Linux-Networking Digest #842, Volume #9          Sun, 10 Jan 99 21:13:56 EST

  Linux & Novell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  slow ppp (Jason Bowen)
  PPP 2.2 - Authentication? (Matthew Hocker)
  Re: Routing, Dialup, Will work? (David Kirkpatrick)
  win98 to Linux Networking Problem ("Daniel L. Wiley")
  PCMCIA network cards (Rafal Kulczycki)
  Re: hostname and finger plan (NF Stevens)
  PPP in 5.1 ("Glendon Shaw")
  Re: /usr over nfs? (Paul Carver)
  Re: and PPP 2.3.5 (Frank Hale)
  Re: PPP 2.2 - Authentication? (Frank Hale)
  Server becomes 'deaf' to IP after time (David Wilk)
  Re: 3COM 3C905-TX Fast EtherLink XL PCI Card (tmf)
  Re: DHCP not working ("XaosSlaad")
  Genius 2500 111 Network cards (Russell Tiedt)
  Firewall/Routing question (Skeeter Hartwig)
  How to change character set of samba ? (alpha_dec)
  Badly need help on PPP/RH5.2 ("logik")
  Re: ppp-on connects, but no routing (Woodrow Sawyer)
  Sygate/Nat32 equivalent for linux (Andrew Kaplan)
  Re: MIME (Victor Wagner)
  Re: How many filedescriptors ? (Victor Wagner)


Subject: Linux & Novell
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 22:06:17 GMT

Hi guy's, I'm a quite green to Linux, but I'v managed to setup Redhat 5 with
IP, Apache web server and can get to my NT servers and AS400. Now how the
hell do I log into a Novell server. I'm running to Novell servers, on with IP
and one with IPX.  Any pointers ? Ren

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen)
Subject: slow ppp
Date: 10 Jan 1999 22:13:09 GMT

I have a system that consists of the following:
Mtech r418 motherboard with an AMD 5x86-133 sis 496-7 chipset
48 megs of ram
Matrox Millenium
IDE hard drive master primary.
IDE cd-rom drive master seconday.
sb 16
external sportster 56k

I get a lot of stalling when browsing or using ftp.  I didn't have this
problem under windows.  Any ideas or pointers for me?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Hocker)
Subject: PPP 2.2 - Authentication?
Date: 10 Jan 1999 22:28:08 GMT

I just joined, and surprise-surprise, no support for 
UNIX systems. I used to dial into an ISP which supported a chat-like
login, but bellatlantic drops you right into ppp and expects you to authenticate

My question: how do I set up pppd to authenticate in the ppp session, like
windows 98 does?

Many thanks. Please email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (take the xx's out)



From: David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Routing, Dialup, Will work?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 15:50:40 +0000

Jordy Leduc wrote:

> Hello
> Is this type of situation possible.
> Windows machine (A), with valid static IP address connected to Linux box
> (B) with valid static IP address, connected to Windows 95 machine (C)
> with static valid IP address, with PPP dynamic IP connection to the
> internet,

 C             B             A               linux     PPP --> ISP
 95                                95

Are these all connected to a hub or does B and A have dual nic's?

> Now, is it possible to setup the first machine (A) to use DNS
> services from box (B) and box (B) will route the DNS request (IP) to
> machine (C), and then forward it to the PPP connection on box (C). I can
> ping all three points from box (A), I can ping box (B),(C), and the PPP
> connection on box (C), but not to the outside. Do I need to set up a
> route somewhere or is this even possible?..
> Clear as mud......
> Thanks
>    Jordy Leduc



From: "Daniel L. Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: win98 to Linux Networking Problem
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:08:29 -0600

I am new to Linux so please bare with me, I have a Win98 machine
to the Linux box. I can ping and telnet in both direction just fine, and
see the Linux box  in network neighborhood but it asks me for a password

when I click on it. I can't seem to get around this.

Thanks In Advance

Daniel Wiley



From: Rafal Kulczycki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCMCIA network cards
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 18:00:56 -0500

Hi, I want to use a laptop computer with two ethernet cards as a
router.  I have one card in it right now configured as eth0. The card
was auto detected so I didn't have to assign any specific irq or address
to be used. Now I have to pass specify resources to be used by the
second card to LILO. How can I find out what resources are being used by
eht0 or better yet, how can I find out which IRQs and I/Os are free?
Note that I don't have X installed since space is a big concern.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: hostname and finger plan
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 22:47:35 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris) wrote:

