Linux-Networking Digest #825, Volume #9           Sat, 9 Jan 99 08:13:37 EST

  Re: ppp-on connects, but no routing (Kolbjorn Bekkelund)
  PACE MODEM ("J.A Nothling")
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: euro support in kernel 2.0 (Brian McCauley)
  Re: Leafnode - few articles (Pietro Montelatici)
  Re: Leafnode - few articles (Pietro Montelatici)
  Tx == errors on a 2.1.132 and 2.2.0-pre5 (John v/d Kamp)
  MAJORDOMO ("J.A Nothling")
  Smbmount error ("ACE Alex")
  Ping works but nothing else!?! (Per Skoglund)
  IP Masq'ing and Quake2 (
  DNS configuration ("coke")
  dial-in to linux from win95 dialup ("coke")
  Re: nt linux routing probs (Matthew Papas)
  Re: DHCP to DNS (Brian McCauley)
  Re: PPP: Serial line looped back... (Brian McCauley)
  Re: dial-in to linux from win95 dialup (Ville Nummela)
  Re: Telnet login (James Youngman)
  Re: telnet Windows95: thrashes utmp on exit and now can telnet no more... (Luigi 
  Re: telnet problem: connects than diconnects before login. PLEASE HELP ! (Luigi 
  Re: weird problem - please help... ("William R. Mattil")
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. (Bill Anderson)
  ppp connection ("logik")
  Re: Leafnode - few articles (John Thompson)
  Re: Who is my master browser? (Jeff Holloway)
  PPP: Serial line looped back... (Mark Giesbrecht)
  Re: Route Still Hosed (Brian McCauley)
  Re: IP router/masq? (David Barnes)
  Re: 3com 3c509tp problems being detected (Athan)
  Re: Samba:Can't write/create from Win95 (Steve Irwin)
  Re: Network Card Sustained Data Transfer Rate? (Jarek Luberek)


From: Kolbjorn Bekkelund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: ppp-on connects, but no routing
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 10:18:01 +0000

>Have you added "defaultroute" to PPPD command line?
>I had the same problem as yours until last night I did this.

I have a ZyXEL Omni TA128 wich causes me the same problems as many other =
these days; ppp-2.3.x produces problems in that one can`t ping anything o=
local machine/network. I get mine up-and-running by replacing ppp-2.3.5-1=
5.2) with the old ppp-2.2.0f. This can be done with the 2.0.x-kernels, bu=
t not
with the 2.1.x, so kernel 2.2 is out of reach for me :-((

It is obvious that is is my ZyXEL TA who produces my problems, because if=
 I use
the same ppp (2.3.5) on an old analog modem, everything is pure joy !

What is the main diff. between ppp-2.2.0f and 2.3.x ?

           LinuXSystemer DA 979 933 304, Norway=20

Manager: Kolbj=F8rn Bekkelund
Tel. +47 77834947, mob. +47 90209856
Fax. +47 77836161

       Red Hat Hardware Partner


From: "J.A Nothling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 12:32:35 +0200

I have a Pace modem 28.8 v34 external.

it is connected to cua1. Minicom communicates fine, but what do I have to do
to get it connectted to my ISP so that I can surf with Netscape Navigator?

J.A Nothling


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: NOSPAM in addresses..
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 19:24:58 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My opinion remains unchanged.  These activities do nothing to reduce
> the spam levels nor to end the activities of spammers.  I look forward
> to the day that news servers are configured to require a correct
> return address, just as mail servers now are.

How about a happy medium.  The purpose of putting nospam in your return
address is to keep from getting spam.  I think a standard of
<nospam.realuserid@realdomain> would meet this requirement.  Everyone would
know who sent the message.  But just addiing this to a mailing list would not
work.  It should then be illegal to remove the nospam prefix for purposes of
adding the user id to a mailing list.

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: euro support in kernel 2.0
Date: 09 Jan 1999 10:41:47 +0000

"Colin Ling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone know if there is a patch for the Euro support in kernel 2.0 and
> will it be supported in 2.2?

Why do you think there'd be a need for a kernel patch?  Sounds like a
keymap patch and a console font patch to me.

Why do you think this is a networking issue?

