Linux-Networking Digest #876, Volume #9          Thu, 14 Jan 99 07:16:25 EST

  Re: Online with Linux (Stef)
  Re: Can Linux serve DOS files?
  Slow Connection (Desmond Coughlan)
  Re: Online with Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Allowing remote access.
  Re: caching named (Roger)
  Re: Networking Question (Chris Sanders)
  NFS versus FTP Performance (Roland Exler)
  NDC Fast Ethernet PCI card problem ("Alan Clark")
  need help with linux authentication of Win95 clients (Daddy Rabbit)
  Re: Telneting as "root" (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Does anyone play net Quake2? (jonathan spooner)
  Re: Net-Tools help! (Kevin Smathers)
  SLOW PPP Connection (Frank Kuehnel)
  slow telnet login in my home-LAN (Sebastian Koball)
  Still can't get it to boot (subject altered) ("anarkissed")
  Dial-up Script does not end! (Kilian Zumwald)
  Re: External ISDN adapter - Does it need to use mlppp? (Mark Cooperstein)
  Re: Dial-up Script does not end! (Marcus Thiessel)
  Re: Lunux questions (John Thompson)
  Re: Obtaining MAC address from remote computer ("Sander Pilon")
  Re: HELP: Setting up a DIAL-IN PPP SERVER on my Linux box?? (winsor)


Subject: Re: Online with Linux
Date: 14 Jan 1999 00:40:01 +0100

: ln -sf /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem

And you are sure that your modem is connected to /dev/ttyS0 and not to

WebMaster D-WERK
UNIX and Windows NT administration, SOS-ETH 
ETH Zurich


Subject: Re: Can Linux serve DOS files?
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 23:14:47 GMT

In article <754lj1$hcg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan Sherrerd wrote:
>I use primarily databases at work and am tired of closing a file to use it
>on another computer. Do I have to stick with MS (get NT Server and the
>expense and education involved) or will Linux serve Windows files? It's a
>longstanding question I have had and finally decided to ask. I use Red Hat

Linux and the Samba server will serve up anything you ask of it: Windows or
DOS will see the file as if it were on any other network server, eg a Win95
share/NT box/Netware box



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Desmond Coughlan)
Subject: Slow Connection
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:42:14 GMT

Thanks to (among other things) help from those on this NG and other
Linux groups, my 3-node LAN is now working (almost) perfectly.  I can
do everything with Linux that I could do with Microshaft Windows, only

Just one problem: how do I speed up my connection?  I can't get it to
authentificate at anything over 19200 ?

Any help appreciated.



Subject: Re: Online with Linux
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:56:52 GMT

I'm not sure whether or not it's any different for Red Hat, but on Debian the
device is /dev/ttyS0, rather than /dev/tty00.

In article <h55n2.65$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Gster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I have a USR Sportster V.90 external on com 1.  When I try and run
> Minicom, it says the /dev/modem file or dir does not exist.  I have looked
> and the file is there.
> I am running Redhat 5.1.  I have run the modem setup util to create the link
> from the /dev/tty00 to /dev/modem.
> In my boot logs the sys is showing my com ports are being recognized during
> bootup.
> Also, I have run the network set up util under X and all the nameserver and
> proper port info are input.
> Any suggestions???
> Thanks
> Guy

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From: <none>
Subject: Allowing remote access.
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 23:59:10 GMT

I'm currently running RH5.2.  I was wondering how to configure it to accept
telnet access.  I connect to the internet throught a WAN with a dynamic IP.

I appologise to the group if this is a rediculous question.  If not, please
point me to the nearest FAQ/How-to.  I don't even know what to look for.

Aaron Mitchell



From: Roger@localhost (Roger)
Subject: Re: caching named
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 23:38:34 GMT

On 12 Jan 1999 12:31:49 +0100, Ronny Ranerup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>* /etc/resolv.conf
>domain our.domain
>search our.domain

Nameservers have to be specified by IP address.


Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 18:50:27 -0600
From: Chris Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Networking Question

Thanks to those who replied.
The problem turned out to be a hardware
issue.  While the IRQ and I/O were correct
a timing option on the card being changed
from Normal to Early release rectified my
communication problem.

Chris Sanders

Chris Sanders wrote:

> I have just installed RedHat Linux 5.1.  I am now attempting to
> setup the IP stack so it can see NT and OS/2 boxes on the
> network.
> So far everything seems fine except the Linux box cannot ping
> anyone but itself.
> The ifcfg-eth0 file is as follows:
> DEVICE=eth0
> ONBOOT=yes
> The network file is as follows:
> HOSTNAME=lserv
> DOMAINNAME=scshome
> I have tried many other variations but none seem to work.
> (i.e class A, B, and C network setups, various static routes etc..)
> Curiously i noticed that the arp cache on the Linux box gets an
> entry when any NT or OS/2 box tries to Ping the Linux box
> however the Linux box trying to Ping either an OS/2 or NT box
> does not produce an entry in either the OS/2 or NT box.  The
> OS/2 and NT boxes can always see each other fine and the arp
> cache is filled in as expected after they ping one another.
> The fact that the correct MAC address are showing up in the
> Linux box leads me to believe that hardware, drivers, etc.. are not
> an issue.  However there does seem to be some outstanding TCP/IP
> setup issue.  Are there any Linux inplementation details I am missing?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Chris Sanders


Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 10:36:16 +0100
From: Roland Exler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NFS versus FTP Performance

Hi networking-experts,

I've done some benchmarks regarding Networking-Performance and got the

File-Transfer via NFS: 360 kB/sec
File-Transfer via FTP: 1.1 MB/sec

Both machines (one P200, one PII/266) running Kernel 2.0.34 using a
3c900 (PCI, 10 MBit Ethernet) and twisted pair connection. Testing was
done by copying a file with approximatly 12 MBytes and gave results
reproduceable to +/- 10 percent.

Does anybody know how to speed up NFS?

Thanks for any response,

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria   Dipl.Ing. Roland Exler
Institute of Measurement Technology        Phone: (+43) 732 / 2468 - 9774
Altenbergerstr. 69,                        FAX:   (+43) 732 / 2468 - 9233
A-4040 Linz                                EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Alan Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NDC Fast Ethernet PCI card problem
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 02:30:01 -0700


Does anybody else have a network card called "NDC 10/100 Fast Ethernet PCI
Adapter (MX-A) on their machine in Linux?  It is on my machine, and yet my
kernel (2.0.32, RedHat 5.0) fails to recognise it on boot up.  Is it
supported?  There is no mention of it in the HOWTOs.

Thanks in advance,

Alan Clark


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daddy Rabbit)
Subject: need help with linux authentication of Win95 clients
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 00:24:02 GMT

I'm needing to connect winblows to a linux server. The linux server
needs to provide security and authentication for winblows clients. I
have set up other linux servers that use NT for authentication but
haven't been able to use linux only.

I'm using the Redhat 5.2 distribution w/samba 1.9.3pe (I think). I can
ping all the hosts and everything in winblows is configured correctly
(I think) that is to say,  it is configured the same way it was for NT

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Telneting as "root"
Date: 13 Jan 1999 19:41:18 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (benjamin j snyder) writes:

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone has a 'packet sniffer' running they
> could strip the packets and get the root password anyway (assuming you telnet
> and then su), they could get the exact command you typed, so there's really no
> secure/safe way to log in as root remotely.  Granted, this 'hacker' would have 
> to be inside the local network, or could have hacked their way into a normal 
> users account (there are MANY posibilities) to start the stripper.

Either Kerberos or SSH will allow you to connect via encrypted sessions without
sending an unencrypted password.  For instance, the boxes at work, none of the
machines allow bsd r- commands or telnet, you have to use kerberos or ssh to
log in.