>How do I change my hostname without rebooting?  Is it even possible?
>Right now it's localhost.localdomain and I want it to be my domain
>name.  I've used linuxconf with success but I'm telneting right now
>and I can't run a gui app ya know?
>Also, how do I set the plan for users?  I assume it's a file somewhere
>in the ~user directory but I can't figure it out.  Any help is
>greatfully welcomed! =)

hostname <new name for host>

~/ .plan



From: "Glendon Shaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPP in 5.1
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 11:48:36 -0600

I am using RedHat Linux 5.1.  My isp requires me to pick a server, then
login, enter their UNIX shell, and start slirp (a slip emulator). They donot
use PAP or CHAP.  I downloaded a script ( call pppsetup ) from #linuxhelp @ The script appeared to work fine.  Whe I run the script
created by pppsetup, It runs way too slow. It take three minuets to get
handshaking. I can login on other an other OS in 30 seconds, unfortunatlly
the other OS is MS Windows98 - I want out of the MS mouse trap.  My modem is
a 33.6 rockwell.
my windows script is below:
proc main
   waitfor "Select:"
   transmit "1^M"
   waitfor "ogin:"
   transmit "1gts2356"
   transmit "^M"
   waitfor "assword:"
   transmit "*********"
   transmit "^M"
   waitfor "enter"
   transmit "^M"
   waitfor "choice"
   transmit "10^M"
   waitfor "Ready"

my script for linux :
Select:            1
ogin:                1gts2356
assword:         *********
enter                ^M
choice             10

I dont know if the entire script works or not. I gave up after 30 minuets
with no completion. The wierd thing is it was looking for (enter) when I
stopped it. so I think it would have eventually connected. Any help will
greatly be appreceated.

Glendon T. Shaw


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Carver)
Subject: Re: /usr over nfs?
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 02:57:13 GMT

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 22:45:15 -0500, "Eugene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Your problem might be because you are using different libraries on different
>machines (i.e. libc5/libc6). Only the most important stuff goes in /lib. All
>other software installs its libraries in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib or
>something like that.

No. Red Hat 5.2 on both machines installed from the same CD. But with
the 212MB hard drive I had to deselect all packages in order to fit
it. When I nfs mounted /usr and tried to use some of the programs
there were problems finding libraries. By nfs mounting both /usr and
/lib all the problems went away.

>>Currently I have Linux installed on a 212MB hard drive accessing /usr,
>>/lib, and /home over nfs (to a machine with an 8.5GB hard drive). My
>>eventual goal is to create a floppy disk that will boot Linux without
>>using the local hard drive at all.
>>I'd like to be able to stick a floppy disk into a Windows NT machine
>>on the same Ethernet as my Linux machine and have the Windows NT
>>machine behave as a fully functional Linux machine without affecting
>>the NT installation at all. I've followed the Boot Disk Howto, but no
>>luck so far.
>read NT + Linux howto. it explains how to multiboot Linux and NT. You can
>create  NT OS Loader entry for Linux (which is how I have it set up).

Read my message again, that's exactly what I said I didn't want to do.
I don't want to touch the hard drive on the NT machine. I want to go
to any NT machine on the network, stick in a floppy, reboot, and have
a Linux box. When I'm done I want to remove the floppy, reboot, and
have the NT box exactly as was. I don't want a bunch of boxes with
Linux on their boot menu.


From: Frank Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions,alt.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: and PPP 2.3.5
Date: 11 Jan 1999 00:02:08 GMT

> They tell you that you must recompile your kernel, download and compile an
> obsolete version of pppd, and then type in and run a perl script.  A good
> way to scare off new users.

I just took that with a grain of salt and just used the script and my
user data. I agree that there info is a little out dated for the PPP
stuff but it wasn't hard to get it to work. I am hardly an expert when
it comes to getting internet connections up and working in linux.

From:      Frank Hale
ICQ:       7205161


From: Frank Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP 2.2 - Authentication?
Date: 11 Jan 1999 00:12:53 GMT

Matthew Hocker wrote:
> I just joined, and surprise-surprise, no support for
> UNIX systems. I used to dial into an ISP which supported a chat-like
> login, but bellatlantic drops you right into ppp and expects you to authenticate
> there.
> My question: how do I set up pppd to authenticate in the ppp session, like
> windows 98 does?
> Many thanks. Please email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (take the xx's out)
> Matt

Downgrade your PPP package to 2.2.0 and everything should work fine
then. At least it did for me. won't connect with newer
versions of PPP, thats why I dumped them yesterday and switched ISP's. I
had been trying to get it to work with updated PPP packages for a year
with no luck. 

