Linux-Misc Digest #662, Volume #27               Fri, 20 Apr 01 18:13:02 EDT

  Re: Configuring LILO to DOS as default? (DMayo)
  representative SCSI drivers? (Michael W. Godfrey)
  Re: Stupid login tricks (/etc/issue question) (* Tong *)
  Re: Which distro for 2.4.x ? (Christian Rose)
  Question about Strange Report of Disk Space,thanks. ("harrison")
  Could anyone tell me how to activate the backspace and delete keys on (DMayo)
  Please help with Printer Configuration (Mike Driggers)
  Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues (grooveman)
  Re: Warp 4 to Linux (Jukka =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E4=E4nt=E4?=)
  Re: /var/log/message display in virtual console ("peetgrobler0")
  Windows and Linux (Dave)
  Re: Argh, Linux 2.4.0 does not boot! (Marc De Leenheer)
  Need help with core file generation (Hsuan-Chung Lee)
  Re: /var/log/message display in virtual console ("Jeffrey J. Bacon")
  Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues (grooveman)
  Re: Tired of XEMACS, moving to VIM (Craig Kelley)
  Re: staroffice install (Garry Knight)
  Re: KDE 2.1 Control Center - no icons ("William B. Cattell")


Subject: Re: Configuring LILO to DOS as default?
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 20:49:26 +0100

Michael Heiming wrote:

> DMayo wrote:
> >
> > Could some expert tell a newbie which lines to change in the following
> > code in order to make dos boot as default? Thanks in advance. My wife
> > cannae stand Linux and prefers prtty looking WINDOWS to Linux running as
> > default.
> >
> > #lilo.conf contents are:
> > boot=/dev/hda
> > map=/boot/map
> > install=/boot/boot.b
> > prompt
> > timeout=50
> > message=/boot/message
> > linear
> >
> > image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-22
> >     label=linux
> >     read-only
> >     root=/dev/hda6
> >
> > other=/dev/hda1
> >     label=dos
> >
> > #dave, at sunny Scotland!
> rtfm (read the fine manual) "man lilo.conf", be sure to check
> the default= option.
> Michael Heiming

Many thanks!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael W. Godfrey)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: representative SCSI drivers?
Date: 20 Apr 2001 19:28:28 GMT


I'm an academic researcher and a Linux user since kernel 0.99pl15.

The Linux source codebase (including drivers) makes an excellent guinea pig
for exploring ideas of how software evolves (Linux is big, in wide use, and
open source so I can look at its internals and publish the results).  We've
decided to perform a case study on the evolution of the Linux SCSI drivers
(lotsa drivers largely performing the same tasks).

What I would very much appreciate is any feedback that a knowledgable Linux
"historian" might have on the past, present, and future of SCSI drivers for
Linux (beyond what I can read in the HOWTOs).  For example, I'd like to
find out:
    -- precisely which of the gazillion drivers (and cards) are in widest
        use now and over time (the top ten or so, say), 
    -- which drivers are basically legacyware,
    -- how much code cloning (and hacking) of drivers has occurred (we know
        some of this already from having browsed the source, eg several
        drivers were cloned from cyberstorm.[ch], which in turn was cloned
        from esp.[ch]), 
    -- which drivers are known to be particularly (un)reliable,

If anyone out there in Linuxland has decent knowledge of these kinds of
matters and wouldn't mind dropping me an informative missive (on this or
any other topic that seems appropriate), I'd very much appreciate hearing
from you.  (And I'll be happy to acknowledge your help in any resulting


Michael Godfrey PhD, Assistant Professor
Univ of Waterloo, Dept of Computer Science


From: * Tong * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Stupid login tricks (/etc/issue question)
Date: 20 Apr 2001 17:10:43 -0300

"Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> could you look in your start-up files (don't know what they are for
> Mandrake) and see how they do it?  thankx
> * Tong * wrote:

> > If you happen to have a Mandrake box around you, you can have a
> > look/compare how they do it. The Mandrake 7.0 that I'm using use
> > escape sequences draw a colorful penguin (right before prompt the
> > user for login in). :-)

Oops, sorry, I'm still using RH6.2. I should have said "The Mandrake I had
been trying...". sorry, can't help on that...