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions (Massachusetts office)
4th floor, 955 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],    617-354-5416 (office),  617-354-7161 (fax)


From: jonathan spooner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does anyone play net Quake2?
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 23:12:25 +0000

I run EXACTLY the same as you... two machines, one redhat 5.2, one

I get a perfect connection with quake, even when a friend brings his
machine over and we both connect to the same q2 server to play as a
mini-team!!! (I have a 56kbps modem)

so long as it is possible to 'make' a connection to the q2 server then
you should not have any probs.  I'm only confirming that it 'should'
work.  However my ping as reported by q2 on the winblows machine is
allways 0?!?

try doing a tail on your serial line for your modem and see if there is
anything 'peculiar'


"jasonvp" wrote:
> A short while ago, I posted a question pertaining to my troubles with Linux
> and its IP masquerading.  I'm wondering if anyone can either A)help me
> directly, or B)point me towards some useful HOWTOs?  Here it is again:
> I have a small 2-node network at home.  One node is a Linux-only box that
> connects to my ISP via PPP.  It runs masquerading/forwarding.  The other box


From: Kevin Smathers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Net-Tools help!
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:29:30 -0800

% mount /mnt/cdrom
% rpm -i /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/ipfwadm*


> I am using 5.2, but ipfwadm is not on the server. I think I am using
> net-tools 1.1.46? how do I install the new ones?
> Jeff Volckaert wrote in message <77ilbt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Redhat 5.x (blantly assuming you use this like I do) has masq support built
> >into the kernel.  After a fresh install with both nics working you should
> be
> >able to just run your ipfwadm commands.
> >
> >Post a little more info and we'll see if we can get you running.  If you
> >want a faster reply then feel free to email me directly.
> >
> >Jeff Volckaert
> >
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
> ><77hf9d$2j6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >>I am trying to do IP Masquerading with my Linux box. After a big fight I
> >got
> >>the box to recognize two nic's, compiled a new kernel, and now when trying
> >>to run the ipfwadm program I discovered that I need a new version of
> >>Net-Tools. I found the new version on but I can't get the
> >>tools to compile and install right.
> >>please help
> >>Max
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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From: Frank Kuehnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SLOW PPP Connection
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:39:19 -0500

Hi Folks,

I use RedHat 5.2 with the 2.0.36-3 kernel. Running PPP 2.3.5 works fine
except the transfer rates. My external USR Sportster 56k connects at
50k to the provider, the serial connection runs fine at 115k there are
overruns for the incomming frames.

However, if I compare the resulting transfer rates for sending packages
receiving packages it it looks like 1.8k/sec versus 180bytes/sec with
incomming frames tossed because of "bad fcs". No matter how explicitly I

tell the modem to be initialized or what explicit parameter I provide to
like "asyncmap 0", the transfer rates remain the same. The are both way
from the results using Windows, 5k/sec.

Jan 13 18:54:53 action kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully
Jan 13 18:56:33 action ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/modem at
Jan 13 18:56:33 action kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the
University of California
Jan 13 18:56:33 action kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel
Jan 13 18:56:33 action kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code
copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
Jan 13 18:56:33 action kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Jan 13 18:56:33 action kernel: registered device ppp0
Jan 13 18:56:33 action pppd[1145]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Jan 13 18:57:02 action pppd[1145]: Serial connection established.
Jan 13 18:57:03 action pppd[1145]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 13 18:57:03 action pppd[1145]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Jan 13 18:57:03 action pppd[1145]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap
0x0> <magic 0xffff8001> <pcomp> <accomp>]

.. attempt to read data

Jan 13 19:09:04 action kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08064610 nr=1504

Jan 13 19:09:04 action kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Jan 13 19:09:04 action pppd[1221]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x13
Jan 13 19:09:04 action kernel: ppp: successfully queued 10 bytes, flags
= f01004f
Jan 13 19:09:04 action kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08064610 nr=1504