From:      Frank Hale
ICQ:       7205161


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Wilk)
Subject: Server becomes 'deaf' to IP after time
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 19:11:28 -0500

Howdy everyone,

I have a question on something I've been puzzling over for quite some
time.  I setup a web server with a bunch of default options from the
Debian 2.0 distro.  I have also upgraded all packages via FTP.  I have
the  server plugged into the internet at work, and configured all the
networking so that it works great. 

The problem comes after being up and functioning on all ports for between
24 and 72 hours.  Suddenly, it will be completely unresponsive.  It won't
respond to anything TCP/IP, not even a PING!  If I go to the console,
everything looks fine.  After a reboot, everything returns to normal and
TCP/IP networking is functional.  The machine is a dual PII 266 (with a
stock 2.0.34 kernel so only 1 CPU is crankin') with onboard Adaptec ultra
SCSI and a netgear 10/100 NIC (using the DEC Tulip driver as a module).

In my investigation, I took a look at syslog.  Within this log were a
number of posts that looked normal enough, except for one.  It reads:
ICMPlogd: destination unreachable from local host {}.  This
message is repeated several hundred times per day with subsequent messages
stating simply: previous message repeated 23 times.  or previous message
repeated 45 times, etc.

I have no clue what is happening.  When I had this machine with the very
same install on my home LAN (with very similar network setup) it didn't
seem to have this problem.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.



'Linux, choice of a GNU generation'
'My other machine is a linux box'
'What? You mean you *have* to reboot?'


Subject: Re: 3COM 3C905-TX Fast EtherLink XL PCI Card
Date: 4 Jan 1999 14:17:44 GMT

I can't exactly remember what I did, but I remember posting a similar
mail. I downloaded the updated driver, copied the compile instructions at
the bottom of the file and executed the command. Compiled great and worked
straight away.

Good luck

"Dennis M. Gray" wrote:

> I am looking for a driver for this card. Running kernel 2.0.30 (Redhat
> 4.2). Donald Beckworth's site returns a "NOT FOUND" when I try to
> download one he says will work. Has anyone had success with this card
> under the same configuration.
> Regards,
> Dennis M. Gray


From: "XaosSlaad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP not working
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 19:59:10 -0500

BTW 157.290 is a typo obviously since it cant exist 157.209.*.*

XaosSlaad wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I set up RedHat Linux 5.2 to dual boot on my desktop at work, and
>works fine.  Even the networking works fine when I use a static IP address.
>here comes the interesting part......DHCP works great for NT and 95 on this
>PC (which is running 95 and linux) and all the other PC's in our building.
>However, I can not get DHCP to work with linux, it sits for awhile when
>booting up, says it failed to obtain an address (in so many words) and then
>moves on.
>Another thing, Can someone tell me what file contains the routing
>information, and how to set it up so that say everything that beings with
>167.290.*.* routes through eth0 and everything else via sl0 (will change to
>ppp0 once i get of slip to ppp)
>Thanks in advance.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Russell Tiedt)
Subject: Genius 2500 111 Network cards
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 06:35:31 GMT


I have two boxes connected using Genius 2500 111 PCI network cards.
The first box runs WINNT 4.0 and the other WFW 3.11.

I want to install Linux on the WFW box, and I want to know if the
network card is supported under Linux?

The DOS setup utilituy shows this card to be at  I/O base 6000H
and on IRQ 10.

Under WINNT these cards use a RTL8029 driver.

Thanks for any help.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Skeeter Hartwig)
Subject: Firewall/Routing question
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 22:07:59 GMT

I'm trying to set up a packet filtering firewall and have run into a
small problem.  I'll describe the setup first:

I have three machines, *.*.40.77, *.*.40.78, and *.*.40.79.  I'm using
*.* here just to try to keep some privacy here, but the addresses are
'official' static IP addresses.  Ok, it used to be that these three
machines connected to the internet by using a gateway of *.*.40.1 ...
What I am trying to do is set up a filtering firewall between those
three machines and the old gateway.  The new firewall machine I've set
up has an IP of *.*.40.76.  I've set up the other machines to have
their gateway be this new machine, *.*.40.76 and the new machine then
is the only one using a gateway of *.*.40.1.  Here is a diagram of how
the gateways are set up:

             (*.*.40.1)     <-(to the internet)
            (*.*.40.76)     <-(new firewall machine)
           /     |     \
(*.*.40.77) (*.*.40.78) (*.*.40.79)    <-(machines behind new fw)

The *.* represents the same numbers in all of those machines, btw.