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pietro Montelatici)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Leafnode - few articles
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 08:41:08 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Pontius) wrote:

>> I've just installed Leafnode. I configured it with no limits set (no maxfetch,
>> no maxcrosspost, no maxage) apart for initialfetch = 100.
>> I run fetch -f, everything fine. I run fetch -vv, ok. I run fetch -vv again
>> after 24h and it downloaded only few articles from all the subscribed groups.
>> Too few.
>Have you used a newsreader to connect to fetchmail, and try to read
>some groups from it? By default, fetchmail doesn't fetch much - it's
>demand-driven. Before it'll start fetching groups, you have to
>demand them with a newsreader.
Yes sure, I subscribed to some groups and I have them in


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pietro Montelatici)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Leafnode - few articles
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 08:41:48 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Bob Taylor") wrote:

>I'm running leafnode 1.5 here just fine. Why don't you remove the supplement
>and see what happens? BTW, I don't have a -f option.
The -f option is to retrieve the group list. I run 1.8.1


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John v/d Kamp)
Subject: Tx == errors on a 2.1.132 and 2.2.0-pre5
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 21:21:07 GMT

Hi !

I downloaded a 2.1.132 and a 2.2.0-pre5 and took a look at them both,
but what i get is a lot of trouble with my eth0 cards...
instead of getting Tx, I only get error's ... but the connections seem
right. If I type 'ifconfig' I see all good Rx stuff, but the Tx stuff
is only errors and no good. I use RedHat 5.1. Did I forget something
to upgrade, or did I forget to compile somthing for in the kernel?
2.0.34 works just fine

btw. I have a ide zip, and scsi emu on for my writer. but now the zip
becomes a scsi drive too, and I can't find it anymore!!! please tell
me what device I should be using or where to find it what the right
device it is. And why does a zip drive change from /dev/hdd1 to
/dev/hdd4 and back when I eject a disk? (if I put in the same that was
ejected, this doesn't happen).


John v/d Kamp

ln -sf /dev/null /dev/brain


From: "J.A Nothling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 15:34:41 +0200

Can majordomo be setup on Linux machine that only periodicaly downloads mail
from a server.

The machine is not connected to the Internet permanently. I need to run a
listserver, and I am only at the beginning of my research on Majordomo.
Anybody with knowledge, please help me out here.

Is it possible for my Linux machine to download mail from a mail server and
process it like a listserver do...



Subject: Smbmount error
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 22:33:19 +0100


I have now recompiled my kernel to 2.1.131 and included the smb filesystem
in the kernel! When i now tries to use smbmount i get this error!

Smb need mount ver 6
mount error: invalid argument
Please look at smbmount's manual page for possible reason.

Heh, it worked just fine before! Im using redhat 5.2 now! Got the same error
on redhat 5.1!

Please help!


From: Per Skoglund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ping works but nothing else!?!
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 12:12:50 +0100

I'm running Redhat 5.2 and everything works fine - "locally". All
network services (ftp, telnet, www etc) answers on calls I make from
Linux itself (both to loopback and eth0). I then connected my laptop
(using ethernet) to build a small LAN (no hub, but cross over cable). As
soon as I got the routing table right I was able to ping in both
directions, and both machines can ping themselves. But when I try to
reach the Linux-box from the laptop with telnet, ftp or the web browser,
nothing happens. The Linux doesn't seem to even register the incoming

I've read EVERYTHING (man's, HOWTO's, news etc) but I feel pretty unique
having this specific problem. Anyone that can push me in the right
direction? Linux is about to ruin my weekend here...


Subject: IP Masq'ing and Quake2
Date: 9 Jan 1999 11:23:50 GMT

Hey folks -

I have a Linux box here at home that's connected to an ISP and running the
appropriate IP Masq'ing drivers.  I tried running Quake2 on my Windblows
box to connect to games on the Internet, but I ran into some massive
latency.  While connected, I'd get quake ping times of 999, and naturally,
the game was unplayable.  It didn't matter where I'd go or even how many
other players were connected.

>From both the Windblows box and the Linux box, pinging any of th Q2 servers
would result in a normal 200ms or so.  So I'm wondering if there's something
I'm missing, configuration wise, on the Linux box?  I tried loading the
ip_masq_quake.o object, hoping that would help.  It didn't.  Any other

The Linux platform is RH5.2 right out of the box, including the kernel

Jason Van Patten                | subtlety (n)                              |  |    The art of choosing the lighter        |
AOL IM: Jason VP                |    sledgehammer.                          |
 Any opinions expressed here are actually yours, you just don't know it.  Yet.
              To reply to me: jasonvp at mindspring dot com


From: "coke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DNS configuration
Date: 9 Jan 1999 11:22:43 GMT

is there a nice X-thingy like commanche to configure DNS server ?


