñ駻ǧ                          :)
> On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Iiro Harjunkoski wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I also have lots of problems installing the Goldstar LG CD-RW CED-8080B
> > drive on a DELL Optiplex GX110 running RH-6.2 with kernel 2.2.19. I have
> > followed the CD-Writing HOWTO and installed the ide-scsi as a module.
> > After 'modprobe ide-scsi' everything seems to be fine and 'cdrecord
> > -scanbus' recognizes the drive as 0,1,0 (the CD-ROM is 0,0,0).
> > 
> > I have tried to burn data-cd:s using xcdroast and cdrecord alone also by
> > first preparing an image-file. Everything looks ok but the writing fails
> > sometimes in the middle in that the FIFO goes to zero and an Input/output
> > error occures. The kernel also reports lost interrupt. This is from
> > /var/log/message at the time of the error.
> > 
> > ************
> > Apr 19 11:16:34 newton kernel: hda: lost interrupt 
> > Apr 19 11:16:34 newton kernel: hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady
> > SeekComplete DataRequest } 
> > Apr 19 11:16:34 newton kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
> > Apr 19 11:16:34 newton kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
> > Apr 19 11:16:34 newton kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
> > Apr 19 11:16:34 newton kernel: ide0: unexpected interrupt, status=0x80,
> > count=4
> > Apr 19 11:16:35 newton kernel: ide0: reset: success 
> > ************
> > 
> > I would be really happy if someone could help me with this... I have no
> > clue why this happens since everything should be done correctly and it
> > also looks as it would work until... I also tried the 'swapoff -a' option
> > that was proposed on this list and unfortunately it did not help me. Could
> > there be a problem with my hard-drive, IDE controller or some options in
> > kernel that I need to change?
> > 
> > Below almost the complete cdrecord log.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > 
> > Iiro Harjunkoski
> > 
> > ************
> > # mkisofs -R -J /home/iiro/ | cdrecord -v fs=8m speed=4 dev=0,1,0 -
> > Cdrecord 1.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
> > TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
> > scsidev: '0,1,0'
> > scsibus: 0 target: 1 lun: 0
> > Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
> > Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
> > atapi: 1
> > Device type    : Removable CD-ROM
> > Version        : 0
> > Response Format: 1
> > Vendor_info    : 'LG      '
> > Identifikation : 'CD-RW CED-8080B '
> > Revision       : '1.04'
> > Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
> > Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
> > Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
> > Drive buf size : 1024000 = 1000 KB
> > FIFO size      : 8388608 = 8192 KB
> > Track 01: data  unknown length
> > Total size:       0 MB (00:00.00) = 0 sectors
> > Lout start:       0 MB (00:02/00) = 0 sectors
> > 
> > ...listing files...
> > 
> > Current Secsize: 2048
> > ATIP info from disk:
> >   Indicated writing power: 5
> >   Reference speed: 2
> >   Is not unrestricted
> >   Is erasable
> >   ATIP start of lead in:  -11615 (97:27/10)
> >   ATIP start of lead out: 335925 (74:41/00)
> >   speed low: 0 speed high: 4
> >   power mult factor: 4 5
> >   recommended erase/write power: 3
> >   A2 values: 00 00 00
> > Disk type:    Phase change
> > Manuf. index: 18
> > Manufacturer: Plasmon Data systems Ltd.
> > cdrecord: WARNING: Track size unknown. Data may not fit on disk.
> > Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in write mode for single session.
> > Last chance to quit, starting real write in 1 seconds.
> > Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
> > Performing OPC...
> > Starting new track at sector: 0
> > Track 01:   8 MB written (fifo   1%).cdrecord: Input/output
> > error. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
> > CDB:  2A 00 00 00 10 3A 00 00 1F 00
> > status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
> > Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 00
> > Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
> > Sense Code: 0x64 Qual 0x00 (illegal mode for this track) Fru 0x0
> > Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid) 
> > 
> > write track data: error after 8507392 bytes
> >   2.98% done, estimate finish Thu Apr 19 11:42:24 2001
> > Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> > Writing  time:   28.790s
> > Fixating...
> > ************


From: "Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: getty replacement? -- fbgetty
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 13:48:35 GMT

I have found fbgetty in which you can use \e_____ to insert colours.

"Jeffrey J. Bacon" wrote:
> is there a replacement for getty/mingetty that will interpret ansi
> colour escape sequences and display /etc/issue & /etc/motd with colours?
> --
> ================================
> Jeffrey Bacon
> ================================
> Administrator,
> Student,         Carleton U.
> Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!
> --------------------------------

Jeffrey Bacon  
Student,         Carleton U.
Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!