Now, I've got all my filtering and forwarding rules in and everything
seems to be functioning with small exceptions.  The rules are working
as planned for packets that originate from the machines behind my new
firewall.  The problem I am having is that it appears that packets
originating from the 'outside world' and coming in to the machines
behind the firewall are going straight from *.*.40.1 to the machines
behind the firewall, bypassing the firewall machine and its filtering
rules completely.  I don't know how much it matters, but I'll add in
further info that if I do a traceroute from one of those machines
behind my firewall to someplace on the internet, I see my firewall
machine, *.*.40.76, as the first hop.  However, if I do a traceroute
from a machine somewhere on the net to one of the machines behind the
fw, my firewall machine doesn't appear at all in the hops, at the end
it just goes from *.*.40.1 to the end machine.

I've got two NICs in the firewall machine.  The first one, eth0, is
connected to a second 'local' network of machines on the
network, and the firewall machine is also performing masqing duties
for those machines (That part is working great btw, you can ignore
eth0 in the firewall machine for this discussion).  The second NIC,
eth1, is connected to both the pipe leading out to *.*.40.1 and to the
chain of other machines I'm trying to firewall in (It's a COAX NIC and
the fw and other machines are all daisy-chained together, with the fw
machine being the first one on the string as the pipe comes in from
the internet).

Here is the routing table from the firewall machine, *.*.40.76:

Destination  Gateway      Genmask       Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U     0      0     7 eth0
*.*.40.0 U     0      0    20 eth1     U     0      0     9 lo      *.*.40.1       UG    0      0   258 eth1

Here is the routing table from one of the machines behind the new

Destination  Gateway       Genmask       Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
*.*.40.0 U     0      0     9 eth0     U     0      0     4 lo      *.*.40.76       UG    0      0    10 eth0

In those tables, the *.* in some of the addresses represents the same
numbers mentioned above.  I would appreciate any help anyone might
have to offer so that I can get packets coming from the outside world
to be forced to go through the firewall machine before going to my
machines behind it, instead of bypassing the firewall and going
straight to them.

Also, forgive me if there's something that I obviously don't
understand or something.  I've been learning as I go along here, but I
couldn't figure this one out.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (alpha_dec)
Subject: How to change character set of samba ?
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 01:19:14 GMT

How to change character set of samba ?


From: "logik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Badly need help on PPP/RH5.2
Date: 11 Jan 1999 01:20:08 GMT

        Hi people out there. I'm having some great difficulties connecting my
linux box to the internet. I know how to do it because i did it soo many
times, and most of the time it worked (at least, i didn't have to go that

        It has been almost 2 weeks since i have this problem: once connected, i am
not able to access any IP (ping, ftp...), including my DNS servers,
machines in my domain and my remote IP (my local ppp IP can be reached). My
ISP keeps telling me nothing has changed on his side.

        I use Redhat 5.2/ kernel 2.0.36 with a X2 modem, and i used to connect
with slakware 96/2.0.0 (which worked). Please note that winblows connects
perfectly. Be sure that I read lots of doc, and tried alot the different

        I have included here a detailed debug of pppd. Note the "CCP:
Request-config Timeout", and also that the function ppp_dev_stats (?) is
'called' 10 times. Does anyone know the correct output of this log? I
simply put 'kdebug 7' in /etc/ppp/options' to have this in

******** BEGIN /var/log/messages **********
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]: Password:
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]:  -- got it 
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]: send (xxxxxxx^M)
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]: expect (EASYSTARTPPP)
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]:  ^M
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]: Phase de test 2 (Reseau Easynet et options
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]:  -- got it 
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]: send (^M)
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]: expect (~)
-- I tried to expect lots of things here ;) - including nothing
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik pppd[511]: Serial connection established.
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]:  session from ( to beginning....~
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]:  -- got it 
Jan 11 02:40:41 logik chat[514]: send (^M)
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 70000
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 70000
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik pppd[511]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xasyncmap
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap ffffffff
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 70000
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set mru to 5dc
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap ffffffff
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to 70000
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik pppd[511]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Jan 11 02:40:42 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 16 bytes, flags =
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 26 bytes, flags =
f070000Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap 0
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f070003
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set mru to 5dc
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap ffffffff
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f070003
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f070043
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 18 bytes, flags =
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 12 bytes, flags =
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 18 bytes, flags =
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set maxcid to 16
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f07004f
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp: channel ppp0 going up for IP packets!
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik pppd[511]: local  IP address
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik pppd[511]: remote IP address
Jan 11 02:40:44 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 11 bytes, flags =
Jan 11 02:40:45 logik kernel: ppp_dev_stats called<6>ppp_dev_stats
dev_stats called<6>ppp_dev_stats called<6>ppp_dev_stats
called<6>ppp_dev_stats c
alled<6>ppp_dev_stats called<6>ppp_dev_stats called<6>ppp_dev_stats
_dev_stats called<7>ppp_tty_read: called buf=08064610 nr=1504
Jan 11 02:40:47 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 11 bytes, flags =
Jan 11 02:40:50 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 11 bytes, flags =

