Linux-Networking Digest #920, Volume #9          Mon, 18 Jan 99 05:13:42 EST

  dhcpcd gets dynamic IP and nameserver (Bob)
  How do you run slip/ppp between two machines? (Vaughan R. Pratt)
  Re: Fetchmail error (messages included). SMTP fail. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Incompatibility with header files net/if.h and linux/netdevice.h (Villy Kruse)
  SIOCADDRT Invalid argument during boot (Chris Murphy)
  Errors compiling portmap - please help (Vincent Stemen)
  running smtp server and pop3 server on same machine ? (e-account)
  Hubs ("Tundra")
  Access to Windows Neighbourhood workgroup from Linux (Chang-Cheng (Eric, Chao))
  Re: running smtp server and pop3 server on same machine ? (Lei Miao)
  Re: Redhat Linux @Home cable modem Intel EtherExpress (Someone Alive)
  Re: Linux and winNT callback ... PPP doesn't work.. why ? (Jari H P Silvennoinen)
  Re: Machine denys telnet and FTP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux networking weirdness ? daemons rejecting ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user,
Subject: dhcpcd gets dynamic IP and nameserver
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 02:43:47 -0500

Debian's dhcpcd .70-5 deb pkg wasn't working with my Intel eth0
and potato kernel 2.1.125 so I couldn't get a DSL account. Now I'm set,
thanks to Sergei Viznyuk. /etc/dhcpc/ has a file written by dhcpcd
which has my IP and the DNS nameserver assigned by ISP.

To get your IP assigned dynamically as by dial-up or ADSL or
cable modem, and to find out nameserver IP's--it's also necessary
to upgrade dhcpcd for kernels 2.1.125 and up, and for certain
netcards such as Intel--

get the latest dhcpcd dhcp client by Sergei Viznyuk [applause, cheers]
which today is 1.3.17-pl2

untar ungzip cd

make ;  make install

Now you have /sbin/dhcpcd

Get your old dhcpcd out of the way--it was /usr/sbin/dhcpcd

In Debian it seemed logical to load dhcpcd using /etc/init.d/network
most of this varies according to site-- "dhcpcd -h username" wasn't
from /etc/init.d/dhcpc script's line using start-stop-daemon, so--

#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask lo

if dhcpcd -h $ISP_USER_ID -d eth0 ; then

  echo -n "DHCP succeeded..."
  logger  "DHCP succeeded..."
  echo -n "DHCP failed..."
  logger  "DHCP failed... "
  ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
  route add ${NETWORK} famlan
  [ "${GATEWAY}" ] && route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

-Bob Dodds


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vaughan R. Pratt)
Subject: How do you run slip/ppp between two machines?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 07:24:06 GMT

I'm trying to install a slip or ppp connection between two RH 5.2 boxes
connected by a short serial cable.  On both boxes, dip works fine when
I dial out to a ppp server.  Moreover plip works fine between the two
boxes connected by a laplink cable.  For hardware reasons however my
application requires a serial line between the boxes.

Normally I would simply run slattach but slattach seems to have
vanished from the redhat world (if it ever was there).  I've so far
been unable to get the slattach-1.2.0 distributed with slackware to
compile under RH 5.2, the include files seem to be different and even
after a lot of fiddling with the #include statements in the code I'm
still unable to get it to compile.

So, is there any straightforward way under RH 5.2 of running slip or
ppp across a short cable, short of the highly inelegant solution of
using dip and setting one end up as a general purpose server?  By
"straightforward" I mean something as simple as plip or slattach, which
can be configured with a single line of information.

If you have a slattach binary that works under RH 5.2, or slattach
source that compiles under RH 5.2, that would be ideal.  Equally good
would be instructions for how to configure pppd for this application:
the voluminous pppd documentation doesn't seem to have anything to say
about this simple case.  PPP-HOWTO promises "This document provides a
brief overview of using PPP to link two Linux PCs via a null modem
cable" but whoever wrote that forgot to include the overview.

Vaughan Pratt


Subject: Re: Fetchmail error (messages included). SMTP fail.
Date: 17 Jan 1999 18:08:40 -0700

none wrote:
% Greetings,

% I'm using RH4.2 and connecting to the internet through a WAN connection.

% I've created a .fetchmailrc file in my home directory, and it was working
% fine when I had no mail.  When I finally got some mail, this is a transcript
% of what went down.

% 2 messages for [user] at [server] (16782 bytes) reading message 1 of 2
% (11622 bytes) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed
% fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from server
% fetchmail: Query status = 10

% What went wrong?

It would have helped to have your .fetchamilrc posted.  Best bet is
to make sure you have sendmail running so fetchmail has someplace
to hand off mail.

% While I have you here, I could also use a clue as to editing my .fetchmailrc
% to check multiple POP3 accounts.

Just add a second, third, forth, etc. line to your .fetchmailrc for
each pop.

poll proto pop3 user bill pass XXXX is usr1 here smtphost localhost
poll proto pop3 user mary pass XXXX is usr1 here smtphost localhost
To send personal E-mail delete blackhole.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Incompatibility with header files net/if.h and linux/netdevice.h
Date: 18 Jan 1999 09:27:25 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, root  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I recently installed RedHat 5.2, and tried to compile dhcpcd-0.70, which
>failed due to header file conflicts.