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)
  *niX Power Tools Project:
  - All free contribution & collection


From: Christian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which distro for 2.4.x ?
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 22:10:37 +0200

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> >> > Why is binary compability important? It's not like you are guaranteed
> >> So that you can move binaries between distros, and thus avoid
> >> fractioning the linux world.
> > Then we should have only one Linux distribution. I prefer several
> > distributions, I believe it's healthy competition that helps improve
> I don't mind also. But then I like writing and compiling my own executables
> and writing and maintaining my own admin scripts. Must end-users don't.

So you *do* compile your own programs after all. Then why should you
move binaries around between distros?

> > Linux. And no point in having several distributions if they are allowed
> Point? There is no point. This is a social and commercial phenomenon.

And this social phenomenon wouldn't have existed in the first place if
Linux was only one distribution. I like multiple distributions. Not
because I use all of them (not even close) but because they help improve
Linux and GNU as a whole.

> > And if all Linux distributions should have to contain precisely the same
> > software to guarantee binary compability, when and how should changes
> Strawman. They don't have to contain the same software in order to
> guarantee binary compatibility.

Umm, yes. Did you suddenly forget about gcc, libraries, etc.?

> > So no point in getting the Red Hat 7 binary, no? Use the one that best
> > fits with your platform. Can you give one specific example of
> > binary-only software that is only available for Red Hat 7.x? I for sure
> Dunno about RH 7, but I'm still running the NeXS spreadheet
> (excel-alike) that I filched from RH 4.1 Professional deluxe in around
> 1996. It's excellent. Much better than staroffice.

I take that as a "no, I didn't find an example of binary-only software
that is only available for Red Hat 7.x"... point proven.

> > Yes. Users do stupid things. They can put a coffee cup in their cdrom
> > drive, too. I for sure don't think that the solution to that is removing
> > cdrom drives.
> It has been proposed. "Would you like me to play you a cdrom now, sir"?
> "Which one"? ...
> > I think it's a user education problem. If there is a problem with people
> Teach 'em all to program and that'll be fine, eh? Heh.

No, teach them to use a computer and how to install software by
following instructions. That's vastly different from asking them to

> > often downloading the wrong version for their distro, maybe the
> > instructions on the download page aren't perfectly clear.
> They don't read the download page.  They get puzzled by instructions
> that talk about things they don't understand, and click on everything.

And thus you have too cryptic instructions if you have this problem with

> >> Nonsense. I had kernel 2.4 on my slackware 3.0 ages ago. And so did
> >> slackware (and debian, and suse ..).
> > Was kernel 2.4 installed with Slackware 3.0? Does SuSE use it by
> Most certainly! I did it.

But Slackware didn't. So what was your point? We were talking about
Linux distributions using kernel 2.4 by default!

> > default? Does Debian stable have it? I don't think so. What was your
> > point?
> That all these distros most current versions have the 2.4 kernel in
> (yes, debian "stable" != debian most current). And secondly, as you
> know, it would take five minutes to outfit any distro with it - witness
> my s/w 3.0 plus new modutils and new pppd and new kernel (and new
> binutils for luck).

"Has it in" is vastly different from "uses it by default and is tested
with it".
        * SuSE 7.1 uses kernel 2.2.18 by default.
        * Debian "most current" is not a released distribution, nor a
          tested one.
        * Slackware 3.0 most certainly does not use kernel 2.4; heck,
          my copy of Slackware 7.0 has kernel 2.2.13!

As for "it takes five minutes to outfit any distro with [kernel 2.4]" -
your box must be pretty fast in compiling, and you must be very fast in
verifying thet everything later on works correctly under all
circumstances and hardware configurations...

> >> > exclusively. So you know it works with and is properly tested with 2.4.
> >>
> >> You know no such thing.
> > Thank you for telling me that I don't know. I sure appreciate your
> > expert opinion on that.
> It's derived from years of observation of RH, not of you.

So how on earth are you able to tell me what I know and do not know?

