Bart Oldeman schrieb:
> On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Oliver Ob wrote:
> > Well the share.exe command has nothing to do with file sharing.
> something must have changed then? Last I understood share provides file
> locking and related things to let multiple processes access the same
> file safely. Of course Linux handles much of this automagically when
> using lredir'ed drives, but the DOS sharing bits need to be emulated by
> DOSEMU, by inherently incompatible fcntl(2) calls.
> > It shares memory.
> what kind of memory?
> Bart

No my entire fault. Sorry to mislead you.

Share of course shares files. But files, not file trees nor
file systems. that was what i wanted to express. excuse that

This comes from writing when having the flu and fever.

Hope I get well soon.

*º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤        =Oliver@home=         *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤
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