From: "coke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dial-in to linux from win95 dialup
Date: 9 Jan 1999 11:10:47 GMT

i wanna setup a dial-in server to my linux thingy ..
i managed to get it to answer the phone .. 
but when i start the pppd the win95 dialup thingy closes ... 
does anyone know what options should i use in the pppd to make it work ??


From: Matthew Papas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: nt linux routing probs
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 16:49:33 -0500

Is the linux box set to use the same NT gateway as the other machines on
network 1? It sounds like it isn't.   If it is, the NT machine will
route the packets just fine through to the other network as long as it's
accepting packets from the address of the linux box.  Check to see what
the gateway address is set to on the linux box, it should point to the
nt server that's acting as a gateway between the 2 networks.

                                                        Matt Papas


From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP to DNS
Date: 09 Jan 1999 11:40:25 +0000

Stephen Carville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have DHCP working under Linux and I seem to have solved all the major
> issues except for:
> How do I get the information over to the DNS server?  When I issue an
> address to a machine I need to notify the DNS server that so-and-so is now
> at such-and-such an address.  IS there a way to do this withour reinventing
> the wheel?

This particular wheel is currently still being invented.  Only very
recent DNS software supports dynamic update and AFAIK the RFC covering
dynamic DNS and DHCP interoperation is still in the IETF draft stage.
There may be experimental DHCP servers implementing the draft

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP: Serial line looped back...
Date: 09 Jan 1999 11:43:19 +0000

Mark Giesbrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[ lots of words but no debug logs or hard facts about the config ]

Without seeing your chatscript and a log of how it is failing it's
hard to debug it.

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: Ville Nummela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dial-in to linux from win95 dialup
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 13:39:42 +0200

On 9 Jan 1999, coke wrote:

> i wanna setup a dial-in server to my linux thingy ..
> i managed to get it to answer the phone .. 
> but when i start the pppd the win95 dialup thingy closes ... 
> does anyone know what options should i use in the pppd to make it work ??

Just something like:

I myself have used:
/usr/sbin/pppd local lcp-echo-interval 60
lcp-echo-failure 5

 | ViGe / gasp inc. | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 |     IRC natura alienum est! Periculosum est! Delendum est!       |


From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Telnet login
Date: 08 Jan 1999 21:40:26 +0000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mike dombrowski) writes:

> Hello LinuxPeople!
> When I try to telnet to my linux box and login as root it gives me the
> message "Login Incorrect". I am typing the right password. Is this
> some kinda security feature?


> I need to login as root from another box.  I try using the su
> command but no luck. I need to halt the box for shutdown among other
> things.

To telnet in and shut the system down conveniently, login as an
ordinary user and then type

exec su -c "/sbin/shutdown -h now"

Provide the root password when asked.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: Luigi Fabbro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: telnet Windows95: thrashes utmp on exit and now can telnet no more...
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 02:01:05 +0100

I had made terminfo unreachable and then forgot about it  :>)
Having restored terminfo telnet started to work again

Luigi Fabbro


From: Luigi Fabbro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: telnet problem: connects than diconnects before login. PLEASE HELP !
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 02:03:34 +0100

I had made terminfo unreacheable and then forgot about it :>)
Having restored terminfo telnet  now functions OK !

Luigi Fabbro


From: "William R. Mattil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: weird problem - please help...
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 07:37:16 -0600

Bryan wrote:
> traceroute under RH 5.1 and later uses the eth0 by default.  You have to
> explicitly say that you want it to use your ppp0 device.
> traceroute -i ppp0

Are you absolutely sure about this ???? Assuming that the routing on
your box is not hopelessly messed up traceroute should resolve the FQDN
and then route the packets accordingly. IMHO this is an incorrect answer
as stated.


William R. Mattil       | Fred Astaire wasn't so great.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Ginger had to do it all backwards
(972) 399-4106          | and... in high heels.


From: Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: NOSPAM in addresses..
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 15:42:14 -0700

Troutman wrote:
> Dennis McGrath wrote:
> >
> > Michael Lee Yohe wrote in message ...
> > >Gee, guys - I guess it's not really a known fact that common email gatherer
> > >programs know to strip out "nospam" "antispam" and other "spam" references
> > >from your addresses.  Be a little creative or just lay out your email
> > >address plain n' simple.
> >
> > Amen! I can't tell you how many times I'll email a reply to a request for
> > help on a NG and have it bounce back 'cause I didn't take the time to see
> > what the hell the actual email address.
> Dont reply to people - reply to the NG.  Most of the spammers dont seem
> to be smart enough to remove NOSPAM.  Regardless of what Mr. Yohe says.
> My inbound spam is next to nothing with the altered return address.