> > Maybe you should tell all other beta testers who have tested the two
> > betas that they have been hallucinating...
> So, tell me, have they got rid of the bug whereby if you tried to
> unchoose gnome at install, you couldn't, because the installer can't
> forget its existing dependencies? One goes round in circles trying
> again and again to remove something else that pops up as a dependency
> failure. (that was RH 6.1).

Yes. It was fixed long ago. I believe it was fixed in 6.2.

> Or have you tried installing with a 128MB / partition, a 2GB /usr
> partition, and whatever else? I couldn't despite the totals being
> within spec, because the installer can't calculate WHERE the packages put
> their stuff, and thinks it won't fit, when it will. (again 6.1 or
> 6.2, I think).

I have a 128 MB / and 2.6 GB /usr, close to your specs. Yes, it worked
flawlessly with RH 6.2, 7.0 and 7.1 (all of them have been installed
onto this machine).

> And then there's the magificent error I get at every expert install of
> redhat, where one has to step aside and create the /tmp/mnt/dev/*
> oneself, just so that fdisk can access the specials for the device you
> WILL create with it in the future. Clever idea that. Devices on demand
> in /tmp, except it deosn't work.

Never heard of that, and I don't use fdisk in the installer (using
diskdruid in the installer is so much faster), but it would surprise me
if it wasn't fixed. Anyway, I hope you know that you can REPORT BUGS
( That also has the neat
sideeffect that you will know what happens with them and when they are

> So who tested THOSE?

I for sure didn't (my first Red Hat was 5.1 but I only started for real
around 6.2 and 7.0), and neither did you, as you obviously didn't care
in reporting any of this.

> And as to RH 40, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, ... Ithe errors were just as glaring.
> If you're a beta tester, then please test something other than the
> newbie-standard install path. I betcha it doesn't work.

It does work. I know people who have *very* strange configurations, and
yet it works. That's why there are betas of any operating system; so
that people can try it out on strange configurations and with all
possible strange hardware and software.

Anyway, I hardly find this "old Red Hat releases had BUGS (oh the
horror, we all know *no* other Linux distributions has bugs) so Red Hat
must suck now and for all eternity" type of discussion meningful.

Have you actually *tried* Red Hat 7.1? I mean, that would be far more
relevant than complaining about versions released five years ago.



From: "harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Question about Strange Report of Disk Space,thanks.
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:05:53 -0700

Hi, there:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             1.2G  551M  571M  49% /

/dev/sda6             4.7G  4.4G     0 100% /home

/dev/sda7             1.2G  106M 1015M   9% /var

I dont know why available space on /home is 0, it should be 300M left ,
right ?

Any Help will be greatly appreciated

Harrison Teng


Subject: Could anyone tell me how to activate the backspace and delete keys on
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 22:04:03 +0100

Could anyone tell me how to activate the backspace and delete keys on
 my keyboard?? I am getting v tired of typing ctrl d and ctrl b all the

in both, applications and consoles



From: Mike Driggers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please help with Printer Configuration
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 21:12:18 GMT

I am running  Linux 2.2.16 (RH 7.0) and I can't seem to get my printer
to work.  It is a Lexmark Z11.  I downloaded and installed the customer
driver for it, but it still isn't working.  I can't write directly to
the port (i.e.  cat filename > /dev/parport0)  and I can't use LPR.
I think I have the correct configuration in /etc/printcap but when I try
to print I get an error indicating that /dev/parport0 does not exist.
The following is always reported:

Warning - lp: cannot open lp device '/dev/parport0' - No such device

I have the following related modules installed: lp, parport, parport_pc,

My printer is correctly identified in /proc/parport/0/autoprobe   and
"lp" is listed in /proc/parport/0/devices.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



When I run /usr/sbin/checkpc -V, I get the following:

LPRng-3.6.22, Kerberos5, Copyright 1988-2000 Patrick Powell,
Checking for configuration files '/etc/lpd.conf'
  found '/etc/lpd.conf', mod 0100644
Checking for printcap files '/etc/printcap'
  found '/etc/printcap', mod 0100644
Checking for lpd only printcap files '/etc/lpd_printcap'
 DaemonUID 4, DaemonGID 7
Using Config file '/etc/lpd.conf'
LPD lockfile '/var/run/lpd.printer'
 Checking directory: '/var/run'
   directory '/var'
   directory '/var/run'



Printcap Information
Checking printcap info
Checking printer 'lp'
 Checking directory: '/var/spool/lpd/lp'
   directory '/var'
   directory '/var/spool'
   directory '/var/spool/lpd'
   directory '/var/spool/lpd/lp'
  checking 'control.lp' file
  checking 'status.lp' file
  checking 'status' file
  cleaning 'status' file, 0K bytes: no truncation
  checking 'log' file
  cleaning 'log' file, 0K bytes: no truncation
  checking 'acct' file
  cleaning 'acct' file, 16K bytes: no truncation
Warning - lp: cannot open lp device '/dev/parport0' - No such device
  'if' filter '/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter'
    executable '/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter'
Checking printer 'lp'
 Checking directory: '/var/spool/lpd/lp'
   directory '/var'
   directory '/var/spool'
   directory '/var/spool/lpd'
   directory '/var/spool/lpd/lp'
  checking 'control.lp' file
  checking 'status.lp' file
  checking 'status' file
  cleaning 'status' file, 0K bytes: no truncation
  checking 'log' file
  cleaning 'log' file, 0K bytes: no truncation
  checking 'acct' file
  cleaning 'acct' file, 16K bytes: no truncation
Warning - lp: cannot open lp device '/dev/parport0' - No such device
  'if' filter '/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter'
    executable '/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter'
*** Checking for client info ****



Printcap Information
Checking printer 'lp'


From: grooveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 21:13:58 GMT


I don't think so...

Are you getting at a hostname for my machine?  I have installed windows 98 and
NT several times with this nic, and never had to put a special host name on

Is there some other reason this would be significant?



Dave Uhring wrote:

> grooveman wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I am running Redhat 6.2, and I am tying to use it with Mediaone (Now
> > ATT) Road Runner service in the Detroit Metro area.
> >
> > My problem is that my machine would not lease from the DHCP server.  Of
> > course, the customer support was useless in this issue:  "we don't
> > support Line-ucks".
> >
> > I have researched this thoroughly, and have seen many people with the
> > same or similar issue, but every single one failed to document clearly
> > how they overcame this problem (if they did at all).
> >
> > I dropped pump all together.  I have the version that comes stock with
> > RH 6.2. (0.7.8-1).   I downloaded the latest version of DHCPCD version
> > 1.3.20-p10.  I have gotten that to work -- but it only works about 10
> > percent of the time.  90% of the time (or so) it fails.  The README for
> > this utility is not helpful at all.  The howto I found was even worse.
> > When modifying the script of ifup an ifdown, it not only had the script
> > wrong, but it said to remove an "if" statement without touching the fi.
> > I am no scripting whiz, but I know you can't break conditionals like
> > that without trashing the script.
> >
> > I modified ifup and ifdown, basically by replacing the pump commands
> > with their dhcpcd equivalents.  Then, I wrote a script that loops the
> > ifup until it gets a lease.  I put the script at the end of rc.local,
> > rather than having eth0 come up at init level 3.  The net result is that
> > it runs through everything fine, and at the very last stage, tries to
> > bring up eth0 until it is successful.  It take about 10 times plus or
> > minus.
> >
> > (SIGH........)
> >
> > What can I do to get this to work?
> >
> > I really appreciate any help I can get.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> Did RoadRunner give you a customer number, something that looks like
> cx123456-b?