From: Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ide raid card
Date: 20 Apr 2001 14:19:08 GMT

Wong Ching Kuen Frederick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is there any ide raid card that support linux?

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


Subject: Re: Life-expectancy of Linux vs BSD
Date: 20 Apr 2001 10:24:21 -0400

Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hypothetically, if Linus Torvalds died, became ill, incarcerated, or became 
> unable to program, then would Linux die?  What happends when Linus Torvalds 
> gets too old to continue development?

Linux wouldn't die.  There are many capable people that can take over
the kernel development.

> BSD is maintained by a panel of committers, and members may leave or stay, 
> and if need be, new members can be added to the group.  Life or death of 
> BSD is not dependent on a single individual.  So in theory, BSD development 
> can continue indefinitely.  Linux, on the other hand, has a "built-in 
> expiration"; Linus Torvalds will not live forever.

I agree that Linus might want to set up some sort of committee OF INDIVIDUALS
when he decides he wants to move on to something else.

These largely uninformed opinions are not those of my employer
in any way, shape, or form.


Subject: Re: staroffice install
Date: 20 Apr 2001 10:20:31 -0400

Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You will also want to download a patch from Sun, 199939-02.tar.Z, unpack it 
> and move all the new libs to /usr/local/office52/program.

What does this patch do?

These largely uninformed opinions are not those of my employer
in any way, shape, or form.


From: "Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: motd color
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:33:28 GMT

ok, now I've got colour on the /etc/issue by using fbgetty as a
replacement for mingetty.

Anyone know how to get colour on the motd file?  Do I have to do the
vi/emacs editing like what was suggested for color in /etc/issue using
getty? (edit with vi -> CRTL-V ESC ...)
Jeffrey Bacon  
Student,         Carleton U.
Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!


From: "Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: /var/log/message display in virtual console
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:36:46 GMT

I want to display (using tail -f) the contents of /var/log/messages in a
virtual console (let's use F7 as it's not used right now).

I added this to my initab but the ouput displays in my F1 (main)
7:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/tail -f -n20 /var/log/messages | grep TCP -v

the grep at the end is because my firewall logs TCP stuff to the messges
file but I don't care about displaying those messages

also, is there anyway to allow me to scroll back up the screen? ie, some
program that has scrolling that will watch a file (like tail does) and
display on screen?
Jeffrey Bacon  
Student,         Carleton U.
Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!


From: Dale Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MBR questions
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:56:12 -0400

Im new to Linux.Just ordered a cd with Mandrake 7.2 on it. I use
Powerboot to set up my disk.Will the installation routine of Mandrake
over write my MBR ?
TIA, Dale

Stay open-minded, inquisitive, courageous, just, and compassionate,
.........and you've done a hard day's work.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Mercer)
Subject: Re: Protecting symbolic links from deletion
Date: 20 Apr 2001 14:50:29 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Within a given user owned public_html folder, I provide a symbolic link
> to the user's cgi-bin directory.  From time to time, this link is
> inadvertantly deleted by the user.  This, in turn, results in a support
> call to my desk to recreate the link.
> Is there a way to prevent symbolic links from being deleted by the
> user.  My research suggests that chmod affects only the target directory
> of file of a link.  This is logical.  But how can one prevent deletion
> of the symbolic link, itself?

Assuming $USERBIN points to the user directory:

as root (ksh syntax - bash2 should be similar):

   cd "$USERBIN"
   for file in *
      [[ -h $file ]] && chown -h root:sys "$file"

   chmod +t "$USERBIN"

By setting the sticky bit on the directory,  only a file's user will
be allowed to delete the file.  Changing the ownership on the link does
not affect it's use - that depends on the ownership and permissions
of the underlying file.

If your chown does not support the -h option,  then you must rebuild
the link (again, ksh syntax):

   cd $USERBIN
   for file in *
      [[ -h $file ]] && {
         ll $file | IFS='>' read waste realfile
         realfile=${realfile# }
         ln -fs "$realfile" "$file"

   chmod +t $USERBIN

Dan Mercer

Opinions expressed herein are my own and may not represent those of my employer.


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:04:46 -0400
From: Reece Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Jdk 1.3 and RedHat 7.1

Has anyone else noticed that Sun's JDK1.3 and 1.3.1 don't work properly
on RH 7.1??

When running "java -version" or anything else, it just hangs. Running
javac, jar etc seem to work just fine.

JDK1.2.2 has NO problems running on RH 7.1!




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