I thought everything was working grand, when all of a sudden, I noticed that
DosEMU was crashing when I ran a certain program. This program starts up,
looks fine for a while, then all of a sudden, DosEMU dies. The error is
listed below (I tried to extract it from the program header on the screen so
if something is missing, sorry)

ERROR: unexpected CPU exception 0x06 err=0x00000000 cr2=00000000 while in
vm86 (DOS)
Program=sigsegv.c, Line=190
EIP: 0000:0000000c ESP: 2890:0000072c  VFLAGS(b): 00000 00000010 00010010
EAX: 00000006 EBX: 276b0007 ECX: 00000002 EDX: 0000200d VFLAGS(h): 00000212
ESI: 00000007 EDI: 0000075f EBP: 00000000 DS: 1c58 ES: 0000 FS: 0000 GS:
STACK: 00 20 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
B0  : aa 03 c6 20 97 0d 20 00 00 f0 -> c6 20 97 0d 29 02 70 00 50 00
 =        62097              0000:000c mov     [bx+si],97

Anyone know how I could fix this?

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