From: Jukka =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E4=E4nt=E4?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Warp 4 to Linux
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 00:12:14 +0300

Any GNU/Linux with KDE should be quite easy...
I'd recommend following distributions:

RedHat Linux -
SuSE Linux -
Mandrake Linux -

(a lot of information with very surprising urls ;)

- Jukka


From: "peetgrobler0" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: /var/log/message display in virtual console
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 22:50:03 +0200

Try the following:

syslog in "F7"

in the file /etc/syslog.conf
put the line :
*.* /dev/tty7

scroll up : Try SHIFT+PGUP

Peet Grobler

"Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I want to display (using tail -f) the contents of /var/log/messages in a
> virtual console (let's use F7 as it's not used right now).
> I added this to my initab but the ouput displays in my F1 (main)
> console:
> 7:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/tail -f -n20 /var/log/messages | grep TCP -v
> the grep at the end is because my firewall logs TCP stuff to the messges
> file but I don't care about displaying those messages
> also, is there anyway to allow me to scroll back up the screen? ie, some
> program that has scrolling that will watch a file (like tail does) and
> display on screen?
> --
> ================================
> Jeffrey Bacon
> ================================
> Administrator,
> Student,         Carleton U.
> Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!
> --------------------------------


Subject: Windows and Linux
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 21:30:05 -0000

I wanted to know if there is a way to pick the os you want to use at start 
up? I want to try using Linux but i want to keep windows. If there is any 
way to do this please email me [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc De Leenheer)
Subject: Re: Argh, Linux 2.4.0 does not boot!
Date: 20 Apr 2001 21:24:22 GMT

Igor4584 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have a linux system with a number of 2.2.* kernels. (in /boot)
: they all work fine. I also added a newly compiled 2.4.0. kernel
: in /vmlinuz.

: When I try to boot it, lilo says "uncompressing kernel............"
: and then it hangs.

: Any help will be appreciated.

: igor


From: Hsuan-Chung Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need help with core file generation
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:35:06 -0700


While running Redhat Linux 6.2,  I was able to force tail to generate
core by giving it a signal.  However, I was unable to do the same with
vi.  Is there a system level way to force all programs to generate core


H.C. Lee


From: "Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: /var/log/message display in virtual console
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 21:34:23 GMT

ok, I have them showing (*.* in tty9 and a custom set in tty10) but
SHIFT+PGUP doesn't work.  It's just kind of annoying that you can't
scroll up if you want to check a message from 2 hours ago or something.

peetgrobler0 wrote:
> Try the following:
> syslog in "F7"
> in the file /etc/syslog.conf
> put the line :
> *.* /dev/tty7
> scroll up : Try SHIFT+PGUP
> Regards,
> Peet Grobler
> "Jeffrey J. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I want to display (using tail -f) the contents of /var/log/messages in a
> > virtual console (let's use F7 as it's not used right now).
> >
> > I added this to my initab but the ouput displays in my F1 (main)
> > console:
> > 7:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/tail -f -n20 /var/log/messages | grep TCP -v
> >
> > the grep at the end is because my firewall logs TCP stuff to the messges
> > file but I don't care about displaying those messages
> >
> > also, is there anyway to allow me to scroll back up the screen? ie, some
> > program that has scrolling that will watch a file (like tail does) and
> > display on screen?
> > --
> > ================================
> > Jeffrey Bacon
> > ================================
> > Administrator,
> > Student,         Carleton U.
> > Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!
> > --------------------------------
> >

Jeffrey Bacon  
Student,         Carleton U.
Java Programmer, Extrordinaire!


From: grooveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 21:35:11 GMT

Thanks W:

I tried that last night, it went for about 9 hours unplugged.... unfortunately
it didn't seem to help   :0(.

Thanks tho...


W Knight wrote:

> Chris,
> I had alot of problems getting my Optimum Online (comparable to RR)
> cablemodem service up and running under linux.  They key for me, was to
> power the modem down for >30 minutes before trying to lease an ip with
> linux.  After rebooting w/ the powered up modem, it would re-read the mac
> addy off the nic in the linux box and everythign would be fine.  Then you
> dont have to power down the modem again unless you switch the modem over to
> another nic for some reason.
> Basically, you have to powerdown the modem long enough for it to forget the
> mac address of the nic for it to work.
> Hope this helps.
> WK
> grooveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hello.
> >
> > I am running Redhat 6.2, and I am tying to use it with Mediaone (Now
> > ATT) Road Runner service in the Detroit Metro area.
> >
> > My problem is that my machine would not lease from the DHCP server.  Of
> > course, the customer support was useless in this issue:  "we don't
> > support Line-ucks".
> >
> > I have researched this thoroughly, and have seen many people with the
> > same or similar issue, but every single one failed to document clearly
> > how they overcame this problem (if they did at all).
> >
> > I dropped pump all together.  I have the version that comes stock with
> > RH 6.2. (0.7.8-1).   I downloaded the latest version of DHCPCD version
> > 1.3.20-p10.  I have gotten that to work -- but it only works about 10
> > percent of the time.  90% of the time (or so) it fails.  The README for
> > this utility is not helpful at all.  The howto I found was even worse.
> > When modifying the script of ifup an ifdown, it not only had the script
> > wrong, but it said to remove an "if" statement without touching the fi.
> > I am no scripting whiz, but I know you can't break conditionals like
> > that without trashing the script.
> >
> > I modified ifup and ifdown, basically by replacing the pump commands
> > with their dhcpcd equivalents.  Then, I wrote a script that loops the
> > ifup until it gets a lease.  I put the script at the end of rc.local,
> > rather than having eth0 come up at init level 3.  The net result is that
> > it runs through everything fine, and at the very last stage, tries to
> > bring up eth0 until it is successful.  It take about 10 times plus or
> > minus.
> >
> > (SIGH........)
> >
> > What can I do to get this to work?
> >
> > I really appreciate any help I can get.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Chris
> >


From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tired of XEMACS, moving to VIM
Date: 20 Apr 2001 15:41:10 -0600


> I am just so tired of XEmacs. It crashes all the time. 

I've been using it for years, and it has never EVER crashed on me.  I
even use the latest beta editions (especially GNUS).

> It does not have drag and drop support. 

True, but who cares?  It doesn't have to behave like Windows in order
to be good.  If I want to include a file I just go File->Insert File
(or M-x insert-file).

> Lisp is next to impossible to learn. I have to type basillions
> of stupid keystrokes to get the most trivial tasks accomplished. 

:)  No arguement there; but with XEmacs you really don't need to know
even a little bit of lisp (try selecting the Options menu from above).

> My left wrist is hurting from hitting C- and ESC- keys constantly.

My wrist hurts if I have to jump back and forth to the mouse very
often.  (and VIM liberally uses the escape key as well)

> I have recently discovered VIM, a great programmers' editor
> ( All keystrokes are easy and fast, everything works,
> it creates backup files and so on. I am switching.

VIM's great and all, but XEmacs can do so much more.  If you don't
want it to do more, that's understandable.

It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX videoboard
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Garry Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: staroffice install
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 20:45:56 +0100

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 12:52:56 -0400 in article 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sudhakar R. 

> I did the install with the /net option and then went ahead and tried
> running the setup program as a normal user. i get an error saying
> "Staroffice is already installed and that i need to deinstall it before I
> can run the setup program". doesn't make sense to me.

Makes sense to me. You installed it with single-user options. You now need 
to uninstall it and reinstall with network options as Dave said.

Garry Knight


From: "William B. Cattell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE 2.1 Control Center - no icons
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 21:49:02 GMT

I finally found the solution - I copied the /usr/share/apps and
/usr/share/apps.kdelnk directories over from the working machine.
Everything is running normal again.


In article <9gLD6.146$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Kwan Lowe"

> William B. Cattell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yo all;
>> I have recently installed XFree 4.0.3 and KDE 2.1 on a Mandrake 7.2
>> system (kernel 2.2.17).  I did this on my Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop and
>> my AMD K2-350 clone desktop.  The icons in KDE's Control Center show up
>> fine on the desktop but they're gone on the laptop.  
>> I'm trying to find [where] the directory / file is that has the
>> information and a way to put them back out there.  I've been comparing
>> the two systems for a week but cannot find the differences.  RTFM'ing
>> hasn't helped either.
> Have you tried running update-menus? Drop into init 3 first then run it.
> As a last resort you might try copying the /etc/skel/.kde and .kderc to
> your  home directory (it will overwrite your settings though).

Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it
may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy Harley
with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.



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