Jan 13 19:09:04 action kernel: ppp_tty_read: len = 10
Jan 13 19:09:04 action kernel: ppp_tty_read: passing 12 bytes up
Jan 13 19:09:04 action pppd[1221]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x13
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit [ppp0]: skb 01776ee0
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 89d3
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 17 chars
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit [ppp0]: skb 01776ee0
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 63cf
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 33 chars
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit [ppp0]: skb 01776ee0
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 9bf9
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 30 chars
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit [ppp0]: skb 02e39e9c
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is a01b
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 48 chars
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit [ppp0]: skb 02e39e8c
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is 96ed
Jan 13 19:09:10 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 11 chars
Jan 13 19:09:11 action kernel: ppp: frame with bad fcs, excess = b2de
Jan 13 19:09:14 action kernel: ppp: frame with bad fcs, excess = 3666
Jan 13 19:09:20 action kernel: ppp: frame with bad fcs, excess = 6ccd
Jan 13 19:09:32 action kernel: ppp: frame with bad fcs, excess = b319
Jan 13 19:09:34 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit_lower: fcs is f4f
Jan 13 19:09:34 action kernel: ppp_dev_xmit: writing 14 chars
Jan 13 19:09:34 action kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: read demand dial info
Jan 13 19:09:34 action kernel: ppp_tty_read: called buf=08064610 nr=1504

Jan 13 19:09:34 action kernel: ppp_tty_read: no data (EAGAIN)
Jan 13 19:09:34 action pppd[1221]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x14

... finally gave up

Since I have a direct comparison with results from Windows using the
hardware, I really doubt that the line is jammed every time I use Linux.

At least I`ve read that a couple of people had or have a similar

Does anybody know what is going on?

Thanks in advance

Frank Kuehnel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sebastian Koball)
Subject: slow telnet login in my home-LAN
Date: 14 Jan 1999 12:21:41 +0100

I´m using a two pc-home-network, one pc with linux, the other one with with win 95, if 
i ping the pc each other all works fine. but if i try to connect from the 
windows-machine to my linux box i have to wait for a long time. after getting the 
connection all is ok and the connection is really fast. the same happens if i try to 
connect to the apache-web-server on my linux-server. it works but all acts very slow. 
the ip of the linux-pc is and the ip of the win-pc is, netmask is 
set to 255.
please help. where is the mistake ? what can i do that my network-connection speeds up.
thank you very much


From: "anarkissed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Still can't get it to boot (subject altered)
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 11:23:47 GMT

>Pete gave us a recap of the cost of Linux redhat cd's
>It's your choice...
>/ Pete
yes pete, even if I did buy the cd I would still be doing a HDD install
because the cdrom still wouldn't be compatible.  I would likely still be
having this problem with the boot disk too.   Very likely I would have
bought the cheaper cd and not be able to annoy the redhat folks with the
So, prices aside, this is what I've done so far:
I've done the rawrite on several formatted and scandisked disks.  In all
cases the boot shows the intro screen and related help screens f1 through f6
all call up nicely.  I've tried using the "expert" mode and just the regular
mode, every time it hangs on the initrd.img
I also tried running the boot before the diskmanager loads and it comes up
"boot failed", not even the linux welcome screen shows then.

I even disconnected any and all extraneous bits so that I had the LAN modem,
the monitor, keyboard and mouse only plus the scanner which has a card
installed.  Maybe the scanner is a hardware conflict? I have previously
successfully installed and run Debian linux so I know my CPU and such are
capable of handling Linux.   I'm just not capable of dealing with Debian
Linux till I understand the Linux format better.   As I understand it, using
expert mode should get me around hardware conflicts/incompatibility.
Unfortunately, it behaves the same way when I type   expert and hit enter.
comes up "loading followed by initrd.img....  after a moment the drive stops
and nothing further will occur, I have to use the reset button to recover
the computer.

Does anyone know where and what the initrd.img is and where it would try to
load from?  Is it in the boot kernal?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kilian Zumwald)
Subject: Dial-up Script does not end!
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 02:23:13 -0800

My pppd dial-up Script does not end! The Script dials my ISP and connects
successfully. When I look in
the system-log (/var/log/messages) I can see that pppd successfully set the
local- and remote
IP-number. But the problem is, that the script does not terminate. That
means the console where I
started the script remains locked. I just can stop the script by pressing
CTRL-C, but this stops als well
my connection to my ISP.