-- After ~30 seconds
Jan 11 02:41:14 logik pppd[511]: CCP: timeout sending Config-Requests

-- ppp doesn't disconnect so i have to type here 'ifdown ppp0'
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik pppd[511]: Terminating on signal 15.
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f07004b
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp: channel ppp0 going down for IP packets!
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f07000b
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap ffffffff
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f070008
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set mru to 5dc
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap ffffffff
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set flags to f070008
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik pppd[511]: Connection terminated.
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp: successfully queued 6 bytes, flags =
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik kernel: ppp: channel ppp0 closing.
Jan 11 02:42:04 logik pppd[511]: Exit.
******** END /var/log/messages **********

More information here (I have a ethernet card connected to a terminator and
i already tried to remove the eth0 device/route)

******** BEGIN 'route -n' cos' route doesn't work **********

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
Iface UH    0      0        0
ppp0   U     0      0        0
eth0       U     0      0        0 lo         UG    0      0        1

******** END route **********
******** BEGIN ifconfig **********

ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
          UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
******** END ifconfig **********

my /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf are correct:       localhost       localhost.localdomain  logik


So if you can help me with this trick, i would be soooo happy. For now, i
really go crazy... :(



From: Woodrow Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: ppp-on connects, but no routing
Date: 10 Jan 1999 17:35:10 PST

Kolbjorn Bekkelund wrote:

> >Have you added "defaultroute" to PPPD command line?
> >I had the same problem as yours until last night I did this.
> I have a ZyXEL Omni TA128 wich causes me the same problems as many other people
> these days; ppp-2.3.x produces problems in that one can`t ping anything outside
> local machine/network. I get mine up-and-running by replacing ppp-2.3.5-1 (RH
> 5.2) with the old ppp-2.2.0f. This can be done with the 2.0.x-kernels, but not
> with the 2.1.x, so kernel 2.2 is out of reach for me :-((
> It is obvious that is is my ZyXEL TA who produces my problems, because if I use
> the same ppp (2.3.5) on an old analog modem, everything is pure joy !
> What is the main diff. between ppp-2.2.0f and 2.3.x ?

When I first built a kernel, I had turned routing off. When I installed pppd
much later, pppd would not route anything on behalf of the client. Recompiling
the kernel with routing enabled fixed it for me.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Kaplan)
Subject: Sygate/Nat32 equivalent for linux
Date: 11 Jan 1999 01:03:22 GMT

I'm curious what the easiest method is for using Linux to share a modem
amongst several machines on a mixed Linux/Windows LAN...basically having
linux do the same thing that Sygate or other NAT programs for windoze



Andrew Kaplan -
MIS major and UCNS student consultant
University of GA   

"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of
the American public."
                --P.T. Barnum


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Victor Wagner)
Subject: Re: MIME
Date: 11 Jan 1999 01:15:02 +0300

: Sorry this a bit off the group definition, but my ISP's server won't
: accept messages directed to the Help forum.

: I need a simple little utility to MIME and un_MIME files which is
: independent of any mail reader. I'm running RH 5.2, but see no
: indication it is included. Any suggestions?

standard way of doing such thing is metamail. I don't think that it is
absent in 5.2. At least in 4.2 it was here.
: -- 
:     Haines Brown
:       _______________________

I have tin news and pine mail...
Victor Wagner @ home       =         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Victor Wagner)
Subject: Re: How many filedescriptors ?
Date: 11 Jan 1999 01:28:24 +0300

:  Anyone know how to determine how many file descriptors a particular
: process is currently using? I have a few processes running  all the time
: and I'd like to run a cron job to keep track of how many file descriptors
: they are using at various times of the day, etc etc. I imagine it would be
: somewhere in /proc/PID somewhere but I can't find any reference to it.

:  Or even better a FAQ/HOWTO etc with fairly detailed lists of the info I
: can dig out of /proc ?

Type man 5 proc at your shell prompt. Or, if your printer is configured
to print postscript,

man -t 5 proc |lpr 

would give your great bed-time reading
I have tin news and pine mail...
Victor Wagner @ home       =         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



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