
I have a Thinkpad 755C with a Paradise WD90C24 video chip.  It works
in console mode with the paradise driver but not the wdvga driver.
However, in order to get graphics modes it seems that the VGA BIOS
must be accessible to DOSEMU.

Normally we select the unshadowed option rom region where the video
ROM lives.  In this case, however, the VGA BIOS is integrated into the
system BIOS (F000-FFFF), and I'm not sure what I should give DOSEMU
in this case.  int 10h and 6Dh are both vectored into F000:xxxx region
when booting the machine into DOS.  I tried F000-FF00 addresses in
increments of 100h, but every time DOSEMU aborts with SIGILL, probably
because we jump into some code randomly.

I'm sure there have been other cases where the video BIOS is integrated
into system's firmware region.  What is the best thing to do there
with respect to DOSEMU?

Ryan Underwood, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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