for some time (about year) I'm trying to reach the compatibility of the
dosemu file locking with dos/win workstations.

It's not my first post about it, I have searched the archives, google,
everything. I've tried the patches /the suggestions with no results. 

My situation:
Heterogenous network, clipper application (dbf's) running simultaneously
from dos/win and dosemu sessions, dos/win stations mount samba volumes
(samba 2.2.3, linux rh73 kernel 2.4.18, but tried a lot of combinations
in the past), dosemu uses lredired smbmounted drive. 

1) dosemu clearly opens a file in deny-read (exclusive) mode even if
it's opened in shared mode by some win sessions. It causes that our app
crashes when starting on dosemu session.
I've never saw the sollutions for this on lredired drive.

2) dosemu session can't see the record (file range) locks put by the
dos/win session. There was a patch to some old version of Dosemu (made
by some Polish student I think) which solved it for me but it was never
sumbitted to dosemu developers or rejected by them - I dunno. The
patches which arrived last month (??) - about foxpro locking issues
which is I believe somewhat different from the clipper locking - didn't
solve the problem.

So, maybe there really exists someone who solved it in the similar
environment as I use? Thanks alot if someone can help me.

Michal Samek

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