Any good reason to do so when redhat comes with exactly that version?

Anyway, start from the package in SRPMS.  This will include all the patch
files required to solve your problem.



From: Chris Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: SIOCADDRT Invalid argument during boot
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:41:12 +1100

I have had this problem (<SIOCADDRT Invalid argument during boot>), and
seen various references to it in newsgroups. Just want to let anyone
who's interested know how I seem to have got rid of it. I am running
Redhat 5.2 on two machines linked via tcpip/ethernet. These machines are

named client and server. After doing a
RedHat-yes-I-want-networking-install, with the default gateway set
blank, getting them to talk with telnet and ftp was relatively easy. The

only problem was <SIOCADDRT Invalid argument during boot>.
    From my way of thinking (I'm not a networking person) in this setup
you do not want a default gateway, as these machines do not have packets

floating thru them that are destined for some unknown address. This was
bourne out to be the right way of thinking when I did another install,
letting the RedHat install default in a default gateway IP address - I
couldn't get client to talk to the outside world via PPP - I got the
error message "not replacing existing default route to eth0". However
the SIOCADDRT problem had disappeared. Thus the SIOCADDRT argument that
is wrong 'must' be the default gateway!
    There is a file called /etc/sysconfig/network which the install
seems to populate the last two lines of (one line refers to the gateway
address, the other the ethernet card). Now that I was 'sure' I didn't
need a default gateway it occured to me that the SIOCADDRT problem might

be due to the RedHat install putting a default gateway address of into /etc/sysconfig/network when you blank out the field during
the install - SIOCADDRT (whatever it does!) might be croaking on a arguement. To test this I commented out the last two lines of
/etc/sysconfig/network and rebooted. The SIOCADDRT boot problem did not
come back. A few other networking problems I was having also seemed to
    -> When trying to connect via PPP, with the nameserver addresses
set, I would get this error (/var/log/messages):
        CCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
        Connection terminated
        Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
        Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
        This error meant that you couldn't browse sites using their
names, only their addresses.
    -> When using ftp, this was sent to stderr: <ftp: bind: Address
already in use>
    If I could have gone about trying to solve this problem in a
slightly more
efficient way then I would certainly appreciate the advice!


From: Vincent Stemen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Errors compiling portmap - please help
Date: 18 Jan 1999 00:59:57 -0700

Is there anybody here who has had experience compiling portmap under
Linux?  I have tried compiling portmap_4 and portmap_5beta and get
similar results.  Here is the output of make for portmap_5beta.

cc -Dconst= -Dperror=xperror -DHOSTS_ACCESS -DCHECK_PORT  -DFACILITY=LOG_MAIL  o
portmap.c: In function `xperror':
portmap.c:299: argument `what' doesn't match prototype
/usr/include/stdio.h:134: prototype declaration
portmap.c: In function `reg_service':
portmap.c:353: warning: passing arg 2 of `svc_sendreply' from incompatible poine
portmap.c:362: warning: passing arg 2 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:362: warning: passing arg 3 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:404: warning: passing arg 2 of `svc_sendreply' from incompatible poine
portmap.c:416: warning: passing arg 2 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:416: warning: passing arg 3 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:450: warning: passing arg 2 of `svc_sendreply' from incompatible poine
portmap.c:462: warning: passing arg 2 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:462: warning: passing arg 3 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:477: warning: passing arg 2 of `svc_sendreply' from incompatible poine
portmap.c:489: warning: passing arg 2 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:501: warning: passing arg 2 of `svc_sendreply' from incompatible poine
portmap.c: In function `callit':
portmap.c:648: warning: passing arg 2 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:648: warning: passing arg 3 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:678: warning: passing arg 3 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:678: warning: passing arg 5 from incompatible pointer type
portmap.c:679: warning: passing arg 2 of `svc_sendreply' from incompatible poine
make: *** [portmap.o] Error 1

I am running
kernel 2.0.35

Any help will be appreciated.


Vincent Stemen    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try Linux!  The operating system of choice for those who are tired of
            trying to perform real tasks with toy operating systems,
            or operating systems that have been stripped of
            functionality just so they can charge you to put it back


From: e-account <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.misc,comp.unix.questions
Subject: running smtp server and pop3 server on same machine ?
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:07:37 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Is it possible to run both smtp and pop3 servers on the same machine?
If so, are they able to transfer mail from the one to the other?
We seem to have some problem to implement it.

Feel free to comment.


Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for e-account
Content-Disposition: attachment;

tel;home:+32 16 23.71.56
tel;work:+32 2 714.45.63
org:FICS Group NV
adr:;;Excelsiorlaan 80;Zaventem;;1900;Belgium
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Jr. Functional Analist (Retail Internet Banking)



From: "Tundra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hubs
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 03:55:09 -0500

I have seen much discussion over appropriate Ethernet=20
cards for linux; but little on hubs. Is this simply b/c the hub is not =
subject to the same concerns of operability with Linux? I am a newbie to =
Linux (and networking in general) and in the materials on the net I have =
reviewed, I have not come across many such questions.
Have I missed an appropriate FAQ or HOWTO  on this topic?

