On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, A. Alper ATICI wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 01:50:04PM +0100, Bart Oldeman wrote:
> >
> > I think your RPM installation clashes with the one from "make install".
> > The first is in /usr, the second in /usr/local.
> >
> > can you check
> > `which dosemu.bin`
> > and remove it if it's /usr/local/bin/dosemu.bin?
> >
> Seems I missed that one remnant from "make install" :-I

Well it should be possible to run the two side-by-side. I'm changing the
dosemu script now to specifically execute /usr/bin/dosemu.bin
($(bindir)/dosemu.bin in general).

> Anyway, glitch is bogus.

Yes, you're right; I already noticed that before you and the glitch was
removed in 1.2.0rc1 (but your dosemu.bin was probably an older one).


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