This proves nothing, mine is also next to nothing, and I don't munge my


From: "logik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ppp connection
Date: 8 Jan 1999 23:06:13 GMT

Hello, i am a fervent linux user, and i badly need help!

I want to connect to the internet with linux with pppd-2.3, but it doesn't
work; the ppp connection seems to be ok since i get my dynamic IP:

Jan  8 02:44:49 logik chat[525]: ( to
Jan  8 02:44:49 logik chat[525]:  -- got it
Jan  8 02:44:49 logik chat[525]: send (^M)
Jan  8 02:44:49 logik pppd[520]: Serial connection established.
Jan  8 02:44:50 logik pppd[520]: Using interface ppp0
Jan  8 02:44:50 logik pppd[520]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cua0
Jan  8 02:44:52 logik pppd[520]: local  IP address
Jan  8 02:44:52 logik pppd[520]: remote IP address

and my ppp device seems well configured too (no problems in ifconfig)

however, i am not able to ping anyone (including the other side,
any name resolving times out in the way that i don't receive any data from
Jan  8 02:45:23 logik pppd[520]: CCP: timeout sending Config-Requests

'route' does the same, and 'route -n' says (which i think is normal):

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
Iface UH    0      0        0
ppp0   U     0      0        0
eth0       U     0      0        0 lo         UG    0      0        2

it seems to me that everything works, but the dns servers don't respond to
My ISP tells me nothing changed on his side.

NOTE: I can connect with no problems under Windows95

So if someone could help me, i'll be very happy (since i HAVE to use Win95
use internet)...
Thanks for your feedback.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (John Thompson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Leafnode - few articles
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 04:38:54 GMT

In <775chp$g68$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Pontius) writes:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pietro Montelatici) writes:
>> I've just installed Leafnode. I configured it with no limits set (no maxfetch,
>> no maxcrosspost, no maxage) apart for initialfetch = 100.
>> I run fetch -f, everything fine. I run fetch -vv, ok. I run fetch -vv again
>> after 24h and it downloaded only few articles from all the subscribed groups.
>> Too few.

>Have you used a newsreader to connect to fetchmail, and try to read
>some groups from it? By default, fetchmail doesn't fetch much - it's
>demand-driven. Before it'll start fetching groups, you have to
>demand them with a newsreader.

IIRC, the default behavior is as you describe.  But you can 
change that so it will download all new articles since the last 
time you fetch-ed by tweaking one of the config files.  I found 
that fetch was just too slow for me so I've left my OS/2 news 
server running instead of using leafnode...



From: Jeff Holloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Who is my master browser?
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.smb
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 13:17:49 -0800

Dan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I tell which computer in my network is serving the browser
> list?  I am trying to get a RH5.2 box to be the master browser for my
> network.  For some reason, the list is perfect on some computers but not
> others.  All of the computers can access the linux box but some need to
> use the "net use ..." command, as the browser lists are incomplete.  I
> have the following settings (among others) in my smb.conf:

>  browse list = yes
>  os level = 65

> I do have windoze machines with multiple protocols, which I know can
> cause problems.  I would just like to know how I can find out what
> computer's browse list is being used.  If anyone could point me in the
> right direction for info (books, webpages, etc) on setting up and
> understanding PDC's, WINS, and (domain) master browsers.  Note: if it
> isn't clear ... I am basically a network/Samba newbie.

If you have an NT server on that network, chances are that it is acting as
the domain master browser. If not, and it's all just windoze machines, check
the network properties of each. Look at the properties for file and printer
sharing. You'll see a property for 'Browse Master' which can be set for
automatic, enabled or disabled. If you want your Samba server to be the
browse master, set this to disabled. Good luck!


Jeff Holloway        | He had that rare weird electricity about him --
System Administrator | that extremely wild and heavy presence that you
Tech 7 Systems, Inc. | only see in a person who has abandoned all hope
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      | of ever behaving "normally" - Hunter S. Thompson,
                     | "Fear and Loathing '72"
     Not a member of the Lumber Cartel (tinlc) and not Unit #1572


Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 16:16:09 -0700
From: Mark Giesbrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPP: Serial line looped back...

Hey all,

Over the last week or so, my linux machine has been having trouble
establishing my ppp0 connection on the first try using a script from
/etc/ppp/ppp-on (ppp-2.2.0).  The dialup line is never busy, as I always
can connect using another modem/machine setup.