For example, if a d-link card is not supported by linux, does the same =
necessarily hold for the hub? Any recommendations on a fast etherlink  4 =
 or 5 port hub and concomitant NICs? My primary concern would be ease of =
use by both Windows and Linux  systems. Cost will  not be the primary =
factor.Similar vendors of both would seem to make facial sense; but is =
this really a concern?.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chang-Cheng (Eric), Chao)
Subject: Access to Windows Neighbourhood workgroup from Linux
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 08:21:56 GMT

Under Windows 95, I am able to share files and printer with other
people. I think it's called a Workgroup. I access other people's files
by going to the Neighbourhood icon located on the Desktop. I'm
wondering how I can do that under Linux.



From: Lei Miao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.misc,comp.unix.questions
Subject: Re: running smtp server and pop3 server on same machine ?
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:19:43 +1100

Yes, it's possible. The two functions are served by two separate
daemons. For outgoing SMTP mail, you would use an SMTP server
such as sendmail and for retrieving email to a client, you would need
a POP server such as popd. There is no issue with transfering mail
between then. When an email arrives at the SMTP server and if it
happens to be the destination SMTP server, the message would be
delivered by the SMTP server (deposited in a file usually). It's left
there until an email retrieval client gets to it, this could be Unix mail

clients such as mail or it would be a POP client.


e-account wrote:

> Hello,
> Is it possible to run both smtp and pop3 servers on the same machine?
> If so, are they able to transfer mail from the one to the other?
> We seem to have some problem to implement it.
> Feel free to comment.
> Thanks


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Someone Alive)
Subject: Re: Redhat Linux @Home cable modem Intel EtherExpress
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 22:06:53 GMT

Hmmmm, I just put in my RH 5.2 cd, booted into the install, used fdisk
to make my swap and native partition, answered the questions, chose my
pkgs, got info for my tcp/ip thingie by running winipcfg at a RUN menu
in windows,  input all the info that RH asked for and booted right in.
I didnt do anything about no DHCP or nothing and I use cox@home thru
Cox Communications here in Omaha. I'll have to say I like OpenLinux
better than RH but just had to try RH 5.2. With OpenLinux, I had to
disable my plug-n-pray for the nic card...OpenLinux was the easiest
install I've ever done. On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 04:13:07 GMT, "Scream"

>Thanks very much.  I've been screwing around with this for just a day so
>far.  BTW, anyone try the RedHat ftp server with a cable modem?  Downloaded
>a 53MB postscript FAQ in under 90 seconds.  Got up to over 950KB a second.
>Fastest I've seen that thing move.  Kick-ass server with a T3 connection I
>gotta assume.  Anyway, thanks again.
>Jason Brossa wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Here is a small guide for setting up your Linux machine with a PnP
>>ethernet card, @Home cable modem and DHCP


From: Jari H P Silvennoinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux and winNT callback ... PPP doesn't work.. why ?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 09:06:56 GMT

> hi,

> I configured my linux box to connect to a NT RAS server with the callback
> abilities. I know I get authenticated the first time. (I call my server, it
> authenticates me .. and it call me back)
> My modem answers the call, and around 30 seconds later, my modem hangs hup
> and it seems there wasn't any ppp device created


> I don't understand why there is a callback fields in the log when my modem
> answers the call ...

If I remember correctly pppd always reads the /etc/ppp/options 
(there must always be a one) file although the file option is used 
to guide the pppd to read another options file. So in your case 
callback is enabled always because it is enabled in options file.
Rename options file to something else and configure your script
to use that. If pppd requires (I think it does) /etc/ppp/options -file 
you can make there an empty file and pppd is happy again.

Jari Silvennoinen                            
jsi @


Subject: Re: Machine denys telnet and FTP
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 09:26:16 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scallica) wrote:

It might be helpful to know:

1). What is the message you get when you try to ftp/telnet ?
2). Is inetd running ?
3). Check your /etc/hosts.allow or /etc/hosts.deny


>  Hey,
>  I am using Redhat 5.2 with a 3c509 card. The system is online. However,
>  when I try to telnet or ftp to it, it finds the host, but keeps denying my
> connection
>  and closes the telnet window. What could be wrong? Thanx.

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Linux networking weirdness ? daemons rejecting ?
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 09:29:50 GMT

Hello all, sorry for the cross-post, but I figured this is relevant to both
newsgroups ?

Err. I've got RedHat 5.2 running on my laptop, with a PCMCIA network card,
and I seem to have a bit of a problem with all the network daemons running on
the box.

I can't seem to telnet into it ?
neither can my colleagues rlogin into it ?
and although I have WU-FTPD RPM installed and I believe it's running, any
connections get *rejected* ???

I have the Portmap RPM installed ... I think that might help ...

It's a Twinhead Slimnote VX running RedHat Linux 5.2 installed from the
official boxed CD. I haven't got a clue as to how to fix it.

Tried poking through /etc/inet.conf and /etc/hosts.*

no help ...

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