My script looks like this:


pppflags="38400 modem debug noipdefault defaultroute user UserKey"

/usr/sbin/pppd lock connect \
           '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/' \
            $device $pppflags $localip:$remoteip

Thanks for your help

*** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ***


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Cooperstein)
Subject: Re: External ISDN adapter - Does it need to use mlppp?
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 11:37:14 GMT

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom) wrote:
>>Well I can connect to Earthlink now but only with one channel.  I've
>>read in the HOWTO's that you need to use a '&' between numbers after
>>your ATD command.  Mine looks like this -
>>ATD 12345551212 & 12345551212
>>Still I can only connect one channel.  Dammit, I can get both channels
>>in Windows why can't I do it in Linux?  Any ideas?  Anyone?
>If you're getting two channel connects in Winderz, you *should* get
>them in Linux.  You do know, don't you, that no matter what you do,
>you can't always get two channel connects?  This may be coincidence.
>If you want the bloody, off-topic story about why you don't always get
>two channels, email me.
>Joe Zeff
>     The Guy With the Sideburns
>Computers work in strange and wonderful ways,
>Their marvels to avoid performing.
I always get two channel connects! Except when I don't :-( 
The reason is simple if you don't, at least one reason.  If your ISP uses 
PRI's as their main connection to the telco, it's virtually impossible to 
maintain a mlppp connection if you one B channel connected on one PRI and the 
other on another PRI.  ie: they both have to be on the same PRI for the ISP's 
equipment to work.


**  Remove ".nospam" when replying or email will bounce back to you...


Subject: Re: Dial-up Script does not end!
From: Marcus Thiessel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 14 Jan 1999 12:46:21 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kilian Zumwald) writes:

> My pppd dial-up Script does not end! The Script dials my ISP and connects
> successfully. When I look in
> the system-log (/var/log/messages) I can see that pppd successfully set the
> local- and remote
> IP-number. But the problem is, that the script does not terminate. That
> means the console where I
> started the script remains locked. I just can stop the script by pressing
> CTRL-C, but this stops als well
> my connection to my ISP.

Try the detach option!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (John Thompson)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,hk.comp.os.linux,tw.bbs.comp.linux
Subject: Re: Lunux questions
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 00:08:15 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Glenn Davy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>boot ------------ ??

Holds the kernel image, system map, etc.  Stuff you need to boot 
the system.  Has to be on your "root" partition.

>>lost+found --------- ????

This is where fsck puts the stuff it recovers when checking a 

>>root -------- ?????

The "/root" directory is just the home directory of the root 

>>tmp ---------- ??????

Usually a user-writable space for temporary files.  Many systems 
automatically purge files in /tmp on a regular basis.



From: "Sander Pilon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Obtaining MAC address from remote computer
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:48:30 +0100

>Sander Pilon wrote:
>> I want to obtain the MAC (Hardware) address of another computer.
>> I searched through Dejanews and Excite, but none of the I found programs
>> work.  Most of them failed on the IOCTL() with SIOCGARP call.
>> I have two ethernet cards. (3Com PCI) on Linux 2.0.34.
>> Is there anyone out there that has a decent example showing
>> how to do get a MAC address from a remote computer?
>I use "arp -a" for local segments, don't know about getting them from
>farther away.

Maybe I should've mentioned I want to do this in C on a per-packet basis.

A packet arrived on eth0, I'm going to forward it to eth1 and I have to
insert a new MAC




From: winsor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP: Setting up a DIAL-IN PPP SERVER on my Linux box??
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 05:47:52 -0600

> I know others have probably asked, but I'm not sure so I'll
> ask.....Does anyone know how to set up a Dial-In PPP Server on a Linux
> Machine so i can dial into it from afar and get tcp/ip routing to work
> with it??? Sort of like having a single user ISP going on, ya know? If
> anyone can help, thanks in advance, if not......ask someone who might
> know AND thanks in advance...or something
I used ps_getty(uugetty) and read the PPP How-to.



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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