I checked /var/log/messages, and found I was getting a statement:

ppp <-> ppp0
Serial line looped back.
Connection terminated.

I recently removed the machine from my LAN and disabled the ethernet
card (giving the machine to my sisters for internet connection), and as
of now, can never connect using my old scripts.  Odd thing is, when I
activate the device using netcfg, I can connect no problem.  So, long
story short, how can I get rid of this 'serial line loopback'?

Thanks a bunch,



From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: athome.users-unix,sdnet.cablemodems
Subject: Re: Route Still Hosed
Date: 09 Jan 1999 11:53:24 +0000

Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks to all who have replied to my previous posts.   I have looked at
> all the files that people have suggested and they appear to be ok.  I
> still have the same problem though, I can't reach the net and the route
> command still returns garbage.

Define "garbage" - all the stuff you've included looks correct.

> I have tried to manually add a route but

Why?  What route?

> I am not sure the syntax is correct.

I am sure you have it wrong.

>  When I try 
> route add gw dev eth0 1 

You have omited to say what address range to route to this gateway.
If this is the default route (i.e. the whole IP address range) then
say so.

route add default gw dev eth0 metric 1 

Note: IMNSHO specifying values for both "gw" and "dev" is a bad
thing.  If your kernel would infer the wrong interface from the
address then that in itself is a problem and should be fixed.  

What is wrong - appart from no nameserver access?  Can you ping your
gateway?  Can you ping the nameserver? 

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: David Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IP router/masq?
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 18:25:32 -0500

You will also want diald in addition to IP-masquarade.  Diald is a daemon that
will automatically dial the internet and disconnect after a specified time


Phillip Mather wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Help....I'm trying to setup a lab of 16 computer and an linux box to
> act as a router.
> The linux box has two ip's a real one and 192.168.x.x one.  I need to
> have the linux box sendalong ip traffic to the real do I
> do that and what tools do I use.  Is it posibable?
> Thanks.....
> Phil Mather
> Better send me an e-mail, don't monitor news group like I should....NO
> Version: PGPfreeware 6.0 for non-commercial use <>
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> =m1/+
> ---== - Largest Usenet Server In The World! ==---
> ---== - Largest Usenet Server In The World! ==---


Subject: Re: 3com 3c509tp problems being detected
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 13:07:32 +0000

Or go to the contribution place of redhat [mirror ] ftp and get the RPM


Daryl Hurd wrote:

> I have a 3com 3c509tp card. It was detected during install and I was able
> to configure the NIC. It worked fine and BootP was running with TCP/IP
> protocol.
> I installed a SoundBlaster Pro and the NIC stopped working. Linux will not
> detect the card during bootup and ifconfig doesn't allow me to add the NIC.
> Does anybody know how to re-detect a NIC like the installation does?
> Linuxconf still has the same settings as before and have not changed. I
> have tried removing the sound card and re-booting but it still doesn't
> work.
> I am stumped... I have tried to manually add the irq and io in linuxconf to
> the card's orginal settings.


From: Steve Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Samba:Can't write/create from Win95
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 1999 05:09:32 -0800

check the ownership and permissions on the shared directory. If the
permissions on the Linux side are not correct, you will get a permission
denied to creating anything.

David Pineau wrote:

> I can view my Linux shares with Windows Explorer, but I can't make
> directories or copy files to them.  Arrrrgh!
> --


From: Jarek Luberek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Network Card Sustained Data Transfer Rate?
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 04:37:58 +0100

> "Mr. Robert A. Beyne" wrote:
> > Would you know the Sustained Data Transfer Rate (measured in MB/sec) of various 
>Network Card options; such as 100 BaseT, etc?  What are the fastest options available 
>for tranferring data; workstation to and from a server?
> >
> > Please, let me know.  Thank you.
>   I have pretty much been told and have seen in my experience that the actual 
>susteained data transfer rate
> of a nic is about 1/10 of the posted speen, so 10 Mb is actually about 1Mb and 100Mb 
>is about 10Mb.
>   That is a general rule I know of for Ethernet.  You start talking ATM, FDDI  it is 
>usually pretty close to the actual posted speed.

Are you kidding? I have linux NFS transfers in the range of 70-80% of
the nominal 
rate. I the lines are busy, then we are talking about something else of
Ftp transfers are usually close to the nominal range minus protocol
Sure, if you are sending a lot of small packets then you'll se a huge
loss. Sending 1 byte data over ethernet will waste lots of bandwidth. 
(something of the order of 1/100 or less compared to nominal bit rate)





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