Hi.  I'm hoping someone here can help me.  I have read both the
dosemu how-to and the README.txt that came with dosemu, have
searched for useful webpages as well as old Usenet posts, and
have looked on the archives to this mailing list, without luck.

I am using dosemu 1.0.2 under Debian 3.0 (woody), except with the
2.2.19pre17 kernel.  I have a partition in which Windows 98/SE is
installed; I wish to use dosemu with the dos there.  I have
configured my /etc/dosemu.conf to boot from a directory into
which I've linked command.com, io.sys, msdos.sys, and the windows
subdir from the mounted vfat partition where 98/SE sits.

dosemu boots ok; but anything requiring a write fails, and dos
commands (e.g. mkdir) that write to that disk fail as well.  It
appears that write access is not enabled.  For example, a
command like "copy foo bar" yields an error message of "Access
denied - bar".  Also, piping dir output through more yields
"Intermediate file error during pipe", and mkdir gives "Unable
to create directory".  So it looks like the dos in a box doesn't
have write access to the mounted filesystem.

I've tried everything I can think of with this.  I mount the
partition read/write, umask=000, but no good.  I've also tried
setting uid and gid in the mount command to correspond to the
user running dosemu.  Still no luck.

Can anyone point me to something I can use to figure this out?
I'm sure I've missed something obvious; but I've spent enough
time on it on this point that I doubt I'm gonna find it.  So
any advice would be very helpful.

Thanks for any help.


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

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